fuck you.
Fuck you
Fuck me??
a bit rude if I'm being honest.
>thats a little direct, but okay
No fuck you!
you cant talk to me this way
You don't even know me. Fucking douchebag. You must lead a very sad life to lash out like that
I think I speak for everybody saying you should leave right now
Bit harsh. I've not even done anything to warrant this sort of response today
Pepe would never say this. Shut up.
fuck all of you
Best thread on Yea Forums right now
Prove me wrong
no fuck you little man
I'm the boss of this gym
¡Vete a la mierda, maricón!
Yeah, fuck you, too. Fuck me? Fuck you, fuck this whole board and everyone in it. Fuck the trolls, craving for (You), and smiling at me behind my back. Fuck the porn posters dirtying up the nondegenerates boards of Yea Forums. Get a fucking gf! Fuck the cunny posters bombing down the threads with Canon dolls, lust steaming out their pores, stinking up my day. Pedophiles in fucking training. GROW THE FUCK UP! Fuck the reddit fags with their cringe wit and forced memes. Coming straight from /r/Yea Forums best of, shilling whatever woke shit they saw in their TL. Fuck the yuropoors with their pyramids of overrated films and their force-fed Netflix series. Ten years in the board, still no speaky English? Fuck the /pol/tards invaders. Fat incels sitting in gaming chair, sipping mountain drew with little straws, doritos between their teeth. Hatin' and schemin' and spamin'. Go back where you fucking came from! Fuck the black-hatted neckbeards, strolling up and down Bond threads in their immaculate virginity with their unsatisfied lubricity. Screeching at women "You worthless thots"! Fuck the murica brainlets. Self-styled masters of the universe. Ryan Gosling, Henri Cavill wannabe motherfuckers, figuring out new ways to ignore the rest of the cinematographic world. Watch a subtitled film for once in your FUCKING LIFE! You think Hollywood and Sundance are the center of the globe? Give me a fucking break! Cannes! Venice! Berlin!
Fuck the ECG posters. 20 to a thread, swelling up the dragon girl, worst fuckin' waifu in the universe. And don't even get me started on the Brie truthers, 'cause they make the Emilia fanbois look good. Fuck the Capeshitters with their grown men in tights, their movies diarrhoea, their paper thin screenplay, babbling in half the board about leaks, box office, glozing for someone else success. Fuck the trap posters with their tranny pics and their fifty grand transition. Butchered "vaginas" getting pulled and lifted and dilated, all scarred and hairy. You're not fooling anybody, sweetheart! Fuck the Star Wars manchilds. They don't like the new trilogy, they say not wanting to watch more of it, they take five threads on every single day to spout the same shit. And then they rush on the latest release anyway and blame everything on the soys. The last good movie came out 36 years ago. Move the fuck on!
Fuck the useless Jannies with their anus violated by Hiro as he cashes in a 9 figures paycheck, standing behind the blue boards of 4channel. You're doing it for free! Fuck the Mods who put their hands down some off topic bro talk. Fuck Hiro that protects them, delivering us into evil. And while you're at it, fuck Moot Sandusky! He got off easy! A day on 2chan, a weekend in Yea Forums, and all those sweet google bucks for eternity! Try seven years in fuckin' /GoT/, Chris! Fuck Bane posters, CIA, and backward-ass, plane-dwelling, flooding assholes everywhere. On the names of thousands quality threads ruined, I pray you spend the rest of eternity with your 72 brothers roasting in a jet-fuel fire in hell. You big guy can kiss my royal faggot ass!
Fuck Sneed. Rambling jackass. Fuck the architect, my best meme, judging me while he stares at my girlfriend's ass. Fuck Stacy Grace Moretz. I gave her my heart, and she crushed it against the wall. Thrown me down the basement. Fucking fridge.
Fuck this boomer with his endless nostalgy, his face hidden behind his sunglasses sipping on Monster energy drink, selling decay to zoomers, belittling their favourite film. Fuck this whole board and everyone in it. From the virgins of Yea Forums to the fags on /fit/, from the NEET in /int/ to the tards in /pol/. From the autists in /r9k/ to the trannies in Yea Forums to the pleb in Yea Forums. Let an earthquake crumble it, let the fires rage, let it burn to fucking ash and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole rat-infested place. [pause] No. No, fuck you, user. You had it all, and you wasted your life here, you dumb fuck!
Say it again loud mouth.
But I'm based and redpilled
trynna fuck me but I'd rather fuck you
have sex sweeties
>take something good and re-draw it with fandom shit
Literally MLP-tier
is this 2hu
fuck niggers
tsss why don't you tell us how you really feel or something tsss
fook mi, fook yu
Fun fact: This was one of my first faps
Fuck you
Nice OC my fren
>spam threads ton of replies
>actual movie discussions barely get any
Leaving to reddit, have fun posting shit faggots.
You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Obviously the discussions and posters are boring.
nooo please don't go to reddit
You have a lot of nerve talking to me that way, kid.
yes please go to reddit where you can discuss your jewish propaganda in peace
>spam threads ton of replies
>actual movie discussions barely get any
>Leaving to reddit, have fun posting shit faggots.
>have fun posting shit
Based and FUCK YOU pilled
fuck you.