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It's been out for a month and hasn't made anything close to a profit? Why did it bomb so hard? Is it because the movie and the director are, respectively, pieces of shit?

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Triggered Disney shill detected

I'm pretty sure that 111-90>0.

I watched the movie and was very let down. No good fights. No memorable dialogue. No jokes. No memorable characters. I fell asleep 3 times due to the excessive run time and boring plot.

People tell me to branch out from Marvel but if *this* is “cinema” then screw that.

you ll have to include advertising budget and money to pay shills who spam that shit movie here 24/7

Quentin's 10th flick will be his suicide tape

>hasn't made anything close to a profit?

>Budget: $90million
>Box office: $103million+

You must be retarded, OP.

Hateful Eight also did kind of blah in the box office. It made its budget back but only because it was fairly cheap to make.

Either people are burnt out on Tarantino or only Marvel can make money now.

tarantula isn't cinema its more like copy-cat satire

I know you faggots think that every movie needs to make 1 billion dollars to be successful these days but Tarantino has never particularly been a huge box-office guy.

Hollywood makes money on Tarantino films once they're out of the theaters and obviously being in contention for awards is sometimes as important to them as total gross.

All things considered, I'd say this is about what they expected.

production budget is not the actual net budget, supergenius (pajeet)

It wasnt yet released in my country for an example.Notice 7% foreign income.

have any Quentin movies made "good" profit since the turn of the century?

nah it will be him masturbating to his wife getting fucked by a black guy

The movie isn't out in most foreign markets yet.

Tarantino never makes a lot of money in theaters, though. He exclusively makes R-rated movies and is more important as a way of getting awards than money. Most studios have their cash cows these days.

Given that this movie jerks off Hollywood and LA, jerks of showbiz, I imagine it'll do pretty well come award season even if it isn't his best work.

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>Given that this movie jerks off Hollywood and LA, jerks of showbiz, I imagine it'll do pretty well come award season even if it isn't his best work.

So another La La Land.

Pretty much. The footage of old Hollywood itself will make their wrinkly old dicks hard with pharmaceutical assistance.

M Night Shamalyan syndrome

It might beat all of them once it releases everywhere, funny.

Horrible film desu, I walked out after the Italy scene and supposedly before the "good part" but after 2h of literally nothing happening I just wanted to go home and sleep

oh it got better at the last 5 minutes

Seek a brain replacement

It's actually one of the most financially successful films he has ever made. By the end of its run it's probably going to be the most successful.

I went and saw it last week. It's superb and one of his best. It's also sublimely useful as an idiot filter.

Calm down, Quentin. It's just a shitty matinee.

You tell me what's so great about it other than the performances because I can't deny every actor in this film was doing a stand up job

The atmosphere and the plot

I agree. Only aging idiots like it, based on shill-posting by Pajeets.

i didn't see any great acting
what i saw was brad pitt and leo playing themselves but wearing

So it's shit


>movies are only good if they make money

>I watched the movie and was very let down. No good fights. No memorable dialogue. No jokes. No memorable characters. I fell asleep 3 times due to the excessive run time and boring plot.
>People tell me to branch out from Marvel but if *this* is “cinema” then screw that.

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>the only movies that bomb are high quality

they get 50% of that at best, if we are talking about domestic (Disney has been criticized for demanding 60% take for SW movies) and even less international

>watching tortorino movies requires a brain
hurr royale

Like I said, it's a useful filter for people like you.

are you retarded? he didn't say anything close to that effect

>mobie make money so it good xD

it's very successful user
i'm sorry the chink was eternally BTFO in it

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>That 10/10 bikini model "Could" just turn around and ask me to marry her.

u sound desperate, pajeet

>these two old guys walk into the bar and start wanking stories at each other

No thanks.

Charles Manson shouldn't have even been a part of this film. It should have just been about an aging Hollywood Actor in the 70s and his Stunt Double bro

Are you retarded? The answer is: Yes

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>7 million foreign
holy shit

who would actually make a movie about boring shit like that? oh wait-

How did it only manage this? Did it just not open anywhere else or?

It's enough to pay for sandwiches for the crew for one week.

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not out yet, only few countries

I was actually super down to see this in cinemas until that interview surfaced of Tarantino defending Polanski saying it wasn't rape and conveniently sidestepping the part where he drugged her and anally fucked her unconscious body.
Seriously, fuck that guy

Women who like Brad Pitt are now in their 50s-70s, and live in nursing homes, and men who like Leonardo don't exist.

what are you expecting?

she wasn't unconscious
polanski likes them awake
manson went to prison
but polanski skipped off to europe

She was barely conscious. And he fucked her more than once.


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>trust me guys i was there

If he didn't have dirt on some of the biggest Jews in Hollywood the child toe sucking monster Tarantino would never get another movie. He's box office poison and none of his movies are relevant worldwide.

>reading the court transcripts is akin to pretending you were there
wew lad


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Thats what you get when you fuck with Bruce Lee's memory you hack

He was Weinstein's protege and discovery. He's flaunted his foot-fetish unashamedly in every film he makes. You do the maths

why not both?

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ive tried hard to get into foot fetishizing but i just dont get anything out of it

Haha, yeah, fuck Tarantino. I prefer assembly line capeshit vehicles where the director has no vision and doesn't even matter.

>money to pay shills who spam that shit movie here 24/7
Oh yeah, everyone knows the Yea Forums demographic is where all the money's at.

k c.ucklord

haha good one, old chap

Girls in their twenties were wooing when Pitt took his shirt off

Even if you don't like Tarantino or his movies, you have to admit that he certainly has a style and a vision. Pretty obvious you're not acting in good faith when you say otherwise, just being a fag.

Right, gramps. Better check your hearing aids and your cataract glasses.

>Is it because the movie and the director are, respectively, pieces of shit?
You don't have to say respectively when you're saying the same thing about both of them, retard.

Yes absolutely
There was no vision behind this film as far as I can tell

Your brain is already too riddled with ADHD, it will be hard work for you to undo the braindamage you got from 10 years of capeshit.

Not out in most of the world yet.
Hold on to your Mouse hats.

being a shitty director isn't really a style
this isn't Barry Lyndon we're talking about
its two actors who play themselves sitting around in sportscoats trying to act cool

Are you saying he doesn't have a vision? I can sense the fragile Asian masculinity from here

Yeah, because shit is just shit.

>needed for movie about people shooting each other named Mr. Black and Mr. Red

Admit it you watched it on a cam rip while your sister was fucking a white guy next door

well no i was watching it on cam rip while fucking your mom in her saggy shithole; what a whore

didnt you hear us from your basement room

Its out here on Friday.
The tickets were already sold out at my local kinoplex on Monday.

Funny how people think Tarantino is suddenly some kind of Bergman level auteur. Pathetic.

>the 6-seat theatre in Rugo, Belarus
Total Box Office Take: $4.75

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The rule of thumb is that its not making profit until its returned at least 2.5-3x its budget.

It hasn't even been released in foreign markets yet.

>theaters show movies for free

Worked into a foamy seethe, ya boiling

Movie is shit but this is bait

>I judge movie quality based on box office receipts

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I can't think of any of his movies that I actually like. I think some teens and tweens in the 90s enjoyed putting up posters of his movies because of the ultraviolence, but no one went out of their way to line up to see anything he made. He has his niche tho.

i had to boil my cock after because ur mum shit all over it; only gave her $5 that time

It hasnt opened in Europe and Asia yet.
It opens here in Europe 15th or 16th.

Did you get "Medieval" on her ass?

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dat ass was old like a museum piece

I gave up on Tarantino after Death Proof. It was like reading those really long Stephen King books were the author is just typing and there's no other point in it.

Why did they sink so much money into this?

I'll be seeing it on friday, so you finna add 10 canadabux to that amount.

>Paying to fuck my mom

That's a yikesaroni from me Chang Li

I didn't have any motivation to see this in an actual theatre. The cam rip was okay. Watched in three parts because it drags -- not sure why it was made.

for Disney movies yes because they own them

The only thing I really wanted to see in a theatre was Dune. But now that Vendaya is in it, it feels like a side episode of Americna Idol. Fuck that. Plus Arrival was sleep inducing.

Django Unchained did reasonably well

has this had a wide release overseas? hateful 8 only made 54 million domestic but it made 100 million in foreign markets

you really think chinks will see this after the blaspheme toward the legend

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