Where do you buy snacks before viewing television and film? Looking for some suggestions.
Where do you buy snacks before viewing television and film? Looking for some suggestions
>television and film
whew for a sec I thought this would be off topic; nice cuncun btw
pic's weirding me out
Is that her muff i see?? wtf why is her pubic bone so swollen
That is one kino pubic mound
puffy c*nny isn't a meme
>real Clinton painting gets deleted iin minutes
>cheese is stiill up
My spine is crying out in protest
is it as soft as i think it is?
>op makes and deletes his own thread
>pic of a girl gets stuck in delete queue
hmmm really gets the noggin joggin m8
more, it feels like it's melting in your mouth, that's what I heard.
she ded?
brb going to fap
I don't need to stuff my face when watching something because I'm not an obese American.
Right, because you're a yuropoor who has no food
>thread successfully evaded deletion
>have a galaxy phone
>samsung has some news service they curate installed that I've never bothered to uninstall because the frequent updates are kinda neat
>update the other day about "potential global food crisis" in the future
>laugh to myself and think the only people starving are gonna be shitskins and euros (pretty much the same thing)
for me, it's the concession stand. the only dignified movie snack vendor
from your moms house
oh nononononono
It's a picture of a gymnast fully clothed
little girls really are a miracle of the universe
For me it’s Walgreens
I have plenty of food, I just don't eat it all in the duration of an episode of whatever bullshit you enjoy watching.
Cunny I mean uhhh store or something.
would eat that tbqh
why do they need to be so flexible?
imagine walking down the isle and seeing that
Makes me jealous.
Wish I could suck my own dick.
is she gonna be ok?
>samsung phone
>not installing linux
How ''dark'' is your skin, user?
with enough force to breach her leggings and hymen you could pick her up like a bowling ball
lol at the catalog
also snacks are for fags
>dat mound