How did Neo control the machines from outside of the Matrix from a distance...

How did Neo control the machines from outside of the Matrix from a distance? Shouldn't he at the very least need to be touching them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bluetooth connection

Orginal script:
they where in another level of the matrix

Final script:
cyber kungfu jesus

Normie way of making sense:
+ L33T hacking skills

>Orginal script:
>they where in another level of the matrix

He never left the matrix

No sauce for lazy shits.

Humans had a wireless connection with the Matrix, always, another system of control. Neo had access to the source.

you are the one neo, this is just a computer system based on rules. you can break it and literally see the code
>matrix 2-3
sub/dom control. another system of control and who is the sub and who is the dom???
their bsdm fetish killed the series.

Pretty sure that its implied that the Oracle specifically created Neo for the purpsoe of fucking up the machine society with Smith. I always assumed that due to her role in the matrix's creation and maintenance she was able to install some extra hardware in Neo which gave him a direct connection to the machines.

no, in the original script they still where in the matrix but just a deeper "level"
This was cut because it didnt compute with the average american viewer.

I've always wondered why people always assumed it's either
>Original script says it was another level of matrix
>He's just cyber jesus
When another level of Matrix didn't make much sense to me either. I mean, Neo never could just wave his hand and make other programs kill himself. I was always fond of idea that it was actually Deus Ex Machina or just the collective consciousness of machines that made these machines kill themselves in front of him to make him believe he's cyber-jesus and to make him make a choice to see Deus Ex Machina.

The "real world" was another simulation in case you didn't get it.

explain him being able to see the machine city?

I would've cut it entirely. Or, if I can't change anything drastically in the movie, again, Deus Ex Machina wants Neo to want to get to him while Neo is thinking he's doing it to spite them, but actually subtly changes the composition of the machine city to make him get to him. The twist is that Neo has been walking towards Deus Ex Machina continuously the entire time, not to just spite him. Seeing Smith in flame-o-vision is gibberish.

Neo is an anomaly. The Oracle didn't create The One, it's a product of the code. The architect explains this in autistic detail.

Oracle didn't create Neo, Thomas Anderson is just sixth version of the Neo. Oracle was created by machines to enable people who thought they are free from Matrix, but Oracle took it upon herself to actually channel the One's capability to really break free from the Matrix, mainly making the One realize how much actual power he has over machines.


The Matrix was just Neo day dreaming the whole time.

So you cant explain it. Got it

It's not that well explained in the final cut either

Really, just he was so connected with the Matrix that it gave him special abilities in real life. All he could do is see the machines in his mind and destroy them.

So they could end that shit. It's obvious they didn't plan for sequels.

It's magic. The point of the trilogy was that Neo was the actual real life chosen one like jesus. He had superpowers that let him control anything in the tunnels thanks to the trainman.

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This is bullshit. It was a fan theory.

The reason he can stop Sentinels in the real world is because he was connected the Source, ie Source Code. The third movie showed he didn't need to physically jack into the Matrix anymore, he was entering it via how the machines did it. Unfortunately the movies never tell you exactly how they cross over, is it wifi? No one knows, the machines were never directly interfaced into the Matrix either.

Look at Anderson when he was in the Real World, he still knew what was going on in the Matrix, despite not being jacked in.

Plot hole convenience


why didn't you save them, Yea Forums?

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why would you bother analyzing such an awful flick?

>from outside of the Matrix
Zion was also a simulation.

Wrong, you never see the "real world."

fuck machines and humans

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>while Neo is thinking he's doing it to spite them
how is Neo spiting the machines when he's going there to offer them help?

Sequels are unnecesary and poorly written OP. Neither this nor the sixth one explanation ever made any sense but just for the sake of argument lets say there are two theories. On one side there is the theory that the real world was just another level of the matrix designed to give humans the illusion of choice, as such Neo would still be inside the Matrix and everything would be possible, including destroying Zion 5 times or Smith being able to copy himself into humans.
Alternatively one has to suppose that some part of the one´s code is always embeded or logged in with admin privileges inside of the Matrix. This way he wouldn´t be accesing from outside, rather he would be connecting unconciously with that part of himself that is already logged in and that would give him the control.

Neither really makes sense though...


All of the "Matrix inside Matrix" is bullshit and it came up because it's actualy a cooler and deeper explanation for what's happening that make mind gymnasts excited to explain. The Matrix is about making us think the real world could be a simulation and the dialogue all transcribes to make us doubt that, but the story does not actually point to that.

The only twist is that he is connected to the Source Code. Just like all of them had implants in the back of their heads to jack in and are able to upload fighting skills onto themselves, they all have some part that is machine-friendly for connection. Neo is just permanently partially logged on to the Matrix and remotely connected to every machine. He could crush the machine from a distance as if he were to put his arm into Matrix, find that machine through the net and punch it dead. There is no "Matrix inside Matrix", the physical reality of those machines are the second plane through which they control us and Neo is able to work through both.

It is pretty heavily implied that neo was a planned part of the simulation to make the ai more intelligent, they even mention past "ones"

>-t. didn't watch the Architect scene
Neo is a program, unequivocally.

The symbolism is very simple if you pay attention. Green (code) is Capital, the red pill is Communism, the blue pill is Capitalism, the mutts cavorting around Zion are exactly that. The story is about synthesizing (and necessarily destroying) the white first world and brown commie third world.

he wasn't. it was the machines central computer from the end which saw neo through the eyes of the sentinels and then remotely destroyed them because he needed Neo.

>Alternatively one has to suppose that some part of the one´s code is always embeded or logged in with admin privileges inside of the Matrix.
why is that the only way it makes sense?
what is this logging in stuff?
The answer is pretty simple, the One has the prime program and this gives him both powers in the Matrix and outside of it. The Architect in the 2nd movie and the Oracle in the 3rd outright explain this. Smith copying himself onto humans doesn't take any kind of 2nd simulation either, Bane's brain is just a wetware computer and the machines clearly have a handle on the whole machine-program-flesh interaction thing. Neo doesn't have super strength in the real world, and he can't fly. All he does is remote interface with some technology and see an EM spectrum. It's easily explained with implanted technology, and we know red pills are full of machine implanted technology already.

The architect exact definition is that the one is a "systematic anomaly" he just can´t seem to get rid off because it is somehow needed for 99% of humans to accept the program.

The sixth ones as well as Smith remembering stuff however where at one point used as arguments to sustain the layered matrix theory because honestly it made sense that the oracle powers where actually some sort of archive of previous matrix iterations, that neo was just a program and that the cookie was some sort of chosen one´s code.

But honestly as we don´t really know how the oracle rutine works we can´t be sure it´s not a prediction software or something.

>It is pretty heavily implied that neo was a planned part of the simulation to make the ai more intelligent
what are you talking about?

>Neo is a program, unequivocally.
that's not in the Architect scene at all, he carries code with him so that the other humans don't really have as much of an option to reject the Matrix
that's why the whole Zion cycle exists, to force the One to make a conscious choice to submit to the Matrix while the rest of humanity doesn't have a conscious choice about it

>It is pretty heavily implied that neo was a planned part of the simulation to make the ai more intelligent, they even mention past "ones"
Neo was the result of error codes being built up in the matrix causing him to be created so the matrix (and indeed the conflict) could be reset.

The machinese created a system of control which took into account the fact they couldn't enslave every mind because those freed would be wiped out, a few would survive and take the freed until the cycle could be repeated.

>why is that the only way it makes sense?
>what is this logging in stuff?

Because he passes out the second he hacks the machines in the real world and wakes up inside the matrix as if had been logged in all along. Well, he wakes up inside of the tunel that connects the imput node with the output node of the signal anyways but you get my drift.

While the matrix within a matrix makes the most sense especially from a machine point of view there is no point in giving the humans actual freedom. By allowing them a second choice of "actual reality" of their own free will the humans would accept Zion as the real world. Zion doesnt even seem like a civilization that could flourish without the help of machines, and the machines just allow them to keep the tech, and the ships and what not? Why let the humans fight them if not to create the illusion? They dont need the humans that want freedom, so why not just exterminate them once they take the red pill?

Honestly theres no point in overanalyzing a trilogy with one good movie and 2 bad ones.

reloaded wasn't really bad, just not on the level of 1

Reloaded is easily the worst one, it has boring action scenes and way too much CGI. Not to mention how fucking full of themselves they are. The Oracle scene in Reloaded just screams self indulgent.
Revolutions was at worst boring, and atleast it didn't feel like they were being pseudo-intellectual. with it.

the train station isn't a part of the matrix and Neo has no power there
I don't see how having his mind enter the train station means Neo always has some part of his mind be in the Matrix
it doesn't really change anything I guess, but I think it's messier of an explanation than you need

amusing read if a bit too whiny

Neo became entangled with the source when Before he could only sense the Source he was given direct entanglement with the source thereby had literal delete ability over all machines.

all humans want freedom, this is the problem that the Oracle helps solve with the One
the real world itself isn't a system of control, the Machine ability to destroy Zion is the system of control that keeps humans from having "actual freedom"
there is no reason to involve a second layer of simulation, the second layer of control is the Zion cycle and that doesn't require any 2nd level of the Matrix
Red pills get to live because the machines need them to find the One. That's not even a criticism of the sequels, you can just as well ask that for the first movie. It really only makes sense that red pills don't get instantly turned into food with the sequels.

Reloaded is the best. Your opinion is of no consequence.

No. 1% of humans can sense the Matrix is dog crap. Their rejection causes anomalies. Neo carries the prime code that counters rejection and then he reboots the Matrix.

>Neo became entangled with the source
Neo carries the Prime Program which needs to be reinserted into the Source. Neo affecting sentinels is not because he is entangled with the Source. My proof is that the Oracle tells him in the 3rd movie that when he fucked with that sentinel he touched the Source and he got bounced to the train station because he wasn't ready for it. So that tells us he didn't need access to the Source to fuck with that sentinel, and when he did access the Source early it fucked with him.

>Red pills get to live because the machines need them to find the One
That's stupid, they don't. The One gets picked by the machines.

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No what?
the end result of what you're saying agrees with what we see in the movies, I think how you're explaining it is a little funky
I know other humans can wake up on their own and realize the matrix is bullshit and that causes anomalies. That's different from outright rejection of the Matrix as being obviously fake though, which is what the Architect was talking about with the function of the One.

And red pills find/train him.

the One isn't selected by the machines, it's a mathematical eventuality based on how the Matrix is coded
they don't know who it is until the One starts doing shit like not dying from several gunshot wounds to the chest
Otherwise you create a situation where the entire first movie is the Machines only appearing like they're trying to kill Neo. They're definitely trying to kill Neo for real.

Only the agents. The architect knows everything that happens in the matrix because he's the "administrator".

The One is part of the system. Whether he's "just" a program or there's periodical a flesh and blood human spawned that fits the right parameters, he's part of the cycle, and you never see anything outside the system either way.

Yeah, there are hits and misses. I think most of it is accurate but the writing is a bit disorganized.

>It really only makes sense that red pills don't get instantly turned into food with the sequels
wrong, because zion exists in the first movie, therefore enough redpills must have been freed to build and maintain it

Otherwise you create a situation where the entire first movie is the Machines only appearing like they're trying to kill Neo. They're definitely trying to kill Neo for real.

Please don't try to do that prequel apologist thing where Sheev was controlling everything all the time always forever. That part where the sentinels are about to blow the fuck out the Nebuchadnezzar at the end of the first movie doesn't leave room for "only pretend to be trying to kill him." You can accidentally kill the One in the Matrix and he'll just figure it out, but if you off his living body then the machines are fucked proper. If they can just get a new One in the same cycle, then Neo wouldn't have been allowed to make the choice that he did at the end of Reloaded.

I'm not gonna bother with "Zion is another simulation" arguments, they've been dealt with so many times in these threads and elsewhere online for years now. Neo isn't a program without a flesh and blood body. None of the Ones were.

>That part where the sentinels are about to blow the fuck out the Nebuchadnezzar at the end of the first movie
they would just kill the crew (except Neo)
you can't prove me wrong

You didn't explain it at all, but I know what you're thinking even if you're too inarticulate to put it into words. Zion exists so therefore the machines can't just autokill redpills. The explanation would be something like part of the red pill code overrides the onions green protocol and dumps them in the sewer. You didn't explain any of that though, you just went "Nuh uh, Zion exists so that's why the machines don't just kill the red pills."
You have to work on the content of your posts, user.

then the illusion is totally shattered and Neo knows the machines need him

>Zion exists so therefore the machines can't just autokill redpills
I mean "don't just kill" actually. It's a plot hole, Zion doesn't even need to exist. They could indeed just recycle the redpills.

they could just wipe his memory like after the interrogation scene

he remembered that though, he just thought it was a dream
I don't know if that'd work with him knowing about the Matrix and especially after having figured out he's the One

So we agree it's a plot hole until the sequels? At least the kind of plot hole with a reasonable answer that just isn't necessarily answered on screen.

Here's the problem: the story in the first movie is just a metaphor for philosophy 101 concepts with kung fu and guns. The other two try to create an expanded universe and fail spectacularly. Don't worry about them.

He didn’t destroy the machines. They were hard coded to not be able to hurt him because as The One they needed him to join with the source to reboot the matrix

>how come x happens in y?
>y is dumb, I don't like y, don't think about y
thank you for your amazing guidance shitpost chan

>>explain this problem with the plot
>the movie sucks


>problem with the plot
that's not what OP is talking about, if you think Neo touching or having wifi is the "plot" of the Matrix movies then you don't belong on this board
you're like the opposite of why threads exist, you're anti-content
fuck off

I used to be pretty redpilled, but reading this is literally making my penis shrivel, I can feel myself transforming into a discord tranny culture terrorist? and that's a good thing? wtf I hate western civilization now??!?!?!?!?

>we agree it's a plot hole until the sequels
it's a plot hole period

>he remembered that though
not the period of time until he "woke up" in bed
also the machines can literally rewrite anyone's memories, as confirmed in the restaurant scene with cypher

>why did something happen that didn't make sense and was ultimately not important?
Because the movie sucks. Don't ask why something happened in a script and then get mad when I tell you it's because the script was a piece of shit.

this. the first movie is the only one worth watching

>it's a plot hole period
except it's explained why the rebellion is allowed to exist in the 2nd movie
>not the period of time until he "woke up" in bed
you don't know that, he could have been unconscious as opposed to having his memory erased
>also the machines can literally rewrite anyone's memories, as confirmed in the restaurant scene with cypher
it's still debatable if that was a real deal being offered to Cypher
even so, that doesn't mean it applies to "anyone" when you're talking about the mathematical anomaly that fucks with the Matrix at a fundamental level

okay thank you for your sage wisdom, bye user

Rewatch Reloaded. Neo went through the white door; the door of light was succeeded by Neo going into the heavens. The Architect then said
The Architect: "I am the Architect. I created the Matrix. I have been waiting for you. You have many questions and though the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, some of them you will not."

The process of him being entangled with the Source.


1% rejects what they're seeing. The system can't deal with rejection since these few can and do affect the day to day function of the Matrix.


a) the force exists and he influenced the midichlorians in the circuitry of the machines


b) MIAM - Neo was able to access the code of the Zion reality of The Matrix.

He did destroy them.

It was fine. You're just a numb skull.

there is no rational reason for the real world to be a simulation because there would ultimately need to be an actual real world that's as much of a wasteland

I can't believe it's 20 years later and people still think the "matrix within a matrix" theory is at all interesting.

It's literally the first thing that comes to mind after you see The Matrix, it was the most dumb (and popular) fan theory when the sequels were announced, and it's a basic as fuck idea. Of course they didn't want to take the story in such a lame, predictable direction.

most people are retarded

The process refers to his function as the One.
Rewatch Revolutions, the Oracle explains that Neo isn't ready for the Source yet.
I don't really mind if you want to call the One's part of the Source (prime program) the Source, but at no point does Neo gain new powers during the sequels. It all stems from him being the One at the end of the first film.
>Oracle: The power of the One extends beyond this world. It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from.
>Neo: Where?
>Oracle: The Source. That’s what you felt when you touched those Sentinels. But you weren’t ready for it. You should be dead, but apparently you weren’t ready for that, either.

yeah but the machines can just execute those people and it doesn't result in a system crash that kills all the blue pills

>explain him being able to see the machine city?
He could sense it due to his connection to the machines. again, wifi.

Explain why the Architect shows him previous iterations of the One and they're carbon copies of Neo. Does that mean the One is a genetic inevitability as well?

those are Neo's thoughts and memories
that's why they're processing what Neo is hearing and reacting with no filter (FUCK YOU, BULLSHIT) or straight up showing movie clips


Kiss me, user.
Kiss me like I'm your waifu.

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>Reloaded is easily the worst one
Revolutions exist

You guys do understand that the sequels introduced an ass load of continuity issues with no answers right? Arguing about it is stupid since it's obvious the Wachowski's didn't know what the fuck they were doing

>didn't read the thread
>decided to post anyway

There are no continuity issues.

It's not a theory, it's obviously what's going on in the movies.
>Of course they didn't want to take the story in such a lame, predictable direction.
I don't think there's any reason to pretend the Wachowskis are clever.

>It's not a theory, it's obviously what's going on in the movies.
this shit is on purpose, isn't it? trying to get replies to keep the thread going?

okay smart guy, tell me what you think

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Didn't this movie go beyond man-machine interface and make Neo powerful on a spiritual level?

He got nerves of steel.

Wish they would make the 2 part mini movie of the downfall of mankind and rise of machines from Animatrix a full length movie.

Was this guy able to protect himself from the Smiths because of his power in the last movie or did he also get Smithed?

it's in the thread, feel free to read it

Smith calls that little Indian girl "The last exile" so he most likely turned everybody including the Merovingian into Smith.


By the end of the third movie, Smith had more control over the Matrix than Neo or the Machines so I'm guessing Merv got Smith'd like the rest.
Actually, I guess he could have gotten a ride with the trainman out of the Matrix entirely. I don't know if Merv's arrogance or self-preservation would have won out. He seems to know when to hold em and when to fold em, like when he let Trinity get Neo out of the train station because he had a gun to his head.

gotta be careful with that wiki, it's from an older version of wiki standards and some fanfiction/conjecture has definitely been injected into some of the articles
for example, I still can't find any source that the black sky is made of nanobots but every article that mentions it on there insists that they are


Is it possible that even though he was unplugged he retained a connection to the Matrix?

How did Cypher get on the matrix by himself to meet Smith?

Neo is an android engineered by the machine. It's pretty convincing but they couldn't quite nail down the human emotions and expressions, hence the uncanny valley.

>making a 200 post thread debating about a hacked script from a pair of tranies

never says it's nanobots
the most I've found in support is that there's a REEEE noise as the cloud initially spreads but that hardly confirms them to be self-replicating nanobots

He stuck a needle in his head. The hard part is him getting out, though one of the Animatrix shorts shows you can set alarms to bring you out of a local construct. I guess the Machines could have helped him get a hard line call out too, though I think they'd need to know where the ship was to do that. He probably had a timer going that'd ring a land line for him.



>using human as batteries
Stopped there.

imagine being this retarded and never having taking even introductory philosophy

neo is born in the matrix and when he dies/reawakens as the one an EMP is discharged

he's essentially half machine half human, the next level of evolution, hell his whole body has plugs for machine input

there's a million other ways to justify it too, but you're asking this question in particular? why not how he died and then came back? you're just retarded

yeah but.. what was the machine's tax policy?

>How did Neo control the machines from outside of the Matrix from a distance?
Seriously, what is this shit? Trying to explain how something impossible is physically possible in a movie which has more physically impossible shit in it than I have used kleenex on the floor in my bedroom.

we actually have an answer for that one
>Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We demand it.

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its showing at some AMC theaters from aug 30 - sept 5 will be great to see it on the big screen again

did anyone else think the terminator and the matrix were in the same universe? Especially with the recent Terminator films, it provides a plausible setup for the machines' takeover (military program starts war -> survivors flee to FEMA camps where they are put into the network)

>inb4 someone brings up the boring anime

No shit... Mr astroturfing AMC Sherlock OP... we would never have guessed it /eyeroll

every "matrix within a matrix" retard needs to be banned. literal 50 IQ """theory"""

it's the other way around. the sequels try to become too philosophical and the plot and characters suffer as a result. (and the fact that they were written so quickly doesnt help too)

>did anyone else think the terminator and the matrix were in the same universe?
no, you dumb fucker
they're not even close to related
>Especially with the recent Terminator films
you mean just Terminator Salvation? even then you're only describing a plot that was abandoned partway through production of the movie
humans ultimately win in the Terminator movies, that's the premise of all of them

Can we talk about how the humans being batteries is a shit premise they had to go with because normie moviegoers couldn't understand the original idea of human brains being used for computing power?

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you said everything there is to say about it

>original idea
the matrix is based on simulacra by baudillard

you're a hack

They were never batteries, that was just a lie by Morpheus to trick him to their side.

obviously not what user meant by "original idea," you autist

why do you keep making these kinds of posts?
fuck off

>Morpheus believing it makes it true
Morpheus also believes the war will end the moment Neo talks to the Architect. It's a major plot point in Reloaded that Morpheus was much less lucid than it seemed in the first one. He essentially followed his own Oracle prediction blindly, and having Neo tell him the prophecy was just another level of control shattered his hopes and dreams. No clue why the one explanation he gives a fresh redpill has to be the canon truth and machine motivation. Might as well have the humans be processing power as the Wachowskis intended originally, with him just being a) deluded and ignorant about it or b) glossing over it in favour of an easy-to-understand metaphor for a fresh redpill.
I'm not saying it's not dumb, but it's not really a major issue since it never elevates his statement beyond just that, something a dude says who is also shown to be wrong about other fundamental stuff later on.

I just made one post now... it’s true though, they were not batteries but slaves. You really think robots that powerful need batteries? Or that batteries would somehow work and be enough, learn science retard!

I mean, why do we even trust Morpheus's interpretation of the situation. The dude doesn't even think we breath air.

>Haha let me just make fun of your valid point by misinterpreting everything you said and pretending it's as stupid as doubting something that is a good metaphor for what's going on in the film and is supported by pretty much everything that goes on onscreen
Fuck you. People like you are the reason these threads derail into mindless rambling from conspiracy fags and brainlet idiots.

>misinterpret everything you said
>while agreeing with you
>add joking support your statement

user, if you can't tell jokes you should see someone about your autism.

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Such a high IQ thread. I couldn't even bother to type so much, let alone think about so much. I just watched these movies for the cool action sequences.

Such a gold post. I couldn't even bother to be this reddit, let alone bring the reddit sentiment here. I just browse the site for fun.

I wasn't memeing, I'm genuinely stupid lol

Me neither, I'm unironically a casual redditor.

The deepness died with the first one. Second was exactly that, just a sequel. Basically heyyy, what hapnd after de matrixxx? And third was trying too hard to be epic.

There is no depth to a trilogy if you waste your entire experience of becoming a bdsm crossdressers in the first movie.

Never watched Animatrix ditcha?

>I don't think there's any reason to pretend the Wachowskis are clever.
way more clever than anyone on Yea Forums, that's for sure.

Same goes for people like George Lucas

testicles and electricity don't mix

>humans ultimately win in the Terminator movies, that's the premise of all of them

ever watch terminator 3?
