Sacrifices his successful business in order to let his ex girlfriend and her husband find a better life

>Sacrifices his successful business in order to let his ex girlfriend and her husband find a better life
Was Rick a cuck?

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I don't mind giving older films a go but it's never appealed to me. Am I missing out?

It’s one of the best films ever made

>I don't mind giving older films a go
The utter and absolute state of this shithole

He was sleeping with a married woman. How was that a chuck?

It's pretty good, but In a Lonely Place is the best Bogart movie.

No, he was a good man. He helped them because it was the right thing to do.

i never understood what correlation between when something is released other than if computer graphics are the main thing you care about.

How come we only discuss classic movies if the thread opens with a shitpost

>sacrifices business
My dude you might have forgotten that scene where the Germans ordered the place shut down

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>2019 and being a good person means your a cuck

That this is incomprehensible nowadays makes me incredibly sad

What? How did you arrive at that conclusion based on my post?

Great movie. The book is more fucked up. His character really was a killer. He actually killed the real Dixon Steel guy and pretended to be him. The title refers that mindset he’s in when he’s killing

what does it matter if the film is older then?

Great taste.

Bogart has much better roles than Casablanca

A great one is High Sierra. He was brilliant in that movie

Fucking fagget. Everything boils down to personal preference and taste. Get down off your fucking high horse, this isn't a high brow art house movie discussion board.

Key Largo, The Treasure of Sierra Madre... the guy's great

It is comprehensible to most people, just not to Yea Forums because they're too far gone to feel any genuine compassion for their fellow man.

I guess I worded my post badly, I'm not a zoomer who wont watch films made before he's born but my general preference is films from the mid 60s to now mostly. I don't need cgi to keep me entertained.

Edward G Robinson is so underrated he was scene stealing great in Key Largo

It's worse here, sure.

how can you know you have taste if you have a shallow pool to draw from?

Is he underrated? I thought he was held in high esteem

Because he loved her you fucking moron.

Why should I feel sorry for my fellow man when the only help he will give is pulling the trigger when I reach my breaking point.

Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep are excellent, but then I love all that kind of thing.

>Was Rick a cuck?
No, He did what he did for the war effort.

>Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I've got to do, you can't be any part of, Ilsa. I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that.

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>Screenplays by Julius J. Epstein

He’s not as remembered as Bogart or Cagney

What's your favourite noir, anons? For me, it's "Out of The Past"

Casablanca is not noir.

Nightmare alley

You're making assumptions. And you're way off the mark.

will there ever be a scene as kino as the marseillaise scene in casablanca ?

It's not like he could go himself. He was exiled from America for whatever reason.

You're a big girl

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Definitely not noir. Films scholars all agree that classic noir started with The Maltese Falcon and ended with Touch of Evil in ‘58. Everything since is neo

>He did what he did for the war effort.
What an absolute cuck.

are you okay sweaty?

He didn’t sacrifice his business? His French buddy was going to cover for him. “Round up the usual suspects”. Ricks cafe is still going strong nigga

>Everything boils down to personal preference and taste
sign of a pleb. Not joking

>The utter and absolute state of this shithole

>Everyone must like what I like or their opinion is shit

That might be his most Edward G Robinsoney performance.

no your opinion is shit because it's uninformed

Daily reminder that Bogey had to stand on a box for this scene because Ingrid Bergman was taller than him.

that movie was just a big pro-war propaganda piece, stop romanticizing it

It's a movie. It's fiction. Nobody should treat fiction as a guide to real life.

Explain? You believe you've got a more valid opinion on films because you're better informed?


You only like anti-war movies? Quit lying.

>You believe you've got a more valid opinion on films because you're better informed?
user... are you seriously asking this?

Ehhhhh...... the things that it great have probably been done better since, but it was extremely influential and we wouldn’t have a lot of other great films without it

I like a movie that's honest, friend

Yes, because you can't give me a reason.

lmao sorry i forgot i was talking to the duke of discerning taste

Yes. If someone has seen more films then they know more and have a more cultivated taste. Same with everything.

my point exactly


you're fucking delusional or a pseud if you can't see that people made movies differently in the past. Pacing, the way actors say their lines, the camerawork, everything. Not saying it's bad, but it's just common fucking sense to admit it.

cope, seethe

Was Renault gay?

obviously. so was Rick

Sad that only thing modern audiences would recognize Robinson for is Chief Wiggum

just like his shitty cars lmao

What’s this movie lying about?

>frankly my dear, I don't give a cuck

>Pacing, the way actors say their lines, the camerawork, everything.
yeah it was all better pre 70s

In a Lonely Place is definitely the best Bogart movie, but I think his best performance is Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

I dunno, Americans saving the day everywhere they go?

If you like theater, yeah. They tended to exaggerate their enunciation and emotions on screen. Something that was even more prevalent in the era of silent movies, since body and face language were the only way you could act. Rewatch Singing in the Rain, that's precisely what the movie shows.

>Pacing, the way actors say their lines, the camerawork, everything.
All this was better. People had more patience and was less dependant of hollow spectacle

Well, he was bribing desperate women into having sex with him, so I'm going to say no.

One thing that really stood out to me recently is the absence of background noise, and sound editing in most scenes. It's just actors talking, you can ever hear the white noise behind. Now compare it to a modern movie. It's filled with auditory stimuli all the way through. Muffled music, car sounds, ambience, every single second has to not be silent. You don't notice it, but your brain does.

>"Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual black suspects."
Jesus did Raimi's father help screenwrite this or what

Why do people feel the need to explain this as though we've never heard it before? The problem is that you're starting with the assumption that more naturalistic acting is automatically better.

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Same way with editing. You can't even watch actors act in most movies nowadays, they are isolated, framed in really close shots and there's a hundred cuts for a couple of lines of dialogue.

You need to rewatch the movie. Rick wasn’t a chest beating American. He actually says several times he’s indifferent to the whole war. He only helped out because he loved Ilsa still. If that’s saving the day to you then you need to lay off the Howard Zinn.

>Americans saving the day everywhere they go
the movie takes place in one location and it's one American (Rick) who gets help from other people to get Laszlo to safety. Have you even seen Casablanca?
you've watched like 5 films made before 1970 lol

I love it. Being Rick has been my dream since forever. Running a watering hole in some sanctuary, good guys and bad guys and all kinds of interesting stories. I'm in love with the concept.

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>why do people have conversations?
No worries, buddy, no one is going to steal your film afficionado laurels away, people are just talking.

Are the Maltese Falcon and Big Sleep books good? The only Raymond Chandler book people ever seem to care about is The Long Goodbye and nobody ever talks about Hammett as a writer.

Guess how I know you've never actually seen this film?

Everyone knows only 7 films were made before the 70s.



Literally everyone already knows that people acted with their faces in silent movies. Every single time a zoomer tries to make excuses for not watching old movies they try to say that the acting is bad, and then they always recite the most basic facts of film history, failing to understand that different styles of acting are not necessarily bad.

I read Red Harvest, which was never made into a film, and it was pretty good.

That's precisely what made it an effective piece of propoganda, he was a stand in for the average american prior to pearl harbor.

shut up nigger. its an objective fact that if you aren’t okay with watching stuff from any time period you don’t actually like movies.

I see two problems here:
>you pulled the assumption that I dislike old movies out of your ass, even though I never said that
>you are utterly insecure about not being the most knowledgeable person in the room and need to remind everyone that you all this shit is obvious to you
I've entertained you ego stroking for two posts, now, I think that's enough.

Yojimbo, A Fistful of Dollars, Last Man Standing

Right except the movie wasn’t released until after Pearl Harbor so its propaganda influence was nil by 1942. America was already in a full fledged war with Japan and Germany (bizarrely) declares war on America four days after PH. The Germans had no business challenging that national sovereignty of Poland, Czechoslovakia or France. Fuck them.

really loose.

Not really, not even when it came out. It's like saying soulless shit like Spielberg movies or MCU schlock are the greatest of all time. It just outs you as a pleb with little knowledge of cinema.

The poles were being huge cunts to the germans stuck inside of their country, hitler unironically did nothing wrong

Good enough reason to launch a full fledged war that killed scores of people. “They were being cunts.” How about the Red Army? Guess it was fine for them to help themselves to Poles? God help us if people like you ever get to the levers.

The books or the movies? Cuz Maltese falcon is one of my favorites in each category, and the big sleep is considered by many to be the greatest crime novel of all time


This fucking board. 50% of it is people discussing film and arguing about valid points, the other is just people who can't grasp the concept of others having different tastes and opinions lol.

>muh opinions

go back. disliking old films is not an opinion or matter of taste; it’s mental retardation induced by being exposed exclusively to post-Star Wars blockbusters and will ferrell comedies in your developing years.

>I read Red Harvest, which was never made into a film, and it was pretty good

It actually has. Yojimbo, Fistfull of Dollars, Last Man Standing where all reworking of Red Harvest.

Hammett was blacklisted for being a commie do his books for a long time were banned.


Don't you have dogs to fuck?