>only makes 2 horror comedies
>is shilled as one of the most genius minds of the horror genre
How does this work?
Only makes 2 horror comedies
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OK. He might not be a great writer but he executes the hell out of those mediocre stories.
Black privilege
>Step 1. be black
>Step 2. don't be a drooling moron
that's about it
Hollywood tries to push new "geniuses" all the time, especially among directors, as you can use a genius director as a BO magnet.
The same way Blackkklansman, Black Panther, and all those other diversity exploitation flicks are listed in the top 10 movies of all time on rotten tomatoes. I feel like it's going to be pretty awkward in the future when we've moved past this weird fad-ification of "people of color". Kind of like when people moved on from the 2000s nu-metal cringe shit
Stephen spielberg was famous after two movies as well, but because he was white no big deal right? Can you guys just admit you hate black people and just save this thread from hitting 300+ racist posts.
A black that can tie its own shoe can get into Harvard
Affirmative action
We wouldn't want another #oscarssowhite because you know how those dastardly white men in hollywood are with PoCs
It's horror, they do that with every fucking movie and director that isn't braindead because the average horror fan usually is.
Try not to be so obvious
He had three things going for him.
1. Being black when ppl started complaining about whites making movies.
2. Funnyman turning serious is always something ppl love.
3. He was actually commenting on something with his horror film and normies think he's the first to do so since they only watch the latest blockbusters.
Smarter version of white
Fuck You!
>I'm gonna kill every white man on this planet
What did he mean by this?
Because he's a nigger and those Hollywood cocksuckers want his nigger cock
Spielberg made two classic movies, Get Out is already forgotten and no one cares about Us
>be 2019
>be black
>receive instant praise for accomplishing anything because most blacks are lazy fucks
gee i wonder
>horror fans are braindead
>uses impact font Futurama meme
the ironing
I don't get it either, "Us" looks ok I haven't watched it, but Get out was hot garbage, I don't get it.
I wish I remembered the name of a guy at the turn of the century whose wife tried to publish shit. It got nowhere, so he and her published it under a fake Russian pseudonym and because Russian literature was all the rage then and avant-garde all of a sudden her shit was celebrated as godlike.
Not even saying Peele's stuff is bad, just everyone knows a forced meme when they see one. Take away the way the films can talk to the wider racial environment and they'd be literally whos
It has less to do with his blackness and more to do with the fact he's married to a Jew.
didnt know that, it all makes sense now
>mfw not surprised
His wife.
For me he will only be that black guy from MadTV
He's the Shamalayan of this decade, but Get Out is no where near as good as Sixth Sense.
>BO magnet
Now that you mention it, those audiences really did smell. Like cocoa butter and malt liquor
Peretti is banging from the neck down
I used to have a pretty hard crush on her until I found out she is a coalburner.
He was shilled as the new "master of horror" before Us was even announced.
It's literally due to the fact that he's coloured.
Too bad about her muppet head
Meanwhile Keegan is scrounging through the trash looking for scraps, fuck Peele
Which classics are you referencing? Please do tell because Jaws is quickly becoming forgotten outside of boomers.
Seething incels ITT
Nah you can deny it all you want but get out is going to be remembered .US not so much
JAWS and Close Encounters, two movies that were massive hits and cultural milestones. Get Out was just The Skeleton Key but BLACK, nobody cares about it, while Jaws and Close Encounters were referenced for decades following release.
Nah, nobody cares about Get Out anymore, you can deny that all you want though
Thanks for actually explaining yourself user, you're one of the good ones.
His downfall will come
>one of the most genius minds of the horror genre
Who said that? If anything people just said they're looking forward to what he does next.
people are comparing him to Hitchcock
Blackkklansman was a decent film and Lee is a very competent director who's made several.
Jordan Peele has one alright movie and another awful one, yet people want to include him with names like Craven, Bava, Fulci, Carpenter, etc etc.
Get Out is the very (very) much superior film of the two, so probably you'll hate Us too.
>people get mad when people force black characters into established franchises
>"Go make your own franchises if you want prominent black roles"
>mad lad actually does it
>same people still hate him
he's probably overrated by most people, but is equally underrated by the opposite group of people. probably in the middle or something
Affirmative action and virtue signalling
Holy shit lol
>it's a race thing
He just makes good horror movies you absolute fucking moron.
How did he do it lads?
Jordan Peele is one of the most profitable filmmakers of all time with movies he wrote and directed himself. He's made half a billion on movies totalling under $25 million, and a significant amount of the success is based on word-of-mouth. He can do whatever the fuck he wants: what the seething neonazis here think is utterly irrelevant.
>le ebin le Jews aren't le white meme
affirmative action
Happened to M Night too, remember?
a quiet place????
welp they fucked up
"6,000,000 white people were killed in the holocaust"
Horror movies are always profitable unless the director is retarded. None of what you said is special or out of the ordinary
Paranormal Activity made $198 million from a budget of $11k.
Horror as a genre is really easy to print money.
You're comparing him to Spielberg now lmaoooooooo
fuck spielberg too btw
You don't rememeber how they overrated the shit out of Shamalaynn even more than peele? oh yea that's right you're a zoomer
the main aspect about “go do it yourself” is to not afterwards placate, gloat, belittle, or diminish the idea that they could do it themself and that the ideas could be there fully without blatant recognition
meaning, he doesn’t need to pronounce “all my actors are black and I won’t ever hire whites”
great just do it, don’t be a cunt on top of it, that just makes you another spook waving their perceived big dick around scaring the children
learn how interpersonal communication works before pontificating your inbred nonsense
>negro married to a jew
Jeez, I wonder...
>Blackkklansman was a decent film
Will you shut the fuck up tranny
By being born with the right skin color.
>You're comparing him to Spielberg
SB was never that good.
Get Out was legitimately good horror that made fun of liberal hypocrites who treat black people like pets. Us was at best a mediocre film overall and a bad horror movie and massively overrated by biased critics.
Any nigger who works with jews whether in music or movies is gonna be shilled to death as good or a genius, especially in music
i’m starting to realize this is why we’re seeing so many niggers in movies now. niggers go to the movies a lot.
Spielberg is pure schlock but he's a very skilled filmmaker. Peele, well there's really nothing good to say about him
well hes black
and was Get Out really horror? It wasn't scary, and it was just a scene for scene copy of the Skeleton Key
if Hollywood could make 10 horror films a year and get that kind of return, they would. they can't.
US was half-horror film half-David Lynch film. I'm glad that critics got it even if it was too smart for general audiences, and like Get Out it was flawlessly made.
>if Hollywood could make 10 horror films a year and get that kind of return, they would. they can't.
They do.
>What is Blumhouse
Spielberg is hack, and his films have done nothing but degrade film.
i don't think you realize i agree with you