What's the highest rated movie you've watched that you genuinely hated?
Hardmode: no capeshit
pic related for me
What's the highest rated movie you've watched that you genuinely hated?
Hardmode: no capeshit
pic related for me
Other urls found in this thread:
The first two acts are great though
lol based. this movie was fucking awful
this was good but kind of disappointing. i was hoping the whole movie would be ryan gosling driving motorcycles and robbing banks
Last act is shite
Schindler's List
I'd say Roma. Everyone, and I mean everyone (critics, friends, normies) liked Roma and thinks it is a perfect film but I was just painfully fucking bored most of the time.
Silver linings playbook
Gosling's arc was kino. The rest was average.
If you haven't, go watch Hell or High Water, it's like that but without Gosling but also actually good
Gone With the Wind
The Master
Natural Born Killers
Happiness especially is disgusting jew crap. I hate PTA too The Master sucked dick. Natural Born Killers sucked balls.
Rosebud nice dubs sneed
Good will hunting.
To me, it was yikes and cringe.
I liked that movie, what made it yikes and cringe specifically?
The first act up until they killed of Gosling was kino. Had to force myself to watch the movie after that.
Seconding this, one of the best neo-westerns ever
I very rarely hate movies. I dislike them and usually forget them. The only movie I recall hating is Matrix 2. It pissed me off so much, that I still haven't seen the 3rd movie.
While the last act is the weakest it's still needed to tie the movie together. Most people who don't like the 3rd act only dislike it due to Bradley Cooper's kid being a douche, which is done on purpose. I wanted a "Goose robbing banks on a dirtbike" flick and was shocked when they flipped the script but I think it's better the way it ended up. I'm honestly surprised this movie didn't get more praise here. Plus a fellow fa/tv/irgin is an extra in this movie so it's automatically great.
>select all motorcycles
I was gonna put dislike in the OP post but I figured hate would get more (you)s so here we are
pic related is a great movie you fucking faggot
>1st act
>2nd act
>3rd act
absolute shit
I'm still mad they wrote something that has 0.00000001% to happen in real life (the kids plotline)
>inb4 it's just a movie bruh xD
fight me stupid nigger
There Will Be Blood. It was three hours of nothing happening with some milkshakes at the end.
Lost in translation
ultimately a forgettable movie
Everything by Tarantino. he is such a manchild in real life and I can't stand how he films action and how he writes characters.
You hated it? Really?
I agree it's 6/10 and I know 'boring' isn't criticism, but damn it was boring
Gf was begging for weeks for us to watch that, i must say its shit
>without Gosling
no than you
>looks directly at the camera
Oh yeah this too, except I didn't mind the overarching plot itself but the whole flirty part was so cringe that I just couldn't force myself through it. Like that scene in the ramen shop where they keep flirting and making dumb jokes at the expense of the chef while he just sits there uncomfortably, yikes.
Based. I genuinely enjoyed it even though I was expecting a Goose bank robbing movie. The dirty cop Ray Liota thing was cool though.
I disliked it as a whole. Hated the third act though yeah
You're probably just not big brained enough to enjoy The Master
>watching movies that don't star the Goose
newfags are the worst
For me it's Interstellar
Blade Runner
>Harrison Ford can't act, Deckard is a boring asshole and is unironically the clichéd white male gruff protagonist with a crew cut people screech about
>Story makes so little sense the production company wanted Deckard to monologue so people could understand what was happening. Ford can't act for shit so it's literally needed to have his character tell you how he feels
>""superior"" directors cut adds more convoluted story that makes even less sense if you watch it for the first time, since the boring narration was the only thing holding it together, and it is removed in this version
>the themes and messages are nothing groundbreaking, done before in other media. Basically Ridley Scott sniffing his own farts for hours
>"enhance" for 25 minutes
I've watched it maybe 4 times for fear that I'm not "getting it" but no dice. Will happily admit it's one of the best looking and sounding movies ever made.
GRAVITY, zero plot: the movie
haven't been able to finish anything by Paul Thomas Anderson, but I haven't tried to watch The Master yet. The premise seems more interesting than Boogie Nights and that Adam Sandler one, anyway
It’s about the atmosphere man, not the story
The Master is his weirdest one (I think)
No way you started There Will Be Blood and didn't finish it, right?
Raging Bull
Just fell flat for me. No particular intrigue in it
Christ this.
I haven't thought about that movie since I turned if off halfway through one time until you just mentioned it now
This movie is reddit incarnate and I can't understand how people like it. Oldboy is also fucking shit, the remake is unironically way better.
I didn't mind oldboy until the ending, which was about 10000000x as long and drawn out as it needed to be.
I admire the technical qualities of the movie, but come on - you need interesting characters, dialogue and plot in movies. (inb4 silent moviefags)
Roma and Boyhood were awful.
It's self indulgent garbage that nobody but Cuaron would have any interest in. And he uses the same bloody camera pan relentlessly. It's like he just set up a rig to automate every single shot and went home while the film shot itself.
Baby Driver for sure.
The most Reddit movie I've ever seen.
Then what's the point?
My problem with the Cornetto trilogy is that Nick Frost is the modern British version of John Candy.
Oldboy is also fucking shit, the remake is unironically way better.
Never seen a more retarded opinion in my life
>There Will Be Blood
Absolutely hated it
Does anyone have the webm of the extra user ruining the opening scene in the carnival?
This, Christ Almighty this
>Never seen a more retarded opinion in my life
It's basically the same movie but with a better cast and shorter runtime. Plus Elizabeth Olsen's perfect tits.
The Departed
12 years a slave
The only character i could get behind was Paul Dano, however cartoonish he might be.
What i dislike about it was that they portrayed the people as essentially modern people. People back then were very different, they were a product of the time and accordingly acted and thought like people of that time.
I really dislike movies that engage in this quasi-timetravel shit..
Captain America Civil War. What a steaming pile of garbage
Jesus, what do you even like
wtf is wrong with you. Even if you hate Pacino and DeNiro or something it's still a fantastic movie, what did you dislike?
How were they modern? Not disagreeing but I guess I didn't pick up on it. It's also been a long ass time since I've seen it.
I normally like Tarantino but I do feel like anybody else making a movie like once upon a time in Hollywood wouldve gotten ripped to fucking shreds over it, instead everyone sucks his dick and calls it a masterpiece
I like it as kind of a lightly comedic movie, but it's far from his best plot-wise
First and third acts are great, second act is a slog.
Citizen Kane. It was the movie that proved to me cinema could not and never will be art.
Forest Gump
a bland story about authority and propaganda with a terrible ending
also Arrival, BlacKKKlansman and Annihilation
>The Master
This, boooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
Gayest shit, I've ever seen.
>Oldboy is also fucking shit, the remake is unironically way better.
Oldboy is a fucking masterpiece you shut your whore mouth.
>This movie is reddit incarnate
not so fast
What's it like being 13?
I think porn would be more right up your alley.
All of the girl characters, all of the relationships, most of the dialogue, and most of the character decisions. Action scenes were kino.
I think the milkshakes were worth the three hours
Feels great, you can fug all the underage pusy you want without fear of ending up like Epstein or Trump in the future.
>>All of the girl characters, all of the relationships, most of the dialogue, and most of the character decisions
Those were great, shitter.
it drives me insane how people rate it so high when the whole movie is so fucking dead and boring
Watched Synecoche New York yesterday, fucking painful. The idea behind the film isn't even that bad, but the way it was executed, especially the pretentiousness with which it carries itself is impossible to ignore. The movie takes itself too seriously, and none of the characters have any redeeming qualities. I had a stomach ache by the end.
Fell asleep watching this trash.Very tedious and way up it's own ass.
Gotta watch it as soon as I can, from your description it must be a masterpiece.
the master is truly garbage, made only worse by brainlets who spout DUDE ITS SCIENTOLOGY LMAO
>dude Goose riding motorcycles and robbing banks was just a setpiece you couldn't have had a whole movie like
I contend that you could have. That was the part that I liked.
Phyllis E Moore-Hoffmeier is so punch able in this movie.
Kept hearing "it's one of the most disturbing movies ever made"
Watched it and then contemplated suicide because of how shit it was
Hot Fuzz was the last era before white people weren't allowed to be on TV or in movies anymore in the UK, it's comfy and sad at the same time.
I didn't exactly hate either of them but I found Shawshank Redemption and Jacob's Ladder pretty dull.
Hyperactive manlet acts like a dipshit for 90 minutes. Never watching another Chaplin movie.
Pretty much anything at all by Nolan, yeah.
It's a shitty uninspired hollywood remake directed by a racist hack
Also pretty much anything at all by Lanthimos, EXCEPT The Favourite. The Favourite is brilliant.
The only thing remotely redeeming about Jacobs Ladder is that Tim Robbins is in it.
Easy, Boyhood. If you’re going to shoot a film over 12 years, then have the story planned out. Without the 12 years gimmick, this film would have been slated for going into production without a completed script.
> Nick Frost is the modern British version of John Candy
Do people not love John Candy?
Hmmmm lets see.
>Easy Rider
Conveluted shitty drug infested movie, extremely boring.
> The french connection
Extremely boring, way too fast, non linear, complex, incomprehensible pseud shit.
>Lost in translation
Faggy pretentious boring shit
Too fast. Extremely boring.
>raising arizona
>Natural born killers
Quite possibly the worst film here. Edgy shit, bullshit plot, shitty ending.
its complete jewish garbage
erasing a mans entire existence until he is some sort of non-existent trans maid. jews love this dismantling, humiliation, shit.
I have never gotten past a few miinutes of Citizen Kane.
Always this same boring criticism. I'm convinced no one who resorts to this is familiar with Linklater's work at all.
Anything by Spike Jonze
Get Out, Shape of Water, Roma, Kill Bill, Lost in Translation are some.
First Man.
I wanted to love it, it has all the makings of an amazing movie, but it literally bored me to sleep. Twice. Couldn't finish it.
I have the exact opposite opinion. I hated that it was received so lukewarmly when it was not Chazelle's best work, but the best major studio picture I'd seen in a long time.
I did think the girlfriend was hot as fuck.
*not only
Now THAT’S pure reddit!
The Virgin Chaplin vs. The Chad Keaton
Gravity is like if Avatar only made a few hundred million, pure IMAX bait.
Oddly this stands to be one of my most enjoyable films I've seen in a theater ever. Gorgeous movie. Film is an art not meant to be understood by everyone.
The Holy Mountain. When I was done watching I told my brother
>This is why we have AIDS
Stanley kubrick is one of my favorite Directors but holy shit this is boring and shit
the master is incredible pretentious psychotic meaningless shit
its simply a soiled tissue for retards to blubber about their daddy issues into
>Bill Murray is boring in Japan, The Movie
I just like it for DDL and Paul "Classic" Dano
This 100x this its a fucking awful flick
Frozen. It's very rare for me to genuinely hate movies. I'm 100% sure that I wouldn't hate it so much if it wasn't so hyped.
this. it's also for cucks.
>my girlfriends brown kid
There Will Be Blood
django unchained and bastards. havnt seen h8ful or the new tarantino those were so shit
Every scene with John Hamm made me cringe
here /ourguy/
>looks right at the camera
1000% agree. I stopped watching about 75% through and just hit watched on letterboxd and gave it 2 stars.
The scene where he's staring into the abyss of space while dropping his daughter's bracelet into the crater was peak kino.
ryan gosling has no adam's apple.
It took me 8 tries to get through Frozen. The movie is semi-decent after the first half which is full of shrilling singing. When based snowman shows up it gits gud. The feminist ending made me regret the entire experience
The entire body of work by Nicolas Roeg. Specifically, I watched Performance, Walkabout and The Man who Fell to Earth. By the end of it I was actually shouting at the screen, begging him to stop showing me this turbo-70's dogshit. Other than some experimental arthouse trash, these are my most hated movies out of several thousand that I have watched. No small feat. I'm looking at the critical reviews and I see irrefutable proof that Satan exists.
Full Metal Jacket got really bad once they got to Vietnam
Manchester by the Sea
Juno is legitimately a piece of shit, the actors weren’t terrible given the material they had to work with, but the screenplay is completely cringeworthy and predictable.
the snowman was fucking awful, you seriously can't have any kind of decent scene/mood without him busting in with some lolsorandom comment
not like the movie was that good to begin with
that del taco fish movie. absolute torture.
Gone With the Wind
Wizard of Oz
The Sound of Music
West Side Story
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
The Exorcist
Rain Man
Good Will Hunting
Toy Story 3
The Hateful Eight
Captain America: Civil War
Disney Wars including Rogue One and Solo
Best Movie of All Time: How to Talk Minnesotan
>its fucking boring.
Not that i disagree with the films posted here, but you guys need a different reason thats not so much plebian.
Not everything has to be fast full of action or funny all the fucking time.
No, user the entire film is garbage. The frostman was literally included to sell fucking toys.
The feminist crap was just icing on the cake.
If you think "fun" means only "fast full of action or funny all the fucking time" maybe you have the wrong standards?
Am surprised not enough people have posted disney shit.
A lot of that shit has over 90% RT ratings and they are complete shit.
Barry Lyndon, when it had a resurgence a few years back and people were touting it as much better than it was originally reviewed way back when.
It had its moments of clever to be sure, and I don't know if I really hated it, but it was pretty boring and I'm a big Kubrick fan.
Idk that was like 5 years ago and I found it kinda funny watching it at 3 am when I had insomnia
>Gone With the Wind
>Wizard of Oz
probably a europoor
>The Sound of Music
>West Side Story
all musicals are garbage
>2001: A Space Odyssey
overrated trash
>A Clockwork Orange
mad overrated
>The Exorcist
was good for it's time
>Rain Man
>Good Will Hunting
kino. probably a europoor
>Toy Story 3
>The Hateful Eight
i don't know anybody that actually watched this
>Captain America: Civil War
op said no capeshit
>Disney Wars including Rogue One and Solo
Rogue One was actually an enjoyable film. The main girl was Cute and based Madds delivered, plus the china bros. Solo was completely soulless
The original animated movies from back when Walt was alive are excellent for the kids.
did not care for the godfather
>The Sound of Music
>West Side Story
>all musicals are garbage
Thanks for outing yourself as a mental retard in just two lines of text.
its a movie about father and son relationships, of course a woman couldn't understand
Wow this board has bad taste.
Movies can be slow and uneventful and still not boring. There's a whole spectrum between Avengers and Bela Tarr's twenty minute long tracking shot of an ugly guy's face walking down a street.
The fact that i even made it 40 minutes in is amazing due to how horrible it was. Obviously i didn’t finish it. Not sure of the name of the girl narrator but hot damn she was pretentious.
people can HATE films?
Big Lebowski
>all musicals are garbage
>>The Sound of Music
inconsistent plebbery.
Every society everywhere has bad taste.
I can only name five movies or so that I hate, mostly because I feel they insulted me in some way. But if you look at the Internet, it appears that people feel violent hate towards anything that fell short of their expectations.
>probably a europoor
North Dakotan, actually.
fuck South Dakota
ghost world
it just isn't that smart... or funny...
This ties number 1 with Interstellar in my top 5 most boring and pretentious films I've ever seen.
>nothing happens for an extended period of time
>nearly everyone dies instantly
>2 or 3 lines of banter between HAL and Dave
>weird psychedelic shit
>old man
>monkeys and a big slab of rock
Tbh I'm not even sure I've got the order right, but I don't think it matters
Inglorious Basterds, for multiple reasons.
at least it wasn't in chapters like every fucking thing else he's done
Aren't people mostly pretty negative or lukewarm on Hollywood?
Anyway it's not a lightly comedic movie it's very grim, it's just super post modern so no one is paying attention to the upsetting serious stuff and is just taking in the surface of the movie, which is why as I said it's getting lukewarm reception.
8 is worse than both those
I think the only part of that movie i really could say i liked was the first part of it. I don't remember the rest and couldn't really care.
David Fincher's Zodiac (2007). I think it's the most average movie Fincher's ever made. It was legitimately painful to watch the whole 2hr 40min runtime. Some of the performances were great and one specific death scene was frightening but they didn't save me from extreme boredom. I'll watch it again and re-evaluate, though.
this too
Nah, I love The Social Network. For some odd reason, dramatizing a small-scale story worked much better. And it constantly held my attention by being 40 minutes shorter.
That double take gets me every time
Horrible movie and they did not deserve to have Skynyrd in it.
It's a good movie but I don't get the hype around it being a perfect film
deer hunter. total piece of shit with one good scene.
John Wick 2
What's it like being disabled?
The costumes and posters are kino but its just boomer environmental bs
>environmental bs
I thought the movie was about some guy losing his faith, not about climate change?
I'm conflicted about this, on one hand I really enjoyed it, but on the other hand it's basically a shot-for-shot remake of Winter Light and Diary of a Country Priest for the entire first half
Worst F&F by a mile, the only one I have no desire to rewatch.
"Boring and pretentious" is such an incredibly lazy critique, you guys need to try harder. Sure, it's completely legitimate if you find a movie to be boring and pretentious, but if you're going to present that opinion as fact and act like everyone is wrong for enjoying it, you need better reasons
Anyways, I was pretty disappointed by The Graduate. First, although I love Simon & Garfunkel the use of their music in the movie was obnoxious. They played the Sound of Silence at least 4 times during the movie, and way too much of it each time. There's even a point in the movie where they play two full songs back to back. Second, while I understand it's a satire, I found the characters to be terribly written. Their motives don't make any sense to me. I thought it was weird that the mom was putting in so much effort to seduce the kid after he had already been so awkward in her previous attempts, but I was willing to suspend my disbelief because his character was obviously meant to be satirical. However, things got too fucking ridiculous when the daughter was introduced. I'm supposed to believe she'd give this guy another chance after he was being aloof and rude while driving her to a strip club? Then again when she goes to see him after her mom tells her that he raped her? Finally, I'm supposed to believe she'd run out on her wedding for a creep that slept with her mother? Come on. I also don't think the film works too well on a thematic level. If the ending where the characters run away together is supposed to be symbolic for the young generation rejecting the future their parents want for them, then why do both of their parents urge them to date each other for the entire first half of the movie? Also, the main theme is constantly thrown in your face with the main character repeatedly saying “I’m worried about my future,” as if that theme weren’t already obvious enough.
His major crisis is because of climate change and half of it is just him researching and becoming an activist. The only scenes I liked were the ones that discussed the state of modern religion with the corporate megachurches and the angry young evangelicals of which there was only around three max.
Brainlet tier take on what it's like to be smart, the entire character of Will is based on just knowing everything about everything(chemistry, mathematics, history, etc) whose only character flaws are being insecure and poor. It's a pseudo-intellectual's power fantasy where once they get recognized for their great and infallible intellect everyone wants to suck their dick and if they don't they're just jealous anyways.
The godfather
I found The Lobster boring and the meme speaking annoying.
>pulp fiction
Boring as fuck
Just watched Melancholia and it was, as expected, a fucking borefest. 2 hours of Kirsten Durst being mopey and then the world ended. What a load of caricaturesque shite. Might as well do a fast flick through a Vanity Fair and save yourself the trouble. At this point I'm convinced Von Trier is just a shitposter desu.
One cut of the dead. I think it had 100% rt when it was relatively new. Pretty nice movie if you love meta movies and comedy
I wouldn't say the first is overrated, but I'd definitely say Part II is. The concept is very interesting and I thought they pulled it off well, but the individual stories themselves were pretty underwhelming. One of the best things about the first is Michael's transformation into a ruthless villain, but during his story in Part II there's no transformation. It's just him continuing to be a ruthless villain. I felt the prequel story didn't live up to its potential either.
whiplash was such a shit movie but everyone i know loves it
Pointless, charmless slog.
I didn't like Pan's Labyrinth, I liked the idea of the child coping with the situation by making a fantasy world but everything outside of that was a terrible cliched mess.
I hated TDKR and Watchmen, both are convoluted drab pretentious pieces of shit. Speaking of the recent movies, Tully was fucking awful, and I loved Juno as a teen.
I found your post boring and pretentious
rated by whom?
whiplash should've been treated as a comedy
Whiplash. Every person I’ve ever talked to said they thought it was amazing whereas I couldn’t force myself to even root for whoever the main character was (can’t remember his name).
Zombie"land" -- 10 minutes of zombies, 2 hours of awkward geek romance with 10/10 frog
In what way was it satirical?
The mom was trying to seduce the kid because she was attracted to him obviously. She was willing to look past his awkwardness and ineptitude on account of that.
Elaine (the daughter) goes to see him to confront him about the supposed rape and to ask why he's staying on campus. It is only after he explains that he did not in fact rape her mom that she warms up to him. And of course Elaine may have had doubts about the rape story to begin with.
It may seem goofy and rash that she would run out of her wedding for a guy she hardly knows, but I think it just seems that way due to our modern idea of dating and marriage. Back in the day people would go on a few dates and then get married. Unlike nowadays where people date for years before they even begin to contemplate marriage. I remember finding Last Picture Show really jarring when I first saw it on account of this. So yes, it seems random and rash that Elaine would dip out of her wedding for some dude she hardly knows, but (and this is not explicitly revealed but given the time in which the movie was released it is likely) she may have hardly knew the guy she was supposed to marry. And perhaps he was some boring fudd her parents pressured her into liking. This is all left up to the viewers interpretation, and I think the movie is better for that. Do you think they should have added some expositional scene where Elaine and her boyfriend get in a fight and he slaps her or something? No, that would have been boring.
I think your qualms with the ending are negated by the last 5-10 seconds of the movie, where they look glum and worried sitting on the bus. Perhaps rebelling against their parents was a bad idea? Maybe Benjamin should have chased a girl he really liked and not just a girl who was forbidden to him, and thus enticing? The last few moments of the film bring these ideas to the forefront and, I believe, cement the movie as a classic.
Damn, tod solondz is a god. Bad taste.
I agree with you on the music though. I wish someone would do a remaster in which they change some of the repeated songs, such as Sound of Silence, with some of Simon and Garfunkel's work produced after 1968. Or maybe some of Simon's solo work.
It Comes at Night
It's like watching redditors try to interact for 2 hrs. Genuinely the dumbest fucking movie I've ever seen
i think the descent is terrible and i'm not an incel that hates women i just don't like it
I thought it was decent from when they entered the cave up until the cave retards showed up.
This fucking cringe inducing garbage which somehow is 16th on imdb with an 8.7 rating.
What didn't you like about it?
This fucking shit. I love "Slow burn" horror movies (inb4 the chart), but this one really is genuine shit. From the shitty non-acting, to the horrible SJW-tier """metaphor""" that's so on its goddamn nose it's almost satire. Yet every basedboy faggot wants to rate it like it's up there with The Shining, The Exorcist, Alien, etc as a "masterpiece horror movie" when I've honestly been more creeped out by cheesy B movies like From Beyond. It had maybe ONE good scene that was honestly done better in Marble Hornets anyway. In fact, the entire goddamn movie is basically a much, much shittier Marble Hornets.
I can’t stand The Godfather. It’s overdrawn out. Long. Uninteresting. Often acted poorly. And that sequence in Italy is a complete waste of time
This only has 6.8 on imdb. You've never seen anything with a higher rating that you hated?
American Hustle and Argo.
6.8 on IMDB, sure, but it's still overrated by a ton of people who claim to love horror. Also, 96% on RT and 83% on metacritic.
Came here to post this. I get why people liked it, but I never will.
inside llewyn davis
don hertzfeldts stuff
I like most silent movies that I've seen, but Metropolis is muddled, sentimental trash.
What did you hate about Walkabout? I thought it was good, though nothing spectacular
It was 60% legendary, 20% bland, 20% just bad. The fact that the ending is so weak and generic "then they survive BUT ITS STILL THERE!!!!" really dampens the memory.
It's him being a ruthless villain and the consequences of that. His wife hates him, his kids are alienated, he inspires none of the loyalty his father did, all his plans never seem to come to fruition either. Then he has his brother killed to top it off. Complete degeneracy.
Looking over the IMDB top list:
The Prestige
They all smugly insist upon themselves.
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri
lego movie
good call
holy shit this was a 2/10 made for tv movie-quality cringefest. that random fucking scene where the 2POWER4U main character goes on an embarrassingly unfunny rant about "lol DAE priests are pedos????? xD" to the Catholic priest was so forced and pointless i was in awe at what kind of pull frances mcdormand must have in hollywood to have gotten an oscar for that shit movie
Lego movie was fun.
I hate the Lego Batman movie though. Unfunny trash that retreads every single tired joke about Batman that's been done better by the internet.
That facebook movie from Fincher.
burn after reading, i just dont get the humor
Just awful and pretentious
Didn't hate but was mediocre as shit
The thing is a 9,5/10 for me and this is a 0,5
>Dr Strangelove
I have to watch it again because I was so young and was my second Kubrick but it bored me to hell and couldn't finish it even tho its not that long.
Anything Godard ever made
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
Not a /pol/tard but it's irredeemable on every level. Bad story, bad acting from everyone, it's shot like a daytime drama. You can truly take any piece of shit and slap the Holocaust on it and people will eat it up.
This one was pretty bad too. I watched it when I didn't know anything about movies and hated it. I gave it another chance a couple years ago since I started getting into the Cohens, and I still hated it.
Please be careful calling other things "cringe" after typing out a post like that.
I don't understand that. I never seen more boring movie.Horrible actors, boring story, no hero.
Zodiac also sucks but Gylenhaal have some charisma.
eternal shartstain of a spotless mind
Once Upon a Time in the West
I spend a good while watching several Westerns and this one just didn't click for me. I was a bit tired while watching it, but was just uninterested.
I only watched Breathless and it nearly gave me cancer. What's the usual argument again? That it's good because he's "breaking the rules of cinema" something? Maybe if he stuck to the rules, it wouldn't be utter trash.
Nocturnal Animals
Inherent Vice
Unironically Citizen Kane
Twelve Monkeys
The Babadook
Mad Max 1
Blade Runner
user, give us your take on what's it like being smart.
Taxi Driver
And I love Scorsese's movies in general
>Extremely boring, way too fast, non linear, complex, incomprehensible pseud shit.
laughed out of loud
I couldn't even finish Natural Born Killers. The godawful editing is what pushed me over the edge, so many cuts to film grain-y black and white shit.
Brainlet trash
Lady Bird
Fucking this so much. And Shaun of the Dead is dogshit as well. Im mind boggled at how many people find this shit "humor" funny whatsoever
Retard. God tier scriptwriting
I loved the pacing and the characters, and while it's my favorite Fincher, it does walk a tight rope and I can understand why you feel the way you do.
The environmentalism didn't matter. He just needed something to latch his despair on to.
Fucking this, it was atrocious
I hate both of those actors
>t. thought the film was "powerful" and "timely"
Moonrise Kingdom
It's the only Wes Anderson film I couldn't finish, thought it was awful
I actually can't say I've ever been angry at a movie
Scott pilgrim vs the world
fuck off ricky
sounds like you're too neurotypical to post here
fuck off back to facebook
Force Awakens and Perks of Being a Wallflower are red flags for this being a troll list
Agreed, it's awful. But honestly fuck a clockwork orange.
>pfft - nothin' personal, kid
this I do not get.
I literally never watched any action films before that movie, because I thought they were all trash. then I saw the 5-minute tense heist sequence posted on YouTube, leading me to rewatch the movie several times. holy shit that film has style, and the violence is brutal but meaningful. and it's not like it wears out its welcome either - it's only 100 minutes
Pan's labyrinth and princess mononoke are both shit
Requiem for a dream. Miserable, pretentious, boring.
Yeah, everything by taranmeme is overrated trash.
I checked out completely by the time the alcoholic stepfather started shouting at the kids at the dinner table - it seemed like such a basic trope that I couldn't get back into it, but there was more than 2 hours to go at that point.
I get this too well. his most enjoyable films to me (before he declared cinema dead) are Bande a Part and Une Femme est Une Femme, though people generally prefer Vivre Sa Vie and Pierrot le Fou
>Unironically Citizen Kane
this is the only entry on that list I don't understand, and it needs some explanation.
What feminist crap?
Inglorious bastards. Thought it was boring as fuck and I didn't give two shits about that Jewish bitch, her black lover, or her stupid fucking theater.
The godfather is so famous that a lot of people go in to it either way too young or way too naive.
This one's good, though.
The Thin Red Line because Private Witt died
Holy fuck I've never been angrier at a list
Fucking trash.
OP said "no capeshit"
Blind faggot
I read do android dream of electric sheep. Its a nice 2 hour read. Then i tried to watch blade runner and i actually fell asleep watching it
Django Unchained
I mean what the hell?
How does this film get a 8.4 on IMDb?
It was freaking, excruciatingly boring!
It was too long, it should be like an hour shorter, at least.
And it had absolutely nothing to do with Django.
They just slapped the name on their lead character and they said, hey, here you go mates, we remade Django!
Like fuck you did!
Seriously. Not ironically.
Worst popular western movie ever.
>as intricate as a Faberge egg, and just as superfluous
I rewatched it just a month ago, and it still made almost no impression on me.
like those damn sweets, it's a confection that dissolves on the tongue, leaving you with a sugary taste in your mouth, without providing any sustenance.
for that reason alone I'd say Wes shouldn't be watched: nothing of any consequence is happening in his films, unless you're taken with pure style.
This film was pure kino you uncultured swine
Nice troll
Gotta 100% agree with on you with NBK. People only give a shit about it because DUDE DIDYA KNOW THE COLUMBINE KIDS LOVED IT. IT'S BASED
I didn't get the humour in any of the Coen movies. The amount of humour in their movies is inversely related to the quality of the movie.
This. I just hated every character apart from the sheriff.
Film Socialisme may be the worst movie ever made.
Anything by Woody Allen and the Coen brothers. I can't stand jewishness and their smug kike pilpul.
This one was good, but the franchise it spawned is brainlet trash.
>You can truly take any piece of shit and slap the Holocaust on it and people will eat it up.
It really bothers me that movie producers still milking this cow. Pure oscarbait bullshit
It's graphical porn. Does porn need a plot?
This is the most American list ever compiled.
>only 100 minutes
It's so sad that 100 minutes came to be seen as a short running time as opposed to normal. I miss not having tired eyes by the end of a movie.
>Fuck romantic love, dickbastards just want to exploit strong wamans, only the love between two strong wamans can be pure
I wanted it to fail so badly because of this, and was livid when I saw how successful it became. I still believe it was one of the main reason why the SJW takeover over entertainment happened.
Being beautiful can be a goal in and of itself.
the revenant
i thought you had to speak to win an oscar for best actor
Avengers 2 probably. I hate everything but the fun with the Hammer and the Ultron introduction.
i think it's the stupid clothers/haircut after seeing him as don draper for years
Your post made me cringe
2001: A Space Odyssey
I hate Kubrick.
Another good pick. Schindler's List is shameless propaganda. At least Triumph des Willens shows you things that really happened.
Phillip K Dick is an idea guy. His "stories" are excuses to talk about interesting ideas, and they're always terribly written.
Same thing with me. Stopped watching it halfway through because the editing was just starting to give me a headache. I mean, I don't have anything against trying new things in film, but Natural Born Killers was just tiresome.
Frozen was made around the song Let It Go, which is an evil and despicable song that brainwashes children into being infuriating and useless brats. There's nothing redeemable about Frozen. The 3D has aged like milk and almost looks as bad as the original Toy Story.
It's such a fucking simple story. How can you not get it? And Ford's acting is fine in the film. It's not like there's much he can actually fuck up when it comes to his performance.
I can't make it through the first twenty minutes of 2001 without falling asleep
I enjoyed 99% of the movies in this thread.. the only one I agree with is 2001. I can understand it was ahead of its time for special effects, but it did not age well at all.
>Lady Bird
This upsets me. Kino movies
The Thing is overrated
Lol no just watch the new Fast then tell me how worse it is
Have you read the book or do you know the works of Pynchon? Because it helps
Spirited Away
Only thing worse than normie capeshit is normie Yea Forums
It's 10/10 for the kids.
The most annoying thing for me about the third act was the kid's edgy ride-off-into-the-sunset moment.
"Ever ridden one of these things?"
*fires up bike and fucks off, not stalling, not jumping the clutch, just moves away very slightly awkwardly*
>Everything by Tarantino
This. His entire career has been making two films and constantly re-shooting them in different skins with the usual masturbatory dialogue and foot segments acting as filler in place of plot. Tarantino is the epitome of style over substance.
the grand budapest hotel
some pretentious fucking weird shit
Interstellar. I hate the use of time travel as a plot device, especially when it's an incredibly stupid grandfather paradox.
The Matrix is one of the worst movies I have seen. Retards on Yea Forums get super butthurt if I mention that.
He's not even good at making foot segments and his taste in feet is shit. He has only shot one woman with beautiful feet in his entire career, which is Margot Robbie. By accident, I assume.
Without Interstellar, there wouldn't be this: youtube.com
Get Out and not because of racist shit but because it genuinely sucked and felt like a poor man's Evil Dead. I'm still baffled at the reaction it got and the fact that it's one of the only horror movies in the past 5 years to get nominated for Oscars. Fucking Hereditary didn't, but goddamn Get Out did.
Where's the pretension? It's just a mellow adventure movie that doesn't try to be anything else.
Inception. Genius Christ it was overrated
Same here. I saw the ending of Gravity through Cinema Sins weeks later.
The Grand Budapest Hotel. 91% on RT
>What's the highest rated movie you've watched that you genuinely hated?
I watch R movies all the time
Agreed. I really enjoy all of Wes Anderson’s films... except for moonrise kingdom