>not a single n***er, not even in the background
>hippies portrayed as the scum that they were
>based bros Leo and Brad
>horny underaged hippie thot denied cock by Brad
>Lena Dunham looking shittier than ever - clearly a deliberate choice by Q himself
>Manson family BTFO with a flamethrower
What's not to love? Great movie.

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Other urls found in this thread:



she's 24

Not her character


any good streams for this?
i can only find the fucked up version with yellow text and commercials


>>hippies portrayed as the scum that they were
I liked this too. the romanticizing of hippies has got to stop.

I hope there's an extended version. And atleast one episode of Bounty Law filmed. I haven't enjoyed a new movie this much in a long time.

Go to the movie theater

im to autistic for that

Yeah me too. Good old school fun

Buy your ticket, buy food if you want, go to your seat, watch the movie and mind your own fucking business. It’s that easy.

QT showed an extended version of Bounty Law before some early screenings so its definitley out there

Oh, I forgot the best part:

thank you for the tips....got more?

Going back to my extended version hope, I actually think there will be some added. The scene where Jay is eating a sandwich and Sharron says "what's the matter..don't want Jim Morrison to know you were dancing to Paul Revere and the Raiders?" Obviously a small cut scene.

Based Yea Forums being contrarian fags again. What happened? I though Tarantino was a hack, no?
Lmaoing at your life.

Also it says in the credits Tim Roth was cut from the western scenes. Hope to see him

Say very little. Say "thank you" not "you too". Being serious.

thanks....hey do you know of any good streams for this movie?

Oh fuckin true. I bet he's the sheriff of Janis Town.

Random tid bit I noticed, during the first Bounty Law scene the guy that says "Geez Jake, you sure don't bring em in alive." or something. He's the guy in Back to the Future part 3 that Marty wins the revolver from "well son, where'd you learn to shoot like that?", Burton Gilliam.

Based doggo saving the day

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No, do you want me to autistically tell you scene for scene what happens instead?

Oh yeah, right. Nice catch

yeah that would be great.....please start

I knew I recognized him, but it was days later it clicked in my autistic brain.

Mad dogs kill Tate and her friends. A mad dog tears them to shreds in the movie. Poetry.

Nazis get burned with the flamethrower, hippies get the same treatment. Loved that part.

This movie was based. Just watched it the other day. I like how it was an ode to Sharon Tate. That incident fucked up hollywood permanently due to Manson and his hippy faggots. This was QTs sort of fuck you to them.

Love how QT creates alternative timelines -- here and in Inglorious Basterds. And saving Tate and her friends really has a more emotional impact on you when you know what really happened.

Sharon told Tex to give her two weeks to give birth to her baby, and after that they can kill her. Heartbreaking..

fucking pieces of shit deserved a flamethrower to the fucking face. Kudos to QT

LITERALLY just back from the theater, great movie.

Every time brad punched a hippy was extremely satisfying


Yeah, they deserved the death penalty for that alone

my theater was packed. haven't seen it in a long time

Why is it that when the dog bit the hippies fucking hands off they seemed to be fully functioning in the next shot?

TFW no QT hapa hippie psycho satanic antifa cultist gf

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No him but yes go for it


The Playboy mansion had an ebony bunny

just check the torrent sites until it comes on in a day or two


I typed out a lot, adding what music what playing, camera angles, then I got bored. No time for that right now.

>yfw brad pitt will NEVER smoke an acid ciggy with you

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oh yeah, right

>chinkfag seething

Hi Wang Li

Manson was the one thing I never watched docs on. I hate those pieces of shit. Manson is a loser, he knows he's a fucking loser too. So finding out more of what happened in detail made the ending more touching. YEAH I tear up and almost cry when Sharon first walks out of the house! I love movies!

This movie was like a good dream that you forget about as soon as you wake up


Slam a Steelie in the parking lot

I thought the actress was actually underage, it's weird how some girls basically don't age from their late teens through their mid 20s.

>yfw you will never have a cool buddy like Cliff

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>>not a single n***er, not even in the background
wrong. Nigger background dancer.

Arrive early and sit all the way at the back. When the film is over wait until most of the audience has left before getting up. If you have to past everyone on your own while they look at you the anxiety might be overwhelming.

you're right, forgot about her

>fucking hippies

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Post what you got faggot

I fucking deleted it all! BOUNTY LAAAWWW black and white NBC..DING DING DIING...Camanche Uprising which is Navajo Joe a homage to Burt Reynolds IM GONNA TELL YOU A STORYY EVERYMAN OUTTA KNOW HEY HEY HEY HEY!!! SHAWWWRRZZZ

Might be Tarantinos best, although I thought the same thing about Hateful Eight, will have to see it again to compare.

I get the feeling Tarantula has been really trying to challenge how we look at violence by presenting some interesting context in his past few films. Your initial base reaction might be completely different when you think about it and look at the full picture.
>inglorious basterds - dude nazi getting beaten with a baseball bat its epic because nazis are evil... except we have no evidence he was anything more than a solder and if an American army man was brutally murdered because he refused to give up troop positions we would be hailing that character a hero
>hateful eight - omg how can The Hangman beat this woman and treat her like trash... oops shes a cold calculating killer and the leader of a gang of killers that does evil shit to innocent people
>once upon a time - brutally bashing a womans face in and another one being ripped apart by a giant dog this is so horrible... oh yeah theyre the fucking manson family, murderers and psychopaths


Literally pleb filter of the year. Possibly the best QT flick since Jackie Brown.

euro audience laughed loud here during the scene

Good keep going so far everything is correct per my recollection

Gonna go to the cinema with my mom :3

what films do you like?

what was the purpose of Pacino's character?

To give Pacino something to do in a movie that isn't complete shit.

>not a single n***er, not even in the background
/pol/ confirmed for blind.

>>Lena Dunham looking shittier than ever - clearly a deliberate choice by Q himself
I would have liked it better if he just didn't provide her with the work.

The Jew producer. I took it as, QT wanted to show hollywood in all its good and bad in 1969. Gotta throw in a Jew too.


we know, Brad, we know

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>brad btfoing bruce lee

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>him nodding to himself mumbling "fair enough" as it snaps back to current day
Probably my favourite part

Your movie started at 19:30 right?
And it had a ten-minute break

same here in another euro country

Brad poiting the harpoon at his wife was my fav moment

This movie has some great edits.
I love the graphic match cut when Rick walks to the prison camp in the Great Escape flashback to Sharon walking up to the movie theater.

Not sure it is the best movie of the year, but it is my favorite.

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>clearly a deliberate choice by Q himself

>This movie has some great edits.
fucking hell you're an idiot
did you not see the BASIC FILM SCHOOL TIER editing and continuity howlers in the restaurant scene when Pacino meets Di Caprio for the first time.


jeez, take your pills, boomer. take it easy. at least they fixed that modern day cctv camera at the box office what we saw in the trailer

yeah dunno if it was my cinema but i couldnt make out half the things pacino said, glad he only had a small role

Definitive OUATIH waifu tier list

1) Brandy
2) Pumpkinpuss
3) Cute Pits
4) Sharon Tate (exposed feet)
5) Rick’s Italian Wife
6) Sharon Tate (preggo belly)
7) Flaming Psycho Happa

No other girls in the film merit inclusion on this list.

>pumpkin that low
are you a homosexual?

Cliffs wife


This board is so predictably contrarian it's pathetic

tarantula does it again

>pumpkinpuss not 1

Half this movie was lost on me as I had pretty much no knowledge of manson, the hippies or who margot robbies feet where playing, last 20 minutes were still great though

>being this much of a child

pure gold kek

kill yourself you retarded cunt

>Rick walks to the prison camp in the Great Escape flashback
Didn't understand this part
Didnt he say that he wasn't in the movie? then why do we see him playing in the movie

Sorry to burst your reddit bubble but I'm not a slant eye

Problem Child 2

Margot Robbie literally just walked around, went to a party, went to a movie then put some clothes away, it was shit

that was a screen test

she also went to see a movie and exposed her dirty feet

You knew she was getting murdered retard. You obviously spoiled the movie for yourself if you felt no tension


You mean Sharon Tate you retarded zoomer. Jesus christ imagine being such an uncultured cunt

I liked it but maybe I'm too dumb and I missed something. By the end I asked myself "what was the point of making this movie? What was its purpose?". I enjoyed it I just didn't get WHY the story is the way it is

I'm not a 50 year old burger, I didn't know who the fuck Sharon tate was


You just answered your own question, dumb dumb

Did the extended version of Hateful 8 get a blu ray release or was that just for Netflix? I’m hoping we get an extended release that doesn’t require me giving money to the Obama network

its a tribute to Hollywood, to the art of film.

This film is a true meta masterpiece

Will win Best Picture and Best Director 1000000000%

Ok retard you knew the movie was about Manson and Polanski is a famous Yuro director anyways...but of course you're blaming America instead of yourself for being a pleb

Never read anything about the film so didn't know it was about manson
Heard of polanski because of the rape accusation, didn't know he was involved with Sharon tate


he was her fucking husband and the father of the child that died the same night she did, murdered by the hippie filth

It's a fairy tale about the late 60s where the Manson clan gets foiled, and where two waning Hollywood stars get their mojo back, and the plots intersect at the end.
Basically a bittersweet movie about the end of the 60s.

>turboviolent sequence at the end
>everyone in my kinoplex is laughing and having a great time
Such a good experience brehs. Imagine being the fag that ended up watching this on his small screen TV in his room.

>Heard of polanski because of the rape accusation
You have never seen Rosemary's Baby or Chinatown? Go back to your capeshit flicks you absolute pleb

Was Bruce Lee really a cuck?

yeah, imagine the faggots who will watch the pirated version on their laptops in their basements

Goose is going in the bin. THIS is who I'm going to autistically larp as forever

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based sperg

This is one of the only original non cape shit non live action Disney shit around. Go fucking pay for a ticket

That only got the Netflix treatment. Django Unchained needs an extended version badly. Even on the soundtrack there's dialogue spoken that gives more character development. And watch the trailers, it shows Shultz giving Django lessons on how to draw his revolver.

Wait H8 is on Netflix?

Yeah with like 40+ minutes I believe. I still really want to watch it but I don't own any streaming service. I..like to buy my media still..

my gf got Netflix to watch Friends or something. Maybe I should check it out

you mean the 8 year old?

>until it comes on in a day or two
what, another cam, or a proper release?
should i see in tomorrow at cinema, or wait?

It's not surprising Yea Forums would think this is an anti hippie movie I guess, but this alt right tier reading of the movie is still pretty cringe

Buy two tickets, not one. Pretend you're getting one for your friend, who's on his way. Put your coat on the seat next to you. If security tells you no single's allowed, you can then show him the two tickets and say your friend must have got held up.

>no single's allowed
is it really what America has come to?

This. Support real, authentic films, not mass-produced drivel.

did he kill his wife

Just saw it today. It was so much fun. Felt quite scattershot but the movie flies by and there's just no way I can see someone not having fun watching it.

I hope Tarantino makes films beyond his 10th, because no one else feels like him.

Pussycat was the sexiest thing ever

How about fuck off faggots
You're on the wrong site or a shill if you think any of us pay to watch films here

a harpoon to the vagina

best way to go

I left the movie with a positive feeling. It certainly wasn't bad. It was certainly wasn't amazing either. Kinda boring but with things I liked at parts.

Can someone explain the bruce lee scene? what was the point to shit on the guy like this

>wahhh why won't studios make non-capeshit films anymore
>lol paying to see a movie, get the fuck out of here why would I encourage studios to make more good films
You are one dumb piece of crap


It was funny. That's the point.

Brad Pitt looks like Chuck Norris

>horny underaged hippie thot denied cock by Brad

How is that based? You sound cucked

why should be based the death of the good guys?

I thought that was more of a "what if" fantasy

>entire theater laughing during the Easy Breezy scene
Dude fuck normies

don't think too much

Zoe Bell is absolutely awful. The only bad thing in this entire film is her shitty performance. I know we kind of have to deal with her forever with Tarantino but seriously, she's the shits.

It's not unreasonable. They don't do screen tests on set, and they don't pick the top billed actor after they've built the sets and start filming.

found the contrarian sperg

calm down, it was a joke. of course it was not a screen test

This is how I felt.

You could tell Tarantino had a fun time making it though. He probably loved making all those short clips of old movies.

Yeah I'm a contrarian because I'm saying a throwaway role of no significance was bad in a movie I otherwise loved. Great job guy.

"You never take em in alive, do ya Jake?"

"Not when there's three of them and one of me..."

the movie was decent but please for the love of your own survival do not insult the great one in his grave

to explain to the audience what happened to rick and also to get rick into spaghetti westerns

>Bruce taking a beating
This discredits everything in that movie. So hippies must have been great.

The ending felt like an edgy teenagers vision of what he wants to do to the guy his girlfriend cheated on him with. It absolutely ruined the movie with how contrived and unrealistic it was compared to the authenticity of the rest of the film. And where was the fucking character development? I wish it had more of an arc for Rick Dalton, looked like he could have actually made it as a film star

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>>not a single nIGGer, not even in the background

It’s Rick imagining that he got the part.

Is there a bigger sign of psuedo intellectual film criticism than
>muh arcs

A poster from the movie "M" on the wall?

The whole point of the movie was to show that if you have a dog you should properly train it and not treat it as a toy.

Sharon had a dog but it was just some cute thing she had. She could had afforded to train it properly but she never did. Cliff's dog was trained properly and because of that it saved everyone's life.

tips for marathoning this?

>mfw watching the filtered normies walking out of the cinema halfway through

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Read up on Sharon Tate's murder

Fucking kek
saw it tonight and counted not one but 5 PEOPLE leaving early

>Missed on the whole movie experience because I wasn't familiar with the backstory of tate and hippie shit
fucking feels bad

I can see why though.

You go to see a Tarantino film now you expect to see some sort of action. It still had all the things to expect from his films, including the violence, but I assume people expected it to be sooner rather than the end of the it.

1. It explains why Cliff isn't welcome on the lot.
2. It's funny.
3. It's a way to include another famous person from the time period in a movie that's about how great the time period was

To be honest there's violence (all the western scenes, the nazi burning) but they are depicted as fiction and not in the present or in the real world so it's like it doesn't count

Are you a literal retard? Story arcs a very good measure of a plots completeness. It gives the story a fucking purpose. What do you judge a movie on?

Its a way to show he's a bad ass and can fight

Kind of like the scene fixing the antenna. That was only so we could have a shot of what was in the shed.

I need to rewatch the movie because I missed way too much things but I agree with Because the characters barely moved from where they started it feels like not much happened
I guess this is why my fav scene is dicaprio and the loli

Hi Shannon Lee, still seething that QT didn't let you cash in on your father's legacy?

A better question is what is the point of saying that Cliff might have killed his wife, other than being a reference to Natalie Wood?

Cliff should be number 1.
Also not gay, but a great bro is better than a waifu
Bros before hoes!

From what I know he was very cocky and stuff. He got into actual physical fights with people. And he was training Sharon Tate for the movie that she was watching in the movie...

Can I get this shirt somewhere?

not that its a bad thing but there are plenty of black people in the film, esp the playgirl dancing in the background at the playboy mansion

Champion Spark Plugs? Probably.

That was why Kurt Russel didn’t want him on set during the Green Hornet flashback, which led to the Bruce Lee scene, which was a roundabout way of showing that he’s a skilled fighter.


Establishes cliff's personality and showing his skill in fighting, making the climax believable.
>This heres Janis Town. And that boy you killed, was Jodie Janis...
The second time I saw it, two elderly fucks walked out at "Can I suck your cock while driving?"

I was asking for the shirt, the yellow Hawaiian shirt, not the t-shirt

i was actually amazed that people walked out of the theaters.
it was a legit great movie. im considering seeing it again.

casually implying that a main character might be a murderer (not even actually confirming it) is a very weird detail to then only use it to explain why some other guy's wife doesn't like him

What a fucking no-taste faggot

the extended cut is like 4h30m

You’re a retard, stop pretending like you go to film school or something

he didn't go to film school. he went to films

This scene was fantastic

just say movies you pretentious faggot. stop pretending you're roger ebert

It's just one of the details that sets up his capacity to be extremely violent, as with the Bruce Lee fight and the fight with the blonde hippy at Manso Ranch. If the guy killed his wife for bitching at him, you really think he'll show any mercy to some murderous hippy psychos?

The best place to start is to tell anyone that romanticizes hippies the truth: hippies are the products of purposeful, targeted government protocols with "nefarious" (depends on your stance) purposes.


This is a good read.

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>not even actually confirming it
That's what makes the scene funny. His wife is bitching at him and he's just sitting there with the spear gun pointed at her.

It's similar to Red River, where John Wayne goes to kill the indians, and all you hear is the whistling stop

>provide a legitimate criticism of the movie

wrong board buddy

But he's so cool and collected every other time in the movie. The only person he may have overreacted with is the Spahn Ranch hippie. Killing those people in the end was totally justified since they were going to murder him.

>No niggers

That's reason enough for me to like the film.

Then you're literally fucking retarded because those shirts are a dime a dozen.

It shows why he's comfy living in a shit hole and being a personal driver. Everyday is a blessing he isn't in prison. Then killing the Manson girls is his redemption

There's a Sam Jackson cameo of course but he doesn't have lines

>But he's so cool and collected every other time in the movie.
He's generally composed but he's also a hypermasculine chad incarnate who will impose his will by violence if necessary. He could have fixed the tire himself or let Bruce Lee keep the illusion of being the best fighter, but he couldn't resist the urge to put lesser men in their place.

I'm not sure either...
Actually I kinda know...
People are not getting what they're expecting. Tarantino is known for his great dialogues and his kind of violence. Mostly.
I know that most of his latest movies are tributes. Kill Bill is a tribute to Asian movies, Django Unchained and Hateful Eight are tributes to westerns. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is also a tribute to westerns but mostly it's a tribute to Hollywood itself.

I got what I was expecting. A big love letter to the golden age of Hollywood. It actually made me want to buy a house in Hollywood Hills, be a neighbour of some super famous actor or director, got my cock sucked by some hippies living nearby....
The acting was great. Pitt was phenomenal. Leo was great. Hippie girl was great. Little actor girl was great. Others were also at least good.
The chemistry between Brad and Leo was awesome.
Then there was a bit of Tarantino's violence in the end.

I really liked this movie, but I like all Tarantino's movies... I need to rewatch Death Proof because I've seen it only once when it came out and I barely remember anything....

It's not paranormal, and you glow in the dark.

>Then killing the Manson girls is his redemption
Agree with what you said except this, how could doing something for himself be a redemption? it benefits him and he wasn't an active protagonist there, he only reacted to the event therefore he isn't even driven by illusion of choice

This is probably the best answer, since he did make that comment about prison.

I don’t remember that

He appears as one of the vilain's mob sitting at a table during the di caprio scene at the saloon

Avoid sitting next to fat people, children or noisy people

>Best Director
>When the liberal media is currently savaging Tarantino for glorifying white Hollywood, having Margoe Robbie have almost no lines, and shitting on Bruce Lee

Go watch it in 70mm

I thought for a sec that was him

>All the fucking brainlets in this thread who missed the movie LOUDLY saying that Rick had a wife

Cliff saving Rick's wife is his redemption for (accidentally or otherwise) killing his own wife.

Remember when Schwarz told Rick how you have the new star beat the old star to put him over?

I don't mind discussing the plot with you but don't bother starting shit with buzzwords such as brainlets
During the scene Cliff didn't even try to save rick's wife, when tex asked if anyone else was home he said that rick's wife was there thus putting her in danger and didn't mention Rick thus protecting his BF. that show how much he doesn't care about the girl or saving her.
Then you can't put a redemption arc on something that the character isn't choosing to do, it doesn't make sense. going into the house of his 8 years old friend was an active choice, fighting back in reaction to the invader was a passiv reaction

Kek that's what I thought
>QT: I'm about to end this chink's career

>that show how much he doesn't care about the girl or saving her.
I don't agree with the other user about tje redemption thing but I don't think that Cliff didn't care about her. He coughed up information because he was still high as shit and wasn't even sure if Tex was real

buy a blue icee because they're delicious and refreshing on a hot summer day

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Choose your Manson Girl Yea Forums
Me? Its gotta be Maya

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Post some Qualley caps/webms bros.

Rick and Cliff should've fucked near the end. It would've been a 10/10 movie if that happened.

he told rick to go comfort her.

That big tiddy chocolate playboy bunny says otherwise, and my dick is grateful. Eat shit OP.

jesus holy christ who is she

>White Men: The Movie
>biggest flop of the year


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yes it is-

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Unironically based. History will remember this flop as a result of QT's racism against asians and blacks. His legacy is fucking tarnished.

Maya Hawke daughter of Uma Thurman and Ehtan Hawke

I don't think that was him. Any screens?

She's Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman's daughter. She plays the manson kid that runs away with the car. She also had a big part in Stranger Things season 3.


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I didn't know much about Manson other than "crazy murder cult leader" so I didn't know the movie was specifically about it until the credits dropped the name. I've since read up on the ranch and Tate's murder.

On another note, Emile Hirsh somehow looks YOUNGER than he did 11 years ago in Speed Racer.

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how do I get in touch with her?

I loved it. Movie of the year for me.

sorry shes already taken. Im actually sitting with her right now, she got quentin to loan us the extended cut and we're watching it in the hawke mansion's private theater right now.

I get what the movie was going for, and enjoyed most of it, but the ending left me flat. I know it's Hollywood getting a Hollywood ending but it just felt so artificial to me.

Stuff with Dicaprio and Pitt was the good, everything else was the bad. It's Tarantino's thing to make a partly good partly bad film.

I liked the happy ending because a happy ending in a Tarantino film is against expectations, even if a happy ending in most films is the expectation.

Based, QT really stepped up his cinematography

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Try watching it.

>treating Tarenkinos like they're not capeshit

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Have hapa manlets still not recovered?

go see it in a theater man. i feel ya, im a piratebro too and nowadays everything is shit anyways so why pay for it. this on the other hand is true kino. one of the last of its kind. its your duty to see it in theaters

It wasn't the bare concept of a happy ending that bothered me. I simply think the way it was implemented didn't work that well. It does subvert expectations, but almost to the point of being blatantly self-aware of the fact that's doing so and I didn't like that.

i dono man. i was dreading seeing a pregnant sharon tate get tortured and shit. was unexpected but in a good way imo

>It does subvert expectations, but almost to the point of being blatantly self-aware of the fact that's doing so
welcome to Tarantino

You must be a boomer.
As a 20 year old Watching the movie I was 100% that the actress was at least 18.

I loved that this movie was the ultimate boomer fantasy. In this new world the fun free love 60s get to continue forever without the boomer hell that is the 70s. I wouldn't have been surprised if robert kennedy was president in this to complete the boomer dream.

Same here. I had this discussion with an user in another thread on this subject. QT was fucking with our heads, and I'm totally cool with it.

If you are of a certain age (boomer), you go into this movie recognizing all of the (real life) characters, and also knowing what historically happened to Tate.

So, the whole film is leading up to an overwhelming feeling of dread as you approach the end (especially when you know it's the last day).

I too was worried that being QT, he would be too violent and too blunt about how Tate was murdered. So when he gave us the ending that we had, it was such a relief I burst out laughing and laughed through the whole scene.

Since I saw the film in an otherwise empty theater, I felt kind of weird having that reaction; but now I find that nearly everyone had that reaction. On YouTube, some dude posted the ending filmed on a cell phone from his seat. Even in his theater everyone was laughing.

I give QT credit for this, credit with knowing how to screw with our heads. It's like Apocalypse Now, where Copolla had you so exhausted by the time we reach Kurtz that you're mentally right where he wanted you.

>boomer fantasy
zoomer cope

its called "once upon a time" and has the disney fairytale font for the ending title. its literally a fantasy movie

What this guy said you utter tard. Quality films have to be succeasful for studios to actually want to make more. Instead we are stuck with capeshit and Disney live-action remakes out the wazoo, because guess what, people give the studios billions to see such films.

>Capeshit is any film I don't like, superheroes or not

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well said user. i saw it in a small half full university town theater and everyone laughed aswell


What was the point of Charles Manson appearing for a single minute?

>im a pirate bro

Jesus Christ

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Anyone catch the various 'X's used in the movie? The blue one when Cliff is driving home at night. The one from the windows when Charlie is walking up to the house. The ending with the brick layout of the drive way right where there characters stand.

Manson and the girls carved an X in their head as they were symbolizing their exit from society. Excommunicated.


Please don't involve our Lord and savior in your autism fit.


I have Usenet and sabnzb how do I set it up to auto dl this movie when a good version comes out

it's literally called "once upon a time in... hollywood" which implies it's like a fairy tale
what is so hard to understand about this

Why did you post that pic of yourself?

Once upon a time in Redditwood

this film has its share of flaws, and isn't as good as Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, but it's one of the best films of the decade and the best of the year. many moments make it worth the run time

Blue is where its at, also mixes well with silver rum

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>feet scenes
I wonder if Quentin and Dan Schneider fistbumped each other over their beloved fetish

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QT has sole
the other guy is sole-less
What's his name again?


This doesn't seem to be getting a release here in Korea :(

>What's not to love?

Way to post something based and then counter it with a schizopost

>sips blender

Get back on your adderall. .

Do you think there's deleted scenes with Manson? it's weird he even casted someone as him just for him to have 20 seconds of screen time

you just make sure to bring a marker to the theatre

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Nobody gives a shit

My theater in portland loved. Packed house after a month and every belly laughing the entire time

what the fuck does queertin know about 1969? he was like 6 then.

I assumed that Brad and Leo were going to intervene somehow but I still assumed the worst.

It did do a good job at bringing you right to the edge of that feeling that something bad was going to happen only for it to be a really happy ending.

thats a cute bitch

anyone have a stream or torrent link

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>take Chinese girl out to see movie
>she knows nothing about Manson or 60's Hollywood
>doesn't know about Tarantula movies
>bursts out laughing at the hippy getting burned to death
>theatre full of boomers having the time of their lives
Based Quentin

So now being with a younger woman is seen as controversial... wow.

The state of burgers these days...