>watching Disneyshit
Watching Disneyshit
>posting from a device they have their fingers in
fucking low IQ commies
Take your Quetiapine, schizo, and fuck off from this board.
forgot your meds schizo.
You forgot the 6 on the T, and the reverse 6s on the S and the D. That makes 666666, which doubles the evil.
Leave my board.
kys you fucking jew cucks
What am I supposed to see there?
sneed sneed sneed
You can't even read a 6 into the i dot if you tried. It's more like a bretzel
have salt pretzel
reminder that the book of revelation is a literal mushroom trip
americans still believe in god
>not having schizophrenia
dont even claim woke then faggot
not only god but spooky numbers related to evil ghosts
Why would a company telegraph that they are satanic like that?
Revelation of the Method