Who would win in a fight?

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Needham would just throw some asprin at Lee and he'd die


We already know from Tarinkinos film that Bruce Lee was a pussy who was easily out skilled. Nothing more than a magician.

>once upon a time
>people still don't understand it's a fantasy
>even the bruce scene is a daydream

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Based Hal

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I'd go with the /fit/ guy

Isn't Bruce Lee supposed to be one of the founders of MMA or something? Took the traditional martial arts like kung fu/TKD and got rid of the flashy, impractical bullshit and all that?

Tarantino literally says that his OC can beat Bruce Lee.

then why did they use real world names

>why does fiction use real life cities

MMA is based on modern scientific martial arts like Taekwando and Karate
Kungfu is garbage based on pseudo scientific shit like "chi" energy. It's closer to what we call Tae-Chi. More like dance than fighting.
In the movie Cliff even calls Lee a "dancer" which is the traditional take.
> inb4 chinks say it's real
If Kung Fu is real, why isn't it an olympic sport?

Jackie Chan

he was a pioner yes
scientific martial arts like Taekwando and Karate
KyS faggot

>MMA is based on modern scientific martial arts like Taekwando and Karate
MMA is based on using different martial arts and combining them in one. As such, Lee is the progenitor of MMA as it is currently know because he popularized that philosophy. He studied wrestling, karate, boxing and a number of other shit and urged others to do the same. Before that others just concentrated on a single sport.

OP here. Sorry about this post. I'm over 70 years old now, and my mind is going.

With a ladder, holding a baby, not wanting any trouble, and being really intoxicated

lee was a 90lbs chink, average trucker flubber would rip his head off

This is true. Doesn't mean that Lee was the toughest guy around, just that he was hugely influential to martial arts.

>MMA is based on modern scientific martial arts like Taekwando and Karate
Modern MMA doesn't include karate or taekwando at all, it's all about boxing, kickingboxing, greco-roman wrestling and bjj

all the eastern meme martials got exposed in the early 90s when the sport was only getting off its feet

Right. Fights are about size. Lee was a good choreographer/dancer. A 5' 10" average Joe with a few months of boxing practice could've beat Lee


Cliff Booth

Bruce Lee was pull up maxed for the big screen. His body doesn’t look very functional. How many fights did he win again?

Probably Sneed. Or even chuck's fat ass.

Yes he is, via his philosophy of martial arts. He said learn everything, keep what works, ignore what doesn't. He said be a fit athlete first, he said spar instead of practicing forms, and focus on fundamentals. He also thought boxing was the best base for martial arts.


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the white man

please be less retarded

As much as the guy is a dumbass some eastern arts are effective. Muay Thai is the staple art for kickboxing and has been further developed into Dutch kickboxing. BJJ is developed form of original Japanese JiuJitsu. Judo is also Japanese and look at what Rhonda Rhousey was able to accomplish with that one trick judo ability. Many fighters have also adopted Shotokan Karate (specifically this variant. The other suck.). Mcgregor uses a karate stance. Then we also have Taekwondo which if used properly has the most powerful kicks out of any other MA out there and there are pros using the kicking from that art to great effect.

The only Eastern Martial Arts that actually ate crockpot shit are mostly Chinese forms like Mantis style, shoalin, Wushu, Hapkido crap, ninjitsu. Any of that fancy flipping shit.

> Needham: Stuntman with hundreds of on-screen exploits that would cripple other men
> Lee: dancer and choreographer
can I put money on this?

>all the eastern meme martials got exposed in the early 90s when the sport was only getting off its feet

Exactly. Those martial arts were nothing but glorified dance moves. MMA fighters learned fast fights almost always go to the ground. There’s no ref pulling you off and standing you back up.

Holy shit you are so fucking stupid. I can't even.


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Yes. Bruce Lee revolutionised martial arts by integrating all the ancient styles, including kung fu, TKD, and karate, but also western boxing, savate, and even fencing. He observed similarities between all the various international fighting styles, and pruned away the irrelevant elements. His style 'Jeet Kune Do' was essentially modern, completely pragmatic, and rational. However, he was also a salesman, so he 'sold' kung fu in the cinemas as a mystical oriental tradition purely because it sold tickets to American audiences. There were two different dimensions to his personality: the effective fighter, and the showman. He was superb at both. If you want further information, read 'The Tao of Jeet Kune Do'.

Bruce Lee wouldn’t even be a Champ if he fought in MMA. He’d do some flying kick that be countered and either taken to the ground and arm barred or take kneecap in the face

I have no idea who the guy on the right is.

he died in a nursing home and that is his legacy