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>Why yes, I do wonder why they didn't just use the eagles to drop the ring into Mt. Doom, how could you tell?

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Did you know that Pippin was a tank commander during Balkan war?

Fuck yea

The ring must be subjected to a bone chilling slow burn.

I would be seething to. Imagine if he killed him over this shit. Men and elves would be at war for all of time and Sauron would be laughing his ass all the way back to Dolguldor

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Did it ever explain why frodo was apparently more resistant to the ring than everyone else? And he clearly wasn't that resistant at all.

he had descendants though so he wasn't an incel by default, nice try elfnigger

>One man was incapable of overcoming the One Ring's powerful brainwashing powers that nobody, not even elves or wizards, can overcome

is that guy even real

he wasn't resistant to it, I think. He was just so pathetic and weak, that even if the ring corrupted him completely he wouldn't do much damage

the ring is kind of stupid and underestimates goodness


No way, fag

>Ischadur's male descendant fucked and impregnated Lelrond's daughter

Being incel is a state of mind.

Because Hobbits in general were more resistant, because in Tolkien's mind they represented proper British salt of the Earth folk from the countryside.

He was pure as fuck like most hobbits. Frodo was a perfect candidate for the ring just like his uncle. Both of them true hearted folk who don’t care about power wealth women ect. They have simple and humble beginnings and they are family and friend oriented people. Their life is wake up, make food, smoke weed get drunk repeat. Frodo was selfless with the ring since the beginning and that’s why Gandalf was okay with him taking it over anyone else

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And yet, it's the elfaggots who are dying out, and humans prosper. Like, how the fuck can you die out if you're immorrtal? Literally just have sex, lmao, impregnate your fucking wife

t. friendzoned

Nope. It is some poor arab guy and his thotty girlfriend photoshopped the fuck out of him.
Talk about not being enough.

The ring of power kind of forgot about Frodo, but Frodo didn't forget about the ring of power.

The more pure you are, the more you can resist it.

Frodo wasn't as corrupted as Gollum, who came into possession of the ring via violence and greed.

Bilbo was affected even less, since he showed pity and mercy towards Gollum.

Frodo was affected more by the ring in the 6 months he had it than Bilbo was in the 60 years he had it.

Kek. Their bodies degrade in middle earth since they’re not from that land. Valinor sustains them and freezes time. Elves dislike change. Really jogs the ol noggin

Hobbits are kind hearted and naive. It makes them somewhat resistant to the rings corruption but it eventually fucks them up

>is that guy even real
Why yes, I am real, why did you ask?

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>hobbits are brainlets with no ambition
>can't influence them

fuck elves. think they're better than humans. i would start a race war against elves.

the guy is a russian

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>the One Ring's powerful brainwashing powers that nobody, not even elves or wizards, can overcome
Aren't you forgetting a certain someone with yellow boots?

he's chechen which is as much russian, as a spic border hopper is american

He was cucked.

I'll shiv you if you say the name, I swear on me stones

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I have a better idea: breed with the elves. The elves have one thing going for them: their longevity. A half-elf raised by humans would have all of the advantages of his elf blood without any of that stupid elf culture.
Eventually, through natural selection, everyone left alive on Earth will have elf blood and pure humans would die out.

Blind Guardian is based

>breed with the elves
why bother if best elf is already dead

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Oh I'm Tom Bombadil
Tom Bombadillo
Bright blue my jacket is
And my boots are yellow

If you don't stop I'll start posting vaguely homoerotic elven incest

What was Saruman's endgame? unironically

Wow an actually funny wojak post?

help sauron take over middle earth and then backstab him for it I guess

Go on..

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That tale is truly amazing.

This. Although there was some criticism of the hobbit lifestyle, chiefly that they were ignorant to the dangers beyond their borders. Don’t they say at some point that the Shire would experience frequent attacks from marauding Orcs if not for human rangers?

To get the ring before Sauron and make himself the master of Middle Earth.

He became corrupted by Sauron. He began to believe that he couldn't be stopped and that at least he would live comfortably if joined him and maybe even overthrow him

Hobbits in general were more resistant since they're really unambitious and thus didn't have a strong lust for power that the ring could exploit

They became ignorant because they were living in an isolation capsule created by the Ranger. They were entirely capable of preparing themselves against an invasion of orcs.

The idea of the ring is basically the Christian idea of temptation, and the theme of LotR is rejection of power. Regardless of how good a person you are, if you have ideas of power the ring gets to you because you yourself believe you're right. Boromir is a good man but still fails to resist the temptation because of his (correct, as he sees it) belief that this power can protect Gondor
Frodo and most hobbits are basically the norf personified, they don't perceive wanting anything beyond drinking beer and smoking their pipe down the pub. When Sam gets the ring all it can tempt him with is planting flowerbeds and potatoes in Mordor, which even he realises is fucking dumb.

having kids doesnt mean you're not an incel
most married men are incels

Have sex.

Bombadil doesn't even really perceive the ring as anything special, it's not that he's too powerful for it to have an effect. He just doesn't have the ability to comprehend it

>having kids and being married does not make you not incel
user, do you even know what that word means? Unless you're implying that Isildur was a limp dicked soiboy who never once had sex with his wife, and literally was raising his wife's son
have at ya

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Wrong. Saruman planned to capture the ring before Sauron and believed he would be a benevolent ruler of middle earth with it after he conquered Sauron and the other kingdoms.

Read a book.

>tfw your so beta and innocent you would make a good ringbearer

If you post here you're not innocent

Could somebody that wants power but is smart enough to understand that the Ring will only work for Sauron and is nothing more than a glorified invisibility trinket in the hands of anyone else be able to resist the Ring's temptation by virtue of not really being tempted in the first place?
We'd all be tempted if somebody offered us 1 million dollars, but if we knew that the guy trying to offer us the money was a scammer who wants you to give him your bank account and SS number, we probably wouldn't fall for it.

Design oversight, it was designed to dominated Elves, Dwarfs and Men, Hobbits never entered into his equations.

Gandalf talks about that in the Fellowship book, the answer is no unless you're very powerful, but there's a catch to that.
Basically if Gandalf or someone else of similar power took it they could probably actually take control over it from Sauron, but would eventually become just as bad if not worse

It's not so simple and cerebral. Gandalf, a fucking Maia like Sauron, knows that and yet he's tempted. It's an extremely powerful enchantment.

>will only work for Sauron and is nothing more than a glorified invisibility trinket in the hands of anyone else
I didn't even read this part of your post properly, actually that's completely wrong as this user points out

What about the Ring makes you automatically evil upon prolonged use?

It's cursed dipshit

Hobbits do not have a strong lust for power, therefore there is less for the ring to exploit

the will and malice of Sauron embedded in it.

There is a real guy who is indeed quite chad, but the meme pictures are shopped to hell and back.

Ok, what if you put it on a big? Like a really beefy caterpillar? Or even an animal? Would the animal become invisible? Does it have the brain capacity to automate it's effects?

Would a dog just become an asshole and bite everybody? Would it grow in strength? Would the ring make the dog smarter, or would it still be a normal dog?

it makes mustard gas

hobbiton f.c

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Where is Gondor's agriculture? How do they power this huge city?

Pelennor fields aren't called fields for nothing, user

Regular food shipments by eagle.

They literally awoke in Middle Earth you nitwit. They are as much from there than Valinor. They only prefer Valinor because of “muh light of the trees” and “muh Valar”