Daily reminder that GitS is CyberPunkKino while Alita is a shitty flick that losers shill here because they've somehow fallen far enough to get aroused by that abominacon.
GitS > Alita
Other urls found in this thread:
GitS > BR2049 >>>> shit >>> Alita
Both left a lot to be desired for.
But I did like Alita a little bit better. Maybe because I wasn't so familiar with the source material. Or because I've had a bit of a crush on Rosa Salazar since Maze Runner.
What Motoko smells like?
Some sort of cyborg lubricant and maybe that smell that comes off from batteries, whatever that is.
Rosa Salamizard a cute.
Holy cringe, what a pleb filter OP's post is
>smell that comes off from batteries, whatever that is.
batteries use acid to produced an electric reaction but i doubt she is using batteries like that and not something more hightech than lithion.
>GitS > BR2049 >>>> shit >>> Alita
>Daily reminder
Go back to tumblr, thot
Neither needed to be made, but while Alita was an all around mediocre adaptation that pales in comparison to the original manga or OVA, the GitS movie was at least enough it's own thing to kind of justify it's existence.
Also, a reminder that half of the backlash was over "white washing" which is a non-issue that only bitches care about, and Scarjo is Jewish anyway.
Has anyone who's actually seen the original GitS movie, SAC, Arise, or read the manga actually sat through the entire Scarjo flick? I've given it half a dozen tries and don't think I've gotten past the 30 minute mark.
i like them both
alita is the better one, cause gits plot becomes way too formulaic in the third act
She smells of old car batteries if I say so! youtube.com
Yes. It's fine. All of the GitS media has it's ups and downs, and it's an overrated franchise anyway.
scarjo looks spectacularly cute in that flick
biggest miscast in history
>permanently confused look
It helped that I watched it at the theater!
I only watched the original ghost in the shell movie
The american live action adaptation really didn't need to exist, it was half assed
Both look like shit and I have not and will not watch them.
I'll give the movie credit for one thing, and it's that it made me empathise with the Major for once. Can't stand that character in the anime. She's a boring Mary Sue and clearly the author waifu insert. Innocence is my favourite GitS thing, because it focuses on the two characters who have real personality.
>has it's ups and downs
True, and everything kind of has it's own feel to it. But still, everything still feels like it's part of the same world and just a different take on it. SAC:1 is my favorite. But the live action just felt like they got everything wrong and didn't even try to make something that any fan would like.
I only saw the anime a loooong time ago. I watched the flick when it went up on torrent sites. What did they really change?
The only reason either existed was to copy scenes from their source material, except in a completely different and totally ineffectual context.
This, I would kiss her relentlessly
Comparing the two is like saying this bit of shit has slightly fewer nuts in it than this other bit of shit
It's not so much that they changed things. The live action movie is not a remake of the 90's movie. It's a loose adaptation of the whole franchise that takes bits and pieces from all over, and also inserts some original ideas.
I think the strongest thing about it was the original story line, which is about a political dissident being mind wiped and used a guinea pig by the state. Maybe would have been better as a new IP, but it is what it is. It's okay.
Mud wrestling match between Gally, The Major and Armitage III: who wins?
The audience
The GITS remake was a piece of shit.
>What did they really change?
Like I said, I only got through about half an hour, but from what I remember they made the Major's backstory the main plot point. She's not supposed to be the only completely cybernetic person at all; she's just someone who went full cybernetic at a very young age, and has a military grade body, and is really good at her job. But there's also an element of drudgery to her life. I don't think we even know how old she even is, and she owes he body to the government so she's almost like an indentured servant. Yeah, it's been awhile since I've watched anything GitS, but that sense of a sort of detective like character just trying to drudge through each day in a futuristic world doing crazy shit and struggling with existential shit because, you know, it's fucking ghost in the shell, is kind of a hallmark of cyberpunk.
I haven't seen GiTS yet but Alita sucked balls and only waifufaggotry keeps it alive
This is a bit disingenuous (read: outright wrong) considering the movie only copied scenes from the ‘96 ova, has nothing from the various mangas or the various series that wasn’t also in the ova, and is primarily devoted to Hollywood OC.
Kuze is a major character in the film. He's a completely different character to the anime, but still.
Outright wrong. Outright wrong!
>dude they kept a name and changed literally everything else
... so like I said... they kept things like “theres a character named motoko kusanagi and she’s mostly robot” and nothing else.
Yes. That's what's good about it. You can squint and pretend it's a decent original sci-fi movie, rather than the bad remake that Alita is.
Kuze also has the distinction of being one of the only antagonists in the entire franchise who has an actual name/identity.
So I guess you need to also close your eyes during all the scenes they outright copied from the ‘96 ova.
It's like ten minutes of the overall runtime, and it doesn't hurt.
No, the CFL bed scene causes pain no matter what.
Okay, sperg.
hardware store, air freshener aisle
I see you have no arguments, but felt the need to reply anyway.
It was suppose to be a cyberpunk Thriller
instead its a Bootleg Matrix
Cyber MarySue movie for 1h
Literally what are you arguing about?
>it's simultaneously too much and too little of a remake of something I recognise!
I’m saying .
It’s not difficult to understand.
>MarySue movie for 1h
She literally gets sliced into small bits, I wouldn't exactly call that lacking flaws, incel.
To be honest the original anime movie is nothing that special either.
The plus that the manka has is the naked lesbians.
Ironic because the Matrix is a bootleg original GiTS.
I fail to see how that's a problem. Total Recall takes a few basic ideas from the Philip K Dick story, recontextualises them into an Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle, produces a good movie. Any good super hero movie takes some recognisable characters and imagery from the Brand, recontextualises them into a different thing, produces a good movie.
Why is this a problem now? Seems a ridiculous thing to complain about. Does the movie work in a vacuum, or does it not? I think it does. It's a solid 7/10 sci-fi flick, easily on the level of something like Edge of Tomorrow, which everyone loved, because the brand didn't carry any baggage.
>the original anime movie is nothing that special either
It's fine if you didn't like it, but I think it deserves it's reputation. As a stand alone movie (...) it's not perfect, but it's still really iconic and enjoyable.
>the manka has is the naked lesbians
That was like 4 pages in the first volume meant to draw people in. At least in SAC they hinted at that.
I think it's highly regarded because it's one of the first anime/mangas a lot of Westerners were exposed to. It's not that good. Nihei's cyberpunk is a lot more interesting.
Adapting a novel/short story or even a manga (that 99% of the audience is unfamiliar with) isn't the same as adapting a popular anime; there are different expectations because there's already an established aesthetic.
>good super hero movie
Yikes. When was the last time there was one of those?
>Adapting a novel/short story or even a manga (that 99% of the audience is unfamiliar with) isn't the same as adapting a popular anime
Why? Because you like it?
>think it's highly regarded because it's one of the first anime/mangas a lot of Westerners were exposed to
This is obviously true (at least the anime part), but it was also as successful as it was because it had a recognizable Western cyberpunk aesthetic so was a lot more accessible than even something more mundane like an 80's SoL which requires a familiarity with Japanese sensibilities/customs.
>Nihei's cyberpunk is a lot more interesting
That's like saying Kubrick's Shining wasn't that great because there are better horror writers than King...
Maybe read the second clause before replying next time.
No it's not. Kubrick's Shining was a great horror movie. GitS in all of it's forms is pretty mediocre.
Because it's different when it's something you care about, I know.
That was hyperbole meant to illustrate what I thought was an illogical analogy; of course I wasn't trying to imply that GitS is qualitatively on par with Kubrick.
It was so funny hearing people say that for months and months, and then the movie comes out and it is a remake. So I guess to not be a remake all you have to do is just change a few things?
How is it a remake. The story isn't even the same. Is Spiderman Homecoming a remake?
But GitS is post-cyberpunk ya silly.
Is pee pee poo poo a remake?
What's Motoko's head doing on Jill Valentine's body?