Are there other examples of youtubers and e-celebs attempting to make a proper film and failing miserably?

Are there other examples of youtubers and e-celebs attempting to make a proper film and failing miserably?

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>failing miserably
But he didn't, AVGN the Movie is the Citizen Kane of Youtuber movies. It makes Space Cop look like utter shit

why doesn’t he just shave his head already? i hate watching his new videos and being reminded of my own impending mortality

I don't see this one brought up a lot but it looks terrible

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Quentin Tarantino

ray william jonson
logan paul
rooster teeth
red letter media

From what I've seen so far nothing beats what this sperg makes because he's really trying and it's hilarious

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kickassia was pretty cringe


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gavin is such a faggot

From what I can tell, F the Prom by the Fine Bros is super cringe. Also all the unnecessary, overly sexual shit with the teenage girl characters is weird because the two of them regularly interact with teenagers on their react series.

It's not but it made money.

Bo Burnham apparently made a good movie. Is he the only one?

All of them that ever tried.

MysteryGuitarMan made Arctic, which I didn't watch but seems pretty decent and it's obviously professional.

I guess the difference is that he decided to use his Youtube reputation to land gigs directing ads and music videos, then moving to webseries and short films. He had the opportunity to gradually work on his skills instead of just attempting to make a jump from making 5 minute videos to making a full length narrative film.

How can Hollywood compete against new media?

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As much as it felt like a made for TV Nickelodeon production, it did feel like a real movie, so I guess you're right.

>tfw Jacksfilms's films still don't exist
Is he working his way up to something kino or has he resigned himself to being a doorbell salesman?

I'm more mad this wasted Stone Cold's time

holy fuck i forgot about this faggot, i hate him so much

Has anyone seen pic related? I remember looking for it a few years ago but I couldn't find it.

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Ashens and the Quest for the GameChild is the only youtuber movie worth watching

Yeah his channel was terrible. But idk, he did use it to develop a career in filmmaking, and checking his YT page right now it seems that he stills gets hundreds of thousands of views despite being active for over a decade, so I respect his ability to not settle for mediocrity and fade away into irrelevance like 99% of other youtubers.

theres a shit quality dvd rip out there

Every single person who's some kind of critic is incapable of making good art in the thing they critique. I'm not sure if its because they feel they have immense pressure or they just can't do it.

AVGN movie is shit
all RLM movies are shit
Fantano's music is garbage
Ebert's only movie was garbage

The only Youtuber who's crossed over successfully was Mysteryguitarman.

>literally calling yourself "the movie maker" when you've never made anything

The only person I'm more excited to see a trainwreck from is Stuckmann.

I'll tell you why Ashens can pull it off.
He's not pretentious, and he doesn't try to do it all alone. He plays to his strengths. He wants to make a fun silly film, and then goes out there and does it. Rallying decent people around him along the way to get involved.
Infact all of his content is like that. He is literally the most down to earth "reviewer" you'll ever meet because he's mostly doing it just to poke fun in a celebratory way at things for being awful.
He loves games and he knows his stuff. And what he doesn't know he goes and finds out.
I think AVGN failed because he let other's influence his work and forced in multiple changes instead of building it up with others from the ground up like Ashens does.
AVGN can't plan and organise for shit. That's why he has Mike and the others involved.

Doug walker.
Also note how they're always "shlocky" comedies. They're deathly afraid of doing something serious.

this movie was fucking awful
and the fact it got a sequel


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How come the guy on the bottom left looks a little... midgey?

I can give him credit for trying. Took him YEARS and so many avgn episode resources.

Fuck I used to be apart of the RT social media thing they had back in 2005-2009. Crazy to see how far they've come and how much I hate them when they arent spoofing around as game characters. Also rvb is shit now and wont watch it.

>Doesnt make movies
> jew

I have only ever seen like 2 of their skits, pokemon and some other music parody or flash shit. Crazy they started in my hometown now their time seems to be fading.

I'm wondering now. Did PurePwnage ever get their, movie?

Because it's Warwick Davis

How about tv shows?

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remember the Yea Forums movie?

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James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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