
What did she mean by this?

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That Joe did NOTHING wrong

Who is this Yea Forums person?

Joe was unironically based

it's a hacker
pretty fucked up



Holy fuck leftists are still seething because they think the evil 4chinz got Zion Don elected.

I wonder if the writers that shove Yea Forums on their shows have actually ever browsed it.
I bet most of them have only read articles about it.

No autistic social recluse would be as good looking as Joe. Imagine if he was a bald ugly creep? She wouldn't have shown any interest in him to begin with.

You'd be surprised. They really nailed Joe having the nerdy look that's reasonable for a sociopathic bookseller to have but if you look too long there's a sort of malnourished quality to him. He's not really a full on dungeon sperg, he passes as a normie except when he encounters another psycho which is how Peach made him straight away.

Literally me

This show was kino, plain and simple.

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Peach > Tinder slut coalburner Beck

He probably should have arranged some sort of timeshare with Peach. They were both psychotic, they could have come to an understanding.

This. Peach was a qt, she was rich, she was devoted, and she was smart enough to keep up with Joe right up until he started getting murderous. She would have made a better gf than Beck ever could

Victim-blaming is pure ideology. It only applies to foids and even then only when expedient to do so. If migrants are involved its the woman's fault and if men are the victim then they are painted as the villain. Victim-Blaming essentially means "I am Above all Reproach."

>victim blaming
I still remember the NYE in Cologne so can western trash finally fuck off with their bolshevik newspeak?

seething kafirs

Also she was into pegging. Remember that scene when Joe was hiding under the bed listening to her railing that Pajeet with a strapon.

She was such a roastie in this and the fact he was thirsting for her is really going to subvert a bunch of up and coming roasties to behave the same way she does knowing it will be rewarded.

You’re all Yea Forums guys

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fuck she was so hot. need more brown hotties in shows, they piss all over the white trash



when did she burn the coal? all the threads were saying she only fucked white guys and women.

there's a whole scene where she talks about how BBC changed her life

really? I might watch this show now....although you're probably lying to bait me into watching this. I remember somebody mentioning the fattie chartacter saying she only gets picked up by black guys.


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>I remember somebody mentioning the fattie chartacter saying she only gets picked up by black guys.

yeah, she says that black guys only hit on her, and she wished white men were into the bigger woman. then the main character calls that racist in his head

>Meet a few people that aren't like you.
Shit nigger, that's how I ended up here in the first place.
>You are afraid. We are not.

facts are not racist. black guys love their women thicc

no, he said it was racist that she wanted white men to hit on her instead of the black men

She's referring to those /pol threads where ugly fucked up people, who happen to be male, whine about why other people, who happen to be female, reject them for being ugly and fucked up.

Seems in character for Joe GOLDBERG

>just meet people that aren't like you
That's how I got my ass jumped, just for being white. That's a great way to realize that all the shitskins hate white people regardless of how much pontificating and white guilt bullshit they pull. Everyone is a liberal until they see the fruits of their labor

black guy said it or the white guy said it? either way they both right.


There was a montage of all the guys she fucked from Tinder that included some niggers.