what use is she without dragons?
What use is she without dragons?
8,000 insullied + 40,000 dothraki
>what is isreal without the mutt lapdog?
what use is she WITH dragons?
She would have neither without the dragons
Goddammit op I was trying to move on and you triggered me with your picture, I miss her so much
Don't need dragons to be the perfect waifu.
nothing. what kind of retarded ass question is this? She would have been able to accrue no power without the dragons and the pseudo-miraculous nature of their birth. Her cunning is whatever, she's neither the brightest nor dullest character in the story, but the Dragons are the key to her power
about as much use as she is with the dragons
she would find a way. she's canonically one of the most beautiful women in Westeros and just would have to marry the right person
What use is any character without x feature?
Freed slaves, saved Jon, killed tons of zombies, destroyed the lannisters and euron
She got the dothraki eating out of her hand without dragons. Twice in the show. Clearly she has enough charisma, tenacity, and guile to manage in life.
Aside from being perfectly cute?
>Freed slaves in cities that she had couldn't govern before she eventually rage quitting
>Saved Jon... And broke the Wall in the process
>Killed tons of zombies that would present no threat to anyone had it not been for her and her big gay dragons breaking the wall
>destroyed the lannisters and euron... and let her hormones het the better of her and torched the capital city she wanted to rule in the process
she can easily conquer my heart
She won't say it because she is a good girl but Emilia wants you to know that jannies are niggerfaggot kikes and furry trannies that deserve to be killed.
Dragons couldn't help her fit in at parties.
at least earning your x feature is more interesting than being given it
>feet hurt
You're gonna blame her when it was Jon's stupid plan and he asked her to save him? If she never showed up one of 3 things would happen
1. Jon tries to make truce with Cersei and she pulls red wedding
2. He tries to get a wight and dies
3. He goes to war with Cersei and loses
Even if the night king does t break through, the protagonists would've been fucked
>Rage quit
How, she just fought the slave masters then let them choosea new leader
>Torched the capital
Who cares
She’s such a shit character
>gifted three dragons and they conveniently manage to hatch for her despite dragons not being seen for hundreds of years
>gifted an unbeatable slave army that bow to her will at all costs
>manages to become queen of mereen despite being a foreign teenager that knows nothing of the city’s culture, political structure, and overall society
Being extremely cute
Kill them by FIRE
She wasn't given them she birthed them did you not watch the show
>abolished slavery, made women equal to men, freed entire cities and killed only evil people
>Yea Forums hates her
>become insane genocial maniac in s8
>Yea Forums loves her
>Daughter of a royal bloodline
>has fire immunity
>Is a inspiring leader who convinced people to follow her to another continent to accomplish her goals
>Is cute
>also has a better story than King Bran the cripple
She's more useful than you'd ever be incel.
>You're gonna blame her when it was Jon's stupid plan
No, it wasn't. Jon just went along with it.
She better get that fucking emmy
>unwashed beggar
>happens to be heir to entire race of men
>gifted free magic sword
>gifted qt elf wife
>gifted free 1-use invincible undead super army
quick who am I talking about
>loving her in season 8
Little slow there.
I always loved her. Now and always
she's going to get it so that HBO can claw back some kind of positive narrative after the disaster finale. also because I replied.
she was given the eggs as a gift
And Jon was given his sword by Jeor. She found a way to hatch them and used them. There is nothing wrong with this. If you want to get really autistic about muh training montage tier of pedantry she learnt how to fly and control the dragons.
I for one am neutral to the Emmys. But she deserves it.
The eggs were just fancy rocks, no one thought she could wake them, she woke them after being suicidal after drogo and the baby's death and walking into a fire
absolutely based
>comparing a sword to a dragon
ok, whatever
Murdered an unarmed 5'2 115lb depressed, lonely, pregnant woman. Is there a more evil character ever written in fiction?
You don't know what a gift is.
>She's a shit character cause I don't like her
>Only character anyone gives a shit about anymore
Sure bro
me on the back trying to not spill the spaghetti
That sword was worth way more than the dragon eggs unironically
If we want to qualify success, shouldn't we just be praising Varys and, to a lesser extent, Littlefinger? Most of main characters come from major houses, so their wealth and stature is a notch against them.
Figurehead that had a fat fucking army before pissing it all uselessly into an undead tide. She also has a good claim, but kinda squandered it a bit by burning opposing lords without reproach
She was spoonfed everything she needed to win, and still lost to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONSLMAO. Dragons are fake and fucking useless like magic btw
He conveniently acts like she was GIVEN dragons, not that she literally walked into fire to hatch them. What she was GIVEN was worthless petrified stone eggs.
Yeah definetly, at least Dany actually grew up poor and shit though even if her blood helped her out , every other characters a rich kid
I can’t wait to see the mods’ faces when she does. It’ll be an unstoppable flood of cuteness.
Me in the Superman cap.
I just want to see how happy she'll be
they will laugh at us if she loses
I'm gonna get fucking range banned when she wins it
Doesn't matter. Do it for her.
anal, vaginal, oral
One of us has to go down in the wreckage, brother.
Did you win, Emilia?
meme magic doesn't work if you keep getting those negative vibes nigga, she's winning it
based desu
Nah she’s trash in both the books and show, she’s only ever failed upwards
Well they're not totally worthless, Viserys could've sold the dragon eggs and bought a mansion and settled down with his cute sisterwife, too bad he was a fag
>once again she won't get a happy ending
Hold me bros..
but she had the best intentions
Did we start the dracarys?
nigga your lack of faith is disturbing
Yes, The fire rises!
I blame this bitter, old fuck. Heart attack when?
>Melissandre, a red priestess, revived Jon
>all the red priests pledged themselves to Daenerys
>Drogon took her body to the east
>Kimbara revives Daenerys
>she returns with an army of burning crusaders to bring the cripple schemer to justice and burn down all the false kings and queens
This is canon.
She's a smol qt
This is a perfectly acceptable ending.
I'm sorry.
Bran made a deal with Rhllor to save his own ass, rhllor helped him out so he helped him by manipulating dany into burning a lot of people, he'll be outta there when she wakes up in a tree somewhere
For me it's Dany
Aren't Brian's powers connected to the old gods? The Lord of Light had nothing to do with that. For all we know Rhlor just manipulated characters and events to destroy the WW who were a creation of the children of the forest, elves faithful to the old gods. The war of the gods, the song of ice and fire, continues.
Maario Naharis
i feel i'm the only person who always laugh with this shitty meme
You are.
they were her babies its a metaphor for all women, they are of no use if not for their natural ability to give life to a new generation
This isn't an /ecg/ this is a stealth /got/ thread.
'ain't it funny how things work out
It’s an absolute certainty that the lord of the light isn’t real. George is an atheist and it’s been proven in the books that the old gods are bullshit(book canon, but still). Followers in the east most likely made up the concept of Rhllor to explain fire magic.
Managed to fuck things up with every fucking advantage including dragons just because some redhead stacy didn't like her.
She's a terminally retarded, and uninteresting character to boot, without dragons she would have gotten herself raped (again) and killed by s3 at best.
>Rhllor isn't real
>Melissandre reviving Jon
>Melissandre giving birth to assassin shadows
>Melissandre transforming into a young woman
>flaming swords
>Beric just not dying
And that's without mentioning the less obvious shit like Sandor having visions and Melissandre being possibly responsible for the death of the enemies of Stannis. The Lord of Light is undeniably real as well as the old gods. The fedora shit was focused on the Seven.
"Rh'llor" might not be exactly the name for it, but something was real.
The Emmy is her by rights
Traveling GoT stage play when?
On that we can agree. Names are just words.
He sure is persistent.
>What are glass candles
>What are Valryian firemagics
>Who is Marwyn the Mage and Quaithe
Yeah, the show Rhllor is probably real but in the books he's heavily implied to just be a combination of remnants of Valyrian sponsored slave revolt suppressing religion and fire mages fucking with people for their own benefit
I miss her...
Hairy pusy.
>J-jon i'm preg-
God I hate The Faggot King Bran and his cunt sisters.
Jon didn't
Will only ever read them if the fat fuck finishes the series which is never.
So let me get this straight. Magic exists. God's are implied but do not exist. How is the reader supposed to reach that conclusion? In order to get a definitive no, someone with extreme authority on the matter must flat out say there are no gods. Has anyone said that? In the show everyone believes in something. The cotf mention the old gods and I think the 3 eyed raven did so as well. How is it explained in the books?
One would have to read the script to tell, like Sansa and Varys did.
He did. He even questioned his actions after the fact. I strongly maintain that one less burnt child would have been enough to not betray her.
Actual shit, what were dapid and dan thinking?
You can just read through the screenplay and realize that instead of giving the crew instructions to construct the shot, they thought they were writing a nobel prize winning fanfic that would be studied in college literature courses. What a mess.
>"Themes are for 8th grade book reports"
did the NK 'create' the winter or were he and the walkers waiting for the winter that was coming eitherway to launch their nvasion?
was under the impression the climate in westeros was static, but the previously hot kings landing was still under snow well after the NK was killed far up in the north
>no I haven't read the books
Absolutely awful
The Old Gods (who are also probably the Others) and the Lovecraft bois are probably real but the "good" gods don't seem to be. Gods can only be evil in GoT
You put the crew instructions in the shooting notes, not the master. But yeah, Dabid's scripts reek of self congratulation.
You didn't enjoy the ten minute slowburn of Tyrion walking around in the beginning?
I still want to know why it took Dany so long to find the throne room while Jon and Tyrion were talking. Did she get lost in the rubble of the Red Keep?
Consistent depiction of time is for eighth grade book reports
The old gods of the weirwood are actually children of the forest that became part of the trees once they died. Also resurrection doesn’t need to have a purpose in asoiaf, it’s all dependent on magical bloodlines and sacrifice
Now we're talking.
High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most
The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
This. Illyrio wanted to fuck the hell out of her and he's rich enough to afford the best and hottest sex slaves and courtesans possible, and that was when Dany was just 13.
Damn, her face was a little chubbier in S1.
She was always a batshit SJW power fantasy, thinking with her ovaries and smoothing it over by calling it "Targaryen madness". She was only likable because she was literally the last Targaryen on the planet. And then Jon came along and she wasn't.
Just get a new IP, don't let them win
>darkening the color palette so you can't see the sunburst pattern in her eyes
Why would they do this?
>She was only likable because she was literally the last Targaryen on the planet. And then Jon came along
And made her a 100x better. Then (((they))) ruined it.
She was always perfect, Jon fucked up
Based, op absolutely BTFO. Close the thread there is no need for further discussion.
A useless widow.
Oh shit op didn't last long
Didn't want Dany to look attractive while she gave her Hitler speech. they failed
I don't believe in meme magic, but I can't risk it.
Lets fucking go
He kinda forgot that Starks practiced incest and that he wanted to give Dany a baby.
More like, by the way the show was progressing, she should've won. Which runs counter to what I imagined but the board was rescrambled that way halfway through. But then they bent double to make her lose at the end. It's the outcome I predicted, but it makes zero sense. So that's doubly disappointing, even for the drooling retards that were still rooting for her.
And then Emilia revealed that her spastic eyebrows are a side effect of barely living through not one but two aneurysms in her mid-twenties.
Make no mistake. I harbour no love for Daenerys. But Emilia was done dirty by hack writing. And she just doesn't deserve that, after what she's been through.
Speaking of Illyrio, I am amused at how his plans for Dany are forced to change every couple of months.
>okay, so she's just a hole we'll give Drogo in order for him to invade Westeros, then Aegon will swoop in and save the land from the Dothraki and his mad uncle
>okay, so, Drogo and Viserys are dead, and the expensive decoration I gave the hole hatched into actual dragons... So, she'll be Aegon's love interest, right? Surely she'll be thrilled to meet the last of her kin and be quickly seduced by his good looks, even if he doesn't have much to offer her in the way of power. two good looking young people on dragonback, the people will surely-
>okay, so Aegon is the first one to invade and he didn't approach her at all... this is fine, Cersei is basically a dothraki horde all on her own, so he's still a hero. the hole is really committed to the slaves thing anyway, so surely she won't turn towards west... right?
I almost feel sorry for the scheming fuck.
I hope hes misarble for the rest of his life.
Fucking manlet
The script says he loved Daenerys and cant live without her, but kills her for his brain dead sisters.
So which one is it?
Of course he will be.
He's joining Dany in s9 against the great other vessel Bran
Jon values his sisters and family above his own life and happiness, simple
I hate it because of how obviously contrived it all is to fit George's plot
Too bad he never realized that Sansa was a lying, backstabbing cunt and that Dany was also his family.
But Dany is his family
He used every trick in the book to keep the Lannisters in power, and then--probably to avoid what happened in the show--introduced a secret Targaryen to take over Westeros. Very convenient that fAegon comes along at the last second and has a better claim than Dany.
S7 Jon would choose Dany
S7 Jon wasn't butchered yet
I don't fucking know, dude. I haven't even watched the series. Why are you asking me? Cheers.
He literally forgot why he bent the knee in the season 8 premiere.
Which is why I think it's beyond obvious that the books are and will continue to be shit. Plot devices, deus ex machina, and coincidences galore
imagine letting your younger taller sister destroy your relationship and your little cripple brother cucking you out of the throne. How is Jon a good character again?
Jon's brother and sister died before the series even started. All he has is his cunt cousins.
>have Jon question if he did the right thing
>show absolutely no indication that Dany's plan to burn every city in the world would or could be a better alternative
It's so obvious George will go for a grey choice where the audience should wonder the same, but the show completely fucks it up. Dany dying is still shit though so fuck George and I'm glad his legacy has gone to shit
A million people die because Jon won't give his aunt a hug. The entire premise of the latter half of the season was flawed. Of course, the contrived bullshit was piling on for years, but this is an absolutely laughable way to end a series.
A million people died because Darneris is literally the GoT equivalent of monkey with a machinegun. On top of looking like an actual chimp lmao.
Daenerys's younger sister.
more smolemilia pics
This is a Daenerys thread. Keep out.
How smol are we talking here
Fucking manlets, can they even walk?
>oi m8, u gotta loicense fer bein' on this farm?
She can be quite smol
>that look of exasperation on the boom mic guy's face
I bet he just wanted to beat Kit to death with the thing.
>no heels
>still almost as tall as the manlet
I bet his arms were tired that day, with Kit fucking up every five minutes.
And yet some people really think Kit is 5'8
Holy, she’s a real life Hobbit, isn’t she?
They tired to hide it on GoT, but you can see how tiny she is in some scenes.
Is she a real life work of art?
That ain't "smol", that's a medical condition.
kinda, it's cute tho
she's 157cm tho, taller than most of /got/
5'2 is the ideal female height. Cuteness, good aging, fertility and thiccness are all maximized at that height
that pusy kills
Kit's 5'6-7" and Emilia is 5'1".
>Kit's 5'6-7
lmao, Kit is 5'4
Dany being handed everything is what made her one of the most unlikable characters in the books
Cute fridge.
That boot is bigger than her head
And yet where are the people complaining about the Lannisters being handed everything in the books? There must have been half-a-dozen things that they had no control over, including a shadow baby deus ex machina, that wound up helping them win.
Sorry, brain damaged mini-fridge
I'm a /pol/fag but unironically people hate her just cause she's a woman, literally only case I can think of where feminists are right
No (you) 4U
ok, i can roll with that
Lmao. Never gonna get paid that way
>good aging
Yeah, it's actually VERY good aging
I don't think anybody would have cried if Stannis burned the Tarlys, but Dany doing it was a clear sign of her "going mad," despite everything else she did in season 7.
All the "good characters" are turned into pacifists to make Dany look bad and to keep Cersei in power.
Emmy for the perfect QT3.14
Wow, I guess I will make another Homelander thread, since GoT is off limits.
Or another blacked thread, since those are still up in the catalogue. God forbid talking about a christmas movie or the biggest tv show ever though
Yup. You can discuss politics, being an incel, roasties directing porn, youtube and literal faggots, but don't you dare talk about GoT