Anyone watched this? Saw it last night

Anyone watched this? Saw it last night.

4k remaster, remastered sound, new colour grading. Probably better than redux and presumably the last version of this film. Nice to see it in a cinema and it did look brilliant. Francis kept that fucking French plantation scene, though

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Why even bother making another cut if they kept the plantation scenes? Redux version minus that bs would be perfect.

french plantation scene is great but too long. i figured he would have trimmed some out of it.

Also saw it last night, incredible and draining experience. The plantation inclusion is literally the only thing that drags it down, god damn is Coppola stubborn about it.

It wouldn't even be so bad if it was just placed earlier in the film, or cut some of the dinner exposition

Gonna pick up the BR release when it comes out for all those tasty extras (I presume the Soderbergh interview will be one of them) and Hearts of Darkness

i preferred the original to the redux. Should I watch the final cut?

I heard they cut some lines from the French scene is that true? Also did they cut the bunny scene?

Anyone got the YIFY rip?

This. Waiting for the Inverted Cut.


It's probably one of the most sleep-inducing movies to watch while drunk

Yeah, the dinner part is what kills it. I don't mind the short scene with the woman and I don't mind the funeral to slow it down a but, but that dinner grinds everything to a halt. I can't even understand those French accents so I couldn't get any exposition out of it.

They showed the Soderbergh interview after the credits in my cinema. It lasted about an hour. I felt that only twenty minutes of that were useful or not going over the same old stories everyone watching this cut already knows (tough production etc). But whatever. I'd be interested to compare the colour grading, it looked great

Attached: Apocalypse Now cinegraph.jpg (2000x1278, 2.71M)


im also gonna pick up the BR release

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fuck that's depressing

>dude wtf is this French bullshit in my war movie lmao
>t. Pleb

That people age?

oh shut it

grabbed a flyer because it looks great and i'm a big fan of theatrical

saddened to hear plantation made it in as i got bored silly by that when i tried redux, it doesn't fit the tone of the story at all esp at that point

This is depressing

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Hey, nice to see Milius up and running. I wonder if he has regained his speech after the stroke he had.

The tone of the story is descent into hell/madness. Every such story has that last glimmer of sanity at the edge of the pit.

Plot wise it is also completely necessary for Willard to kill Kurtz. For without that last reminder or what true peace, true civilization, Kurtz recruits Willard same as he recruits everyone else sent after him.

>no Cinematic release in Rome

Is this not showing in the UK?

I saw it in the Odeon last night. It was one night only, though

Attached: Apocalypse Now HR (2).jpg (2133x3000, 719K)

French plantation scene is insanely redpilled but only frenchmen would understand

New sound from original masters they found in a dumpster. Apparently Redux was based on a third gen copy