>No Ms.Bond, you don't have to take off a piece of clothing everytime you lose a hand
No Ms.Bond, you don't have to take off a piece of clothing everytime you lose a hand
When is the le racist pasta coming?
>No Ms. Bond, the bar does not serve "lean"
>Ms. Bond, just because you was kangz doesn't mean your flush is a royal flush.
But it won't hurt
No Ms. Bond, the band does not know any “real nigga shit”
Bail Bond
>"Ms. Bond you are listening to a rap and eating a fried chicken and stealing and you're late and you can't swim and you're saying you 'wuz kangz' and you're being shot at by the police and you're twerking and you're eating a watermelon and you're drinking malt liquor and you're saying nigga and you're smoking menthol cigarettes and you can run fast and you have a big black cock and you have a bunch of children and you don't know who their baby daddies are and you smell bad and you have a funny name and other stereotypes."
>No Ms. Bond, the “head nigga” does not carry any crack pipes
>please don’t hollow out the cubans and fill them with weed, mr Bond
Based and getsthejokepilled
You forgot the n-word
>Ms. Bond, for the last time, the bar does have any Kool-Aid powder
What the fuck happened to this board? Used to be the funniest one on this site.
>Ms. Bond, you are a nigger
As people approach 30 with no direction they get bitter. Seems like a lot of anons replaced their personality with aggression and just fling shit at anyone they talk to online.
>tv used to like marvel
Oh it was funny alright
It still is.
fuck niggers
for you
>are you familiar with the game of basketball, ms. bond?
>because it's something of a passion of mine
>and i never lose....
formerly funny
my bad