Name a more cringe scene than this

Name a more cringe scene than this.
God, I hate women so goddamn much. And their stupid fucking feminist propaganda. Women belong in the house, in service to the superior males. Not being granted fucking scenes, much less roles, in movies. Fuck women. Fucking roasties.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Women belong in the house, in service to the superior males.
Ah, yes, the blacks.



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Uh.. how about that one scene in “Have sex Sweetie” :^)

Sounds like ur false flagging, but yes that scene was cringe, jarring, and took me out of the scene. Whatever, nothing Hollywood makes will be left unruined by SJW pandering so might as well stick to animu and vidja gaems

t. Someone butthurt about the super minority casting announcements for wheel of time today

Based. I can't wait for America to collapse and for China to rule the world.

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Ok Incel. Too much internet time for you.

Bring it on chong


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I can name several in the DCEU

While niggers are lesser humans at best, and unevolved animals at base level, they sure know how to treat a woman. All those domestic abuse statistics make me proud of those pathetic subhuman niggers.

Dilate, roastie fucks.
God I wish one day I woke up and every single female was found brutally raped/murdered.

The women team up scene in Infinity War was better. Okoye and Black Widow were getting their shit shoved in by Proxima Midnight, so the most powerful person there, Scarlet Witch, shows up and they team up to BTFO Proxima. It didn't feel corny or heavy handed because it didn't feel like the fight was happening for the sake of MUH WOMEN MUH FEMINISM, it was just a number of people who happened to be women that were fighting.

And then we get to Endgame and it felt really forced and not thought out. Like, only the women on that battlefield decided to drop what they were doing to go help Carol? Everybody is scattered throughout this rather large battle, but only the women are able the break away and all arrive at the same location at the same time. Never mind the fact that Carol didn't actually need their help.

The team up isn't the problem. The way it was done is the problem.

Are Wanda, Nebula and Gamora the only well-written female characters?

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I'm sorry about you user.


>anything capeshit related

As it should be..

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>Pathetic incel lashes out for his own insecurities

Dilate, tranny

Empty buzzwords won't do much, but they were seemingly enough to shatter this young man's world.
How many more victims will society™ create? For what reason, I ask.
Thread theme:


it's like kevin feige lost a bet to kathleen kennedy

>a minority
this is your brain on MGTOW I guess.

A super charged! flux capacitor, seemingly the only way to escape™ society's clutches and begin anew. And yet.. a fleeting fantasy found in a forgotten wheel of celluloid, collecting dust in someone's basement.

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Do you ever think that maybe, you're just obsessed and none of this energy about "muh essjayydubyuss" is important?

The future is female.

>A super charged! flux capacitor, seemingly the only way to escape™ society's clutches and begin anew. And yet.. a fleeting fantasy found in a forgotten wheel of celluloid, collecting dust in someone's basement.

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>Propaganda trash disguised as "movies": YASSSSS GURRRRL POWER WOMEN ARE TEH STRONGEST
>In real life: women are being kicked out of their own sports by Chad trannies

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>The future is female.

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Yes, the faces of denial and subsequent horror every incel must go through, but only few will escape, on this torturous journey through existence in the late 00's.
I too, expected life to hand me a pot of gold and a female concubine of breeding age. Silly old me was expecting too much.

Women are physically and intellectual inferior to men. They were never meant to be movie stars, or athletes, or anything really. Their only role is to make children, and that's it. If we could kill them as soon as they stopped being useful (past the age of 40) the world would be a perfect place.

Also, in the scene immediately before that Wasp was just helping Scott in the Ex Con van. How, and why, did she leave him to get there?

>everything is propaganda
Imagine crying like this over capeshit films. Amidst all the problems in the world...

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Thanks for your opinion, Muhammad.

>he actually took the bait

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>i-i was only pretending to be a roastie cunt!!

men build things and women tear them down. lifes not fair and thats just the way it is.

That's the absolute state of American """""men""""" in 2019.

Based, women belong in a grave

Yeah that scene was pretty cringy but this one redeemed endgame for me at the end.

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Not him, but I'm not baiting. Have sex/dilate and kys. Reasonably simple to follow through and not remotely as scary as it sounds.


get your kike site and kike videos out of Yea Forums

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>Marie Curie didn't do anything of note

>trolls trolling trolls

You're trying way too hard man. But seriously you type like a shitskin, you're not brown are you?

I feel like a tiny jew made it's way into your brain and decided to live there indefinitely.


>Nebula carries the gauntlet instead of Carol
>Carol and Wanda go right at Thanos to keep him occupied
>the rest of the women make a way for Nebula through the chaos

Did I fix the scene?

Hey everyone, OP here. Looks like I trolled all of you losers. Incels in Yea Forums really are that gullible LMAO

>The future is female.

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It's always Marie fucking Curie. Always that one and only example. Can you think of another woman that made... something?

Marie Curie's mother.

Woah though! That's actually like.. kind of epic sir.

No, also have sex

The mathematicians who came up with the space flight formula to allow the Apollo missions to happen.

Marie curie's greatest achievement (that nobody ever talks of) was giving cancer to several soldiers by using radioactive materials to treat their infections during ww1

Not him, but I'm unironically Marie Curie and I didn't give anyone cancer, at least not willingly.

Stop watching capeshit and mainstream garbage, idiot. Feminism and far-left politics are going to be taking a shit directly into your brain for the next 100 years

sure thing.


> China
Please, anyone but china.
Why couldn't russia step up their game. Japan? Poland? Anyone but fucking china!