If Translucent has diamond-hard skin, then how come he got knocked around by Butcher?
And how didn't Butcher break his hands while fighting him?
And wouldn't the however-his-skin-works make it heavier, slowing him down while he was invisible?
How come some dipshit mayor knows about Compound V?
Why was the "the timing is bad" story for his murder dropped?
If The Deep found the plane, then how come he didn't tell people who could survey the damage for a FAA investigation/recover the bodies of an elected official and his son?
How come some dipshit D-lister like Popclaw is so familiar with Compound V that she's actually relapsed with it? If it's some kind of open secret, then how come the CIA is just now learning about it from some burnout like Butcher?
If Translucent has diamond-hard skin, then how come he got knocked around by Butcher?
If his skin is unpenetraabe. Isnt from inside also?
The explosion should liquefy his organs but the body should remain in one piece
Fuck off
Is capeshit, dude.
obviously yea
also there was many easier ways to do it
set him on fire, drown him, suffocate him, poison him, drop him from a building, shoot a bullet through his mouth
his internal organs would take damage from the high caliber round they shot at him
>If Translucent has diamond-hard skin, then how come he got knocked around by Butcher?
Just because he has a diamond hard skin material doesn't mean he invulnerable from blunt attacks like fist fighting or melee weapons.
>And how didn't Butcher break his hands while fighting him?
Like I said the skin is not invulnerable from COC combat
>And wouldn't the however-his-skin-works make it heavier, slowing him down while he was invisible?
I'm assuming the skin composite material has the same weight and mass as adult human skin.
>How come some dipshit mayor knows about Compound V?
Because he has insiders within the company what information about compound V
>If The Deep found the plane, then how come he didn't tell people who could survey the damage for a FAA investigation/recover the bodies of an elected official and his son?
There are one or two things that can happen here either the seven and the company said it was a non-issue and found the plane and FAA didn't try to get involved with it because the seven are like a non-elected authority within the US government or maybe its because it's just capeshit
>How come some dipshit D-lister like Popclaw is so familiar with Compound V that she's actually relapsed with it? If it's some kind of open secret, then how come the CIA is just now learning about it from some burnout like Butcher?
It's because Popclaw and A train have probably been together for a long time now meaning A train would have told her about compound V and its effects on supers, she probably had an experiment with the drug and sometime later after she took in the first dose she taken a second dose of the drug because of the way A train was treating Popclaw. Plus the company probably had to keep this secret tightly sealed from any government or public because it will make them realize it would destroy their image as company and for it's supers
I read the comics first back in 2010 when are the boys taking some compound v ? I wanted to see butcher beat the shit out some supes. Also im a bit disappointed that they changed the teenage kix arc
>translucents skin
Like carbon fiber, just because it has the strength of diamonds doesnt mean it feels and weighs the same as diamond. They never said it was actually diamond, rather some kind of carbony science mumbo jumbo.
Same way an user could know Epstein died almost an hour before anyone was told.
>the deep found the plane
A fish told him where the plane was, and upon inspection he saw that it was obvious Homelander lasered it. If he brought it to authorities they would likely deduce that as well, so why snitch when you can just confirm it with your boss
>pop claw
She used to not be a D lister, when better super heroes with cooler powers popped up, she was bumped down to irrelevance. Compound V was an inside secret that every loyal Vought superhero likely knows about.
skin may be hard but his brain will still shake inside dont be a dumbo
i guess it's kinda like luke cage. skin is indestructible but you can still give him a concussion if you hit him hard enough