What went so SO right?
What went so SO right?
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sneed mouth
Nick Kroll's connections
Most Jewish show in existence?
>let's show naked pubescent girls in our cartoon
>f-for laughs?
I wonder who watches this and I wonder hoe Netflix could possibly greenlight 4-6 seasons but they have trouble greenlighting Bojack for a 6th season.
who watches this shit?
how many seasons before they show explicit cartoon penetration? It doesn't even seem like a stretch at this point.
Me. Shit's good.
God how popular is this thrash
I bet Epstein did.
yeah it's alright. I mean, better than 90% of the trash out there. At least it's different.
>posts a screenshot that could just as easily be from family guy or american dad
>who watches this
My younger cousins think this shit is really funny because kids have shit taste
Nick Kroll knows kids are the largest audience of this adult cartoon and he is such a fucking jew that he went to a school to shill the show
the animation/art style being so poor that the show can be produced for virtually zero dollars.
Me. It’s great.
The show is unwatchably stupid and just boring to watch, but I want to breed the monstress in the missionary position and cum inside of her.
Why is everyone in the show so fucking ugly?!
Why are american cartoons so fucking ugly?
>when girls go through puberty, they become beautiful and independent and when they masturbate, it's a glorious expression of womanhoon
>when boys go through puberty, they become nasty perverts and when they masturbate it's comically disgusting
what did they mean by this?
This show is just every other "adult" cartoon but with an uglier artstyle and worse writing.
because the show was created by a jew
jews love ugliness
it's far more sexually explicit than any other "adult" cartoon
It’s the truth doh
>implying 3DPD women aren't disgusting and that vaginas aren't infinitely grosser than dicks
imagine being so bluepilled
Dilate plz
>complains everything is offensive and degenerate over a board full of pedos and fags
>faps to Lolicon
What did incels mean by this?
this is a good point. I would fuck a qt trap before a hambeast. have a (You)
They don't want anyone to masturbate to it.
no, YOU dilate
>expecting tv to have taste
nothing wrong with lolis
As if Netflix will even be around long enough for these seasons to air... Netflix is 20+ billion in debt, losing subscribers, and Disney launches their own 'Netflix' streaming service the 12th of November, with NBC and others launching their own as well and thus pulling all their content from Netflix.
What does Netflix have to draw people into subscriptions ? Stranger Things which has gotten awful ?
zogpilled sex positive coming of age dramedies?
Me. I can see why critics like it. S1 was okay-ish but S2 was genuinely funny. It's miles better than Disenchantment. But it's not the best thing since sliced bread. But it's certainly very enjoyable.
loli and jews are both based
Disenchantment is better
Fuck that show.
The characters are so fucking ugly to look at.
Yes there is.
You're an absolute fucking waste of oxygen.
Kill yourself.
Srsly, everyone on that show is a fucking jew. And the non stop jew jokes and manurism are annoying as fuck.
Otherwise great show
>Jew who was teased with annoying Jew jokes as a teen makes show that includes a Jewish teen getting teased with annoying Jew jokes
>non Jews: "It's soooooOOooo aNnoYiNg!!1"
>sex positive
I highly doubt that in this day and age
current cartoons are watched by manchildren liberals nowadays
made by manchildren liberals, watched by them
kids are too busy watching youtube.
That rancid art style holy shit. Spoiler that next time.
I do. It's funny because you zoomers think it's so serious. It's self aware it knows it's fucking stupid, the only ones who think it's some big culture destroying thing is you retards
>It's self aware it knows it's fucking stupid
Oh those tight little cunnys are getting stretched alright
Jews are evil personified. Jews make me believe in objective metaphysical evil precisely because Jews exist.
They're both shit, but Disenchantment was not funny and poorly written. The voice acting was shit too.
I would say go get your head checked but then again I already know that persons with dissociative personality disorders will never take advice. So I will just hope a friend or family member will notice your condition and send you to a doctor.
>Stop noticing world events and making connections goyim, take this (((medication))) and you won't worry about anything anymore and you can get back to producing for my capitalist system
Fuck off kike. The suffering you people commit on the world are unimaginable.
>The suffering you people commit on the world are unimaginable.
Excuse me, princess, but I am German. My people did all they could while you Mutts had to stop us. Now you deserve the suffering for the sins you committed.
Are you denying that Jews are objectively evil psychopaths?
>I am (((German)))
Sure thing Juden.
If you had sex you’d be less angsty about Jews
Rick and Morty fans
Dilate plz
Or just watch porn, which is an industry overwhelming owned by Jews. So thank Jews for porn! Even if porn is a manipulative perversion of natural sexuality that actively harms the people who watch it. THANKS JEWS.
Nobody is forcing you trannies to watch porn mate
It’s not surprising a permavirgin gets so angry over others having sex tho
You know I listen to hollywood comedians like Kroll on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast all the time and they really seem like geniunely funny people. For some reason though all the projects they work on (like Kroll and Big Mouth) are ridiculously unfunny.
>it’s a lie reeee
Cope tranny
You have that backwards. Zoomers are the ones watching it to begin with
Wow I never knew that you “whites” were dumb animals with no self control
All of you fat incels fap to lolicon quit the LARP
Cope tranny
Nazi tranny posting is based. Cry more snowflake
Giving him (you)s just to piss you off btw
Is there any show that Yea Forums ISN'T offended by?
Yea Forums is even offended by Dark that has an all-white cast, a tranny trash whore living in a trailer, and a Turk who gets murdered.
First season was funny but even my little brother dropped it through the second season, dont know who thought 6 seasons of this would be a good idea
Literal propaganda
>mfw the autistic tranny kike sperged ITT
So I guess this show is actually Jewish or what? Didn't watch it.
Why can’t pol trannies handle the bantz
Jewish Degeneracy is Netflixs main export.
His father is a fucking billionaire
Bojack season 5 was unwatchable cancer so there's that
Srs question...does she fuck the dog
A Jews true reflection , maybe the animator is based.
Nick Kroll's dad literally works in Israeli intelligence and is a shady fucker.
Be sure to watch Netflixs comedy The Spy, about a "legendary" Mossad who wears disguises to infiltrate US airports on 9/11. Just kidding. To infiltrate a dastardly anti-Zionist plot in Syria. Only $19 a month for premium hilarious hummus content.
>annoying Jew jokes
Bet you've heard a couple zingers in your day bagel-eater, tell us a few schlomo
Wrong. Disenchantment was the closest thing to Futurama before it went to shit. Has a comfy 2000s vibe whereas big kike mouth has 2010s jewpocalypse vibes all over it.
wow through season 6
the show is bad ass tho
Imagine getting this butthurt over a cartoon
Says the tranny
>Nick Kroll's dad literally works in Israeli intelligence and is a shady fucker.
Says the Jew. I thought Jew loved tranny's and gays. You spearheaded most of thosevmovements, might as well take credit for it. Does it hurt you to use tranny in a derogatory manner? I bet it hurts.
>Yuor the trannie!
>(((YOU))) (((the))) (((Jew)))!
>no you!
Yea Forums and /pol/ were mistakes.
Propaganda over profit is the current motto
Almost as conflicting as stories about the lolocaust
It's probably cheap series to do.
propaganda for what?
Not my man Jason Mantzoukas, he's 100% Greek and 100% white just like all Greek ppl
>Mantzoukas was born in Nahant, Massachusetts, the son of Cynthia (née Mourousas) and William Mantzoukas.[3] He describes his ancestry as "100 percent Greek.
Historians actually don't say any of that, my man. Just tabloids and the whackjob schizo antifa guy who comes here to spam dump his tranny collection lol
This show is hilarious. The fact that it makes /pol/ incels seethe so hard is just a bonus.
They think it promotes degeneracy, pedophilia, and that it is targeted at children. Also JOOOOS!
haha crazy how a show with low ratings and no audience but with a subversive message keeps getting renewed yet other netflix shows never survive 1 or 2 seasons ha ha
Don't they openly admit everything you just said though? I distinctly remember this being hailed as "The Most Jewish Cartoon" in media articles. Why does it upset you when they admit it themselves?
Nooooooo why is Netflx streaming child porn reeeeeeeeeeeee
>when everyone in the show is so ugly that the hottest character is a literal monster
People should be forbidden to learn about sexual things until they are 18. Bring back masturbation protection belts. Ban free internet!
It's partially based on the teenage life of one of the writers. I don't remember anyone making a big deal out of the Jewish thing besides the usual /pol/ chuds.
>he actually outed himself
Back to the chapo trap house, fat redditor.
Lmao fucking kill yourself for sneed of the mask
Thank you based mods deleting those horrible antisemitic posts. I'm sure advertisers, such as Coca-Cola™ just as an example, would hate to be associated with such things. Let's get back to posting epic memes (within reason) fellow 4channelers!
Improve your shilling tactics , this isnt in*tagram , faggot.
The "kill show after 2 season" thing has been spreading around right now for Netflix, so it makes sense to announce more seasons for literally the cheapest show to make on the platform to shut people up.
It's actually pretty good but they picked the most disgusting art style for it.
Saw a guy at school sitting in his car watching before class.
That term has been used on this site for ages kids. Your newness is showing. You boys excited to go back to school in a couple weeks?
Sexuality is gross so that's why the people must look gross as well.
I'm not shilling, you idiot. I'm mocking the show and its ugly art style.
>That term has been used on this site for ages
No it hasn't. Only retards like you use it.
>Sex Ed episode involving talking a penis penetrating a talking vagina
But it has. And what's wrong with trying to mix up our derogatory, childish name-calling up with a little variety? Must every thread be a bunch of faggots calling each other "Jew" and "shill"? That's gotten really stale.
you really think they are glorifying female puberty when all the characters act like massive fucking emotional bitches? lmao
>sitting in his car before school
in the sandwich before me that im about to eat
10 year olds, (((it's))) target audience
>It's self aware it knows it's fucking stupid
haha ok this is epic
>What went so SO right?
jewish propaganda
>look mom I'm fitting in! I even called someone a jew!
How is middle schoolers ubcomfortably having sexual thoughts about other middle schoolers promoting anything, that's just reality.
It's real in his mind.
my uni roommates
It's jewish degeneracy in it's purest form. Of course the JIDF is promoting it
>has no problem with the pedos in their secrat club only cares because it features people and themes with liberal politics
I have no interest in the show it is obnoxious and the art is bad, but you're such a fucking loser if you say shit like this
It isn't. The show is just making light of an awkward period of growing up that everyone goes through.
Vinny Beedle
It's weird when half of the board thinks all movies should have naked 12 years old and the other half thinks writing characters under 18 having impure thoughts should be punished by death.
>more capable and productive than you are
Zoomers. I sub at a high school while I go to college and this show is all those little sophomore fucks can talk about. Looks like we found an underage thread.
cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers?
>he even talks like a Chapofag
Fuck off to r*ddit, chaponigger
The question then becomes, "Who wants 6 seasons of Big Mouth?" A lot of fans of cancelled shows are still going to be pissed off because Big Mouth getting 6 seasons isn't going to bring those other cancelled shows back.
yeah it's not like chud can be traced back to a small reddit faction that likes to infiltrate and subvert normal groups of people and turn them left wing or anything
>and turn them left wing
Is that even possible?
No, but they certainly try. Good thing they're low IQ incompetents.
>this degenerate garbage is Netflix's Family Guy
Couldn't it have been F is for Family instead of the fucking little girl vagina demon show?
So it's not possible to turn someone gay then as well?
i imagine that they have been able to scare some people into unironically believing left wing ideas
Ever fuck any sexy little sophomores?
nice conspiracy theory bro
it fills in the gaps for them. maybe there are a lot of people who need public validation of their worldview, and that's who it influences.
Yeah I've become more left wing over time after I started reading more.
thanks i also came up with the one that you're a faggot or a tranny it's gaining traction lol
I'm neither lol
Stop reading then. Reading is fags anyway.
so you admit you were kind of a person who didn't already grow up reading? that makes sense then
can't fool me you homo. 4plebs has the first instance of the term "chud" in 2011, which is extreme newfag territory. sorry bud.
Cry more /pol/ tranny
It’s rated TV MA (mature audiences)