I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did

I wouldn't say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.

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whoa... This tranny has a point...

>t. every retarded boomer in the country

I don't particularly like his music but the man is clearly very well read. I can appreciate his educated opinions at least.

that’s what i’ve been saying. these shooters are clearly alienated and all everyone is doing is trying to alienate the more.

No. They were shithead faggots that needed to be culled the moment it was evident they were edgelords.
Stupid faggot cocksmoker thinking he's smart.

absolutely redpilled

Imagine listening to Elliot Rodger. He’d just yell about being a virgin for like 3 hours then threw some juice on you

The Columbine shooters were actually psychotic, not bullied incels or anything.

Woah.... this is deep...... really makes me think....

I liked the part of that "documentary" when he left a print of a dead child on Heston's property, as if he was responsible (Moore is/was an NRA member too) and got a long take of himself sadly walking away like he's a righteous hero of the people.
Fuck Michael Moore and his lowest-common-denominator emotion tactics. Either be serious or don't. What a clown.

that is Yea Forums's function in society. we listen to these losers and let them vent. the problem then tho is that we can't help them and it becomes an echo chamber that reinforces their dekusions and violens

You are all retarded, Dylan was an incurable sociopath. No amount of talk therapy could have helped that evil little shit. Do some research neckbeards.

so we should institutionalize or euthanize all "incurable" sociopaths? good luck with that, and good luck trying to put people away for crimes they might vommit

that manson scene was probably all but scripted and delivered the precise reaction that moore wanted. after columbine manson was getting blamed and moore wanted to shift the blame from music to guns. this scene was all about manipulating the viewer and it worked brilliantly. moore is a fucking conman.

>believing Cullen
The only retard here is you

>after columbine manson was getting blamed and moore wanted to shift the blame from music to guns.
Blaming Manson was fucking stupid tho. I don't agree with Moore's agenda but the boomers blaming Manson were retarded.

i cant fucking stand michael moore docs because his voice overs sound like he's explaining shit to a child. like he thinks his audience is literally children. boomers love it though i guess.

I like him but this ain't it

This was a smart answer for the time but seems retard now.

>but seems retard now.
how so?

Because the Columbine kids were not bullied losers who no one listened to like people were selling

>the point is it's not guns, okay?

based manson poster
Antichrist Super the GOAT

I preferred Mechanical Animals desu senpai

how did the kids obtain those guns? would it really hurt for burgers to put up something that would stop them from easily purchasing ammunition and guns? yeah there's always illegally obtaining them but surely adding a layer of possibility that some of these shootings would be stopped is worth it.

Yeah, it sucked. But let's be honest, it was pretty based.

They asked an older friend who was of age to purchase them. Straw purchases just like kids getting cigarettes.

There wasn't any school shootings prior to this so the older friends didn't realize how big theh fucked up. Today the laws for straw purchases are much more strict.

It’s pretty much stupid easy to get a gun even if you can’t buy one yourself

MA is a fucking terrible trainwreck compared to ACSS

>listen to nazi edge lords
Yeah, its gonne be good.

Not giving them access to assault rifles might help.

Words of wisdom, and pretty based, but then again it's Manson, of course, it will be.

I liked it too, but nothing with ever top Antichrist for me.
Deformography, The Reflecting God, Beautiful People, the title track, Tourniquet. all classics.

I thought they had slowly accumulated them from various randoms in the surrounding area. How the fuck would you not realize something bad is going to happen when some 17 year olds from an upper middle class area start asking you to buy a bunch of uzi's for them? Are there any articles or appearances where this "friend" was interviewed?

>there was a time when rock was still a thing
>there was a time when white artists being relevant was still a thing

time flies.

>Moore trying to make a murderer take responsibility for killing a child
>Wah wah what a bad man make him go away

The point is listening to them before they reach the echo chamber hug box level of the iceberg.

Wow thanks mr. degenerate satanist

Dylan's the only one who deserved any semblance of sympathy. Eric was a cunt, not unlike his parents.


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>klebold and harris were bullied and finally took it back to the jocks

when will this meme end? Harris was already a budding sociopath years before the shooting. He wrote in journals and early internet chat rooms about how much he hated everyone and was better than them, getting charged with breaking and entering.
Klebold was a shy little twerp whom already tried to an hero as a child. Harris took him under his wing to have a yes man at his disposal and klebold liked having a "friend" so he went along with

If anyone tried to "listen to them" they'd hear nothing but edgelord rhetoric you could hear on /pol/

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This. People shouldn't lump them in with the common school shooters that copied them. They were failed terrorists out to outdo McVeigh.

Yes, Heston is personally responsible when a child is murdered by someone else.

Why are you posting here, Moore?

>There wasn't any school shootings prior to this
there were, just not as sensationalized

This. Actually nothing infuriates me more than now-over the hill Gen X redditors, who did nothing but give "mansonites" shit back in the day, try to wax nostalgic about Marilyn Manson. Same thing with NIN:

>"I um, uh, yeah was totally hip to NIN back in the 90's. Uh, fucking Closer was my jam, homies. No I totally wasn't just listening to 311 and Weezer college shit back then no sir!"

This. Also, bullied victims do tend to commit the same acts, but it's rarely as one sided as "they were ostracized by society so they took it out on the others".
If you've ever tried to reason with a person like that, you'd know they are their own worst enemy in 99% of cases and refuse any kind of positive influence or change from anyone.

Forgot to add: you're starting to see this a lot with redneck Boomers now since goth and goth-adjacent shit is coming back around so all these 40 year old burnouts are trying to cruise 20something goth pussy.

yes there were school shootings before this, jesus christ

If this were true then Yea Forums(nel) would be preventing mass shootings.

Are you fucking retarded? He was BULLIED for those years you fucking dunce.

Maybe, but Ive seen many of his interviews and he is always calm collected and knowlegable. Wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt scripted.

>all of these truth bombs ITT
What hath become of you Yea Forums? Finally start to make sense all of a sudden?

Marilyn Manson is Gen X and so is his faggy fanbase

>How the fuck would you not realize something bad is going to happen when some 17 year olds from an upper middle class area start asking you to buy a bunch of uzi's for them?

Why would you? Its just some kids. Before they shot up the school they went into the woods and shot some stuff, had a snack and went home. You know, like you'd expect any young man with a gun who isn't involved in crime would do at the time.

No they wouldn't. Simply because the braindead incels that post here avoid help like the plague. They genuinely prefer to be bullied rather than to be aided.

>goth and goth-adjacent shit is coming back around
Since when? Where is this happening?

Then he would probably agree with everything they said. Never trust a Satanist.

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i dont know why everyone misinterprets this interview. the interview was about the media, he wasn't talking about listening to the shooters... i dont know where people get that idea from.

>Where is this happening?
in his head.

>muh assault rifles
>mass stabbing leads to 29 dead and over 130 injured
You’re retarded.

Spooky Kids years were his most kino days and we all know it

He was literally nothing without Reznor.

I won’t deny that early Manson was also great but I think ACS is his artistic peak.
even the music videos were kino

Manson was the last true rockstar before niggers started being pushed more into mainstream entertainment

>Wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt scripted.
i said "all but scripted" meaning both manson and moore had a common objective to achieve once the cameras were rolling. both wanted to clear manson's music of blame. so, while i do not believe manson was handed a script i bet he got the questions way ahead of time and maybe even got a few takes to answer them.

>listen to what they have to say

Bullshit, reznor split the group up because hes an arrogant faggot, Manson is arguably at his best when he was writing with Daisy Berkowitz

maybe klebold when he was a kid, but by high school he was just very shy. Harris was very charismatic and then began to change, becoming more angry and edgy.
Him being bullied doesnt change the fact that Harris was the true mastermind behind the attack

Have you ever sat down and tried reading his manifesto though? He literally blames everyone and everything except himself.

According to him the whole planet collectively decided to team up and make him feel socially awkward.

The dude had every symptom of autism with the exception of slurred speech and was warped by /r9k/

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Not sure if "charismatic" is the word I'd use, he just hid his true intentions, not a particularly difficult thing to do.

>>goth and goth-adjacent shit is coming back around
>Since when? Where is this happening?
yea, im also curious where goth shit is trending again.

It's true. He fell for all of it due to being naive and seemingly misunderstood.



It's the truth. The only good songs on Mechanical Animals were written during the haydays.

this is retarded because if you listened to the Columbine shooters they would just sound like Beavis and Butthead, they were retards

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I actually feel sorry for boomers who had to put up with the shit that was popular when i was in high school. Pop culture now is so tame compared to the early 00s goth nu metal craze. That shit would have been scary for parents

Wrong, it's his best album.

the NRA didn't write the second amendment you dumb low IQ normie retard

if you weren't such a fucking sheep you would know that the NRA is literally anti-second amendment rights and constantly pushes for legislation that is unconstitutional as long as they get to keep selling their gimped 5 round guns

Are you insane?
99% of pop culture right now wouldn't have been tolerated in the 90's.

>that is Yea Forums's function in society.
Get a life, loser.

Guns are pretty much prohibited in Brazil, yet you see monkeys left and right walking around with machine guns, and every thug has at least a revolver.
On a country big like the US or Brazil it's impossible to ban guns. Once guns were available at least once, the genie is out of the bottle and "gun control" means disarming the honest people.

Next motherfucker gonna get my metal

You say that like you weren't one of em

Give example.


"You should be. Here buy my record"

>hey thanks for listening!

That part was a pretty wholesome and based moment for me.

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>assault rifles

How does music make you shoot people

I’d listen to Moore a lot more if he wasn’t so fucking fat

>when i'm god everyone dies
>scar can you feel my power
>shoot here and the world gets smaller

While I don't think music itself is to blame, I do think retards shouldn't be allowed access to some of it. Same with vidya and guns.

>implying Eric Harris wasn't the ringleader

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MaMa got crushed and crippled. Would not pay to see him again.

Not him, but I'm unironically doing great for my self, and genuinely want to help others achieve their goals, dreams, etc, because I've been where some of these people are at right now. The issue is that whatever's taken hold of these guys isn't letting go. You have to be willing to help yourself before others can help you in any capacity.

>how did the kids obtain those guns?

t. Eric's deranged redneck dad.
Suck my ass, faggot.

Yes because Daisy was pretty much forced out of the band midway through anti christ, he brought the best guitar and overall sound to the group, made it dark but also playful, reznor is an arrogant asshat who takes himself deadly seriously and its cringe

Hip hop lyrics that used to be considered profane are now common parlance, kids are familiar now with the concepts of ass eating and twerking and nigger drug culture, extreme promiscuity, are you literally retarded?

Dad is a conservative who generally hates popular music, and used to express a similar opinion years ago, back when Manson was a relevant commodity.

You are incorrect unless you are talking about Manson.

The biggest problem with MM's post ACSS work is the direction it goes in. Industrial Glam was a mistake.

>discriminating against the mentally handicapped preventing them from access to self defense
Very progressive of you

Except all that stuff has been in mainstream music tv for decades now

This is a nice thought, but this is how it would go.

>you: *listening*
>them: nonsensical, contradictory, hypocritical, selfish, uninformed and misinformed ramblings and lies
>you: I see, well what do you think about (small attempt to illuminate through open question)
>them: more onsensical, contradictory, hypocritical, selfish, uninformed and misinformed ramblings and lies, but now with accusations towards you thrown into the mix

Some people are just stupid sons of bitches. No amount of sitting down and patiently listening and talking is going to change them because they're just fucking dumb-as-shit barely above the level of an animal.

What we all have to do is collectively realize this and admit that these types of people are going to have guns and do stupid shit if we have laws that let them get them.
>but user if we outlaw them they'll just get them illegally

They're too stupid to navigate the black market. A few would get through, yeah, but it would do a lot of good slow down their access.

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What's the homicide rate in China?

Reeeeeeeeeeee just admit trent reznor is a faggot
Manson had a huge David Bowie boner, so that's the direction he took it in

>Industrial Glam
It was just a prank, bro

I had to lip sync along to a song in drama class in 9th grade(2001) and that was the song I chose. They cut off the music when he starts saying motherfucker at the end. I wasn't very popular. My drama teacher also failed me.

Oh okay, you are retarded, and I'm wasting my time. Fucking zoomers man.

>admit Reznor is a faggot
Maybe. That doesn't mean he didn't produce MM's best work and has a healthy catalog outside of that.

>so that's the direction he took it in

And in that direction was obscurity.

Holy fuck man that's some legendary cringe I wish you had video footage of that it would be worth thousands in youtube views
Did you wear eyeliner too?

My point is mansons best work didnt come from working with or being produced by Trent Reznor, it came with working with the original guitarist he had from back in Florida. After he was forced out by Reznor the entire sound changed.

Probably most of those guns come from the US, key. Unironically reducing guns in the US would make the world safer.

The sound didn't change until MA. Reznor and Manson had their feud after ACSS.

No, they don't. Hate to break it to you, but guns come from other places. The reason people blame the US is a country that has a way to track manufacturing whereas others on't.

>Manson hanging with an Israeli gunrunner

You know there was a time you couldn't say "ass" on television.

marlyn mansons a piece of shit but that interview was based.
>notice how this happened so fags could bitch about gun control and violent video games
>notice how the clintons didnt want any more attention on their scandals and illegal wars?
>notice how these jews use fear to manipulate you
mad lad actually said it