movies about the darkest secret of America?
Movies about the darkest secret of America?
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What the fuck is this supposed to be, nigger?
now it makes sense why they shoot each other
this is the average american babyd seconds before the top of his cock is bitten off.
They're making Homelanders. Or trying to at least.
MGM, and not the studio
a child about to be ritually mutilated as a tribute to America's god (moloch)
Its not really a secret. Everyone gets taught yhe difference between circumcised and uncircumcised in 8th grade sex ed.
>the darkest secret of America
you mean the dark people?
male genital mutilation, it's performed upon almost every white male baby in the US
I sure am glad all of my penis is still intact, thank you parents
Man it feels so nice to not be apart of a Jewish ritual right from birth
I'm part of the 20% of intact Americans, feels pretty good desu.
no its definitely a secret, most ameritards believe every male in the world is circumcised when the majority of men are intact, also amerifats believe it's healthier and more aesthetic which is a lie perpetrated by jewish doctors to earn shekels
Marry me haha
This, I'm a loser, not 50% of a man, but I have potential to be 100% if I really worked at it, there's nothing stopping me but me
Imagine being American and permanently capped at 90% from birth
Even if you were that 90%, you know that's all you'll ever be
That's true suffering
I'm married and have 2 kids with a 3rd on the way. 1st born was a son and he was not mutilated for moloch either.
doesn't count if you're not white
Why is circumsion practised by Americans anyway? I don't think it has bearing with them landing men on the moon or nukes.
Arabs French Japs Thais Chinese other inconsequential nations exist just fine without getting circumsion.
Also, why are there people who think they can grow back their foreskin? Isn't that a scam?
based. such a fucking disgusting backwards practice. literally traumatized from day 1 who knows the implications of that shit
I just don't get it Yea Forums. What loving father would agree for the very first event in his newborn son's life to be literal genital mutilation?
>married with kids
>still on 4channel
Circumcision is common among arabs.
kikestians wanted to stop kids from jacking off. that's it. that is literally the only reason. kellogg (some kikestian cereal making faggot) spent all his money promoting male genital mutilation.
Reminder that every single "serial killer" in the U.S.A has been shown to be circumcised.
Make of that what you will.
the jew is happy to remind his muttoid goyim that they're mutilated by him
A mutilated one
dios mio...
>not married with kids
>daring to use my Yea Forums
Fuck off loser
Sweet i was hoping to find a thread to discuss dicks, thanks OP. Would you mind posting theses constantly? I really like talking about dicks and this is a great opportunity.
Why do Americans get circumsised? I’m looking for a serious answer
It seems like an outlier if your dick isn’t mutilated
people who are circumcised lose over 30% of their sexual feelings. its ludicrous to impose such a barbaric practice on infants. so ya know I feel for those guys who had to grow up with a dick that was essentially crippled all their lives & they didn't even have a say in it
Seething cutfag
Use some of that lube you keep next to the bed to cool off ok big guy?
seething american
Americans giving a gift to their overlords.
mark of the goyim
Ingrained cultural tradition because some jew decided to cut off foreskins to prevent masturbation
I am. Blonde hair and blue eyes, both of my kids are too. Wife is light brown hair and green eyes.
Circumcision was originally done to the jew to signify their status as slaves. Now the jew circumcises the mutts to signify their place as slaves to the jew.
>American coping with a mutilated dick
No i genuinely like talking about cocks, im uncut and perfer all the men i fuck to have intact penises for docking purposes. Isn't this why your here?
Are you cicumsized Yea Forums? How do you feel about it/
No, I have a normal dick. Thank God
>be american baby
>just to be born you parents have to pay the hospital 20k
>immediatly taken away from your mom
>tied to a cold plast table
>dick multilated
>get shot
it is hard to be an american baby
>my brothers, my nephews and myself are not circumcised
Feels good man. What kind of parent would let their newborn get mutilated? Blows my mind that I’ve had discussions with females that see nothing wrong with it and say when they have a son they’ll do it. I’d kill my wife if she did that to my son.
How did he get away with it?
fuck usa
Arabs actually do it more than anybody else. Muslims, Americans, Canadians, and for whatever reason South Koreans are majority circumcised.
Watch this
The worst is when they argue that it's better for cosmetic reasons. I can understand if they've been misled into thinking there are health benefits, but how fucked do you have to be to perform cosmetic surgery on your baby's genitals?
Reminder that jews take your foreskin and make beauty creams from it
I seriously don't know how this is still legal and more importantly socially acceptable in America still.
Can an American explain?
hardmode:no /pol/
>I’d kill my wife if she did that to my son.
Circuncision is on the delcine in America at least. I reckon it will eventually be unpopular enough that the gov can pass a bill to outlaw it entirely
>give me the answer but not the real answer
I don't know what to tell you mate
here you go
A Protestant fundamentalist billionaire thought it would discourage men from masturbating and bribed doctors to promote it as a healthy practice.
It's fucking horrible, it's like that poor baby is strapped to a lethal injection table. Why in the fuck is this morbid practice still happening?
How is this ''okay''?
As someone who had his forskin removed due to cancer... there's no difference stop being so obsessed with sex and dicks you faggots.
and god knows what else, got banned for posting this before wonder if i will again