Do men really live like this?

Do men really live like this?

Attached: 1565452137248.jpg (1280x1440, 201K)

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besides that yes

Attached: 1565603235034.jpg (1024x999, 80K)

Some do. I have friends like this.

Usually not on purpose


literally me except I also pretend I'm in college

there's other ways to live your life
If, for whatever reason, every human interaction you have is fraught with pain and recrimination, living alone may be preferable

This. usually high IQ men who got tired of the social charade.

Let me guess, your parents are paying for an education but you're too lazy or socially retarded to attend to classes so you stay in your apartment all day browsing Yea Forums while lying to your parents saying everything is going smoothly ?

Literally me


Attached: apartment-2.jpg (600x529, 43K)