Just bought this today, what am I in for bros?

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Don't watch it with your girlfriend unless you want to ruin two generations or something



an ok movie with a shitty message

Noooo don't watch it'll ruin a generation of women.

Not as good as the comic nor game, but still great!

millennial nostalgia overrated

Fuck the retard who made that song, all he did was shill and shitpost that song until everyone else accepted it.


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Boy trying to win him a slut

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>buying movies
you'll like it because you're a cuck

hello newfrens,

reminder: you have to be over 18 to post on Yea Forums

this is 4channel

Being made depressed that there was once such a naive time in pop culture before the recession and politics went to shit, back when our only serious problem was an illegal expensive war.

I would put that era more in the mid-00s than 2010 when this movie came out. Still a nice period piece anyway.

Its like Smosh or some teen-centric youtube channel created a movie.

stop shilling your "music" faggot


anger, frustration, denial, and justice

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>illegal expensive war

Your elementary school teachers would be proud of you. May you never run out of causes to be down with.

Fun movie. It likes to push the gay-is-so-important shit but that faggotry is everywhere now so you have to swim through SJW programing if you want to watch anything cool nowadays.

Great if you have old school platform memories. Slick movie. 7.5/10

Yes yes goyim, only good popular music must be shilled. Thank you for calling my fellow whi... I mean anons out.

it came out in 2010 but was in production before that, and the graphic novel and the Canadian hipster scene it's based on come from the early/mid-00s.

>what am I in for bros
an emptier wallet, the fuck are you going around paying for movies?

The 00s suck but I really miss those parts of it. Far less people seemed miserable then.

ITT: roasties (trannys) and soicucks getting toastie! Remember sois, keep calling them incels and maybe one of these nice trannys will let you use their front hole!

Genuine zoomercore.

You bought a movie and you're making a Yea Forums thread about it before watching?

Difference between incels and trannies is that trannies mind their own fucking business, at least for the time being. Incels have started to interfere where they shouldn't, and there's consequences to that. At least pretend that you're normal, you colossal waste of oxygen.

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go back to your discord, discord tranny

>Fun movie. It likes to push the gay-is-so-important shit but that faggotry is everywhere now so you have to swim through SJW programing if you want to watch anything cool nowadays.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood doesn't have any gay shit in it - kys you fucking retard with shit taste

At this point I'd almost rather hang out with actual trannies desu.
You're a lesser man than a fucking tranny. How could you ever let that happen? I'd kill myself.

Hoes mad

Post your dick


Why am I not surprised at that request. You're a jumbled up mess that faps to Yea Forums traps, since women have become an unrealistic goal, and you bitch and moan about homos and trannies the other half of the time.
Fucking off yourself you schizophrenic.

ramona flowers did not create white sluts

weak white men did

white men are such a spineless cucks it's no surprised all women behave the way they do

>hoes mad

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Hoes mad

Dilate yourself

>trannies mind their own fucking business

lmao they literally are hellbent on invading women's bathrooms so they can take a piss next to little girls


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It's true. I'm almost embarrassed to be a white man at this point. How do you go from this to the current state of affairs? Only explanation to me is some kind of divine intervention. And the basedboys aren't the core problem either. They're just an excuse for the real onions to cope with.

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Hoes... MAD

all me

I've never seen an actual tranny outside of the internet, and neither does anyone I know, so I don't know and I don't care. But the incels made sure I saw their faces and deeds on the news reports even if I didn't wanna bother with inferior human beings.

True, but I loved OUaTiH. So if my taste is shit then you are a nigger.
Pilgrim was cool. Gay but cool. You're just gay. Gay.


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she's not going to fuck you :c

Holy shit

Unironically more of a man than the pee shooter from Texas. It either seems like you're a goofy virgin or an angsty virgin nowadays. Alphas nowhere to be seen.

hope she sees this bro

>y-you can't be a normal person with rational thought!
>t-there must be some kind of gain from this!
>I-I hope she sees this bro



>n-no YOU'RE the virgin!

Might as well call me fat, black and in my 50's.

>Calling other people new

Sounds like something a fat black 50yo would say!

You left out the part of me being a tranny though. You're getting sloppy, schizo.

an entertaining and novel take on the film medium
the only people who disliked this movie read comic books and their opinion can be disregraded

>saying that trannies mind their own business
>rational thought
You are clueless about the imposing nature of faggots, gender-queers, and trannies.

Sorry for not being as familiar in gay lingo/culture as you are. I don't spend my time around faggots (except you guys).

One can observe without indulging. But your stupidity indulges itself.

user, that's so profound. Might get it printed out and framed.

the song's lyrics are meh
you could've made it in 2016, the stereotypes are old
in general it's overrated

I live in a college town and work at the University, trannys are the most insufferable. So glad they kill themselves in droves.

you were just younger, user

I don't believe you. Never seen one myself.

then it's time to get out of mom's basement, hikki

Soi, and lots of it.

Holy shit was brie larson in it? This cant be a mere coincidence, the pieces of this insane puzzle are all literally getting in their places by themselves. How could be so naive and didnt notice the signs when the movie was released bros?

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>Holy shit was brie larson in it?
Hence why it's so good.

That's because they all killed themselves

shes the best part of the movie user
that and chris evans and brendan routh


If only we had deciphered scott pilgrimm's secret message earlier, bianca would still be living as a normal, healthy teen girl and not a depressed thot with tattoos, piercings and bright colored hair. She saw that movie and thats the reason she died from an incel

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They like to hang out at the library. There also used to be one that worked at my Kroger. There was one that used to work at my wife's job, one day he was a dude, then he had his name changed to Melody and started wearing skirts and dresses.

you've just outed yourself as a fag