It's a jack episode

>it's a jack episode

Attached: 1563595982687.webm (756x384, 1.45M)

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wrong webm? faggot

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How do you fuck up meatloaf

Attached: 20190805_142132.jpg (278x337, 66K)

by making the meat out of poo poo

You could pound it with a meat tenderizer i guess. That'll fuck it up nice and good

>think of based chef jack
>see this thread

Odds on when hell finally die? His body can only take so many strokes and bouts of food poisoning.

Seriously, you have to actually do this on purpose, there's no way you can screw up this badly by accident.

Based on the fact that he's still alive after 3 square meals of raw mince for decades straight he may well be unkillable

Attached: 1564692532822.webm (480x270, 2.77M)

>raw mince meat is the key to immortality
Who will play him in the biopic?

Well, for one, it's way too thick. The sweet spot for meatloaf is somewhere between 1 and 2 inches, that way it cooks evenly.
The running theory is that he's a performance artist doing a parody of a cooking show.

Attached: jack chicken.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>it's a jack episode

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>thIS is chEF Joooooohn
>let's add some kosher salt and lots of cayenne

>You merely adopted the salmonella. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see fully cooked chicken until I was already a man

Funny, the sweet spot for your mom was about 1-2 inches, which is how long I am

Get rekd fag

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I unironically like chef John, and cayenne makes most things better.

>his knife is so dull it has trouble with meatloaf
I don't think he's ever sharpened a knife

Attached: 1565484250591.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

Jack seems to have a deathly fear of elevated temperatures

i like to think the only reason his kitchen is clean is because he have to make videos
also post more joey kinos

Why do people keep their ring on their finger when they cook? That's disgusting.

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Attached: 1564700764993.webm (1067x600, 2.86M)

Can someone post that kind lady doing "homemade" tomatoesauce with tomatoes in can?

that doesn't look too bad

That's what most people do, dummy.


Some people get married young and when they get old and fat they literally can't remove the ring.

Attached: wedding ring removal.jpg (795x491, 68K)

for me, it's Joey super cool food review

Attached: JoeyPizza.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

jack isn't "people"


what's all the fuss about? id eat it


Attached: JoeyDrumstick.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

what the actual FUCK is he trying to make here? There is no way that can be an attempt at pancakes but I can't think of what else it would be

whys it so much fun laughing at people that cant cook?

imagine that lardass eating Jack's food?


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pancakes or omelettes but that's not jack, that's a legitimately retarded woman

For me, it's Kay

He's clearly intentionally fucking up. How can one tell though? Well, pretty much everything other than the cooking in the video is okay. Like he's cutting between different shots in an order that makes sense and the angles are set up well, the lighting is decent, the editing is perfectly acceptable for an amateur, the sound is always very clear and his words are intelligible. I mean, this guy could clearly run a legit cooking channel on YouTube, he just realized he could have so much more fun by making the first bad-cooking show ever made.

>ring is on the middle finger
>wedding ring

Hi dwarfy!

Jack is just a retard, his channel is sincere.

ITT: Dumb Americans thinking their cooking is somehow worse than Finnish cooking
Check THIS out instead

Attached: 10154084_10203592144746947_648927278_n.jpg (480x480, 58K)