Which one would you have chosen in Neo's place?

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red just so i can fuck Trinity

both at the same time #purplepill #enlightenedcentrism #bothsides

Blue. At least I'll have some good fucking food.

Blue so I can be successful. If aliens come to take over Earth Im selling you fags out

Blue. Why the fuck would I want to live in some eternal, smelly orgy filled with black people?

Ignorance is bliss but it's still ignorance. I'd want to know the truth even if it is bleak and miserable.


red cause i'm based and redpilled

The suppository.

Red because morpheus doesn't mention how horrible the real world is. I would have then regretted it for the rest of my life and resented morpheus so much that I wouldn't help him. I'd spend most of my time in the holodeck buttfucking computer sluts.

bluepill is the real redpill. how based and meta

Imagine waking up on that shit ship. Also trinity is stinking. rather use my hand

imagine sneaking out at night and have tank dig out his hidden stash - a simulation that can generate any girl you want and do your bidding in that white room. generate your ideal girl and have her blacked in front of you

Neither. Taking drugs from strangers is dumb.


based, but bluepilled

Load Bailey Jay & Natalie mars stockade program II.

I would have taken both with some gin to wash it down.

This, unironically. Extreme dichotomies are for the weak minded.

No one likes thinking that they're being lied to user.

In the context of knowing what Neo/Mr. Anderson did when Morpheus offered him that choice, and not knowing what happened in the events following Neo/Mr.Anderson's choice, who can blame him for picking the choice that he did- though ironically enough, had he picked the blue pill it's arguable that Smith would have remained a Normie Agent, even if one of the other "potentials" in the apartment of the "oracle", or elsewhere, was tapped by Morpheus's group to be their chosen leader....

Though, I'm of the opinion that if the chosen one truely is the "chosen one" then events would have transpired in a different fashion, but that they would still have transpired around him in such a fashion that he would have somehow been thrusted into the limelight and into a crucial role somehow based on that choice; ie if Neo had chosen the Blue Pill, then he still would have been involved and transpired within the events in such a fashion that destiny and prophecy would have been fulfilled- just in a different way.

Another example of this would have been- what if Anakin had been left on Tattoine as a boy? Quigon never ran into him, the dice bet went awry, etc; would he still have been the "Chosen one" of prophecy? Yes, because that's literally who he is within the narritive of the universe; the "author" would simply have to choose a different path for that prophecy to manifest itself.

Yes, I'm sure some naysayers will say; well what if he kills himself or otherwise tries to deliberately severer the threads and weave of fate etc- he wouldn't be the chosen one then, now would he?

To which I say- fuck your dumb arguments you asshole nitpickers and contrarians; yes he would be- somehow chaos theory and the butterfly effect would indirectly result from the direct result of his actions in a extremely unlikely domino effect via which the chosen one was chosen to tap the first domino.

>tl:dr Neo asked for the truth.

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The red pill is a gateway to a submarine filled with farts and the santized rave culture of zion.

The red pill so I can say Nigger

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I wanna take the blue pill.
But can't I be like a movie star or something?
Or how about a world famous games coder?
What about a rich industrial tycoon?

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I would have dropped to my knees and gobbled both of Morpheus’ black testicle pills

The black pill

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