Was Yoda pulling out his little laser sword and going to town really that bad?
Was Yoda pulling out his little laser sword and going to town really that bad?
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I liked it desu
It's pretty silly but so are laser swords.
Lucas calling the Lightsaber, the most iconic fictional weapon ever, a laser sword showcased his dismissive hate of the franchise and its fans
No, it was kinda cool to see old wise master Yoda pulling some moves. Remind me of master Roshi.
Nope.1970s mouth breather will say other wise because their autistic headcanon can't get around it or accept it. It was LITTERALLY stated that a LIGHTSABER was a weapon of a Jedi Knight. And that Yoda was a great warrior.
But hey that is star wars fuckboy autism for you.
i liked it when i was an airheaded dumb child so it was good for it's audience
Yes, because Yoda was beyond a lightsaber.
Yoda wasn't just some jedi knight, he was a master. He's the closest thing the organization has to a leader. Him flipping around and screeching with a tiny lightsaber is undignified and looks silly as shit.