Was Yoda pulling out his little laser sword and going to town really that bad?
Was Yoda pulling out his little laser sword and going to town really that bad?
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I liked it desu
It's pretty silly but so are laser swords.
Lucas calling the Lightsaber, the most iconic fictional weapon ever, a laser sword showcased his dismissive hate of the franchise and its fans
No, it was kinda cool to see old wise master Yoda pulling some moves. Remind me of master Roshi.
Nope.1970s mouth breather will say other wise because their autistic headcanon can't get around it or accept it. It was LITTERALLY stated that a LIGHTSABER was a weapon of a Jedi Knight. And that Yoda was a great warrior.
But hey that is star wars fuckboy autism for you.
i liked it when i was an airheaded dumb child so it was good for it's audience
Yes, because Yoda was beyond a lightsaber.
Yoda wasn't just some jedi knight, he was a master. He's the closest thing the organization has to a leader. Him flipping around and screeching with a tiny lightsaber is undignified and looks silly as shit.
He's the one who asked Mcqaurrie to design a "laser sword" so he's allowed
So does an empire losing to care bears and a Lazer destroying a planet. But hey.
Absolutely not. Opening night, midnight showing, the theater went nuts people were so thrilled.
I never laughed so hard in my life at the theater than during that scene.
It was the dumbest shit ever, i didn't think Star Wars could fall any lower until Nu Wars came around.
yes because we as the audience had only seen yoda as a frail old geezer, seeing a younger yoda duel at full power was a real thrill. also it really established the absolute carnage of the clone wars, because the yoda we meet in empire strikes back is only maybe twenty years older but it might as well be one thousand. when he tells luke that wars don't make one great he's speaking from experience living in his swamp kingdom of shit because that's what he helped reduce the republic to
It's a fucking laser swords.
>i didn't think Star Wars could fall any lower until Nu Wars came around.
So you were wrong just as about Yoda, try forming taste next time kid.
Imagine how constantly pissed off Yoda must have been. 20 years earlier, he was probably having sex with coruscent escorts and doing coke every night and because of his dumbass decisions, he's living in a shitty swamp.
But it is laser sword. Saber have one edge and its curved with optional duble edge at the tip.
Jedi use laser swords.
The problem isn't that Lucas didn't take Star Wars seriously enough, but that idiots like you take it far too seriously. Go back to making video essays nobody watches.
>He's the closest thing the organization has to a leader
That would be Mace Windu.
Literally me as a kid.
God those other kids were stupid for calling them laser swords.
No it was pretty great
lightsaber is a type of laser sword
>Yoda wasn't just some jedi knight, he was a master.
So was Mace Windu. Didn't stop him from using a lightsaber. Same with all the other masters. It's not like you become a Jedi master and just hang up your lightsaber.
as a child I absolutely celebrated that scene
He is leading in crime
why not? Yoda was beyond using weapons and so was the Emperor.
>Yoda was beyond using weapons and so was the Emperor.
Incorrect. They both used weapons. See: Revenge of the Sith.
you mean "above", user
I want to know how Yoda became so weak at 900 years old if he was kicking ass at 880
this. i thought it was dope.
I don't remember anyone calling it a laser sword in the OT or prequels
Yeah it was really stupid. I could maybe deal with it if he didn't do his stupid screeching.
Because a wise jedi master should understand that a kid's sized lightsaber with half the reach of a full length one puts him at a severe disadvantage. It would be far more logical for him to control a full sized lightsaber with his expertise of the force to compensate for his size disadvantage.
They’re basically generals. You don’t see them shooting st anyone.
Master Obi-wan, why 15% of the council members are responsible for 50% of dark side force usage?
>tfw Mace Windu actually does draw upon the dark side when he fights according to old canon
Human beings aren't the biggest aliens in the galaxy. Against a wookiee jedi with a big ass lightsaber, Dooku is going to be at a disadvantage. Should he never use a lightsaber? Should no one in the galaxy ever outside the biggest jedi, lest they be at a slight disadvantage over someone bigger? You're employing bad logic, especially since, through the Force, Yoda is able to easily overcome said disadvantage, which matches exactly what Yoda said in Empire: "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."
I first realized my wife was a moron after ten years of marriage when I asked her what her favorite scene in film was and she said that one.
>They’re basically generals. You don’t see them shooting st anyone.
Your wife has great taste in movies. Her taste in men however is very bad
Jokes on you, all women are morons
post your wifes FB page, Im gonna show her real man.
truly wonderful, the mind of a femoid is
its the coke that did him in
I didn't like it, but it wasn't as bad as C-3POs out of place slapstick routine which sucked all the drama out of the conflict or Anakin's unbelievable romance with Amidala that killed the films momentum.
If you watch Attack of the Clones and skip any scene that doesn't have Obi Wan in it, then its not that bad a film.
>skip any scene that doesn't have Obi Wan
caring about Star Wars makes you a literal man child
It looked silly as fuck
Yes. It looked unintentionally comical and ruins Yoda's character from the OT.
It was even worse in Episode 3 because while at least Lee could pretend to sword fight, Sheev's actors wasn't right for the choreography.
Who's the red guy?
No it was cool
And he was the only one who could handle too, everybody else who attempted the fighting style would fall to the dark side
What is worse is the parts where Lucas felt the need to make CGI Dooku, Sheev, Anakin, etc... Any kind human actor should have just switched to stunt doubles
The red and blue guys are ARC troopers, some of the most elite Clone troopers. The red guy was the commanding officer, I think he was a captain but I don't remember his name.
>Only black Jedi in the galaxy
>Forced to use the grape flavored lightsaber
Anakin's romance with Padme was actually based because he was an autist like us
Based obvious mommy issues NEET poster
What did Lucas mean by this?
he asked lucas for it
He chose that color.
That's what Sam Jackson wanted.
Your autism shows a lot, red being the color of power and blue being the color of courage. Mix red and blue and you get purple which Mace was the only Jedi who actually charged to not arrest (mind you both him and yoda told obiwan to arrest Jango) but to cold blooded murder jango and stare at his carcass. Even Dooku looked shocked himself when he saw that and he’s a sith. And since every #77OTUNEDITEDSWFAN believes sidious didn’t need a lightsaber, well goes to show a lightsaber is very useful to deflect lightning powered by the very same power that these future autistic “fans” claim that that’s all sidious needed. He was doing fine with a lightsaber but the very same power you guys bitched about is what scarred and deformed him also making him cry like a little bitch. The bigger asshole than Vader which described sidious in episode 6 when Vader told that officer that sidious is coming, “IM TOO WEAK DONT KILL ME PLEASE! PLEASE DONT!” Imagine if anakin really wasn’t there but sure, sidious didn’t need a lightsaber, let’s see him use the force with 4 masters with lightsabers come after him and we all know one of them manages to kick his ass.
Alzheimers. Thats why he forgot to teach Luke anything useful, like that you could deflect force lightning with your lightsabre.
Yo gimme dat grape sword muh nigga
It wasnt as bad in III where they actually used the force but here it just looked laughable
Anakin to Qui Gon in Episode 1: "I saw your laser sword, only Jedi carry around a weapon like that."
It was funny as all fuck seeing that in the theaters.
hahaha imagine Christopher Lee swinging around at an imaginary midget and Lucas swearing to him that it won't look as silly in the final product.
Yoda looked at the force the wrong way. Only Luke was able to bring true balance. Prequel Yoda fits perfectly with OC Yoda. He wasn't some wise sage
both laser sword and lightsaber are correct to use
It was fine, if it had to happen, which it did not. Any Yoda fight should have been entirely based on force powers. When Dooku said they were evenly matched, Yoda should have laughed and force raped him in the goddamn butthole
Beam Saber>>>>>>>>>>Lightsaber
Star wars is a dumb fairytale for children. 4 was ok with good visuals, 5 was good, anything else is just silly nonsense to get money and sell stuff.
Of course Yoda fight is cool as iced balls, too bad cgi was shit.
This is why Jake Skywalker died in TLJ and why Bigger Luke is still at large
it's a big glow stick
Yes. Plinkett was right.
In French we say Sabre Laser
Go watch the Yoda scenes from the originals right now and you'll see that yes, it really was that bad.
He gave Luke bad advice which Luke didn't even listen to. He's always been a regular Jedi, albeit a strong one. Not some know-it-all sage.
>Yoda wasn't just some jedi knight
You have to be the dumbest retard here, do you think he just throw his own saber to the trash converter or what of course a Master Jedi have a saber and of course he can use it but he would rather to avoid it because he's old
Yoda would primarily use force-based shit. The scene was retarded.
>Yoda was beyond using weapons and so was the Emperor.
and that's why he died because he got too cocky thinking nobody could challenge him after the fall of the jedis and the transition of Anakin into Vader
>playing Battlefront 2 after watching this
We didn't know how good we had it
I don't understand why Yoda didnt just go for his feeet. Easy target, and effective.
I see you're also a man of taste
You're clearly not a writer. Writers will have ideas and call something one name till they give it an in-universe name. Like "riding his space horse" cause calling it a Tauntaun and naming it isn't important at the time, you keep writing and come back to it. You may have called it a space horse for a year.
Couldn't Yoda have stopped every swing Dooku was making with the force? The scene looks cool, but effectively kills Yoda as a character. Everything blow Dooku made should have just been halted in the air as Yoda is like, the ultimate defensive pacifist.
I saw it in theaters when I was 14 and everyone cheered
That was cgi chris lee
I could see older fans hating it but as a 9 year old kid I was so excited at this scene
Dooku said it was a standstill with using the force and had to be tested with lightsaber instead.
Same. People wanted to see the warrior that Obi Wan had talked about. He was not some sage.
It was a real midget, getting the opportunity to beat Warwick Davis with a cane was how Lucas convinced him to do it.
It was just so much movement to accomplish nothing. Yoda honestly sucks. Both as a leader and a fighter.
Yeah the Jedi were wiped out under his leadership. He told Luke to forget his friends and focus on the force. It's RLM that's saying Yoda should have stuck to a generic archetype. But that's boring.
this but I was also about 8 years old at the time
>Committed treason
>Attempted assassination of an elected official
>Religious hatecrime (sithphobia)
Autismo fuck. Yoda is basically God in SW, of course he would know how to use a lightsaber. He's clearly much more proficient with wizard Force powers but it doesn't mean he will piss his granny diapers and run when confronted with a big red sith dick
Ep 2 Yoda battle was more comical than impressive, but Ep3 vs. Sheev was ebin. Anyone who disagrees is a söigulper contrarian
It was there to show that the wizened old master is still just that, a master.
Book and outside material goes into it further, but basically he's using the force to move his body around for everything. Physically he's too weak to even walk and has been for a while. Eventually the strain got to him.
It's so weird people will go into detail about something and still not know the most basic thing about it, like how to spell it.
>because we as the audience had only seen yoda as a frail old geezer
So being 880 years old he can do backflips, but at 900 he needs Luke to give him a piggyback ride
No. 8-year-old me thought it was the shit, and it made me a happy child, the intended audience of this film.
really the only weird part was the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
would have been cool if he had to mediate for a second to focus the force inside him so he could move and jump like that.
I think its Commander Fox
Yes. Him doing it in ROTS was ok though. It just looked pants on head retarded here. Imagine how fucking epic it would’ve been if Yoda never used a lightsaber until the end of ROTS and they didn’t advertise it. Would’ve shit myself in the theater.
I don't mind it, he's so strong with the force it compensates for his height
it just showcases how ridiculous the light-saber starts to be as an actual, widely used weapon. in the OT i saw it more as a ceremonial/symbolic weapon, that still has its practical uses (for training, for close quarter defense and dueling). in the prequels they are used in all manners of close and ranged combat and by all sorts of different aliens. luke doesn't use his light-saber to charge into an imperial trooper bataillon, he uses it to fight vader and the emperor in single combat.
how absolutely stupid is it to have soldiers with guns and artillery and air support follow a sword-wielding monk into battle? how absolutely stupid is it to have a tiny alien try to fight a much larger humanoid with both having the same weapon? how absolutely stupid is it to have such a standardized weapon for an organisation comprised of thousands of different alien species, for which many the weapon could be impractical or dangerous?
all in all, the scene was simply unnecessary, it carried no emotional weight while any possibly impressive visuals are overshadowed by how dumb the choreography has to look.
The whole overarching universe is ridiculously childish. I could cringe over barney or sesame street, but should I care?