Which of the "Mad Men" (tm) would make the best friend and why is it Joan?

Which of the "Mad Men" (tm) would make the best friend and why is it Joan?

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For me, it's Sal

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Joan coz she's abreast on everything.

Season 2 starting in 20 minutes

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I wanna solve murders with Ken Cosgrove in L.A.

Roger because the rest are either bores or miserable louts. You might actually enjoy spending time with Roger

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You would enjoy spending time with Joan too, she knows everyone.

This is a bad choice, unless you're a cuckfag. He'd bang your wife the first chance he gets. My votes on Fred. He'd help you out of jams even if you fired him or were an incompetent female.

>He'd bang your wife the first chance he gets
>implying anyone on here has a wife

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Freddie Rumsen
Ken Cosgrove

>tfw can't remember if I watched season 2 and thus not sure if I can follow along a few episodes in

I'd say Mad Men has more appeal to married people than alot of other shows but this is fa/tv/irgins so...I concede.

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We are just starting episode 1 right now

At work for another 4 hours ish
I'll just bother people in the chat for info

I wonder who Fraser would vote for. I like to think he is a Hilldog.

Ken is shown to be the most decent, thoughtful person from the main crew. Freddie is a stand-up guy too. And Stan was fun. Can't go wrong with either of those three.

Lane was a legend.RIP.

Why did everyone want to fuck Peggy? I don't understand. She looks like a moocow

It's because she looks like a moocow that everyone wants to fuck her. She was approachable compared to other women like Joan or Jane. A 5/10 is less intimidating than a 9/10

*fucks you in the ass*

She's a cutie in season 1

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Lane Pryce
Ken Cosgrove

Ken Cosgrove. He's not perfect but I'm a hobby writer as well and I don't recall him ever cheating on his wife but I maybe wrong I'm only on season 5


this, stan the man is the only real choice

perfect list

just missing freddy

Wtf why? Hillary is awful

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4 starting now

No he was a stoner.

Ken was bro tier for sure. I'd go Roger purely for the banter though.