>Hey, I’m trying to eat lunch here!
Hey, I’m trying to eat lunch here!
>Hey, here I feed!
You know what makes me angriest about this meme? It isn't the spamming, it isn't the mindlessness of it, its the lack of any effort whatsoever.
Here I feed? Seriously? That's the best you could come up with? What the fuck were you thinking?
formerly What the feed were you thinking?
I took leave of my father's decrepit farmhouse in my modest Guatemalan automobile, making reasonable pace across a landscape bereft of anything resembling what I had come to know as modernity. I eventually reached the general store, a flimsy wooden structure that emitted a dark cloud of smoke from a narrow chimney. Two locals sat outside in the midday sun, accomplishing nothing and seemingly content in their doing so. Their bestial stupidity, likely the result of generations of inbreeding and race-mixing, was apparent in both their appearance and vocabulary.
My eyes were immediately drawn towards the words emblazoned above the door. These words perplexed me in such a manner that defy ordinary description. I shall not repeat them here, for I fear that anyone who stumbles upon this tome will meet the same fate as I should they read them.
I have not slept in weeks, as I have tried in increasing desperation to decipher the true meaning of that inscription. I fear that it is pointless. The fate of this city slicker is sealed.
Formerly what the Chuck were you thinking?
My biggest problem is it is that is actually generates traffic and drives redditers to comment in these threads, derail on-topic, legitimate discussion threads and otherwise poison the board. Repeating a subpar meme is not "Yea Forums" if you want funny memes stick to your fucking farcebook, strangling a website which is the last vestibule for so many people to have proper conversations about otherwise niche interests that don't receive the same amount of autistic attention on other forums. The layout is unique and needs to be preserved but these fucking cunts continue to drive through our idyllic town spewing their idiotic smoke everywhere, destroying the sneeds of conversation that have been planted by people who actually want to create discourse and somehow pretending that they are the ones making the board the unique experience that it is. You are the townies. You are the one killing this board. And you don't even realise, scrolling up and down the first three pages look for a hint, a mere whiff of a meme to repeat and gargle and slobber on like your dads hairy brown cock. Get fucked you posers, try to have an original thought for once in your life.
Sneeds feed and seed formerly chucks fuck and suck
Here I seed.
have sneed
You seem lost, sir, let me give you a quick rundown.
>1. Reddit and Facebook have no idea what a Sneed is.
>2. Simpsons threads are Reddit, not sneedposting. Sneedposting is based, redpilled, high-test, and non-pozzed.
>3. Not a single sneedposter has ever been under the age of 18. Ever. No exceptions, it simply doesn't work that way.
>4. The moeposter is a bot being run by the Yea Forums mods. This is how it can accurately post in EVERY Simpsons thread. Mods know they can't outright ban or wordfilter sneed as it would make Yea Forums a worse place for little gain. All Janny can do is occasionally ban them.
>5. Sneedposting is the chemotherapy that is saving Yea Forums. Jannies, niggers, trannies, tumblrinas, redditors and city-slickers of all varieties need to learn that Yea Forums is simply not their safe-space. Sneed is one of the best ways to teach them.
>6. Sneedposting was one of the reasons why 4channel became a thing, and was discussed (with screencapped examples) in a Skype call between the moderators and Hiro. There is one Yea Forums and /g/ mod that fucking HATES it in particular, but most don't think it's that big of a problem. Hiro doesn't run the moe-bot, the aforementioned Yea Forums and /g/ mod does.
>7. Sneedposting is not better or worse than baneposting. It hasn't "surpassed" it, and it isn't "below" it. They are equals, brothers, wife and husband to each other. Yes, it is slightly more repetitive than baneposting, but because it has more OC and is a dedicated effort, the two memes are on par with each other.
>8. Most Sneedposters actually love the early Simpsons seasons.
>10. Sneed.
You literally CANNOT dispute any of the points I just made.
It sounds like you need to lose your virginity sir.
imagine being this broken
>sneed has more oc than bane
sneedcels unironically believe this lmao
There once was a man named Chuck
Who owned a fuck and suck
Along came a Sneed
With feed and with seed
And bought his whole store for a buck
you're not yourself when you're hungry chuck, have some feed!
sneeded him
My name is Sneedland Brown
And I am proud to be
Right back in my own store
With Chuck and Old Man Sneed
There's old seeds and new seeds
And gummy bears
Through good weather and bad soil
It's good feed we share
And so I've found a place
Where everyone will sow
My seeds and buy my feed
This is The Sneedland Show!
>formerly Chuckily Guy
>its the lack of any effort whatsoever.
What do you mean lack of any effort?
The fact that I need to press the S key, then the N key, to the E key, and again the E, key; and finally the D key is effort itself. Lets not forget the awful captcha to solve just to post one word, all these are efforts.
It sneeds today
that all you feed
is city slicker movies
and loafers gucci.
But where are those
good old pH values...
...on which we used to rely?
Lucky there's a Chuckily Guy!
Lucky there are men who
despise Park Avenue
and all the things that make us
drive german cars!
You now realize sneedposting was started by a 15 year old poo in loo and was able to troll an entire message board of "adults"