GOOD movies/TV thread

No jewish shit catering to the demented emotions of dehumanized retards.
Post stuff that wasn't created for the sole purpose of manipulating cattle into believing lies.
We will always be surrounded by absolute dumbfucks, but at least we can have a decent moment here and there with threads like this.
Post art.

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>durr let's have a serious discussion
>here, have some tits

you're a god damn fucking stupid idiot.

Who is this cum accumulator?

You do know know we are just going to talk about that redhead and not your gay ass topic of discussion?

would happily eat my cum for this girl

>A Field in England
The English Civil War begins to turn in Cromwell's favor so he can unban the jews from england and help them establish a central bank to consolidate their power over Europe (leading to the clown world you know today).
A group of soldiers from all sides finds themselves in the middle of the forces behind the scenes.
A solution to the wider chaos emerges from their small section of the battlefield.

This is about the archetypes of social classes and how they react to industrialisation and modernity, supporting the prediction that the Whitehead types have no choice but to take responsibility for everything.

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You just described every movie ever made. If you don't like it, get into reading instead.
I for one am going to stick to the globalist propaganda with the flashy pictures tankyouverymuch.

you are NIGGERS
you are a fake copy of us
everything you do is an imitation of us and it SUCKS
it is really PISSING US OFF

who dis?

But you’re an underage outsider

>implying literature isn't the exact same way
>every movie ever made
in order for the shit version of something to exist
the real version had to exist first, and it can always exist as long as the shit exists

stop being such a fucking nigger kike

>you're an outsider
but you are the outsider
thanks for the bump you fucking retarded nigger animal

diovana konigsreuter

don't spoonfeed retards, they'll never learn
the answer was literally one click away


>no u
Pretty sure I’ve been here longer than you’ve been alive.

thanks user here have this

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>chair clattering

you're right. i'll leave them with another qt and not spoonfeed this time

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I like boobs too, user. As for art, I rewatched Scarface 1932 last night, and it was pretty great. Haven't seen the remake so I can't compare them, but original is one of my favorite films ever

meant for

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can we make this a cunny thread in disguise?

>Bande à part
Now this is a movie with style

Attached: bande à part.jpg (480x320, 35K)

>I like it
>It's good
you realize you don't have a personality and that you should be killed for this reason, right?

Reminder: in less than two years 18 year olds will be younger than Yea Forums.

reminder: your life is a waste, everything you believe is wrong, everything you consume is shit
your age is a multiplier on your stupidity not your wisdom

why is this board like 100% filled with niggers and bots

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what a horrific thread. anyways here’s a good movie

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kind of an overreaction in line with the goals of the spammers

>iphone post
>"good movie"

you are a fucking nigger bot
this is all fake

I'm sorry for not giving you a full analysis of a movie on an image board made for Chinese cartoons, user. I will now kill myself

imagine being THIS new

Attached: aajc.jpg (887x1097, 81K)

>I'm sorry for projecting the pointlessness of my existence onto everything around me
not sorry enough
you have to burn

reminder: every teenager thinks this

>bumps the thread anyway
you are a nigger
any attempt to achieve social status will result in your genocide or enslavement

reminder: you came to a teenagers thread to participate in teenagers narrative against you and you are so demented you think that saying anything at all makes you superior in this situation

im a slav you dmg controlling pathetic slime

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? you good?

This movie was extremely Jewish.

Jews are based

you don't get to decide what you are
I decide

you are a fucking nigger, a counterfeit. You aren't good enough to pass. You aren't fooling anyone.

A few are but most are cringe.

Leaning into your autism is not helpful user.

>anything that goes against my jewish programming is autism
slavs are niggers
you are broken subhumans destroyed by communism

you are coming here, to our land, wishing to be part of us, coming to my thread, wishing to be part of me

you are not
you are a nigger
stay outside you animal, or we will kill you all

reminder: you just admitted you're underage

How much do you weigh?

literally just jews typing to each other with bots throwing in remarks and no one real can see each other

all fake. the vengeance for this will shatter the earth.


Isn't this thread supposed to be about art and movies we like? I really like Annie hall

this thread is like a look into a future /pol/cel mass shooters mind

Go suck cock you confused faggot

There's this new tv show that aired recently, idk if u guys heard about it but i liked it a lot, it's called The Guys or something funny like that. But believe me - it's not funny AT ALL. It's like, really violent and tense. Pic related guy is in it and he's really cool, very strong character and presence.

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no, his name is Homeboy or something..but not in like a black kind of way, but like more american

Nietzschean kino

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google turns up nothing

I wanted to comment on how cute this girl is, but then I thought about all the miles of cocks she gobbled and felt sick.

as if i'm going to even consider reading your fucking post