>The Human Holocaust? Why didn't you name yourself after something that actually existed, kid?
The Human Holocaust? Why didn't you name yourself after something that actually existed, kid?
Other urls found in this thread:
>stopping holocaust train in sequel
wtf is this real?
San Raimi is a Jew
Keep on seething anti Semitics
>that scene where he gives the black child cheering him on a dollar to dismiss him and the kid just looks dumbfounded
Damn Raimi what the fuck is even going on here?
>holocaust deniers still exist despite getting btfo all the time
why is it that the biggest anti-semites are self hating jews?
>Believing in yiddish fairy tales
Say that to my face, ya matzo-munching heeb, and not online, and see what happens.
Yeah I still remember when they found the rollercoaster to the bone pit dug 300 ft deep with no stairs or ladders.
>it doesn't exist because someone made up aspects about it
Same reason the roman empire never existed or ww2 never happened
>I was a sergeant, Peter. The best damn sergeant in the region, I lead a special unit of Army Dogs against the Vietcong, because what better way for a gook to die than at the paws of what he eats? Ironic, isn't it? They shredded through hundreds of Jungle Gooks personally, I burned thousands with napalm, and tortured and executed countless numbers of them. At one point, I had the power to kill thousands of unarmed chinks in one fell swoop but remember what I told you Peter? With great power comes great responsibility, and I decided that it was my responsibility to deliver upon those God forsaken jungle chinks the worst of punishments, I unleashed a legion of my best dogs and let them do their worst. No guns, only dog teeth and napalm...
Wow Raimi.
>Well Uncle Ben that's because I'm going to become the man that turns myth into reality
>That's my boy
Fucking hell Raimi
Leftypol is raiding hard today
>Why didn't you send Saleem?
>Saleem was deported yesterday.
Peter's uncle was very redpilled
>Finally... Zyklon C...
I can't help but feel for Greed Goblin's wish to become an Aryan.
It was a different time, Disney is trying to scrub the original Raimi film clean in the new releases.
Zyklon Ben himself acknowledged Raimi as an Honorary Aryan after he strangled a rabbi who was declaring the buffet kosher to death while filming Spider-Man 2.
What leftypol now?
>the human bread line
People at the movie theater were quite upset with J. Jonah Jameson's new look in this film
It doesn't exist because there's nothing to collaborate it aside from basic jewish storytellings and the US jewish government trying to push the narrative.
This, it's rare, but it can can happen.
I prefer the old wholesome versions of Aunt May and Uncle Ben.
There is hologram of him circumsizing younglings.
Or when they found the scarejew truly a scary technology
We might see them again. Apparently Marvel is kicking around the idea of an R rated Young Uncle Ben movie, showing his time in New York City before he signed up to go to Vietnam.
>It's true. The lampshades, the Holocoaster, the electrified floor, the masturbation chairs of death, the giant pits of fire that magically completely cremated all those people dumped in... all of it... from a certain point of view.
A little TOO obvious there JJ...
actually it was bruce campbell's idea
Marvel is waiting to see if Joker is successful before the project gets greenlit.
>No, he got my name wrong! I'm tellin' you-!
it was a different time...
>Ahhh Peter Parker, harry told me so much about your work
>You know i consider myself quite the holocaust connoisseur myself
>Take this, Peter. It’s up to you now. Finish what *cough* finish what he started.
>Sorry your pizza was late. Our ovens were busy with another order. A BIG order.
I don't get it.
Yes. This was the original pilot screened at cannes. But then they ruined it
underrated as fuck
>That part when Green Goblin rapes Spider-Man in front of thousands of onlookers
>The way his zyklon-enhanced Gobby cock rips through Spidey’s Suit and into his virgin asshole like tissue paper
>The way his screams and threats turned to pained shouts as he realizes escape is no longer an option
>When he looks down in sheer terror at the growing wet spot on his groin, realizing he just had his first prostate orgasm from being fucked in the ass
>The way any remaining resolve in him just fucking crumbles in that moment
>His cries and pleas become reduced to pathetic moans and whimpers to the shock of horrified onlookers
>With a final thrust, Green Goblin pumps his HIV-ridden hot seed deep into Spidey’s asshole, pulls out, and throws his limp body to the ground
>”WE’LL MEET AGAIN, SPIDER-BITCH” he shouts as he flies away, laughing Maniacally
>The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is reduced to a quivering, sobbing faggot with a gaped asshole the camera zooms onto, semen leaking out
>The crowd’s shock has morphed into anger and bloodlust toward the failed hero
> A Lynch mob forms, throwing garbage and screaming venemous slurs
>Spidey looks up to see Mary Jane near the front of the mob, screaming “LET’S CUT HIS FUCKING COCK OFF”
>The searing and popping of flesh as they brand his forehead with the word “SODOMITE” in large, bold letters
>Spider-Man slings a web and swings away as his asshole drips out Goblin's seed and the crowd hurls rocks at him but Spider-Man eventually escapes
Based Ben "the walking holocaust" Garrison
>But Uncle Ben... he never started it...
>...that's my boy..
>In fact, you could say that our ovens are not able to keep up with making 6 million pizzas in 4 years.
>there are “people” who still believe in the holohoax
Bravo Raimi.
Can't believe they started quoting David Icke after this.
My fucking sides
It is not real. It’s just a meme
>Six million? Give me a break, Robertson. I know you people aren’t very good with math, but seriously? Come on. Wooden doors? What the hell. Now tell me who are the owners of most banks? What is the most common dual citizenship among politicians? Who are the owners of most media? It’s so obvious, yet nobody seems to care. At least, I’m proud to say that The Daily Bugle remains free and uncompromised. But the name isn’t catchy enough. I’m planning to rename it: The Daily Stormer. What do you think?
Not for long...
>Thirty-one percent of Americans, and 41 percent of millennials, believe that two million or fewer Jews were killed in the Holocaust; the actual number is around six million. Forty-one percent of Americans, and 66 percent of millennials, cannot say what Auschwitz was. And 52 percent of Americans wrongly think Hitler came to power through force.
I like it
'course you do.
why wouldnt it?
can I get a raise though?
Certified kek
Two hundred thousand tops, mostly from Typhus
>Alright you stiatistically ugly looking to other races, STD infested, 50% of your kids abortin', mongrel mixed, sexually degenerate, IQ 87 on average, fatherless, overrepresented in crime statistics, 50% of murder committing, white victimizing, child abusing, chicken chomping, manfucking but not considering it gay faggot, gun owning but not registering, high school failing, welfare leeching, apes! THIS, is my BIG NIGGER TRIGGER!
I know they're not as egregious as his later work, but if you look back in Raimi's early catalog you can find a lot of little subtle nuggets of what was to come.
>oy veyy, get out of my class
200-300 thousand tops
kekked hard
Why didn’t raimi cover this?
burn victims hate fire the most
Based and trannypilled
>JJJ: What do we call this FAGGOT?
>Hoffman: Dr. NIGGER!!!!!
Cringe ITT
Why is there no funny pic related?
>*Himmler screaming into SS barrack*
>"Dirlewanger, in my office. NOW!
>Your actions in the east have the führer breathing down my fucking neck
>You are a loose canon, but GOD DAMN YOU BRING RESULTS" *slams fist on table*
>*bullet cases and knives collide*
>"You are a good soldier, but Hitler wants his way
>Hand over your bagde and luger
>And your other luger
>And your other bagde
>You are off the front, report back to me in berlin"
>*Wanger speaking*
>"Give me 3 months and I have every partisan from here to moscow either in chains or dead"
>*Himmler turns around to light a fag*
>*takes a short pull and blows smoke at the window*
>*SS man enters office and hands himmler a note*
>"The kcazinksrecz village just got raided by another bolshevik partisan group"
>*Himmer turns around and yells*
>"In GERMAN, god damnit"
>*SS man rolls eyes*
>"Yet another communist uprising in poland, sir"
>*Himmler flicks the cigarette and faces Wanger*
>"You have 2 weeks, I am giving you a new parter. Name is Berger, he does the job by the book.
>Now get out of my office and take your stupid hat with you"
Jesus christ, raimi. Who would have thought that he meant THAT by his new "buddy comedy" project ?
rent free
Oddly enough, if you look at the credits he's listed as Curt Connors Rockwell
Why didn’t raimi ever discuss this?
>peter, complete what xey began
/pol/ lives rent free in the heads of iSharts