Seriously speaking is there any way to revive Chloe's career and get her back to the A-list? She had so much promise...

Seriously speaking is there any way to revive Chloe's career and get her back to the A-list? She had so much promise, but looking at all the recent roles it seems like she desperately needs a new agent.

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her new franchise seems popular enough.

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It’s simple, we get her more roids

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Honestly, I would. No question about it. But seriously, is there a chance for her to be successful again, guys?

Not funny.

She bogged herself, she's ruined now

She could have embraced her genetics and been a muscle woman typecast actress but she wanted to look cute instead.


She's trying new challenges, and succeeding.

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Isnt she jewish? just tell your agent if you wanna work again, Chloé. Acting skills don't really matter, it's all bout that nepotism.

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Go away.

I'm not wrong, user.

But Chloe is talented.

I never said she wasnt.

She isn’t, her entire career was “Hey this loli is pretty cute” and now she’s uggo


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>back to the A-list
I like Chloe but c'mon

She isn't ugly you überfag.

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Nevermind the shooped buldge, she is still really good looking. Which is more than could be said about 99% actors.

>*child actors
my bad


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She may be too far gone mentally to have the spark of individuality she once had. I think Hollywood and the internet got in her head and bogged her. It hurts me too user.

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Yeah, it's a fucking tragedy.

Bro. She's ugly.

She needs to embrace her robust figure and start taking strong-man roles.

Was this you? Admit it.

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