Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow! Bright Blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!

>Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow! Bright Blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!

I've watched the LOTR trilogy dozens of times in addition to a ton of Tolkien lore videos on youtube, and I still have no fucking idea what it's about. How the fuck is an invisibility ring the greatest superweapon on middle earth with the power to end the world?

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Other urls found in this thread:


So who was he? A primal being from the void like Ungoliant?

Literally who?

>Tom Bombadil
Don't think about it. He represents English folklore. He exists outside of the story, intentionally so.

A big fucking spider that ate the life trees.

Think of all the ass and titties that you could peep on with an invisibility ring. It drives men mad.

He was self-insertion.

The ring was a tool, it amplified the power of its wearer so the stronger you were the stronger its effects. The real key for Sauron was that it also dominated the other rings that had already been made so his magical weapon trumped everyone else's.

The invisibility was pretty much a side effect, the only reason it became significant was because weak people who couldn't use the ring's full power found it useful.

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the ring itself isn't a superweapon, rather it's the will of sauron made manifest. It gives Sauron power because while normally maiar are powercapped, he more or less pours all his strength into the physical realm through ring cheatcodes (at the cost of being permanently harmable)
it also gives normal people power in the same was as the other rings by giving them a piece of sauron's will, which is so strong it can easily guide you to dominate others- at the cost that it will obviously eventually overwhelm you.

tom is out of world a nod to the bedtime stories tolkien would tell his chikdren, and in-world a reminder that ancient, amazing powers (in tom's case the power of nature personified) exist far beyond our ability to understand. the downside is that powers like 'nature' ultimately won't save the world, hence why they say it's more "the ring has no power over tom" than "tom has power over the ring."
ents and bombadil are two sides of the same coin, one representing the active, tangible will of the world to preserve its rightful order, the other a more whimsical and mysterious power we should know exists and may help us in little ways, but won't save the day

Who the fuck thought this faggot shit would be a good idea what was wrong with Tolkien to create such an autistic character thank fuck Jackson didn't ruin the movies with this gay shit

>I've watched the LOTR trilogy dozens of times
>I watched lore videos too
>I still dont get it
Read the Books

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One of Melkor's allies corrupted to his service during the Song of the Ainur she then later abandoned him and came to Earth in the form of a giant shadow dwelling spider. They later teamed up again to kill the shit out of some gay magic trees.

I don't mind Bombadil but why the fuck would tolkien put his chapter right when the adventure was beginning? Was that the kind of pacing and story structure they were teaching at Oxford at the time?

So are you a legitimate invalid or do you just lack an attention span?

Yeah because people hadn't had their attention span destroyed by hollywood movies at that time. You're trying to impose movie pacing to an epic novel.

Might as well post the classic 'oldest and fatherless' link since it's the best fan theory and Tolkien never really explained


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Nowhere in The Unfinished Tales or the Sillmarillion dose it say that about Ungoliant, all that's written of her is Morgoths exchange with her. Nothing about how she's created.

Has it been disproven?

>b-but the ring gave sauron his power
why did he lose then? reminder that he only lost the ring after his defeat

How could it be? It's speculation but nothing he uses as proof is wrong.

>A childish figure so disliked by fans of the book that few object to his absence from all adaptations of the story.

Stopped reading right there. Obviously a pleb and brainlet who knows nothing about Tolkien other than what they read on a wiki. In the trash it goes.

That's explained in the first few chapters of LotR. If you missed or didn't get it or see it, you and the people you watch for lore explanations are retarded.

It gave him the power to control others. Not to be unbeatable in combat necessarily

Isn’t it heavily implied that he and Goldberry are earth spirits of some sort?

Bombadil's mostly just a bit of whimsy, but he paints a picture of a bigger world where other things are going on and it doesn't all slot neatly into this one big war story. It's things like that that make Middle Earth feel alive.
The one ring only grants invisibility to Hobbits, because of their innate desire to be left alone and go unnoticed.

I tired, but they're boring as fucked and filled with fake words like 'Ungoliant'. Fuck that shit. That's why I unironically prefer ASOIAF. High Fantasy is shit.

ASOIAF is high fantasy, user


>Not to be unbeatable in combat necessarily
Is he has retarded looking and goofy in the books as he is in the movie?

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False. With the exception of the Children of the Forest there are no gay creatures like elves or dwarves and magic is all but dead in the world.

Based high effort post

One of main characters is a dwarf though.

there are fire breathing dragons
it is high fantasy

Go fuck yourself.

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Plenty of magic/divine miracles are seen. There's also dragons, elves/dryads and ice demons with zombie armies.

ASOIAF is Tolkien fan fic, but okay stick with your shit tier FANTASY fiction

Dragons, witches and a prophecy about giant frost spiders and regular giants. Sorry user but that's fantasy.

Fantasy yes bu a low fantasy. More grounded in reality so it's not as cringe or gay like LOTR and other High Fantasy worlds.

that's not what low fantasy means
harry potter and twilight are low fantasy
game of thrones and lotr are high fantasy

Dragons and a psychic cripple or grounded in reality
Pick one

If the ring greatly enhances the wearer's natural powers and abilities, how autistic would Feanor become if he ever wore it?

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Did you even read the first chapter of the first fucking book?

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imagine if you could turn invisible
you could watch all the female elves undressing and bathing for free

nobody here has read silmarillion user

enough to invent television and create aeon flux

I have and I reread it every year it's my bible

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That's pretty cringe, user. Not even Christopher Lee did that.

>Watched movies
>Watched videos

Have you read the book?

I have.

He was a man of taste, instead he reread LOTR every year, I just prefer the Sillmarillion. How is that cringe compared to him?

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Go to read Silmarillon right now!

Isn't some of the worst shit in the Hobbit trilogy from the Silmarillion? That's gonna be hard pass from me, bruh.

>read Silmarillon
impossible unless you suffer from autism

I have no idea where I heard this from but is it true the invisibility only affected Hobbits?
Like they are "weak" creatures who prefer to avoid conflict, thus the ring makes them invisible. It effects other races differently.

Tru or false?

>The worst thing in the Hobbit trilogy was the CGI and the fact Jackson didnt end Desolation with the battle and instead stretched the battle into a entire movie.
>The best works of Tolkien are from the Sillmarillion

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if you don't "suffer" from autism you need to leave, normie

>because of their innate desire to be left alone and go unnoticed.
Are hobbits libertarians?

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I don't suffer from autism, user, I take pleasure in it

No that's a complete bullshit lie that won't die for some reason.
From Gandalf
>A mortal, Frodo, who keeps one of the Great Rings, does not die, but he does not grow or obtain more life, he merely continues, until at last every minute is a weariness. And if he often uses the Ring to make himself invisible, he fades: he becomes in the end invisible permanently, and walks in the twilight under the eye of the dark power that rules the Rings.

pretty much. they don't even have a centralized government as far as i remember

excellent spoonfeeding, much appreciated

Is the Children of Hurin standalone novel worth reading?

thanks user!


It's not our world with our rules. A ring in a world where hobbits exist isn't the same as a ring in our world. Why are you questioning it?

there are a lot of vague fantasy bullshit written into the lord of the rings that makes no sense.
>Oh these swords are artifacts from The Goblin Wars (tm). Oh, when were the goblin wars? Just 6 millenium ago. No biggie
I was actually upset when I found out that nothing fucking happened between the sillmarillians and the Hobbit.

Man, and I thought the "Tom is Morgoth" theory was scary. This is much worse.

Any news about the new Amazon series about Melkor/Morgoth? Giving him two names was stupid btw.

I think the Amazon series is supposed to be post Morgoth.

The Entire history of Numenor, Gondor and Arnor happen in that time.

Depends. How much do you like dragon hypnosis-induced incest?

Getting a new name after becoming evil/corrupted/JUSTed is a pretty common theme in literature.

Lucifer -> Satan
Melkor -> Morgoth
>Smeagol -> Gollum
>Theon -> Reek

dont those still predate the hobbit by at least 1000 years? I spent my whole life believing the goblin wars was some operation at most hundreds of years before the hobbit the way people talk about it.

>The one ring only grants invisibility to Hobbits
When Isildur was trying to escape the orcs, he was invisible until the Ring slipped off his finger.

>dragon hypnosis-induced incest
please elaborate user

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The reason the ring couldn't effect Tom is because his boots are yellow.
Sauron's ring is nothing more than a green lantern power ring, which can not effect the color yellow.

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Warhammer Fantasy show when?

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literally no one called him Melkor after he did enough shit to earn the name Morgoth

Get your american capeSHIT out of this kino British literature adaption thread.

>Giant dragon makes them forget they're siblings
>they fuck
>the man kills the dragon
>as a final giant "fuck you" the dragon removes the spell that made them forget
>the girl an heroes

here's a pic to illustrate it, user

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Most of the Dwarves and Elves in the Hobbit are hundreds of years old they remember it and no the War of the Dwarves and Orcs ends 148 years before the battle of 5 armies.


>Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye
What did he mean by this?

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>Bro just stab me it's actually super easy

Based dragon

He won't kill you, but rape and torture you slowly?

it's actually pretty nice.

imagine being this much of a brainlet


Where can I find some kino LOTR art from the 60's 70's and 80's before Jackson's ugly aesthetics ruined everything?

The elvish on the ring of power describes it pretty well.
One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

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So you just watched Game of Thrones and read some bullshit in some wiki. By your posts, I'm pretty sure you've never read a single book in your life yet you believe yourself to be an expert not only on ASOIAF but in the fantasy genre as a whole even tho you have no idea what High and Low Fantasy means. You are a Yea Forums poster alright

Anyone got the Feanor, most autistic being in Middle Earth greentext?

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Glaurung is truly the most based of Dragon kind.

What exactly did the Feanor fellow do to earn him so much scorn and mockery?

Never understood the ASOIAF vs LOTR posting, Martin is a huge Tolkien fan.

Look up Lord of the Rings art by Pauline Baynes. She was Tolkien's illustrator for a lot of his work.

Idk about a specific site but if you just search (place name)+book version you'll find some great stuff. There's a book-accurate painting of Minas Tirith and its surrounding walls/farms that blows the movie version out of the water.

They have mayors and sheeeeeeeeiit


>be Feanor
>make the most beautiful gems ever in all of existence
>so beautiful Satan himself comes to steal them
>get mad, swear the most terrible oath that will ever be sworn in the history of the world
>former allies and friends are like "cool down bro, you're not thinking straight"
>kill them and steal their boats
>cross the ocean, get to the other side and burn the boats because this train has no brakes
>takes my entire people on a rampage all the way to the gates of Angband
>personally fight my way so deep into the enemy ranks I end up soloing nine Balrogs at once
>finally get struck down by Gothmog, lord of Balrogs
>my (many) children carry my dying body from the battlefield
>make them swear they nor their children nor their children's children will rest until we get those fucking gems
>set fire and blow away as ashes on the breeze as I die because of how FUCKING ANGRY I AM

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Sperged out when Melkor stole his gems, and reee'd so hard he changed Melkor's name. Got pissed some other elves wouldn't lend him ships so he committed the first elf on elf killing and slaughtered them. Lied to his brother and said he would send the ships back to get him, when the ships didn't show his brother was forced to march through the frozen hellscape of the north amd lost many of his company.

>When the hobbits return to the Shire after their journey to Mordor, Gandalf leaves them close to Bree and goes towards Bombadil’s country to have words with him. We do not know what they say. But Gandalf was sent to Middle Earth to contend against Sauron and now he must depart. He has been given no mission to confront Bombadil and he must soon leave Middle Earth to powerless men and hobbits, while Bombadil remains, waiting to fulfill his purpose.
I don't get it? Did Tom brainwash Gandalf or?

Bombadil is the god that made Gandalf and he goes there to accept his next mission, simple.

Isn't Eru Ilúvatar God?

Yes. The whole story is an allegory to Christianity.

NEET once very senior Valar who totally checked out of the battle between good and evil and cosmic politics cause he had the personality of a jolly stoner.

Yes, and Illuvatar uses music to create the universe as a song. Tom Bombadil uses music to work his magic.

Actually based, great post

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All the Valar use music for creation. Hell the first conflict happened because Eru heard Melkor playing and was like "not quite my tempo"


based tolkien lore master

And the elf blacksmith who made this didn't see the red flags when writing that on the ring?

kekked my hobbit pants

Sauron made it himself.

I wish I had friends who would understand this. 10/10.

The ring of power was forged by sauron himself.

You sure? I thought he enlisted the help of that famous Blacksmith Elf. Or did he just make the other rings?

We're your friends, bro.

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No, he made the one ring himself.

I should though that you are right in that Sauron helped the elven smiths to make other rings of power, just not the one ring.

alright that makes sense


who is the guy that draws this stuff?

Who will be the main baddies in the series?
Khamûl and his easterlings?
Witch King of Angmar again?

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No idea, but they're great.

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yeah but compared to the two following books the first one really is a slog. Sure ROTK had an entire chapter of aragorn just healing people and sure it transitioned pretty seamlessly from hobbits on a roadtrip to actual adventure but shit, it was SLOOOOW and the entire section with the barrow wight seemed so disconnected from the rest of the plot

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dangerously based

You don't understand the books at all.

Sauron made the One, Celebrimbor and other unnamed elven smiths made the Seven and the Nine with Sauron's instruction, the Three were made by Celebrimbor himself in secret.

only problem with this is that Bombadil MUST have known the Cardolan men, since he appeared sad when he tells the Hobbits about the kingdom that was and it's fall.

maximum lore acquired

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That's the name! I played him in Shadow of Mordor

if you had the ring right now, would you use it? let's assume it gives us humans the power to dominate and conquer.

It would literally be impossible to resist the temptation to use it

It's the singing that really slows the whole thing down. Every few pages someone bursts into song, disrupts the hell out of the narrative 99% of the time.


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probably wouldn't be actually, since we are basically hobbits in this age. There's no temptation for power, which most of us could get with some effort, because we live so comfortably. We don't have massive responsibilities and our only desires can be fulfilled with money.

>There's no temptation for power, which most of us could get with some effort, because we live so comfortably
Idk about that. The Nine were all kings, they were living as comfortably as anyone could live, and they were still tempted by it.

middle earth is such a shithole to live in if you cant fuck off to valinor. it's gloomy and turning into shit more and more

How in the fuck can you not like Tom "wears the one ring as a cock ring" Bombadil?

It's not so bad if you're a human who managed to survive the War of the Ring. The hobbits and dwarves are absolutely fucked though. How long before Aragorn's descendants look west/north and decide to do some conquering?

was literally a turbo autistic wafufaggot only his waifu was a bunch of rocks

Was Fingolfin best elf?

Was Fingolfin the one who went toe-to-toe with Morgoth? Because if so then yes.

This is the baitiest bait post that ever fished for (you)s

>reading fanfiction

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Nah, Tulkas is one of the Vala/Ainu/whatever you call them. I'm talking about the elf who actually picked a fight with Morgoth and held his own. Pretty sure it was Fingolfin.

it isn't user, do what you like, as long you don't pray to tolkien everthing's fine

lol, ebin xD

Why dont you read the books?

Yes, that's him
>tfw half of fanart portrays him as a blonde
this displeases me greatly

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Tolkien said several times that the romance between Beren and Lúthien was his self insertion between himself and his wife. Bombadil is a character he made for his children during bedtime stories who he wanted to have a place in his professional work

Elves=blonde in a lot of fantasy for whatever reason, it's very weird.


i loves tom bombadil

>>my (many) children
I thought elves didn't have much sex drive. Was his wife so cockthirsty for him, or did he have a harem of willing elven maidens?

>I thought elves didn't have much sex drive.
Why would you think that ?

I thought it was just that later elves were less willing to have children. Their immortality probably is the main factor, if you keep seeing your children die in war over and over again over the course of thousands of years sooner or later you're just going to stop wanting to have them.

If they did then they wouldn't be dying out now would they? I imagine middlearth isn't big on contraceptives, so if they don't have many children (elrond had what, 3 kids?) then they must not fuck very often


dont (you) me

I'll (you) you and you can't stop me you kinslaying fag

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>randomly find a sword in the barrow-downs
>it just so happens to be some divine magical sword, the one of few of it's kind that could ever harm a ringwraith
>just so happens to get into a fight with the witch king and stab him

pretty lucky of Merry desu.


That too, it really started out as an entirely different kind of book. I have the utmost respect for the adaptations that actually kept the music-theme in (The bearer of the ring is genuinly great) but none of them even came close to the Books and thank god for that theres just so much stop and go with all the lenghty poems. Great for worldbuilding, yes, narrative-wise, not so much.
Almost makes me wish for a LotR musical

He gave Morgoth a wound to the foot that left him with a permanent limp.

he also fell in a hole in the ground

You don't get a (you) for this

when did LOTR fans start sounding like Dragonball Z fans?

Tom Bombadil is unironically the manliest character in LOTR.

I mean if I knew Sauron was around and it would fuck me over, no I wouldnt.
If Sauron didn't exist I would probably not be able to resist the temptation.
HOWEVER I do know that it eventually fucks you over with or without Sauron (right?)so if I am able to resist I guess I wouldn't use it