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Great, but when the "boys club" gets bored of the new line of comedians, you will lose all their money and they will go somewhere else.

They still aren't funny.

>bigging up
Yeah, that's sure to catch on


>we need to obliterate white men, but first we need to use a white man's platform

why do they ignore every single female comedian every time they want to push a new one?


If she's funny, who cares? Why does everything have to be about race in the past few years. Its beyond boring.

Women of color = colored women

FINALLY netflix is acknowledging black people.

Because she's not. Are you retarded?

but women are objectively not funny... seriously, they're terrible joke tellers

Stand up comedy has been dead for years. All these dying industries try to pander to black people as a last ditch effort.

who even watches comedy anymore? why not just go on reddit if you want memes and shitty jokes?

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It’s just part of advertising process. When it comes to progressive shit, everything has to be heralded as the first of its kind, even when it’s clearly not.

representation matters

I don't know who she is so she could be hilarious for all I know. I'd imagine its the very sterile, #woke style of comedy considering the article but stranger things have happened.

Women aren't funny, especially nigger women. Next.

>for too long the comedy scene has been pale
There have been several very successful black comics for the last twenty years. Why not just pitch it as comedy by a black woman instead of misrepresenting standup?

good thing cunts have no dedication and stand up comedy doesn't pay fuck all. most of 'em quit right away.

Because if they point to the already established female comics it'd be harder to pretend that the literal who of the week is some pioneer. Also 99.999% of female comics (compared to 99.994% of male) of any level of fame are hot garbage and everyone knows it.

sit down whytboi

Tons of people watch stand up specials on Netflix. People blow up if they get signed with Netflix and are actually funny. Even fairly minor ones get seven figure deals per special.

Why go on reddit for memes and shitty jokes when we can just come to Yea Forums?

Stand up comedy is a shit medium and always has been.

Everything eventually gets reposted to reddit.

>what is Def Comedy Jam??

>pale and male

What? Are you fucking dumb? There was Eddie Murphy in the 80s who dominated, Chris Rock in the late 90s, Dave Chappelle in the 00s and I'd say that Kevin Hart is the new guy in the 10s. People would look to these as the top comedians or at least most talked upon.


I always post this but

um cool? haddish is funny not sure about the others. having this doesn't mean that all of a sudden there won't be white male comedians, don't see the big deal here.

You’re forgetting the guy that inspired them all, Richard Pryor.

It's not enough to build black women up. Wh*te m*n need to be torn down.

and Bill Cosby before him

times up casper

Fuck blacks

Youre forgetting Pryor, the best of all time IMHO.

>black voices at last

But hasn't there been tons of black comedíans that have been very successful? Both in movies and stand-up?

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If it weren't about race it wouldn't be about anything. That is all these people have.

because the new ones arent funny, so people will only watch if they feel like they are saving the world or some gay shit.

That's not enough for most of them to survive in stand up comedy. All those ones that had comedy central specials in the 2000's vanished just like the nextlix people will.


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Still beat tho

I'm not trying to be cynic or disrespectful, but does it matter?
Let them shit all over this shit stand-up comedy industry, let them take capeshit to a whole new level of garbageness, let it all burn because we'll always have old films, literature, youtube and tiktok.

Did they forget about Wanda Sykes and Whoopi Goldberg? Probably the only black female comics I actually like, and who are actually decent comedic and in the case of Whoopi can be serious actresses.

why would you sleep with someone out of disrespect?



this. pewdiepie is funnier than anything on netflix

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Women aren't funny. She isn't "shaking up" anything she's just losing her Jewish owners money.

Stop falling for this bait. They just write shit like this so you guys would get all triggered about muh diversity which creates free buzz for these guys without the effort

To show them how empowered you are.

Who the fuck let zoomers on this board. No wonder we get so much capeshit and star wars threads

Chappelle is one of the most successful comics ever and had his comeback on Netflix, why do they continue just lying to peoples faces

>My BLACK vagina...

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To own the incels.

not really, Eddie Murphy was on stage and a star decades ago, so was Chris Rock and Dave Chapelle. It's the fact that women aren't funny no matter the skin color, simple ASS.

it really is. and it doesn’t even make sense.

Its funny you say that because Pewdiepie hates Marvel, and loves the Nolan Trilogy.

Culture warriors are unable to detect bait.

while I have never seen pewdipie, the idea that some random dude on youtube being funnier than anything produced by netflix doesn't sound that far off

>this. pewdiepie is funnier than anything on netflix
Are you seriously this retarded that you think an autistic swede who got famous solely because of a glitch in YouTube's algorithm is funny. The fucking retards in this board lmao

*uproarious laughter*

I actually agree. Pewdiepie is like, low-effort comedy, but he does have his moments.

Netflix "Comedy" doesn't have its moments. Some of the movies are good, but standup has been cringe for the better part of a decade now.

Is it actually possible for women to be funny? Im not baiting or whatever, I know a couple of women and not once has any of them managed to get even a chuckle out of me compared to my mates who get roars of laughter out of each other time to time. Even in media I have an extremely hard time placing a genuinely funny woman, yeah theres the trope of woman doing cute/stupid things for a chuckle but then we're laughing at them, not with. I dont get it, is it a bioogical thing? Is being comedic some sub concious mating ritual a male must perform to win the favour of a lady? Is it not possible the other way around?

Woman always show up to the funeral of something trying to take charge.

Yeah, Aubrey Plaza's style of comedy can be pretty funny. That's about it.

same reason 4channel is funnier. so much shit is thrown at the wall eventually something will stick.

I agree a literal autistic faggot whos too dumb to pander to anybody with an iq higher than 56 is most likely on par with a Netflix comedian

Women can be funny, female comedians nowadays are not. They ride the social justice and empowerment too hard to reach the top. They get a few headlines here and there, then they go back to the shadows. You got dozens women that are really amazing comedic actresses(one part because of the writing, and the other because of how they perform), Tina Fey is a great example of a good comedic actress and comedy writer. Joan Rivers is a great standup in general, rest in peace.

Nowadays though any upcoming ones are not doing it on talent but comedy affirmative action. They didn’t have to go through the 90s and early 00s when you were fucked if you weren’t funny, regardless of gender and race.

To be fair user, you never met a woman other than your mom

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it doesn’t matter. if no one takes the bait, they’ll just samefag astroturf to fabricate a consensus and make it look like someone is taking the bait, which in turn will prompt someone to take THAT bait.

basically, there’s nothing you can do to stop it except to make sure that you personally do not respond to it and hope that they get bored talking to themselves.

Thats a whole other thing. Audrey's shtick is the "Im so quirky and weird" thing and again extremely subjective, mostly I find women being the overwhelming majoroty of the fanbase that revels her as hilarious. You have so many male characters, like Iron man, Jack Sparrow, Dr House from House etc that you can categorize as witty and funny. But Im hardpressed to name even a single woman that could fall under the same category.

>t. LARPing incel

Tiffany Haddish is like the opposite of woke. She was asked to discuss race/diversity after her Emmy win and respectfully declined, and got hate for it.


Her stand up is okay, pretty bland. She’s more of a comedic actor than a real comedian. Most of the comments are just about her body.


They always need to be "new" because "progress" can't get stale. That's why they constantly need to "shake things up"

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A funny woman will threaten a man's fragile ego because being funny/witty is related to possessing high intelligence and males often love to think they're the pillar their female counterpart depends on. Its actually interesting how many women will do willfully stupid things and hide their intellect to appear cute and non threatning to men.

Funny women don’t exist.

Didn't we just have a woman comedy show on netflix that got shitcanned immediately? Maybe your draw should be being funny instead of being a woman

It's just a cope for the fact that being an almost sentient fleshlight is the best she can do.

>haha we've just been pretending to be retarded for thousands of years! got ya ;^)
