Underrated character

Underrated character

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you first


>Proves who the third Kira is with ease

Literally who?

Watch Death Note, faggot

god i wish that were me

based tranny poster


Not a tranny, I just wanna know how it feels like being a girl for like a week or something. I'd never want to lose my dong

>want to be a girl
>don't want to lose dick
>not a tranny
Nothing you say makes sense, you're a tranny who is delusional, go to the infirmary.

all female characters should be as submissive as her. muh strokn womyn is a fucking virus

>Yea Forums is over there

>Watch Death Note
lol calling other people faggots

oy vey yes goy, you tried wearing high heels once? off the penis goes

No, I mean I'd like having a vagina for a week too. I just mean that I don't permanently wanna lose my dong

Why? Not like you'd be able to fuck anything anyway

Incapable character that literally only got by on her looks. Literally should have died four times in the anime , but was saved every time because she was pretty.

I wanna know how it feels
>Not like you'd be able to fuck anything anyway
Come on, you wouldn't wanna fuck Misa if you had the chance?

I've never seen bible black

How can anyone actaully watch the anime? I tried and got like four episodes in, but the fucking music is so annoying. I read the manga after that, because it looked kinda interesting, and while that wasn't the greatest thing ever, it was better than having to put up with that shitty music

Literally worse character and worse plothole
Like, why NOONE was after her for HER killings, nor show ANY repercussions for her dn use.

>Incapable character that literally only got by on her looks.
Just like real life

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>Television & Film