What the fuck was her problem?
How did she get away with it?
What the fuck was her problem?
Because of her twat. But Affleck would still bash her when the cops go
get a hubby from HS
gives your hubby all your daddy money so that hubby can be a hack writer
hubby cheats on you
you want children to solidify your relationship
get your hubby back by showing how much you love him and kill for him
hubby becomes violent on you when you tell him we are pregnant
Best irl depection of women ever put to cinema
Reminds me of my wife tbqh, except she wouldn't consider killing herself as part of the plan.
true nature of women
>tfw you are so chad you drive a hot genius to criminality just to punish you but she sees you on tv and literally murders someone else in a 180 turn to come back to you
>gets you into a fucking hot yandere checkmate of mutual assured destruction
>meanwhile all you did was bang your big titted student and play vidya
only people angry at her are incels who cannot fathom the mindbreak
answer to both of those questions are "because she's a woman"
>What the fuck was her problem?
She was a socipath. Her husband actions spurred her actions.
>How did she get away with it?
It's a movie, user. She got away with it because the writer deemed it so.