What is the best single episode of Star Trek of all time?
What is the best single episode of Star Trek of all time?
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I like the one Picard dies in and Q lets him come back and do that fight with that alien in the bar over again, when he comes back to life laughing is probably one of my favorite Patrick Stewart moments period.
Is this from the finale of Discovery? I love that show its so exciting.
I liked the one with the alien who spoke in references and him and picard fight an alien together and he tells him about gilgamesh in the end
The Inner Light
tapestry is fantastic as are a couple of other tng eps like measure of man, drumhead, best of both worlds, chain of command, the inner light etc.
but i think ds9's in the pale moonlight is best overall
the episode is Darmok
Yeah, you're probably right. I love Tapestry but In the Pale Moonlight might just edge it out. It's a real spin on Star Trek that is just so wild.
Only cucks like In the Pale Memelight. It isn't true Trek it's a deconstruction and means nothing if you haven't seen the rest of the series. On its own Pale Memelight is about a shitty morally ambiguous asshole who willing falsifies evidence to trick the Romulans into joining the war against the Dominion. It isn't about exploration or philosophy it's about someone betraying their ideals for a greater good. It is the opposite of what Trek is supposed to be.
Pale Memelight fags can eat my asshole.
Is Star Trek at it's best when writers lean into what a load of nutty bullshit Gene Roddenberry's utopian vision was, if you really break it down?
Star Trek is at its best when the Federation gets fucked over and the consequences stick.
>Is Star Trek at it's best when it isn't Star Trek?
good question
imagine still seething after 21 years
The quads ring true.
Who Watches The Watchers and The Inner Light.
Any answer that isn't Darmok will be considered a shitpost.
>Only cucks like In the Pale Memelight. It isn't true Trek it's a deconstruction and means nothing if you haven't seen the rest of the series. On its own Pale Memelight is about a shitty morally ambiguous asshole who willing falsifies evidence to trick the Romulans into joining the war against the Dominion. It isn't about exploration or philosophy it's about someone betraying their ideals for a greater good. It is the opposite of what Trek is supposed to be.
Pale Memelight fags can eat my asshole.
imagine seething this hard and also being so wrong at the same time lmao
The idea that Star Trek was ever liked because of Roddenberry's Utopian nonsense is revisionist history. Star Trek at it's core is good sci-fi, and likable characters. It is not "dood, what if no money? Uuuuuhhh".
30 days
Far Beyond the Stars
This is a really good one. The one where Q became a mortal was good too.
TOS: The Doomsday Machine
TNG: Darmok
DS9: It's Only a Paper Moon
VOY: Year of Hell
Duet can also eat my asshole.
You can literally skip the first two thirds of any Kira episodes and not miss anything like the one where she has to get an old man to leave his house so she helps him collect berries and build an oven then in the end decides to just burn his house down. She's supposed to be a strong, assertive character who gets shit done but all of her episodes are about her doing either absolutely nothing or doing the same thing over and over again like revisiting the guy in the cell to ask him if he really was the concentration camp butcher, until the last five minutes when she makes a decision. Kira episodes are a waste of time.
>City on the edge of Forever
>Mirror, Mirror
>Measure of a Man
>Best of Both Worlds
>Chain of Command
>The Inner Light
>The Visitor
>Call to Arms
>In The Pale Moonlight
>The Trouble With Tribbles
>Year of Hell
>Living Witness
>In a Mirror, Darkly
>haven't seen Discovery
Only virgins can pick a single favorite.
>It's Only a Paper Moon
Chad choice.
what would a grills favorite trek episode be?
For TNG, I prefer Sins of the Father to Darmok et al. Never hear anyone talk about it.
The Ultimate Computer.
That's a boy.
the most boring Voyager episode or one of the many shirtless Kirk episodes
The one with the flute.
Do you have the other pic, the drawing of the guy holding the flute? I've lost it.
Trouble with Tribbles!!!FACT!!!
This one or the drawing below the photo?
The Siege of AR-115 or whatever that DS9 one was where you get to see feddies actually trying to fight a real war.
Quark's little commentary on human nature is chilling.
lol I think it's the other one.
>Star Trek literally began as a Jewish propaganda deconstruction of western Capitalist futurism
>The entire series is about choking on the dick of post-scarcity egalitarian space communism
>One episode finally shows characters doing what people ACTUALLY do in war--acting pragmatically to secure victory and the safety of billions even if the means are dubious
>buuu huuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuu how dare you inject actual humanity into my free healthcare masturbatory fantasy huu huu
I'm not sure that's literally true but there's still a lot about it to enjoy.
Next Phase where Ro Laren and Geordi are turned into ghosts by Romulans is pretty rad.
Romulan trickery is always fun, we get to see two Starfleet officers experience death and reflect on what they think it means, and my goddess Ro Laren talks about Bajoran ghosts.
There may be other episodes with more characterization, higher stakes, and snazzy effects but taking two characters with opposite beliefs in a show about exploration and asking them to consider what happens when they die is about as Star Trek as it can get.
Pale Memelight is for cucks who think being edgy is cool.
That's literally all Pale Memelight has going for it. If it weren't couched in a franchise about people always being the best they can be in a perfect utopia then it would be considered meh at best. Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5 explored much more complicated ideas about morality and they don't jerk themselves off for being gritty and "real", once.
The Changeling is the best TOS episode. If you disagree that's ok because I'm sure you're favorite is also good.
The Offspring probably i was not ready for a emotional gut punch.
based retard
Any ST episode with ship battles is going to be bad 98% of the time. Prove me wrong.
>While I think 'The Inner Light' is the best episode, it doesn't really feel like a true 'star trek' episode.
So, My favorite is 'Déjà Q'
John de Lancie's performance of an omnipotent character's fall from grace was masterful. Plus the finale had so many memorable (lighthearted) moments.
> For some reason 'Déjà Q' isn't highly touted by others. I'm not sure why.
Oh how keen, the text in your post disappeared just like Ro and Geordi. I wonder how I'm supposed to figure out what you're saying... hmm... no spoilers...
Enlisted cucks love “Nog’s Leg” because it validates their desire for free gimmiebucks
I was going to say "when Ro walked through someone like that, does that mean that they've done it" but I didn't finish typing
I love sins of the father. Worf is this super complex character constantly trying to come to terms with who he is and always putting on a string face to hide it, to put it all out in the open in a politics drama was brilliant.
I dont why Darmok get so much praise
>le alien talk cryptically
How come they don’t fall through the floor and what air are they breathing?
>What if he just meant Ooga Booga Jamal on Africa
There's something about the probe floating around the ship that I find really unsettling.
Great episode
In a Mirror, Darkly
My fucking nigger.
>No The Royale
Royalefag confirmed to as wagecuck
The one when they swipe Spocks brain, I forget the exact title
The episode when that bitch Deanna Troi lost her empathic abilities. It really showed her true colors but honestly I would have reacted the same way.
TOS - 'The Balance of Terror'.
> It introduced the Romulans.
> The ship battle was a strategic back-n-forth chess match.
> The Romulans actions were explained and rational (making them somewhat sympathetic).
> Spock had to deal with looking like the enemy.
> The death of the would-be-groom, gave weight to an 'red shirt' death.
All in all one of the few non-campy TOS episodes that I really enjoyed. (p.s. I enjoy most of the campy ones)
do it do it fooly cooly?
you just keep compounding your wrongness
for your own good, stop posting
Imagine being a butthurt Stationfag upset that Voyager is still more popular
Where Silence Has Lease has always been one of, if not my favorite
all of them
Fucking TNG fags.
Fuck yes, in fact all DS9 episodes and their adherents can do so to this man's asshole (leave mine alone because I ain't no fag)
If you don't understand the magnificence of two men reaching an understanding beyond words you should black father at childbirth back to plebbit
Damok of course.
this post is gay
really gay
How the fuck can you only choose one? But choosing (imho) the best from every show:
>The City on the Edge of Forever
>Chain of Command II
>Year of Hell (both parts)
>In a Mirror, Darkly (both parts)
Duet a shit.
they are wearing special platform shoes
>Not In the Pale Moonlight
Stay in the real life superhero thread.
>if you necklace a man while speaking his language, you might be nelson mandela
This is a tough question. There aren't very many god-tier episodes but the ones that are, are the god-tier of god-tier television.
Ultimately, I have to go with City on the Edge of Forever. Now, some would argue it has some hammy acting, and it's true, it does in places. However, that episode really indicates the heights to which Star Trek can achieve. The Inner Light, The Visitor, Duet, and others may be technically superior but the spirit of City elevates an already excellent episode to be the pinnacle of Trek.
The one where Crusher fucks the ghost probably.
Go away
Imagine thinking Voyager is more popular because non-Trek fan leftist women and Trek fans who never watched Voyager while it was airing caught up on it on Netflix
>In a Mirror, Darkly (both parts)
In a /trek/, dorkly
By what measure? The Inner Light seems to have almost universal praise despite some major issues.
My personal favorites per series are The Doomsday Machine, Tin Man, Way of the Warrior, Real Life, and North Star.
Mortal Coil.
The Corbomite Maneuver
Balance of Terror
The City on the Edge of Forever
The Galileo Seven
Space Seed
>Best movie
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
The Next Phase
A Matter of Honor
The Neutral Zone
Strange Bedfellows
Treachery, Faith and the Great River
Call to Arms
The Abandoned
Our Man Bashir
In the Cards
Basics: Part II
Have not watched Enterprise nor finished VOY s7 yet.
Disco is shit
Only watched JJtrek 1 before discovering /trek/ and it an average action movie
The Inner Light is dumb and so is The Visitor, but I hated my family. Most people like their families so they like wishy washy I LOVE YOU, DAAAAD bullshit
I would have murdered my parents if I thought I could get away with it. Still would.
Based free thinker who actually watched Voyager
The Visitor is my personal favorite but I'm a sucker for sad stories that involve time manipulation.
I bet you dudes liked Course: Oblivion too.
Year of Hell was so good but the ending was complete shit.
“Tapestry” is a favourite of mine, but as far as TNG goes, I’d have to say “Ship In A Bottle” is the single best episode of Trek. It’s wildly inventive, intriguing, and ultimately engaging, as well as presenting the nuanced flaws of Picard’s character as he hopelessly grapples with empathising with Moriarty.
The performances are fantastic and the plot is so well constructed it should be studied.
The City on the Edge of Forever
Kino follow up to Demon
This is my personal favorite as well. Of course, the trope is that Kirk was a wildman cowboy who played fast and loose with the rules but if you watch TOS, he is the consummate professional pretty much throughout the series -- the perfect captain.
But he's so affected by this that he just says, "Let's get the hell out of here," over official comms when they're beaming off the planet. It's a great scene.
Top notch acting by Shatner.
was this the only episode where troi was good?
as for the thread, in the pale moonlight of course.
everyone is flaming you but youre right
if we are talking about the BEST episode of all star trek, this episode cannot be it for this reason
Face of the Enemy is the best Troi episode. Mostly, I think, because Marina was always better at playing a bitch and Troi's character really didn't fit her.
I know
I think so too. Troi is at her best when not being Troi. Like the small role she had in Fistful of Datas was fun.
He has a boyish charm, but mostly professional when he's on duty. The notion of him being this big rebel who routinely wiped his ass with the rules mostly stems from the movies, where he was a midlife crisis, and becomes a pirate.
Imagine being cast to explain emotions to the autistic.
yeah, she was suprisingly fun in that episode. Had a bit of an action girl thing going on and didn't just hang around telling Picard how that one angry alien might be angry but she's not sure. It makes you wonder what the show would've been like if she had actually gotten to play Yar.
The Inner Light.
The Corbomite Maneuver
Kirk doesn't fuck around
>The notion of him being this big rebel who routinely wiped his ass with the rules mostly stems from the movies,
And popular culture. The old Trek skits they did with the original Saturday Night Live cast, the Simpsons, Zapp Brannigan on Futurama, etc had a ton to do with Kirk being perceived as a hormonal lothario that shot first and asked questions later.
>VF is in another thread right now admitting to being a real life super hero
I'm honestly surprised.
In the Pale Moonlight
>TOS: The Doomsday Machine
holy shit i gotta change my answer to this
extremely kino sacrifice
Now this
This is cringe
> Actress feels like the show isn't "doing enough with her character"
> Doesn't want to be in a sci-fi TV series (which was looked down on in Hollywood at the time) because she thinks it will be detrimental to her career
> Quits after the first season
> Season 2 starts and the show takes off, becomes a huge hit
> Actress is forced to show her tits in some forgettable B-Movies with only one or two decent films to her credit before being ultimately forgotten
> Only real claim to fame is S1 and making a documentary about Star Trek fans
> Meanwhile every other TNG actor has royalties from seven seasons of TV work, numerous films, and cons every year they can make money from
Do you think she goes a single day without regretting that decision?
I'm sure con money eases the pain
Keep in mind that she is a Crosby. I doubt she was ever hurting for money. Bing Crosby is her grandfather and was one of the biggest stars in the world in his day. I'm kind of surprised nepotism didn't work more in her favor but it's not like there was ever any danger of her going the way of Jennifer Lien.
The AVGN episode was kino
Why was Picard bald as a cadet? And why did he look like Tom Hardy?
Who Watches the Watchers is always really underrated.
>Picard was bald as a cadet, probably because Stewart started balding when he was young
>but we see middle aged Picard with a full set of hair
what did they mean by this
Young Picard was on the academy swim team.
>I would have murdered my parents if I thought I could get away with it.
Whew, lad.
That wasn't Picard he was a clone
I thought they explained it as him shaving his head on a dare, his friends took the snap to commemorate his top laddishness.
>ctrl+f 'The Defector'
>0 results found
Casuals, filthy fucking casuals all of you
I don't know if it's the very best episode but it's up there, and imo a perfect representation of the essence of Trek.
I really liked DS9's "Shadowplay". It's a nicely contained touching little story.
Post yfw you realized that you were the Picard from Tapestry - a dreary man in a tedious job who never seized the opportunities that presented themselves, always playing it safe and never being noticed by anyone
They think the audience is stupid.
Whats the best one plebtrician?
Based VF
The River will provide!
>"Computer, delete that entire log entry"
>"This entry has already been synchronized with the Starfleet cloud and is pending review"
>no love for DS9's Whispers
probably the best of that season
I don't get why the inner light is so praised. Maybe it's because I don't care about Picard besides his role as captain, but I always feel bored during this episode
Essential O'Brien-must-suffercore
I'm also partial to The Wounded