/ternobyl/ - /RBMK/ and /ttg/ - Chernobyl & The Terror General

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Hello, comrade anons!

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Will he and Jared Harris be in Season 2?

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Sadly not.


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Poor Akimfu :(

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I'll post more, hold on.

Hickey wants some ass?

it's in italian, but if you're interested, it might be interessing

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Oh my! Wow! Thanks for this.

Reminder: It's Leonid's birthday in a few days.

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Hickey's pee

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Do you taste metal?

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yo you fucks
why didnt Crozier show even a single sign of scurvy when everyone else did
was he hidding all the lemons for himself

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First episode of the second season out and none of you are talking about it?

Adam would probably show his penis if AMC allowed him

Crozier milked Jopson's prostate every single day and ate all of his cum. That's why Jopson got sick and went downhill so quickly, Crozier stole all his nutrients.

I really have no motivation to see the episode. Maybe I'll bingewatch the first 3 episodes, if something interesting happens.


First for Fitzjames

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It makes me really happy that he's holding the spyglass like in his actual photo

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First for Perez

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>Crozier and Fitzjames listed as captains of Terror and Erebus
>Franklin just listed as captain
I don't get it, what even was Franklin's role?

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Poor Lt. Couch got skipped in the show

A pity, he was a real cutie.

Don't try to discuss the actual shows here, these threads have been taken over by women lusting over the actors.
If you want an on-topic discussion of either show, start a new thread with your question.

this is season 2 territory
get lost

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I want discussion too! But user, ppl have been discussing the new Terror episode it's just nothing really happened in it yet.

Yeah because there's so much to discuss about generic weeb horror with le scary funny walking woman #29348230
The only reason any of the threads made about S2 survive is /pol/ debates.

Over my dead frozen body

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fuck, meant to quote

Who are you actually trying to quote nigga

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I meant as a response to , is that too much for your female brain to comprehend?

Your post makes a lot more sense as a response to the post you originally quoted.

But your post barely makes any sense in response to that. Are you sure you didn't wrongquote again?

Sexist much?

Captain of the entire expedition I presume.


Read the first response to that post and connect the fucking dots. These threads are cancer frequented by idiots as you're currently in the process of proving.

That’s a fair question. I thought that it was because the captains and officers would get better rations, but if I recall correctly their lemon juice expired pretty quickly for how long they were there.

So who was actually the captain of Erebus? Franklin or Fitzjames?

In the show, it’s obviously Franklin. I don’t know how the British navy worked back then but it makes sense that you would have a captain for each ship and then a different person leading the expedition as a whole.

Here’s a quote from his Wikipedia page on the subject:
>A younger man, Captain James Fitzjames, was given command of HMS Erebus and Franklin was named the expedition commander. Captain Francis Crozier, who had commanded HMS Terror during the Ross Antarctic expedition of 1841–1844, was appointed executive officer and commander of Terror. Franklin was given command on 7 February 1845
So in reality, Fitzjames was the captain of the Erebus from the beginning. Interesting departure from history in the show.

Makes a lot more sense that way. I guess they changed it because they wanted to play up the angle of Fitzjames moving past his insecurities and becoming a good leader, when in reality he was Chad Thundercock himself and wouldn't need to do that.

plot twist, whiskey is a secret source of vitamin c

>can't even quote properly
>calls others idiots for not being able to decipher his chicken scratchings
You fit in perfectly here, faggot.

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lol Dyatlov in the background.

I've never seen this posted before. Forensic reconstructions of 4 as yet unidentified members of the Franklin expedition.

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>me and the lads making kinos
a real couple of kino magnets those two. I just finished Rome Season 1 and he pulls of Brutus, an affected, priviledged upper class toff so well. You just hate him and love him at the same time. Ciaran Hinds is just unbelievable aswell. that death scene, holy fuck, I believed it

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Who's behind them?

Kek. They should be in more kinos together, all three of them. Tobias is gonna be in the new season of The Crown, idk if you watched that. Jared was in the first season.

I'm fucking butthurt that I live in a 3rd world shithole and will never ever see The Hunt with Tobias Menzies even though The Hunt is one of my top kinos of all time

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Brits are so lucky to have the opportunity to watch their favourite actors so closely, while the rest of us can't even watch all the films they're on.

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Brits don't deserve to experience The Hunt anyway. All the reviews I saw were squealing about muh toxic masculinity and muh how dare they portray rape accusers as anything other than infallible angels in the #MeToo era

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*rolls eyes*

I mean, The Hunt is a 10/10 film, it doesn't need a remake; but I'd like to see how Menzies interprets Mikkelsen's character (I think he plays that role, right? Correct me if I'm wrong), especially because at first glance he seems like an evil person, but he's actually a sweetheart. I mean I thought Fitsjames was going to be an arrogant asshole until he dies, but doesn't and became one of my favourite characters.

He does portray the main role, yeah.
>at first glance he seems like an evil person
Huh? To me it was 100% clear from the start that he did nothing wrong considering what the girl accused him of lined up perfectly with the porn her brother showed her and the words he'd used.

Any of you watch Doctor Who? Tobias is in an episode. He plays a soviet dude on a submarine during the Cold War but there's aliens.

I refuse to watch that disgusting homosexual tumblr shit even if it has Tobias making sweet love to an angel sent from heaven as irrefutable proof God exists.

Fair point. I can understand that. Tumblr ruined that show as with a lot of things. Tobias was great in it though.

I was just commenting on the fact that Menzies kinda looks like the stereotypical evil white men that Tumblr always complain.

Kek fair enough. I thought you meant Mikkelsen in the film.

god she is so fucking cute. I would pump her full of my love and cum.

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name my band Yea Forums

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Punished As a Boy!

So I watched the start of season 2 and I’m liking it so far. I served with a Tibetan guy years back that use to tell me of an Asian superstition/curse thing that seems similar to what they are going with in this season. He use to tell me stories about it. If anyone is interested let me know.

The man eaters

Would Gibson be a man eater x2?

to be fair I would both

Sure, go ahead.

Actually I think he would be less of man eater since he was the one they ate

>implying he never ate Hickey's butthole

Rating Hickey's harem:
Tozer=Irving>Des Voeux>>>>Hogdson >>Manson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tuunbaq >>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gibson

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What a smug little fucker

Imagine the smell

Swap Des Voeux with Irving and Tozer and you've got my ranking as well. I just like piss.

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What was the reason behind the hats?

Good choice

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protect your hair from radioactive dust

Hickey cleans his butthole with the purest Arctic meltwater daily and it smells like snowdrops.

To keep radioactive material out of their hair, I guess.

How realistic was the radiation contamination? The red faces and hands blistering, would it happen that fast by touching the graphite or other contaminated material?

Is it wrong that I wanna fuck irl Khodemchuk hard against the pumps?

We don't know...
Mazin said he didn't want the show to be a gorefest so he downplayed the radiation effects.
it was reported that Akimov's skin turned brown and Toptunov's completely black except for the back and they didn't touch any graphite.

Kind of. It depends on how much radiation you receive in a certain amount of time.

Vasily actually threw up his organs


Turn your wolfs ear to me now and hear, or the next piece of advice you will be getting may be from a cat o nine. God sees you, Mr user.

Yes, Captain user! I blame Mr. Hickey and his sinful ways, sir. That alluring little shit.

I think it was probably blood clots because those look remarkably like raw liver. How would his organs get into his stomach?

Honestly, that's what I wondered when I read that.

why didnt they have some transportation devices for land with them?
they took all sorts of shit with them but they didnt think maybe something with wheels would be useful?

Your apology is noted but you thinking the way you do still concerns me.

That's why they had the sledges, you can't exactly use wheels in that kind of terrain. In the book Franklin actually thinks about bringing dogs to pull the sledges but that would mean chaos and shit everywhere.

Russia is going to make their own version instead of dubbing the HBO series, only flaw is the british accent.

It's the feedwater. Must be mildly contaminated.

Oh wonderful. Something else for Hickey to eat.

And more innocent creatures for that animal sadist G**dsir to torture like he tortured the monkey.


When Irving caught Hickey and Gibson together, it took Hickey much longer to make himself presentable which leads me to believe Gibson was fucking him. But Hickey later says that he's seen more of Gibson's ass than his face. So I'm certain beyond all reasonable doubt that Hickey is a switch.

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Are we to assume that everyone who was exposed to lethal levels of radiation puked up blood and bits of their organs if possible (I read they literally disintegrated inside the bodies) or was this just what happened to Vasily?

that's my theory too. He's definitely more dominant than Gibson, but he likes to take on the ass too.

There are 3 different basic subtypes of ARS depending on your exposure. The gastrointestinal one where you puke up everything occurs at around 400 rad and up. At very high doses (around 3000) you won't puke, your brain and nervous system will just shut down.

Ooh I see. Kinda curious as to how the other guys were affected with it. I'm guessing Akimov and Toptunov were the ones whose bodies just shut down? Everyone turned into a zombie pretty much right? Sorry, I'm morbidly curious and hey, it's a discussion.

I can't remember what the dosages we're dealing with are but the fact that they remained alive for quite some time puts them in the same category as Vasily because at higher doses death is very quick (we're talking hours vs weeks). Sorry if my knowledge is lacking, I'm not a physicist, I just had a few lectures on this that I've never had to apply.

Sorry for the late response. I’ll start with one he told me since it was tied to the religion they follow.

One of the big things follows with the concept of say karma/fate or something to that affect. His family was very traditionalist by the way so they took this stuff serious. In any case they believed heavily in what you do comes back at you. Now it gets murky though because the belief in spirits or “old spirits” (anytime from angry ancestors or something they would maybe consider a devil of some kind). If these spirits feel wronged or are angered they can fall upon or curse a family/community/city. He also said the spirit was different with each one but ones that had a taste for blood were the ones his family and people feared the most. He said these were created from certain acts of life being taken. It could also turn said ancestor spirit into say one of these blood thirsty spirits.

Oh and with some of the old rituals the old old people would still do he told me that in the belief they held it was within the concept of “a life for a life”. This could mean anything really but an example he told me was say if a woman wished someone dead they could see a witch of sorts to do it but must accept that for that persons life another must be offered equal. Something like themselves or something else. I’ve got more if anyone is still interested.

Oh, that's interesting. No, no, your knowledge is fine! I have that pic somewhere of the characters in the show vs. the real people and what happened to them all after the accident so that kinda puts everything into perspective.
That makes sense that most would be the same as Vasily. This stuff is really interesting.

Reminder that Hickey is a confirmed SLUT and would cuck you with other men.

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Why is Bridgens judging Hickey? He's also gay.

Because Bridgens is a piece of shit, I hate that retarded faggot so fucking much

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Guys, whyy? I just came across a dirty Ulana x Legasov fic. Also found a really dirty Akimov x Toptunov fic earlier. Just... why!?? I

So where do you guys torrent Chernobyl, I don't have a VPN :(

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>little homunculus
>sea lawyer
>bony gnome
Dan Simmons really had fun with the Hickey insults

If people were calling me that shit every single day of my life I'd start eating them too

Akimov was from Chernobyl you mong

You sure?

If you're sure then
Ulana x Legasov

Akimov x Toptunov


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is there any legal way for dirty canadian to watch season two legally without cable? i don't understand why they restrict the show like this.