ITT: relevant documentaries
ITT: relevant documentaries
I like watching hot girls fuck fat ugly men. Men they would never fuck if they weren't paid for it. It's really hot.
>imagine being a fucking cumbrain
>narrated by james hetfield
I like the term "cardboard butterfly". Never heard that before.
>stawp watching pooorr uuu orrr orrrrn yea orr
I don't get it
Whats wrong with Cumbrians?
look it up
Something you like looking at that isnt real because cardboard isnt real
Do you know what it means or is it just a pleasant sound to you?
Being addicted to opiates is acceptable but porn? You'd have to be such a pathetic loner for this shit
>cardboard isnt real
>narrated by James Hetfield
>Beeing addicted to opiates
You have to be a depressed wageslave to be associated to that shit.
t. pauses film every 3 minutes to read Yea Forums
I thought it had something to do with like when heroin addicts say they’re ‘chasing the dragon’
Ok thank you.
this is porn...huh wow
>What’s Good About the Movie
>My first concern about any movie about porn addiction is the risk that in discussing this topic they might show some pornographic material or present the topic in a way that is tantalizing. This movie does not fall into these pits. It discusses pornography without showing any images that are tempting.
>Without showing any images
Fucking dropped.
>(Warning: I am going to give away the final “punch line” of the movie.) Male butterflies are known to be attracted to the markings on the wings of females. In an experiment, a cardboard butterfly was made with bigger wings, and brighter and more vivid markings, than real live female butterflies have. The cardboard butterfly was placed in a container along with many live female butterflies. Male butterflies were also placed in the container. The male butterflies consistently ignored the live females and attempted (unsuccessfully!) to mate with the cardboard butterfly.
Fucking pottery
>narrated by James Hetfield