How many live action adaptations is disney gonna produce until people catch on they all suck compared to the cartoons?
How many live action adaptations is disney gonna produce until people catch on they all suck compared to the cartoons?
A few more
nobody cares about movie quality, especially children
Cinderella was the only good one so far because it wasnt a souless diversity cash grab. If they made it now she would probably be a muslim with a head rag
As many as it takes for them to stop parenting money
That manjaw probably gives killer head.
Here's a scary thought: years from now, will we see the people who grew up on these movies defend them? Will we see people actually say they're better than the traditionally animated versions?
The Lion King in particular sticks out to me, because it's still animated. It's just a worse and more expensive type of animation.
the opposite desu
grown women thinking this is a substitute for a personality and grown men who think hating that is also a personality will continue to fuel this cesspool
meanwhile kids are a lot more intuitive and will make better choices like just not giving a fuck
>post webm of person speaking to camera
>on a no audio board
If we purge these fags the board IQ will jump 15 points.
Already saw someone defens the hobbit today.
yes they all suck
*makes one billion dollars*
you're supposed to fill in the caption by way of lip syncing so she's saying something sexually suggestive. also nice quads.
The Hobbit films kind of have the opposite problem as these Disney movies, though. The Hobbit films are overbloated and trying to do too many things while the Disney remakes are watered down as fuck.
just install grindr and fuck a black guy, get it over with already fags
so we're all just gonna let disney own hollywood now?
>trained to look the patron in the eye and stay in character
>sperg puts a camera right in your face while asking long form questions
why are americans like this
The thing is, if they "suck compared to the cartoons" but are at least a little bit better than unwatchable crap AND based on a franchise people know and love, they are still going to make huge amounts of money. And rightfully so.
I mean, it's not like movie tickets are so expensive and peoples' time so valuable that they only go to the movies for a once in a lifetime experience. An average quality movie is usually good enough too.
The new lion king is not "average quality" it's utter dogshit
be born a chad
the duke in Cinderella was black
It’s the only form of human contact with a qt many have. So naturally would want to document such an occasion.
even the cartoons suck you raging faggot
the remakes are for the overseas market and for little children who don't give a fuck if the movies are derivative
they're not made with 30-something forum-dwelling dudes in mind
give me the video with audio NOW please I NEED IT REALLY BAD
She a princess not a source slut