Movies about Tinnitus?
Movies about Tinnitus?
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How do i stop this shit? For me started suddenly around 8 months ago
Everyday I'm starting to think that tinnitus is just a part of life, more and more people seem to have it properly the technology or some shit
you got an alien probe
>a constant ringing in your eyes that never stops
I think I'd rather die
rotate your hands so your index fingers touch the back of your head and tap
if you do it correctly it will sound like a bouncy ball
it will give you some relief, sometimes fixes it
How bad's your T? I forget I have tinnitus often. REMEMBER TO PROTECT YOUR EARS SO NO CLUBBING OR PARTIES FRIENDS.
not sure how to stop it, but i will tell you THE SOUND ISNT COMING FROM YOU
You get used to it. As long as there's some other sound going on, your mind blocks it.
It's the one good thing about living in a noisy town, desu.
Sure, there's the odd night where everything's quiet so it's just "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", but I rather have than that blindness or whatever
Place your palms over your ears so that your middle fingers are located over the back of your head. Then knock on your head repeatedly with your middle fingers for 15-30 seconds. The drumming sound does something to disrupt the ringing, and makes it much more bearable.
For as long as I can remember I've had a ring in my ears. When I was a kid I only really noticed it when I was in bed, and I just figured it was what your ears "heard" when there was no other sound to hear. It wasn't until high school that I realized it was probably tinnitus.
I guess I should be glad that I've had it all my life because I don't have to acclimate myself to it as an adult. Still sucks though, on bad days it can be intolerable.
It's coming from the frakkin hull
mine only pops up on occasion
I don’t have it because of damage it’s because of the bone structure of my ears. I usually forget about it unless I actually focus on it
It never goes away and gets progressively worse.
The 'treatment' is to listen to generic sound loops at a volume slightly quieter than the tinnitus, so that it's not quite drowning it out but you're not focusing on it
yours sounds like high blood pressure
Leave a fan on. Works for me.
Same, I’ve had it since I was a kid and the high pitched eeeee would kick in every time a tv (crt) was turned on so I assumed it was just a white noise made by those.
Nowadays it’ll kick in randomly but what really sets it off is:
A) focusing on it (these threads are cancer for that)
B) some high pitched noise in game/film (like a flash bang sound)
Some quack Chinese ear doctor i saw thinks it's caused by my subconscious trying to focus on a non existent sound i was exposed to and is amplifying background noise
I thought it was normal until about a month ago. Can it be because I just wank my ears with toothpicks?
Didn’t Baby Driver just do this?
Hearing stories like these is what makes me think that it really is just a static noice that everyone hears
Had it for 5 years now. Sadly you just get used to it as long as you don't think about it too hard
It's only annoying at night and during moments of complete silence
woke up with it really bad in one ear a couple days ago. actually thought i was going deaf at first
>not hairpins run under a warm tap
Fuck out of here
For me, tinnitus was made much stronger by high blood pressure. Once I treated that the tinnitus mostly went away. I would say it only happens about 25% as often as it used to and most of the time it is much weaker than before. Once or twice a month I still get a strong episode that makes me wince but it’s barely noticeable now for the most part now that my blood pressure is in a healthy range.
It's definetly from sound damage. But it gets worse when I am sick or don't sleep why do you think it's blood pressure related?
Many drugs especially antibiotics above basic amox/penicill level are ototoxic and cause tinnitus. Got it in my left ear after taking rifaximin.
have some relief
Thought I had it for a long time, realised I "had it" only when I started to think about it. Then I realised it's just a sound my mind makes when I think about it.
Doesn't it hurt though ? Wet toothpicks are comfy.
Really? My bp gets to 180/120 sometimes and doctors never no idea why. I have drugs but i rarely take them as high bp doesn't seem to have any symptoms
>blood pressure affects tinnitus
Can someone give me a rundown? I've also heard that nerves in the upper spine can aggravate it too.
that's what I sometimes suspect too, especially when I read stories about people who can't concentrate on anything because of the awful noise in their head. I figure, I can't have tinnitus if my high pitched "eeee" is relatively benign, right? But no one else I talk to seems to hear this noise.
The strangest part is when it starts moving around in your head and you can feel the sound coming from the side, the back, behind your eyeballs, wherever.
t. future stroke alert
My T sounds similar to the noise a computer room makes. The hardest part was the first year.
The good news is you'll die eventually
180/120 is high as fuck. You need to take care of that for more reasons than tinnitus. Most blood pressure drugs are cheap so don’t neglect treatment.
what does it mean when you sometimes get a ringing in your ear randomly but not constant
I've had it my whole life. The only time I notice it is when I wake up in the morning
I take comfort in this when thinking about most things that bother me.
Had it all my life. It's about as loud as breathing in through the nose.
Gor visual snow, too. Probably the same cause. Nerves not quite working right or brain screwed up.
>Blood pressure drugs
Or he could just stop being a fatass.
How did you treat it? diet?
i started having it at 11, i'm 26 now and floaters too at the same time
there's probably a reason but doctors don't know shit, free doctors that is
i don't think my case is the worse though, it only gets really bad when i drink alcohol and i hadn't noticed it in a while
Work on improving your health instead of relying on medication
I just would rather fix the cause but i don't know what it is. My theory is that it's bottled up anxiety that's been transferred from my brain to my blood vessels somehow
Answer the call user.
A good Aussie thriller called Noise
Uhh I think you have heart damage dude, probably gonna want to keep taking those drugs. Were you prescribed fluoroquinolones before? (moxifloxacin for example)
I've had it for over twelve months. Got it I think from headphones and music over 24 hour bender of drinking and video games. I thought one would go deaf as hearing abuse not some fucking ringing sound. Forever. What a fuck up. A complete nightmare.
I couldn't tell you what antibiotics I've taken
Pick up, man. The Boss is calling.
>Baby Driver
It also had evil nigger trope.
were you diagnosed with atrial fibrillation?
baby driver
If his HBP is weight-related he has to take the drugs until he loses weight, plus there are genetic and age components. He might be a 50 y/o with a healthy weight.
I’m still taking the meds but I have lost enough weight to get down to a lower dosage. The goal is to be off meds entirely by the end of the year.
Regardless of the cause you should still take meds until you can determine what else to fix. 180/120 is massive heart attack/stroke tier.
You don't need to be overweight to be unhealthy and have high blood pressure.
Not all BP is weight related. I've been taking BP medication since my late 20's and have always been skinny. Just a long family history of it being high.
Not that i know of. I'm on hospital a lot for other stuff but they check my heart rate often. It's elevated to 110 sometimes but usually is normal. I had as sleep study done and I'd think heart problems would have been picked up there
Take one of those extra strength multivitamins every few days and be sure to always get as much rest as you can. Deep sleep is very important to people with T.
kill yourself jojonigger
ok disregard me then I thought you were saying your bp was that high on average
Holy shit that actually worked, thanks user
If you don't have digestive problems or diet restrictions it's unlikely you will have any benefit from a multivitamin. It's not difficult to satisfy vit/mineral requirements in the modern age.
It's all in your head. Stop hearing imaginary sounds, stop seeing imaginary friends.
i got tinnitus and floaters at the same time along with a bunch of other conditions i didnt have before. mine seems to be getting better very slowly. tinnitus is much much quieter and eye disturbances much less severe.
what do you think caused yours
That's my heart rate. My bp is always elevated unless I'm lying down. My bmi is 25ish
had mine for almost 3 years now. it gets easier
>what do you think caused yours
i honestly have no idea, if i had to guess i'd say it's something related to hitting puberty but i'm no doctor
Floaters aren't neural. Visual snow is, though. Not to confuse those with the white spots dancing when looking into the blue sky.
You've got no idea dickhead. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Be as careful with your ears as you would your eyes. Or you'll end up joining us.
I first noticed it when I was left alone in the car. Came to the same conclusion and was like, whatever.
The worst part is realizing you have it and now you're overly aware. Keeping busy kinda helps.
Tinnitus is nothing compared to nerve rot and the i have both
I think you just got trolled epic style
>For me, tinnitus was made much stronger by high blood pressure. Once I treated that the tinnitus mostly went away.
in my case I have a mild tinnitus that get worse if I don't sleep well.
In Children of Men, Tinnitus is used to symbolize death. Every time somebody dies you hear the noise
i had visual snow really strong now it is pretty much gone. i always had floaters but i would have to make my eyes go out of focus to see them, same with the white dancing spots.
all these things became so severe i couldnt fuction properly on a daily basis and they came about at the same time i developed tinnitus.
over the space of three years they have decreased in severity to the point that on some days i cant detect any of these issues even when i try my hardest to.
i still havent figured out what, if anything, affects these symptoms but im just lucky theyre getting better
There's also an ear noise related to the sinuses. Sometimes, it makes a clicking noise with pressure from the sinuses followed by a steady "u" tone that gets higher in pitch and then fades away as the pressure in the sinus evens out again.
This it's kind of related but i have never met anyone who can relate.
If i don't get enough sleep all of my sense go spastic. Everything suddenly looks simultaneously far away and uplose, my hearing and touch do similar things. My blanket feels like it weighs a tonne for instance. The corner of my room looks like it's bouncing between 1 meter and 50m away. I hear a malevolent voice in my head too, it's really strange i used to think a it was nightmares as a kid. Anyone have any idea what the is, it's not just exhaustion it's something very specific
Sounds like schizophrenia. See a doctor.
I have explained it to doctors and my psychologist and the best i get is dumb theories like iris spasms. I am perfectly in control of my thoughts, it's more like some specific thing gland in my brain has just stopped working properly temporarily (usually like half an hour)
Take care of your back/spine bro. That shit has repercussions of all kinds. Posture, exercise, movement
i have had mine ever since i can remember. probably the nascar races or me racing dirtbikes at such a young age that gave it to me.
I think mine is TMJ related. Just knowing it's there for a reason makes me feel way better about it, so I'm sticking to that. Doing jaw exercises and softer diet. If nothing improves I'll go for spinal and neck exercise memes.
Then get a psychiatrist who knows what they're doing. A malevolent voice and sensory illusions are schizophrenic in nature. Sleep deprivation among things can trigger an episode. It's pretty textbook, really.
i only notice it when it is silent and then it's not that dominant or maybe i just got used to it, pretty lucky considering i got some hearing damage to my left ear due to a defect
>go to a naturally quiet area
I think i actually just found it through a Google search
holy shit same here, i thought it was the sound of silence or your ears just working to hear something when there was no sound.
I couldn't tell you a cause but it sounds like your brain is acting in manner similar to synesthesia or schizophrenia ie the 'lateral' neuronal connections are too easy to make and you get jumps from association to association.
>>this thread
It's 100% this
The descriptions on that page match it perfectly
Maybe I'm just used to it, but I've had tinnitus my whole life and it doesn't bother me. Most of the time I forget that it's there
Me too. I don't care about it at all
>constantly listening to loud ass music through headphones
>using lawn equipment and power tools without hearing protection
>one night of drinking and listening to loud ass music through my haedphones
>wake up with a ringing in my left ear the next morning
it's been 8 months since, it's getting easier to cope. please god let this actually fucking work. also feel free to call me a retard and that i deserve this.
Dissapointed it took this long to post Archer for a tinnitus thread
Stop stressing, do what you like, listen to it and let it be, it's a fight of flight response
>blood pressure drugs
lmao kill yourself
I got it in my one ear when i had an ear infection, it was temporary but very annoying and spooky as reading for some people it doesn't go away even after just an ear infection.
imaginary diseases don't belong to movies
Same to both, found anything to help with the VS?
There is no cure...
Upstream Color has a crucial scene involving the protagonist developing tinnitus as a result of quantum entanglement with a reality remixing pigfarmer
This, i can't recommend this technique enough, i use it daily for moments when there is no other sound and the tinnitus stands out.
thnks dude
real talk
when I'm out innawoods with nobody around me for miles I sometimes hear music. Almost like a far away neighbor is having a party playing loud music.
I ride motorcycles and have shot guns a few times without protection.
am I fucked?
Nope. Nothing. Asked an optician about it but they didn't know what it is. Asked some medical university about it and they have no idea either. From what little I know, there is only one person in the world doing research and they're not very far.
Is this somehow related?
>Mulder realizes that Crump is in a considerable amount of pain and that the only way to ease the pain is to drive west. Scully investigates the Crumps home and discovers that an antenna array emitting ELF waves stretches beneath their property. She deduces that an abnormal surge in these waves somehow caused a rising pressure in the inner ear of the nearby inhabitants. Westward motion seems to be the only thing to help the ease the pain of the increasing pressure.
Ugh this thread hits home for me, I've been dealing with this shit for the 2 years or so. one day I just woke up and my right ear was ringing/humming pretty loud and felt weird, kinda like it was stuffed up. Went on for about a week, then magically went away over night. Then about a month later the same shit happened to my other ear, same routine. Since then I've had some low-level tinnitus that seems to get worse or better depending on the day (most times it's undetectable unless i'm in a quiet room) and I'm pretty sure I have some hearing loss. Went to an audiologist and got tested, and she said it's within normal parameters, but I definitely have a tougher time hearing/understanding shit in noisy areas or when people are far away from me outside. I used to have very sharp ears. Doctors seem pretty clueless about what caused the ear problems in the first place, they thought it might have been allergies causing elevated middle ear pressure but that theory fizzled out.
Ever since then, I've also been getting that thing where one of your ears suddenly starts ringing/buzzing for like 10-20 seconds before fading out and going back to normal. Growing up, I used to experience that every once in a while, but now ever since my ears got fucky 2 years ago, I've been getting it just about every day. No one, including any of my doctors, seems to know what the hell it is. And on top of it all, I started getting floaters and white flashes in my vision a month or so back. I feel like everything's just falling apart lol.
Pretty much my only hope is the fact that I am really fat, have elevated blood pressure, and have horrible sleep apnea. The apnea started pretty much right before all this ear shit, so the two might be connected. I'm currently working on all three of those problems (losing weight/on blood pressure meds/getting a CPAP), so I have hope that maybe fixing one or all of these problems will alleviate the ear/eye problems too.
Blog post over.
Why do all zoomers have tinnitus?
in-ear headphones, loud clubbing music, playing games with headphones....
Got my tinnitus from an MRI scan.
Long story I was on the outside of the MRI (not the one being scanned) and I wore no ear protection. Let me tell you a Siemens MRI in an enclosed space has a fuckin piercingly loud sound.
Anyhooo three days later I woke up in the middle of the night with tinnitus.
Its been 9 years.
Bravo, Vince.
A roomate of mine grew up listening to h3avy metal and ended up with hearing damage. Nithing like getting kocks on the door at 3am because the neighbors complain that he needs to turn down the volume of his speakers during his League Of Legends matches. Or waking up at six am hearing the LoL announcer talking about control points.