How come Jewish humor is so good? Shows like Arrested Development, Sienfield, Curb, all have lots of Jewish themes integral to the shows and yet do well with gentiles.
How come Jewish humor is so good? Shows like Arrested Development, Sienfield, Curb...
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Jews are funny
Comedy is about tragedy, Jews know a thing or two about tragedy.
The Jew is a clown to be mocked
They can be self deprecating in their humor which is usually funny. You don't normally see like Italian Americans or whatever doing that.
Its not like theres much competition.
out of those i think only curb is good
Damn this is a pretty good point
Because most gentiles are big no fun crybabies. Jews only pretend to cry about being offended if it'll profit them. Aryans, nigs, and chinks are legit always crying.
yeah the jews love meta humor and self deprecating so the secular humanist goyims like that too. This is because women are 99% of their audience and women love to be either judgemental about the characters or love to self insert when they think the situation is quirky, like the vagina show 30 rock.
Those women and retards really think that this is high iq humor.
See also, George Sr. becoming a religious Jew and trying to sell things from prison immediately.
They laugh at themselves and stereotypes
less limits, more willing to touch subjects others wont
What is anti-semitic about saying Jews have suffered many tragedies in their long and colorful history?
Curb and Seinfeld are literally the same episodes on repeat, once you've seen one you've seen them all.
But they remain funny.
Because Jews are based.
I am Jewish and self deprecating humor is a big part of Jewish culture, Jews laugh at themselves and stereotypes more than outsiders. Also being expected to do well in school and/or business, which partly explains why so many more Jews do well in school etc.
Pretty fresh take for Yea Forums
You think 99% of the audience of Sienfield are women? What?
What is sitcom format?
You'll notice the same of black comedians, its usually jokes about the crazy stuff blacks do.
If you find that humorous sure. Curb isn't funny, it puts you into awkward stressful situations where you have to react either with laughter to compensate or you can't stand watching it. It isn't funny, but a psychological reaction. Jews were never funny. Take Mel Brooks, Blazing Saddles is merely LOL NIGGER the movie.
>Jews were never funny.
Excuse me
>Jews laugh at themselves and stereotypes more than outsiders
Yeah, right.
>Jews laugh at themselves and stereotypes more than outsiders
Sure but when an outsider laughs at you, you all shit your pants in rage.
Its true though, look at Sacha Baron Cohen. Same as Curb, he forces you to face an awkward and tense situation and you compensate by laughing. It isn't funny when he is torturing people, you feel their pain, but you laugh so you don't have to. Their humor isn't organic, it isn't borne out of true mirth, happiness or joy. I wonder sometimes whether the increase in depression is resultant of people forgetting how to truly laugh from humor.
All races have things they are good at. Jews are good at finance and humor, Asians are good at math and technology, Hispanics are good at manual labor, blacks are good at sports, and whites are good at... umm...
Fuck you Bateman. Also check this out.
They are only funny to indoctrinated Americans who have been force fed jewish (((sense of humour))) their entire lives. Literal castrated cattle
Industry and conquering
You sound like a funny guy
>and whites are good at
Look up the biological origin of laughter, its relief from an initial stress reaction. Those shows are funny because that's the shit you get into in real life and no one wants to talk about it.