>mfw some attention seeker says he though Alita was an awful movie, yet he can't name a single film in 2019 that was better
Mfw some attention seeker says he though Alita was an awful movie...
Other urls found in this thread:
>being this touchy because someone didn't like your favorite film
yeah we get it, you're still upset. fuck off now faggot
literally a pointless statement
Its dull, generic, blockbuster tripe. Posting ironically doesnt change that.
>OP: name a better movie instead of just saying its bad
>retard user: DUH ITS BAD
literally a pointless thread. cry some more, bitch made faggot.
leave this thread then if you don't like it then you fucking child
stop making shit fucking threads and then you won't get called out for being the retarded faggot that you are
Parasite. Stop watching these instantly forgettable, cgi laden bore-fests.
Cutelita is bae and Battle Cutie is kino.