Since Amazon did Ennis's works like Preacher and The Boys, will they adapt this?

Since Amazon did Ennis's works like Preacher and The Boys, will they adapt this?

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guarantee you it'll be the new WALKING DEAD when it happens

>survivors are mostly proud trans women of color
>Crossed are all cishet white males
>white male survivors constantly panicking, have to be led from scene to scene by PTWoC
Sounds great.

why the fuck are people spamming crossed begging for an adaptation since two weeks now? is it the same edgy faggot or are shills testing waters?

I hope not, Crossed is awful

spotted the pleb

>why are people making threads about a comic book that was made by the same guy who has a new and popular TV show based on his comic
Dunno lol

stop being a fucking retard, we don't need a daily thread repeating the same 3 sentences about this unfilmable trash

I hope they add enough HOOOORSECOOOOOCK

It's boring, people turn so quickly that they never really suffer, they'll all horrified and scared then within seconds they are laughing, no satisfaction

I'm not op, tard

then stop defending pointless shitty thread, mongrel

>More degenerate shit
hopefully never

Stop being a tard.

Eh, when I was reading crossed it felt like it moved way too fast, i didnt give a fuck about any of the characters

No studio would have the balls to adapt
>the wife begging her husband to leave her and taking their child, but the beta onions boy is too noble to leave her behind.... so they all get raped and eaten while the wife calls him a fucking retard

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>it's impossible to change the rules when making the tv-show

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Fucking Ennis is such a tryhard edgelord.

have sex

>I'll never again read crossed for the first time on Yea Forums in 2012 after a hard day at school


what's it about?

What if zombies weren't zombies but humans who had all their negative inhibitions released? You get this:
That's in fucking issue 1.

It also gave us
so there's that, at least.

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>What if zombies weren't zombies but humans who had all their negative inhibitions released? You get this:
So basically just the walking dead? Since it's not really about zombies but how people turn to shit in post-apoc?

Then we get autists screaming about how the show isn’t a 100% accurate depiction plus writers tend to fuck up on this step (see TWD)

what does edgelord even mean?

if only you had a device at your fingertips that could summon knowledge on this subject

>Since it's not really about zombies but how people turn to shit in post-apoc?
Pretty much every postapoc is about that, but here zombies are literally very, VERY evil people. And jn top of that, there are survivors that are just shitty people in general.

Infection that makes people unable and unwilling to hold back on impulses, leading to rape, murder, cannibalism, etc

too edgy to have mainstream appeal

Actor: Idris Elba

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>What if Zombie apocalypse wasn't lots of undead but instead turned people insane to engage in their sickest phantasies (rape, gore, torture etc.).

99% of the panels are just bloody gore images. The plotline is in most cases survivors being chased and at some point getting caught and horrendously killed. Only a few storys are worth the read like the one with the nun and the writer, the prehistoric one or the one where the woman is safed by the roleplayers who refuse to give up their larp.

Don't blame him, blame his Irish parents for making him sit through all of those redundant Catholic masses they have

Wish You Were was Great without relying too much on the edgy shit though. I don't know about a series adaptation but it's the better story out of all the Crossed series imo.

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Badlands actually has some better arcs than the stuff Ennis wrote lol

>99% of the panels are just bloody gore images
I get it that not many people like that stuff, but i still don't know why they think this is bad or wrong. I like Crossed just for the zombie survival world where zombies are not just walking or running corpses, but can actively track their prey or set up ambushes.
>oh but the stories are simple and 3edgy5you!
Thank God, less soap opera and text walls, more imagery.

I’d say the first ten issues of Crossed were ok. Wished you were was decent, loved the mood. Also the one about the four SAS guys roaming the wasteland was pretty kino. Besides those arcs, everything else is pretty shit.

It's quite a small demographic of,lets be honest, mostly underaged edgelords who unironically would pay money to see Crossed get an adaptation. Except for a very few archs the storys have zero substance and equal with somebody spilling out a bucket full of blood and guts. It is literally too edgy to receive a proper adaptation outside of perhaps anime and would get toned down like the Boys but then again at least the Boys had a more interesting premise whereas crossed is just "What if the Walking Dead had brains and cunning?"

Party on, Garth!

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durrr horsecock
fuck off retard crossed it's the most boring edgy shit i ever read and i read almost all of his run and there's only 5 good stories the rest it's mediocre to bad

Imagine what they would have to cut to make it accessible for people on TV when they even cut the tripple blowbang from The Boys.

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Crossed is a franchise only an edgy 13 year old kid would like.
>dude, like...what people with crosses on their they are violent... and like...rape babies...uh...hehe...horsecock....hahaha....horsecock....

I read the one where the farmer was fucking all his kids lol

I thought Preacher was AMC.

what is necronomicon about?

>white guy
>black guy
>asian girl
Wow where have we seen this cast before?

>Imagine [ popular comic book subgenre ]...... but with RAPE!
Garth Ennis is a derivative hack

Crossed was never good.

Didnt they have a kickstarter a few years ago about getting a webseries crowdfunded? Assuming it wasn’t successfully funded shows the fundamental lack of interest in the franchise

A lot of Garth Ennis's most famous work has been adapted lately with varying degrees of success. There's also been talk for years about how The Walking Dead could've been "done right," and Frank Darabont originally wanted to ditch the source material in favor of an anthology, so some see Crossed as the golden opportunity for that. There's no guarantee that the group you're watching isn't going to be horrifically murdered on very short notice, and there's some pretty interesting stories like the Judas nerd working for the fireman crossed that simply wouldn't be possible in the Walking Dead universe.

Do we have to have constant crossed threads? At least post them to Yea Forums

Would you say mature edge is stuff like dostoyevsky, and immature manchild edge is stuff like these comic books?

This is your mind on /pol/

Ennis' Crossed is rather subdued, really. It was everyone who wrote the comic after him who took the series into retarded levels of edge

sounds like a good plan to me. You wouldn't even have to adapt the stories themselves, could just make your own.

I bet she came

>rape roastie and soiboi
>merely kill the third member of the party
You love it because it's edgy, but it isn't even edgy.

damn so sad they stopped making them, i have read them all, rip crossed

All white males on the planet have turned in to even crazier psychos than before, thanks to some kind of infection that causes them to live out there most sordid and evil desires (rape, cannibalism, dismemberment, murder). People of color, particularly women, are always there to save the day. Islam is the only religion left on Earth, all others have died out (look it up because I know you think I'm fucking with you). To really drive the ever so subtle message home, the horrible white males all have a big CROSS rash on their forehead.

>damn so sad they stopped making them, i have read them all, rip crossed

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The infected in crossed at least represent a more believable threat.
TWD got boring because at some point you can't just buy anymore that the whole world got BTFO by slow ass zombies

I thought ennis was an atheist

Crossed is objectively shit.

>zombie flick

Did I time travel to 2012?

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I hate Yea Forums tourists. Can you please pollute your own board?

Ok zoomer

This. Ennis is a tryhard.

>the rape of nanking happened in berlin
read a book

Mature edge is Carmac McCarthy.

Some lady fucks fish people I think?

but neonomicon isnt more fucked up than crossed, it is good tho

Is that the reason the author gives? Is he actually stating that we all have impulses or urges to rape and eat each other? Or is it just gore porn.

If first, yikes. If latter, ok I guess.

it's a sequel to a comic called the courtyard, which was about an fbi agent looking into some weird murders: three different killers with the exact same MO but who didn't know of each other, and a bunch of bodies with the same mutilations (no hands, no head, torso opened up and carved like a flower) but no killer identified for those yet. in typical lovecraftian fashion, the fbi agent learns too much, goes mad, and becomes one of the killers

neonomicon picks up some years after that. two new fbi agents go interview the agent from the first series, who is now locked up in a max security facility. he only speaks in the gibberish lovecraftian language. they look into the case he was investigating when he went mad, and end up at an occult sex shop in salem

it's kind of a neat thriller story, but people like to shitpost about it because the female fbi character gets captured and raped by one of pic related

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That Masters of Horror show from like more then a decade ago had an episode where all the men get infected with some kind of virus which turns them into rapists and homicidal misogynists, basically they turn evil and go after the female half of the population. I think at the end, it was a bunch of aliens who released the virus, they saw Earth as potential real estate. It's based on the writings of James Tiptree jr., which is the pseudonym for a female writer.

but hey in the end she gives birth to Cthulhu and the rapist fish gets killed

I forgot to add that it's basically like Crossed, I guess. Been a while since I saw the episode.

there's no author explanation in the comics, even though he made a comic about patient zero. it turns people evil, and what they do to others is limited to their own imagination. so for some it's just rape, others it's murder. others cut your arm off and rape you with it. others go jaywalking about the whole country. it varies from people to people, and it seems that the humans who were already evil before the outbreak have a greater control of their urges

no way of doing it without absolutely butchering the ever living hell out of the material. they could probably make it but it'll be crossed in name only and end up like another generic zombie series or some shit. no way they'd have the balls to put something this edgy especially with all the sjw's bitching

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You've never had an idle thought about something morally dubious? You sound like a smoothbrain NPC.

>edgy enough to show a child get hacked into pieces
>not edgy enough to imply the child was raped first
America in a nutshell.

You never go full edgy.