
God bless Terry

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Other urls found in this thread:


The camerawork is always so terrible in these recent pretentious meditation on life movies hes been making lately

based terry
cringe redditor


Looks really boring

Looks really gay

ost youtube.com/watch?v=rmDuqL23gN0

needs more grass

so, a Terry Mallick movie then.

>Nah bro, you don't get it. Malick films are SUPPOSED to be boring and gay!

>The camerawork is always so terrible
How is it terrible?

I used to love Terry but I'm done with him. Literally always the same movie, he doesn't grow. It's canned stuff. What could originally be perceived as depth and creative is now really shallow and repetitive. The warmth and sincerity of the whispers, the existential wondering and the longing for unconditional love etc now strike me as fabricated and formulaic, very unpleasant because without the sincerity I cannot believe in it and it instead it triggers my cynicism. I expected some much needed radical changes with this one and was hopeful when he got rid of chivo, but it's still always the same. Also muh Hitler bad is such a cheap way to approach this complex issue, so Hollywood friendly, especially coming from a student of heidegger, very disappointing.

this looks like it has a plot

How is it gay?

If you have to ask, you're probably gay yourself

So you're saying Malick holds responsibility over not triggering your cynicism, distracting you with fancy film techniques inbetween suggestions of his usual ethos and such?
Also you're disappointed that Malick thinks Hitler is bad? And what does Heidegger have to do with anything?

Your criticism sounds more insincere to me.


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But if I was gay then wouldn't I see the gay part of the film?

You're right. I guess I was being bigoted. I'll change my ways

Holy shit who knew Mallick was an SJW? Fucking dropped

Jesus this looks horrible

actually fairly well put

>le sweeping camera motion gimmick

ooohh so artistic


Motoko you're a low iq kike

How? I don't like the fact that it was filmed in English as opposed to German but other then that it looks fine I feel.

all these mad nazi cucks.


DUDE the final sentence of middlemarch

felt fake to me, I like many, if not most, of his movies in this style, except maybe his last. But this just felt fake, just everything about it

Mods Mekkelson

>be nobody
>on a farm in the middle of nowhere
>mind your biznes
>dont fight the gobermint
>sudenly nazis are hunting you
Shit that never happend, but its been a while(13min 24sek) since last time we were reminded how evil nazis were.

Instead of talking nonsense you could just inform yourself.

I regret watching the trailer, gives away too much
Look beautiful though

Wouldn't say he is repetitive but he is getting shallower

After Knight of Cups I swore to never get tricked by Malick again but fuck that actually looks interesting. Goddamn it

fuck nazis and alt-right

Oh great, I need to read wiki, 3 books and finish a degree in selfhate to understand a movie trailer.
There was nothing in there that sugest he was doing ANYTHING agains gobermint.

I got a degree in philosophy and it made me hate Malick a lot more where I was previously ambivalent

What type of nigger do you have to be to equate criticism of Nazi Germany with "self-hate". Are you a native German or what the fuck? You're probably a low-IQoid American subhuman.

I don't even know what you're on about.

>German characters
>speaking English
>main guy sounds British

Is this 1993

Great read, a bastard child of 2 retards who didnt mary, made another out of wedlock kid and became German martyr. Now Im sure I dont want to watch it. Thx user.


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>main guy sounds British
Strange world you live in.

No, it's a pretentious arthouse director with dementia

>You're probably a low-IQoid American subhuman.
This trailer made it look like nazis were hunting farmers for having opinions about war and morality.

I can't fucking wait. Is Malick going to make his first good film since 1998? Probably not but I'll never give up hope of him making kino again

Why did you quote a sentence of someone's post and then reply to my post? I'm so confused.


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Maybe you to are low-IQoid American subhuman pretending to be homo sapien.

>you to

We criticize anglos and Russian all the time “ma’am.”

In many countries you actually can't :^)

i dont get this camera filmming angle and positioning when characters are interacting with each other. it is so weird and annoying. it tries to create a sense of intimacy. its just intrusive.

aesthetically speaking, it look like arthouse mcdonalds.

and the whole hitler bad thing is just too shallow for an adult movie.

not saying hitler dindunoffin, but a german saved from weimar republic would at least look at the guy with some shred of respect.

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Cool, that's not what the film is about though?

It's not selfhate though

I'm going to wait for Yea Forums to watch it. If the same mouth-breathing retards that defend Knight of Cups and Song to Song praise this film, then we can probably assume it's trash.

agent of darkness are seething in this thread

have strenght my friends :) see you in cinema

Based Terry can't stop dabbing on plebs.

Friendly reminder you cannot be a Nazi as well as a Christian.

*inhales*... yawn!

Why isn't he black?

Based Terry dabbing on pathetic nazi incels

Why is world war propaganda still be shoved down our throats?

>Shows wholesome slice of life of pre-war Europe
>Quaint country living. Wheat field waifu. Village community.
>*Record Scratch*
>Then one day, for absolutely no reason at all, they vote Hitler into power
>we must #resist!

So it's one of those movies, then?

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Literally negative IQ.

The retards ITT are quite unbelievable. The film is about staying true to what you believe, he is a conscientious objector because of his faith. It's about family and love you dumb mongrels.
The Tree of Life is fantastic.


not enough static shots of all the characters standing around posing

You mean like being retarded enough to not understand what this film is about and then shitposting about things that literally have nothing to do with the characters in the film?

I agree completely

We have a shitton of movies about family, love, and staying true to your beliefs. Give us something new already.

Tree of Life is great but it's no Badlands / DoH / TRL

I'm convinced people just really wanted to like those films so thought they did, Malick is off the deep end if he thinks you don't require a script to make mainstream films. This one had one, I've got high hopes to be honest boy.

Pitch a theme for a movie that is
a. not already done
b. not shit

Um, it's fucking obvious what this movie's about. They have a shot of fucking Hitler in the trailer to get butts in seats.

Le ebil Nazis Trump is literally Hitler

This will be Christian too. I would like to see your idea to make something new. Everything has already been done.
I like it more than Badlands and DoH.

The world existed before you were born you zoomer. Not everything is secretly about the 15 years you've been alive

A new genre of film altogether.


the floating camera work looks like something done with a gopro on a selfie stick.

>Um, it's fucking obvious what this movie's about.
A historic drama about a conscientious objector who did not abandon his convictions?

>another movie about wh*te "people"
sigh. hard pass

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make love

Yes? Hacksaw ridge had that big word.

Stop culturally appropriating the white race by whiteface meme posting please, it's offensive

Song to Song & Knight of Cups > Badlands & Days of Heaven

I refuse to believe anybody can think this

Thin Red Line > evertyhing


Das actually true

Go ahead. Make some.

>austrian story
>people speak english



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>I got a degree in philosophy
So does Malick.

>trusting Yea Forums

>just make something new lol

"Extraordinary. How the quietest acts of resistance are part of what save civilization."
- Owen (((Gleiberman)))

Funny, a child of the tribe gaslighting us with this review as if his supremacist "people" didn't doom the world through the financial slavery of international monetary compliance and the consequences of opposing this force. What happened to all of the countries that "resisted" this sort of take-over? Invasion, genocide, and forced compliance.

>b..but Hitler bad!
Screams the smooth brain. I'm done with Malick.

It's more like trusting that if that fanbase likes this film, it's probably shit. And if they dislike it, it's probably watchable.
Have to use some metric to decide whether or not to watch it

Vastly underrated post

Most of his fanbase likes everything he makes. Did you decide not to watch The Thin Red Line (for example) because they like it?

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If we could kill every single person that doesn't enjoy Malick movies the world would be heaven on earth. Think about this for a second.

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it would make Yea Forums a better board

he hasn't made a good movie since days of heaven

Your mom never made a good son.

he hasn't made a bad movie since ever

I agree with you, friend.

Funny how only Yea Forums thinks "Hitler is a bad guy" is a complex issue.

Also this was shot near where I live, the nature here is hauntingly beautiful, I'm glad it will forever be recorded in a Malick movie.

the camerawork is the only good part

Malick btfo fake Nazi Catholics

>Literally always the same movie, he doesn't grow
Can't grow when you're already sublime.
>Also muh Hitler bad is such a cheap way to approach this complex issue, so Hollywood friendly, especially coming from a student of heidegger, very disappointing.
Get fucked, imbecile.

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As always, everything has to be black or white for the stupid motherfuckers of this board and the people here can't appreciate an analysis on the clash between faith and duty and the subsequent drama.
No, everything has to devolve into "nazis bad" and other bullshit like that BEFORE people even watch the movie. On the movie board of all places. The state of the modern world is so fucking sad. Get fucked, all of you, you're a waste of oxygen.

>>We have a shitton of movies about family, love, and staying true to your beliefs. Give us something new already.
What the fuck does this even mean? This is art, not a fucking new flavour of candy.

Badlands is liquid shit only burgers enjoy. Knight of Cups and To The Wonder are 100 times better.

Did it ever occur to you with the amount of posts that you had to respond to with your non-argument post that you might be the incorrect minority here?

Hitler transformed a degenerative, impoverished, indebted society into an economic and industrial powerhouse (with more GDP growth than Great Britain and the USA) with a unified national culture that internationalist bankers, lobbyists and corrupt polticians, many of whom belonged to (((the tribe))) had to destroy as to not let it catch on.

Good post.

People like you should stop consuming fictional media altogheter, you clearly lack the tools to consume it.

This thread's only reminded me of how sick to fucking death I am of Americans and their politics

Based. It's a miracle someone like Malick even exists in this wasteland

>written and directed by
Yeah no sorry, gonna skip this hunk of trash just like the past 4 total wastes of time. Get actual writers out gtfo Terry.

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I wonder if he objected conscientiously when the Soviet army shot him in the head and raped his wife.

>Soviets in the Alps

He actually wrote the script. His scripts are pretty good, it's that he always lets actors improvise.

Probably not seeing as how he was executed in 43. Did posting this make you feel smart?

>"nazis bad"
Are you implying that Nazis were morally good, from your Judeo-Christian point of view?

if only...

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he's already made that movie though
maybe his next one should be about the clash of oscar bait and artistic integrity

>Malick's camerawork
Please, stop watching movies

It's 100% obvious what he meant.

What people here don't seem to realize is the setting of this movie is incredibly important. This is not Germany. This is not Wien. This is a very small village in the Tyrolean alps, people here are incredibly religious, it's a fundamental part of their culture, very different from your average German citizen, you need to understand that.

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>quiet resistance is what saves civilization

I thought it was the katyushas

guess I was wrong, thanks mr Coinblatt



fukken watched this already 20 times

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Is it?

A new genre of film

>in English


>another malick movie about a couple kissing in the grass
Has he run out of ideas?

>another meme-tier post denigrating a renowned artist, due to some autistic reason
Have you ran out of meds?



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>Nah bro, the Nazis were redpilled. Destroying your own deeply religious pastoral communities and families to invade neighboring countries is super based. Clearly this guy was a Weimar tranny degenerate SJW. I am very smart and don't get my info from an anonymous guy on the internet

why do trannies steal memes?

The shot at 0:12 is Grindelwald in Switzerland. Isn't this guy supposed to be Austrian?

>incorrect minority
wait we're doing this?

Hey guys, I'm a teacher at a high-school. Do you think this movie's appropriate for teenagers? I might ask the principal if we can take some of the kids down to the movie theater during holocaust class.

Based refn

The movie was shot in Austria. He probably shot some scenes elsewhere too.

Nu malick's style has been copied so much. This looks like any commercial. Malick is basically dated now.

how is his brave new world?

>hitler bad
>probably funded by german tax money for being a nazi film in germany
>random german phrases in an otherwise english movie

i'll pas

why do whiteys get so triggered when someone points out how deeply immoral the nazis were? i mean the movie is about "killing people bad" and you're losing your minds about it


>The Germans were evil, man. They were trying to take over the world! Thank God Britain and the Americans stopped them!

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two wrongs don't make a right. the brits dismantled all their colonies after the war as well

My good, it looks amazing.

So since the British were "bad", the Germans had to be "good"? Seriously?

>everyone who doesn't share my opinion lacks critical reasoning skills

Florida was British territory for 20 years in the 18th Century. Why is it shown as british in 1930?

There's no reason to look at Hitler with respect, considering what followed, the total war and eventually (even by Nazis using scorched earth tactics) the destruction of Germany.

Yes, US should've supported him over USSR, but USA is a Communist country so that's not an option.

>it's an attack on me, not on what I said!

it's very disingenuous in order to make the british empire look as bad as possible
in reality most of that land was either self-governing or not at all owned by them

You like this because if the fish-lens-shakey cam meme...
and you call the Hitler shills children.

I like it because if human nature was a flower you look at it would be like a Malick movie. It's mesmerizing and pure. Pure not in the sense of showcasing reality, pure in the sense of capturing the inner monologue of the individual and regurgitating it into the world. Nothing in his last movies is real, it's a perfect synthesis between the internal and the external.

Literally it's about men having sex with each other

go back to watching capeshit faggot

they'll never let the nazis die will them.


It's obviously to contrast it with the secularizing world. like in Tree of Life, or (in reverse) Knight of Cups

cucksoy shit for marlel audiences to feel falsely sophisticated

I’m not even a terryfag but neck yourself pls

This isn't a movie about the soviets.

Not everyone who dislikes Nazis is a tranny but I'd much rather be a tranny than a Nazi.

muh gorillion

t. tranny
enjoy hell

I don't even care that much for Malick's films but it's hilarious seeing the same group of people who formerly highly praised his work for being vaguely religious and promoting nuclear families are now buttmad that he's making a movie where Nazis are painted in a truthful light.


enjoy the movie

What is wrong in the trailer?

They lost the war, they haven't been painted in a truthful light since 1945.

He's not making a film "where Nazis are painted in a truthful light". The film is about a man who objected to military service and did not abandon his convictions and family. If you know Malick's films you know exactly why he was interested in this man's life. It has very little to do with nazis and, as always, more with connections between human beings and their outlook and understanding on/of life.

If you could witness the depravity and ruthlessness of Soviet and American soldiers in WWII and compare their actions to the Nazis, you would be running into the arms of the Nazis. But of course you wouldn't be interested in a movie about the rape of Berlin or the rheinweisenlager (allied death camps). Your only concern is being accepted by other people as part of the "in-group."

I asked a very simple question and you talked about something else.

Are you actually obsessed? Nothing you're talking about is in any way shape or form related to this film. I don't understand? Why does /pol/ or whatever political get together you group up with always feel the need to push their crap into whatever discussion they come upon? Fucking go jerk off or something if you are bored, it's in the most literal sense of the word literal more productice than what you're doing right now.

So are you suggesting American troops and soviet troops did not imprison civilians unjustly? What is one thing the Nazis did that American or Soviet Troops did not do to civilian populations?

>So are you suggesting American troops and soviet troops did not imprison civilians unjustly?
What? No, I'm suggesting you answer my initial question. What is wrong in the trailer?

Because I'm defending the nazis from slanderous little chosen ones like yourself who believe they have some astute grasp on WWII history and feel that the 1,000,000th movie depicting the Nazis as villains is a necessary filmmaking endeavor. Why not show even one film in which the soviets imprison someone in a gulag? It's the exact same concept as this film.

There's nothing "wrong" about the trailer--it's just a cherrypicked story meant to further denigrate the Nazis. My argument is the Soviets and Americans were as bad or worse, yet they do not make movies about the evils of the Soviets or Americans, which also unjustly imprisoned people for expressing their beliefs.


You're posting off-topic trash that no one cares about. Nothing you write has anything to do with this film. You absolutely continue to ignore that. Why? Do enjoy reading your own novel?

>another film about nazis
call me a brainlet or whatever, but it's just no longer original to have a movie about nazis.
On top of that I wish he would have done it in original german. Takes away all the immersion when you have american english speaking actors pretending to be german.

is that the fucking accept expert SS from Inglorious Basterds?

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You're willfully ignoring what I have to say, which is that the point of this film, about a man rejecting military service because of his religious convictions, would just as easily fit into an American or Soviet WWII setting. But you won't see a film like that. I wonder why. Enjoy the movie and its important message.

This site is so pathetic.
Hitler was a terrible guy who did terrible things.


>denigrate the Nazis

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Would you mind providing a source for that claim?

Hey, it's "say Auf Wiedersehen to your Nazi balls" guy.

>it's just a cherrypicked story meant to further denigrate the Nazis
What? Are you kidding me? No sane person could believe this. This is art, it's Malick, not some propaganda product.
>My argument is the Soviets and Americans were as bad or worse
Why are you talking about something unrelated to this movie? I didn't come in this thread to discuss history or politics that are unrelated to this movie and neither did all the other people interested in this movie.
>yet they do not make movies about the evils of the Soviets or Americans, which also unjustly imprisoned people for expressing their beliefs.
There's plenty, you need to look harder or are straight up lying.

I wonder if the sequel will deal with this very moral character realizing he betrayed his people and kill himself in shame, witnessing the absolute rape and murder and utter devastation of Germany (and his own family) -- something he didn't bother fighting against, being busy masturbating to his own moral superiority, while devouring enemy propaganda.

Where's the movie about the horrors and inhumanity of, say, Salomon Morel, and the civilian victims of post-WWII?

Idolizing traitors as paragons of morality, and doing that in the context of "Nazis Bad!", is entirely safe, uncreative and lazy.


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Why don't you try doing the same things for the soviets, who imprisoned and brutally killed millions of their own citizens, or for the Americans, who engaged in practices like this:
But you can't do that because you like to dress as a woman and that somehow influences your ability to comprehend historical truths.

> This is art, not some propaganda product
art is always propaganda, always.

>You're willfully ignoring what I have to say
Not him but what you "have to say" is completely unrelated to the movie.
>about nazis
>american english speaking actors
Both wrong.

just cut your dick off and speed up the suicide dude. Also
>talking about the accuracy of the historical depiction of the nazis
>not related to film about the nazis

>into an economic and industrial powerhouse
The Nazi economy was based primarily on rearmament and debt in the form of Mefo bills it was a house of cards that was going to collapse had they not gone to war

>corrupt polticians
Which Nazi Germany was rich in.

more moloch depravity and shit. yikes

i don't understand the point you're trying to make, soviet and american atrocities don't make the nazis any more sympathetic or understandable

are they speaking german in the trailer?

>not him
>talking about nazis
>unrelated to film featuring nazis
kill yourself, chosen one


What's the problem with denigrating the Nazis if you agree that they were bad????

The "horseshoe theory" sure has some merit to it. /pol/tards are as easily triggered as they are malicious and retarded. Literally the fucking doppelganger of twitter-dwelling antifa type mouthbreathers. Holy shit. moot really fucked up when he brought that board back. Thanks a lot, Chris.

You're among actual brainwashed retard ideologues, and probably some bored people pretending to be for the lulz. Don't waste time and nerves getting angry at a brick wall.

Do you have sexual identity issues or something?

Looks like utter sharthouse shit. Malick fanboys have to be the biggest faggots on here right behind capeshitters.

>Hitler transformed a degenerative, impoverished, indebted society into an economic and industrial powerhouse (with more GDP growth than Great Britain and the USA) with a unified national culture

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I hope *you're* not trolling, because I agree.

Yes they actually do, especially when you investigate claims made by the allies and find that most of the war crimes were committed by allies and not the nazis at all, who were merely trying to defend their country from communism, which was causing civil warfare

So now we're back to Holocaust denial.

well actually I'm quite proud of it. Highest accomplishment humanity ever managed in its history.

le emotional world war II drama with excellent pitchers

>he doesn't actually know anything about WWII
Just remember that the movement is returning to the west. It's been a long time but soon the streets will be rinsed clean of filth like you.

>ou investigate claims made by the allies and find that most of the war crimes were committed by allies and not the nazis at all
The Nazis outclass the Americans in terms of war crimes committed. Are you familiar with the Einsatzgruppen? Foreign Birthing Centers? Policy of Lebensraum?

>who were merely trying to defend their country from communism
Nazi invaded the Russians and broke the non aggression pact not the other way around. Also ironic considering the Germans were largely responsible for the rise of communism in Russia to begin with (funding Lenin and sending him to Russia)

cringe and cringepilled

post height and jaw

/ourguy/ is back

Why do you insist posting unrelated stuff?
>>>talking about the accuracy of the historical depiction of the nazis
This is the third time now that I ask you what's wrong with the trailer and you refuse to answer.
The actors are not American, they're German.
The film doesn't talk about nazis, it talks about Jaegerstaetter.

I'm trying my best to not antagonize you people but you're awful.

Please provide a source explaining how the Holocaust happened and that 6,000,000 Jews died solely through German action.

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Why is it always Americans that buy into NEETSoc?

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Show us your amazing taste, user.

ok, interesting. then why make them speak english? I just want more historical films with original/accurate languages to please my immersive autism, how hard can it be?

Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

But you won't read it so why bother?

the Almanac data for Jews until 1948 were old estimates. The fresh estimate for 1948 shows a decline of 4.4 million. Updated estimates for 1949 show a total decline of 5.3 million

>it doesn't talk about the nazis
Just stop. Also I never said there was anything "wrong" about the trailer. I'm glad you have a movie that you like, user, even if its reinforces your myopic view of the national socialists

The fountain > tree of life. Malick sucks donkey dick.

>fresh estimate
lol god you deserve what the Jews have done

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>no argument
imagine buying into NEETSoc this hard. Guarantee you're an American too pathetic

t. third worlder

Amazing how quickly those estimates change within just one year! Wow! The nazis were so evil :(

It's clearly a choice, I wonder why myself. I agree it would be more interesting if it was shot not even in German but in the Tyrolean dialect. Nothing we can do about it, doesn't make the movie bad by itself and he might have some good reason. Maybe budget or time reasons.
I don't know if I like the movie because I haven't seen it yet. You seem to believe that I and people in general are not capable of critical thinking like you simply because we have other opinions.
You say there's nothing wrong with the trailer but at the same time you make it seem like it's not an accurate depiction of history and it's against the nazis. Which is it?

The World Almanac was using pre-war estimates in up to 1948, how the fuck would they get a census on Europe in the chaos of the post war? The estimates in 1949 were updated with the post war census data. It's not suspicious you're just genuinely low IQ. Try doing the slightest bit of research on this shit outside of your cherrypicked infographics.

>I love Terry malick, he makes pure söy fresh kino

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It's an accurate depiction of this man's story. My complaint is that movies never explain why the Nazis rose to power, nor do they ever shine a light on American or Soviet war crimes. That is my final thought, gotta go to work.

"The peoples no longer want to die on the battlefields, so that this rootless international race can profit from the affairs of the war and sate its old-testamentarian vengefulness. A higher realization will prevail over the Jewish slogan
'proletarians of the world unite!': Productive members of all nations, recognize your common enemy!"

I'm fit af and am perfectly happy with the size of my unmutilated dick. Cope.
Yeah, it's great everyone prefers Desmond the 9 year old tranny in the middle of times square, but I don't.
Historians unanimously agree that Versaille was waaayyy too fucking harsh. Imagine if they weren't fucked by the treaty and pushed into a corner.
>Which Nazi Germany was rich in.
Discarding the remnants of Weimar Democracy in favor of saving their way of life is literally anti-corruption.

>My complaint is that movies never explain why the Nazis rose to power
Your complaining that Hollywood films don't explore deeply rooted historical events? That's stupid how many films explore why the Bolsheviks rose to power or why the US got into the Great Depression or how the French played the biggest role in winning WW1. Don't expect Hollywood to deliver well researched historical films like this go read a book or watch a documentary

>nor do they ever shine a light on American or Soviet war crimes
Neither even came close to the Nazis

>the frozen tundra of Canada
>a couple of deserts

>Historians unanimously agree that Versaille was waaayyy too fucking harsh
That doesn't dispute literally anything I said. The Nazi German economy was based primarily on rearmament exceeding 10% GDP military spending during peace time. Had they not gone to war the economy would've collapsed. The Allies recognized the harshness of Versailles as well which is why there was a policy of appeasement

>literally anti-corruption.
You realize Nazi Germany was funded largely by big corporations and businesses? The Nazi politicians were also very corrupt see how they conducted themselves during the war Goering for instance.

Refute my cherrypicked infographic then, oh wise one.

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Have sex.

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Even if we accepted such high numbers, we would apparently still need a higher IQ to understood how a certain number of people leaving a country or continent and therefore not being included later in population estimates proves the existence of gas chambers and policies for extermination...

I also remember a country for that specific people being created during those years, the population of which just fell from the sky. (And then we are still ignoring all their scattering around the world through immigration.)

Again the world almanac was using old population estimates from pre war see pic related. Why not do the slightest bit of research on this shit instead of embarrassing yourself like this? Curious how no one has bothered to respond to

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The four million figure was a deliberate over estimate by the Soviets which was never accepted by western academia

So explain how the Jewish population magically increased post-war. These are because of faulty estimates pre-war, correct? Then why are the post-war estimates correct, in your opinion?

youtube.com/watch?v=x2C5S7J3q5s this fucking Subway commercial has the same cinematography as nu malick

when fucking Subway apes you it's time to try to make something new as an artist

>how a certain number of people leaving a country or continent
5-6 million Jews disappeared from Europe following WW2 if not killed in the Holocaust where did they go?

>and therefore not being included later in population estimates proves the existence of gas chambers and policies for extermination
refer to all the info you want is there

>the population of which just fell from the sky
Israel's population didn't reach 6 million until the year 2000

>And then we are still ignoring all their scattering around the world through immigration
A migration of 5-6 million Jews of constitute one of the largest in history. There would be census data showing such a migration it wouldn't go unnoticed

respond to this cherrypicked infographic (you won't)

Attached: destructionofeuropeanjews.png (882x1100, 281K)

Please, I beg of you, if you wanna shitpost in commercial shit threads do it but at least leave threads of pearls like this alone. This board is already a cesspool, don't make it even worse.

Let's talk about the trailer or at least Malick.

Another cherry

Attached: 1493229731081.jpg (725x892, 410K)

>So explain how the Jewish population magically increased post-war.
It didn't the image you posted doesn't list a source for a reason. The Almanac's estimate was using pre war figures it didn't show an increase and the updated figures were included in the 1949 edition

>Then why are the post-war estimates correct, in your opinion?
Because there has been tons of census done since that time which corroborate it and the impact on population can still be felt in Europe today see pic related

Attached: jewsineurope.jpg (2400x1186, 269K)

Attached: auschwitzscratches.png (482x609, 301K)

Redditards need to go.

Looks stunning, as you'd expect from a Malick movie.

>Curious how no one has bothered to respond to

You linked to a whole book's worth of text, nobody will read it all for a proper response.

But just looking at it, already at the start, in the "The point of this blog" section, we see this:

>I took personal offense not just because these people were slandering the death of 11 million* human beings (I use Simon Wiesenthal's figure as an approximate, the real total of all deliberately targeted Jewish and non-Jewish civilian or disarmed victims by the Nazis is likely higher), but also because they attacked not just historiography (and by implication all historians involved), but also our entire world view, everything we believe in, and everything we have been taught our entire life.

Hm, 11 million total you say...? The 5 million of which has already been admitted to have been literally made up from thin air? Here is Yehuda Bauer, one of the world's foremost official Holocaust scholars, and Wiesenthals friend (who invented the number) admitting it, in a Jewish publication:

The whole thing is an emotionally rambling rant with childish memes. So don't embarrass yourself with that link in the future.

Thanks, but "all the info" seems to be unreliable.

>"Nazis bad huurr"
>German speaking english with each other
HARD pass

That pic intentionally avoids all the incriminating documents included in Hillberg's work such as records from the Einsatzgruppen, primary documentation from the high command themselves, and pre and post war census data which confirms death figures among other things. Again all listed here

Oh it's this jidf again.

>You linked to a whole book's worth of text,
It's all evidence that revisionists / deniers allege doesn't exist. There is tons of evidence on the Holocaust but you are fueled strictly by confirmation bias and ignore all this evidence. I advise you to do the slightest bit of research on this topic.

>Hm, 11 million total you say...?
11 million people died in the Holocaust including Roma, Poles, and Slavs among other groups. The Holocaust isn't just Jews dude. It's the 5-6 million Jews that were killed which is always attacked by deniers curiously tho. No one disputes the Poles killed or Russians killed

>The 5 million of which has already been admitted to have been literally made up from thin air?
No it hasn't and you haven't proved as such. You keep embarrassing yourself with misconceptions about what the Holocaust actually is and the figures behind it

Did you even read your own link? The scholars are making a point to remember all 11 million killed not just the 5-6 million Jews. Jesus Christ dude why not read your sources first?

>The whole thing is an emotionally rambling rant with childish memes
The absolute pseud cringe dripping off you is palpable. You should go over to /his/ and drop your knowledge on them

>no argument
if you're actually curious about the Holocaust why not read a book about it? why not do the slightest bit of research outside this site?

>damn these ebil nazis, it's a fight between good and dese ebil nazis!!! they want to destroy art!
>*has met Heidegger and translated his work*
Fuck Malick is a hack, you're completely historically illiterate if you paint the situation in 1930-40s Germany like this.

omg this

>referencing Hilberg

The same Hilberg who admitted there is literally no evidence of the holocaust? Have you ever studied the Zündel trial of the 1980's?


Around 22:50


>psued cringe
Nigga you've been spamming this shit for years, and no one wants to read your rambling inconsistencies. Same arguments, same bullshit. You haven't upgraded your arguments in years, AaronRichards. No one wants to read your shitty blog. Every single time someone points out that it's been you posting your shit for years, you post non arguments like "OBSESSED."

Go hang yourself already, no one likes you. No one is reading your gish galloping at any rate, or shit blog.

More movies about Nazis being evil. I fucking hate Nazis. Really need more about those fucking commies too, I hate commies.

>The same Hilberg who admitted there is literally no evidence of the holocaust?
He did no such thing. The Destruction of the European Jews is based on tons of primary documentation such as the ones included in this very thread.

>I advise you to do the slightest bit of research on this topic.

I don't need your condescension, you are not in that position after posting links to what in its very intro include an admitted lie.

>11 million people died in the Holocaust including Roma, Poles, and Slavs among other groups.

You didn't even read the article, and continue to make a fool of yourself while lecturing others of "confirmation bias."

>No it hasn't and you haven't proved as such. You keep embarrassing yourself with misconceptions about what the Holocaust actually is and the figures behind it

Again the projection and condescension. From the article:

>The “5 million” has driven Holocaust historians to distraction ever since Wiesenthal started to peddle it in the 1970s. Wiesenthal told the Washington Post in 1979, “I have sought with Jewish leaders not to talk about 6 million Jewish dead, but rather about 11 million civilians dead, including 6 million Jews.”

>Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.

>“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”

>Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.

>and no one wants to read your rambling inconsistencies
There has been zero inconsistencies in my argument. Faggots like you get BTFO literally every time in these debates and then cry about it when you don't have a leg to stand on

>same bullshit
like what?

>You haven't upgraded your arguments in years
Deniers haven't produced any new "evidence" in decades. All this shit your spouting is literally decades old denier garbage. If you would do the slightest research on these instead of eating up all these bullshit infographics presented to you like a good boy then you'd know but you don't care about the truth you care about fueling your own confirmation bias

>you post non arguments
You mean how like you're doing now?

>Go hang yourself already, no one likes you
Cry some more. How does it feel getting your shit pushed in every time?

based capitalist

Attached: 20120721_wwd000.jpg (595x381, 103K)

>He did no such thing. The Destruction of the European Jews is based on tons of primary documentation such as the ones included in this very thread.

Of which he talked during the trial admitting there's no actual evidence. You again didn't even bother taking a look, it was even linked...


Attached: download.jpg (225x224, 5K)

how come there were so many millions of jews in europe to begin with??

Shame it isn't in German , would have been ultimate kino.

>admitted lie.
It's not, and none of the evidence you posted has backed up such a claim. All long debunked denier talking points

>You didn't even read the article
How? What did I get wrong?

>Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.
Again do you even understand what you've posted? He is claiming that the number of non-Jews killed may have been deliberately overestimated not the number of actual Jews.

>Of which he talked during the trial admitting there's no actual evidence
He didn't say that. Why do you keep claiming this?

when will we see natsoc cinema on bluray?

In this very thread you have been shown to post a link to "evidence" that include an admitted lie. You reference a scholar and a book that the author itself admitted is unreliable and there is no evidence for gas chambers. Evidence has been provided about the 1 million lie from a Jewish publication, admitted by one of the leading Holocaust scholars, and a personal friend of Wiesenthal who invented the number. And a video of a trial where Hilberg admits what you keep parroting is not correct.

No matter how confidently you close your eyes to reality, what's left is belief in falsehoods and seething despise for your opponents. And a great dose of projection.

Cause every man deserves to have his very own kazhar milkers. Gotta satisfy the demand, man.

Attached: elizabeth-taylor-freckles-c0ydz5v.jpg (1200x1205, 384K)

Listen niggers, you stop NOW posting your /pol/ bullshit and start discussing the movie, got it?

>It's not, and none of the evidence you posted has backed up such a claim. All long debunked denier talking points

Literal evidence of the world's maybe #1 scholar of Holocaust calling the invented 5 million number a "lie" is "not evidence"...

>He is claiming that the number of non-Jews killed may have been deliberately overestimated not the number of actual Jews.

No, he is not claiming it "may have been deliberately overestimated", he is claiming it was a "lie" and Wiesenthal knew it.

Which leaves us with the 11 million number being a "lie" (Bauer's word). And you post links to "evidence" featuring this admitted lie which you even deny is a lie but then you admit it "may have been" one.

>He didn't say that. Why do you keep claiming this?

At 15:15 of the linked video he says he knows of no evidence of gas chambers. Also at 25:40. The gas chambers are the very core of the Holocaust. (There's also more about his book being unreliable.)

Denying reality repeatedly while lecturing others of "confirmation bias" is ironic. At this point you are just an NPC.

>an admitted lie.
No it isn't the 11 million number is corroborated by other sources.

>the author itself admitted is unreliable
No he hasn't.

>there is no evidence for gas chambers
Yes there is again refer to just fucking READ it

>Evidence has been provided about the 1 million lie from a Jewish publication

>admitted by one of the leading Holocaust scholars, and a personal friend of Wiesenthal who invented the number.
Again you don't understand what you read. One of them claimed that Wiesenthal's number of 5 million NON-Jews killed was an overestimation and the number may be lower than that. the 5-6 million Jewish figure was not disputed in your link it's speaking in regards to the non-Jews killed.

>trial where Hilberg admits what you keep parroting is not correct.
He didn't "admit" anything you retard all he claimed is that there was never an express written order for the Holocaust which he never said to begin with in his book

>what's left is belief in falsehoods and seething despise for your opponents
You're out of your element faggot

>At 15:15 of the linked video he says

At 25:15, my bad.

Not sure why I'm doing your homework if you are so fanatically resistant to evidence, though.

>world's maybe #1 scholar of Holocaust calling the invented 5 million number a "lie"
You are such a dishonest faggot it's unbelievable:
>Again you don't understand what you read. One of them claimed that Wiesenthal's number of 5 million NON-Jews killed was an overestimation and the number may be lower than that. the 5-6 million Jewish figure was not disputed in your link it's speaking in regards to the non-Jews killed.

>he is not claiming it "may have been deliberately overestimated"
Yes the number of non-Jews killed in proportion to Jewish deaths. In the very same article:
>The problem, according to Bauer, who has debunked the number repeatedly in his writings over the decades, is not that non-Jews were not victims; they were. It is that Wiesenthal’s arbitrarily chosen tally of non-Jewish victims diminishes the centrality to the Nazi ideology of systematically wiping any trace of the Jewish people from the planet.

>And you post links to "evidence" featuring this admitted lie
All the evidence I have posted in this thread has been in regards to the Jewish deaths. The article of yours was questioning the validity of NON-Jewish deaths.

>At 15:15 of the linked video he says he knows of no evidence of gas chambers.
There has been forensic examinations of the chambers along with actual blueprints of their designs along with actual work orders for crematorium that went alongside them:
>Jean-Claude PressacWikipedia's W.svg (1944–2003) — a French pharmacist who used to be a Holocaust denier, who in 1979 undertook a forensic examination of the Auschwitz gas chambers. The result? He was shocked by the overwhelming evidence. In 1989 he published a book that confirmed the established view that the gas chambers were functional, killing between 631,000 and 711,000 prisoners.

>There's also more about his book being unreliable.)
Like what?

>At this point you are just an NPC.
Says the guy still buying into long debunked denier talking points lmao

>No it isn't the 11 million number is corroborated by other sources.

The personal friend, possibly # scholar of the Holocaust admits it's a literal "lie".

>No he hasn't.

Watch the video.

>Yes there is again refer to just fucking READ it

I did read some of it, and already found an admitted lie. Don't refer to me to unreliable and false information as "evidence".


About the 11 million lie. Obviously.

>One of them claimed that Wiesenthal's number of 5 million NON-Jews killed was an overestimation and the number may be lower than that. the 5-6 million Jewish figure was not disputed in your link it's speaking in regards to the non-Jews killed.

Once again: the 11 million is an admitted lie because the 5 million is a literal lie. Therefore parroting "11 million" makes you (as in, the link you post as "evidence") laughable and to be discarded.

They of course don't question the 6 million Jew narrative. Besides the point here in this exchange. Goal post-shifting from your part.

>He didn't "admit" anything you retard all he claimed is that there was never an express written order for the Holocaust which he never said to begin with in his book

Did he not write about gas chambers in "The Destruction of the European Jews"? Here on trial he said there's no evidence any ever existed. Sounds like admission to me.

He says much more than that, and there is also a book on the trial with transcripts with more, the title off which escapes me now, but it's not like you would care, based on your attitude.

>You are such a dishonest faggot it's unbelievable:

You quote yourself instead of the article, in which Bauer himself calls the 5 million, and by that, the 11 million a "lie".

Talk about projection calling me "dishonest".

>Yes the number of non-Jews killed in proportion to Jewish deaths. In the very same article:

Besides the point. The 5 million is a "Lie" (Bauer's word) and therefore the 11 million is a "lie".

>All the evidence I have posted in this thread has been in regards to the Jewish deaths. The article of yours was questioning the validity of NON-Jewish deaths.

You link to a page which features an admitted lie already in its introduction.

>There has been forensic examinations of the chambers along with actual blueprints of their designs along with actual work orders for crematorium that went alongside them:

And yet Hilberg you cite as an expert with his "Destruction..." book claimed there was no evidence.

As for Pressac, revisionists dealt with him already. A short starting point could be this one:

>Like what?

The things you would learn by watching the video... Which you haven't watched and yet still claim he "didn't claim" this and that. It's like you believe what you want not what's in front of you.

>admits it's a literal "lie".
He alleges the number of non-Jewish deaths is inflated.

>Watch the video.
I have and he doesn't admit his book is unreliable

>I did read some of it, and already found an admitted lie
You didn't even get past the first few paragraphs. You refuse to look at the actual evidence such as the Einsatzgruppen records because it would shatter this false reality you've constructed in your head that Nazis were good boys who dindu nuffin

>the 5 million is a literal lie.
No it isn't about 4-5 million non-Jewish deaths make up the Holocaust figure depending on the historian or scholar

>Here on trial he said there's no evidence any ever existed.
He's speaking strictly in regards to his book which was written in fucking 1960 long before all the other evidence of the gas chambers came to light such as the foresnic examination I listed here >and there is also a book on the trial with transcripts with more,
Ok there is a transcript of this trial? so what?

>but it's not like you would care
I've heard all this shit before and it gets debunked every time like now.

Agreed. Needs more flat wide angle shots to cram more CGI in.

No, you extremist scum. Steady wide shots.

Yeah it really needs more close up dutch angles to appeal to the Tommy Weiseu crowd.

Any Malick bros got this as their top pick at TIFF this year?

>He alleges the number of non-Jewish deaths is inflated.

He calls it a "lie".

>I have and he doesn't admit his book is unreliable

He admits he cherry-picked and left out important things that goes against his narrative. Making his book unreliable.

>You didn't even get past the first few paragraphs. You refuse to look at the actual evidence such as the Einsatzgruppen records because it would shatter this false reality you've constructed in your head that Nazis were good boys who dindu nuffin

I'm familiar with all that. The (some) massacres of the Einsattgruppen are admitted by revisionists (you don't seem to know their position well), and of course cruelty to a group seen as hostile proves no "holocaust" as we are meant to believe in it.

When already that site's introduction features an admitted lie, thanks, I won't take that seriously. (And obviously I'm not reading the whole thing during this thread.) Still referring to that site as "evidence" after that embarrassment, is strange.

>He's speaking strictly in regards to his book which was written in fucking 1960 long before all the other evidence of the gas chambers came to light such as the foresnic examination I listed here

He speaks in general, that he is not aware of any evidence, in 1985. Yet he wrote about them in his book, didn't he? Sounds like an unreliable book to me. Yet you cited it in this threat already. Like how you linked to a page with at least one admitted lie already in its intro.

>Ok there is a transcript of this trial? so what?

"WIth more" of what he said.

>I've heard all this shit before and it gets debunked every time like now

You didn't "debunk" anything "now". You desperately tried to argue the 11 million is not a lie, even when it's literally admitted being a "lie". Not a good look.



Attached: Soyjak.png (644x800, 16K)

>You quote yourself instead of the article
I never claimed I quoted the article

>Bauer himself calls the 5 million, and by that, the 11 million a "lie".
For the last time faggot he claims 5 million non-Jewish deaths was an over exaggeration and the number is closer to 2-3 million non-Jews killed. This is completely in line with scholaraly opinion on the Holocaust as the numbers range 2-5 million non-Jews killed as a result of Nazi policy

>Besides the point
Literally the whole point of your article

>The 5 million is a "Lie" (Bauer's word)
He is one historian who is disputing the death toll estimations of another his word is not law. There are a number of estimations of total Jewish deaths in the Holocaust for example ranging from 4.9m-6.1m.

>And yet Hilberg you cite as an expert with his "Destruction..." book claimed there was no evidence.
In his book written in 1960 you mean? There is tons of evidence on the gas chambers that have come to light since then.

>he things you would learn by watching the video
So you have no argument? Glad we settled that.

Based. Saved.

Funny that you don't willfully misunderstand people are explaining to you. You probably think Churchill was a "good guy."

>I never claimed I quoted the article

The point escapes you here. You made a claim about what was said and quoted yourself instead of what was said.

>he claims 5 million non-Jewish deaths was an over exaggeration

He calls it a "lie".

>This is completely in line with scholarly opinion

Inventing millions of victims you know is a lie and then use the number for propaganda purposes might be "in line" with the mainstream, it is still a deliberate lie.

>Literally the whole point of your article

The point is the 11 million being a lie. That is the point of our exchange and actually also of the article.

>He is one historian who is disputing the death toll estimations of another his word is not law

He is pretty much the world's #1 Holocaust historian, and was a good friend of Wiesenthal who invented the number. If the word of the basically most prominent scholar of the Holocaust is "Not law"... Well...

>In his book written in 1960 you mean?

He was on trial in 1985. Either way, an unreliable book, you shouldn't cite it in the future.

>So you have no argument? Glad we settled that.

Cheap shot and is besides the point. My argument here is that you should watch the video to know what more he said (as you asked "what" when I said "There's also more about his book being unreliable").

You're desperate for a "victory" even when you keep being corrected with your falsehoods and distortions, and you shoot yourself in the foot with claiming I have no argument when I technically tell you to watch the video to know "what" (more he said). NPC style.