Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?
Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?
Great but we need a S4 that focuses on Dougie
The same as day 1 : it's kino.
I'll take a S4, and I truly like Dougie, but what more is there to tell of his story?
>tfw drove by Bushnell FL yesterday and thought of Dougie
best season and retard cooper was kino
It's the greatest piece of audiovisual art we've ever experienced, and so much more than we could ever have asked for. It had a genuine impact on our lives, and will stay with us forever. Isn't it just too dreamy?
^ Mr. Jackpots
Reminder: the penultimate episode of The Return should have been the finale. This cannot be refuted.
You and Ri-I mean Cooper, both.
Pleb filter of the highest order. Raw kino.
the last part with laura's scream in the woods and julee cruise would be kino but it would render the first scene with the fireman pointless
>2nd season goes to shit because of an increased episode order
>supposedly leave the show because of this
>bring back the show 25 years later
>write a script for 9 episodes
>demand to be able to make 18 episodes
>pack the show with filler, including over one hour worth of music videos
>actually interrupt the best episode of the show with a shit NIN music video that is completely out of place
>fans eat this shit up
Watching this with Yea Forums every week was some of the most fun I've ever had on this site. That's the only reason why I hope we get another season; shitposting, theorizing, Kyle and Lauraposting and LYNCHED with everyone really made the experience that much more amazing.
I enjoyed it a lot, every episode was different and suprising, but it had some serious weaknesses. The CGI,some of the pandering, and the scattered plot all took away from what was otherwise a fascinatingly experimental.
For some reason it seems you can only love it or hate it on this site. Don't know why Lynch is immune to criticism despite nitpicking being this website's MO.
It felt so good to finally see something on TV that genuinely kept me interested throughout and where I didn't know what would happen next the entire time.
It's also sad that David Lynch, a 98 year old man was the only one able to make anything worthwhile on television in years.
9/10 imo, only things dragging it down are shitty effects and that retarded guy with a green glove.
Also all the pretentious 'critics' and Lynch cultists who praised first two episodes as second coming of Christ and called The Return 'not a tv show, but an 18 hour' film should be exposed, fired and covered with tar and feathers.
Its awesome
did you know that i fucking hate twin peaks
It had it's own emmo.
The word is M.O., meaning modus operandi.
I plan on watching it eventually. Haven't seen any of it.
Fuck no. Part 17 was dumb, it only works retroactively with Part 18 in mind. First time I watched Part 17 I was so bummed out, all I felt was "Really? this is where they're going? fucking time travel and saving Laura?" it felt like a cheap copout. Then Part 18 came and was the most lynchian and harrowing episode of the entire season, it was the missing piece from season 3, season 3 had it all except the truly disturbing and dark truth behind everything in the show.
Part 18 is a fucking genuine masterpiece, and definitely my favorite episode of Season 3, and one of the best Twin Peaks episodes period. It rivals the season 2 finale for me. I absolutely love everything about it. It has a dark and austere atmosphere to it, one I'll never forget, the feeling of watching that episode was pure tension, and every time I rewatch it I still find myself on the edge of my seat. The sound work on that car ride with Laura is superb, it's so subtle that you'd probably not even notice it if your volume wasn't at the appropriate level.
Fuck, I can just gush forever about Part 18, I really can't say enough nice things about it.
>shitty effects
Good Lord, you guys have shit taste.
The effects are gorgeous.
Also, I sound overly dismissive of Part 17, I should clarify that I actually do really like that episode, but the first time I watched it, without the context of Part 18, I really dreaded where it was going. But after having seen the actual finale, now that I go back to 17 I do actually really like it.
But to me Part 18 is at another level all together.
So when Cooper goes back in time and "saves" Laura, and after that when it cuts to Sarah in despair desperately trying to destroy the image of Laura but not so much as making a scratch at it, that was clearly meant as a reminder to the audience that the pain and suffering could never be erased or forgotten, right?
I mean Part 18 seems to hit that point home really hard.
This episode really disturbed me. It felt like the kind of nightmare that leaves you feeling messed up for the whole day even after you've woken up from it, but you can't quite put your finger on what happened in it or why it disturbed you so much.
That Part 16 credit sequence was pretty kino, the band playing Audrey's theme backwards.
What was going on with the restaurant in part 7? Clients changed and the fat german waitress changes positions, shelly noticed it too, I think. Also, there was a windom earle's theme playing in the background.
just a continuity error, user.
I wish I could watch it all again with tpg
Stream it with a chat room.
>It is happening again
What, Liverpool slipping again?
No matter what your opinions are you can not deny that Lynch is a master of using the audio and visual formats as an art form.
It took about 2 years but it made me realize why it was horrific. There is no bad Coop or Good Coop, just Coop. We are all capable of being murderous rapists. It's like I found out someone in my family killed and raped people and I want to throw up when I think about it. I wish I could enjoy Twin Peaks again but Iit triggers my depression now because of all the murder rape. Idk why it never hit me until now. I think Odyssa was filmed to look real or something.
The opposite
She (Judy / Sarah) could never destroy Laura's spirit
Post hellos
>She (Judy / Sarah) could never destroy Laura's spirit
That's dumb. I prefer my interpretation.
Seeing as how the finale is about the hubris of Cooper and how mistaken he was thinking he could fix something by going back in time and correcting it, I feel like this scene is meant to hammer home that point, he fixed nothing that pain is still present and it will never go away.
Sarah literally screams and cries, it's not anger, she's in utter despair. I never subscribed to the theory that Sarah was Judy, I think Sarah is "possessed" by the jumping man, and I believe the jumping man is a physical manifestation of garmonbozia. His movements in season 3 mirror Sarah's in the pilot, we see him running down the stairs, we see him writhing in physical pain, we see Sarah's face on his as he writhes in pain.
Bob was a manifestation of all the evil things in the world, and I believe jumping man is grief.
it's the best season of television that i ever watched and i can't believe he was allowed to make something so pure, so imaginative, so freewheeling and inventive, so sincere, so weird, and so genuinely good
i hope we don't get a 4th season because i just can't believe anything will ever be better
When I take direction I do it from ONE person, under protest
What are your biggest personal reasons for liking Twin Peaks? What makes it stand out to you?
>watch Passion of the Christ
>feel that the main message is that torture is wrong and hurts people
Turkey jerky
Fag, that's Cooper as he lived after Laura Palmer's murder and then in the Lodge, it's Cooper as he lived after Laura Palmer's disappearance and then in the Lodge, and it's Cooper as he lived having escaped the Lodge with BOB in him. He's integrated, and his charge is to REMEMBER. From Jeffries and the Fireman, exhortation.
Why is it about the hubris of Cooper? Hubris is overweaning pride, against the gods themselves. Lowercase g. Like The Fireman, angels. From the old days, before God took them away because they got worshiped.
Is Cooper defying The Fireman to crew up with the holy firefighters and go to douse the big one? Sam Lanterman, is he hubristic? Major Briggs or Jeffries? Ronnette? Is Andy or the green glove lad full of hubris? Or are these in fact those who live in the Spirit and aspire for sainthood? How do you fail at trying to be a saint? Is The Fireman a snake-like demon vision, a deceiver? I find Judy to be this. I find The Fireman credible when he says she's in their House now. Do you doubt the Fireman?
Shit there's all sorts of Bozo there to sort through. Think all the sorts of things you want, we'll be feeling and intuiting them and reaching places of which you dare not dream.
Give your head a shake, they're all Judy. The white horse, the Jumping Man, her tendrils the burnt woodsmen, the experiment, that thing in the egg. This entity represents itself to our senses differently in different worlds. Convenience store / The Zone, Black Lodge, White Lodge, the dream. You've seen the forms in all of them, and the frogmoth laced the target and missed BOB in NY but don't worry Sarah's good now.
what do you even watch after this? I feel like the only thing that even remotely came closer to TP quality was True detective s1 (Also The Young Pope but that's a different vibe).
The Boys and Black Mirror
Mark Frost in the reflection, making sure this important scene isn't lost. I've got you Frost, I can hear backwards.
I vaguely enjoyed maniac, but mostly I haven't really been able to get invested in anything since then
Don't be shutting up now, we can't all live in the Spirit if we don't say Bozo things every now and then. I almost said some horseshit about Diane and "The Phantom".
Channeling to utility…Big Grace in Inland Empire has a Power Level greater than that of The Phantom because The Phantom is essentially a Mr. Fry / Windom Earle power level, weak to bullets. Big Grace is flipping the whole script like Judy, Winkies, Bartells, jumping fools between universes. Judy jumps Laura, admit it. 9:45 or after midnight? Brutal fucking murder.
Black mirror is 80% garbage
My first thought when Cooper’s face was imposed like that were “I don’t know how, but I’m about to get fucking Lynched.” and I was not wrong.
I legitimately have trouble watching that ending. It’s too scary for me.
It's Lynch winning. Audrey was the one who got taken into the Lodge after all. That's what happened to Annie. They're both half there and half not.
Then who was Richard
Who's Judy!?
It was a pretty amazing moment, really foreboding as well. Everything is neatly tied up into a bow, Bob is fucking destroyed and everyone is together, yet we have his face superimposed on the screen to remind us that something is not right, something is very wrong.
>its already been two years since
Waiting every week for a new episode was the most fun I've had watching tv since I was a kid.
I really want more from Lynch. Be it a movie or short film, something.
Is that a rating of your taste?
I can see that
Have any of you been to the lynch cafe in Shibuya? I think I might stop by while I'm in nip land next week
I liked it, a little too weird but it was good.
i liked it a lot, but i hate how epic it become. From little story about evil spirit fucking with people in the middle of the nowhere, where Laura was just another victim, it turned into the story, with nuclear blasts, Judy and Time Travel. Cooper now is both all powerful devil and incredibly lucky fool, who don't need to do anything to be loved by people around him. Even Laura is now some countermeasure creation of fireman.
And that tagline "it is happening again" is not true at all
The tagine and the moniker "The Return" are both products of Showtime, not Lynch.
well, too bad, they weren't on the same page.
>Log Lady
>Killer BOB
>Phillip Jeffries
>Major Briggs
Will Lynch make Season 4 before more based cast members die?
no, he will leave his ideas to his successor, so they could make twin peaks after his death. Only Kyle will be there.
Michael Ontkean and the little fella are basically dead, as is LFB.
He only NEEDS Cooper, Carrie and Mike, but desu
a) it should be a movie, a whole season is too much
b) I think that Lynch will die before he makes it, especially since there are no official plans, only possibilities
Honestly I thought that what we see at that point is the other world. The new reality created by simply having Laura disappear. Sarah's life is ruined at that point in a way different from before, quite possibly: I think it almost shows in part 18 how perhaps Laura dying was for the best. Like watch it with FWWM and tell me that Laura's dying wasn't already a somewhat redemptive sort of moment, (people think Laura was elevated to a Christlike level in Part 8, but it happened earlier.)
Please make something, David.
He made a table
I know but make a movie or something PLEASE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
got any more? gosh, i can't wait until his doodles are posted in some art gallery. he's soooo talented.
how about the actual table he built, of which that was a doodle, you fucking loser. what have you made?
oh yes, post it! this table shall be a crown jewel in the future collections dedicated to his works. oh david, a true renaissance man.
yes, i agree, such a gift to our unworthy species, a hero we need but do not deserve if i may quote a movie from another director of his calibre, we are truly blessed to live in these times ape me with a pic of dougie now
Christ has existed as long as God, any other view is the Heresy of Arius. Laura cannot become Christ, Christ can become Laura. The Fireman didn't make the orb. Virgin whore birth the egg from the stone of the head like Athena
Oh Angelo
dougie now
Unofficial events
• BOB ruses Windom Earle into using Annie as Lodgebait
• hijacks a highly capable body in Cooper double
• brings back Annie
• lets her be a vegetable forever
Unofficial Version (things that could have happened)
• BOB ruses Windom Earle into using Audrey as Lodgebait
• hijacks a highly capable body in Cooper double
• brings back Audrey
• gets his dick hard as fuck
• takes her to an old gas station
• makes baby Richard
• potential for additional black magick
• she winds up in a mental institution half remembering things as they were and are, future or past
thank you, good doggie.
We'll likely get a movie starring Sheryl Lee as Carrie Page in Odessa and it'll be kino, mirroring Fire Walk With Me
good doggie
The White Lodge is like an archangel fire tower looking over the woods that is spacetime, watching for a spark and assembling crews of holy men to extinguish.
When this sort of fire begins, it is very hard to put out. What did Margaret do for a living out in the woods? Bitch had a triforce tattoo.
I have mixed feelings on it. I'm on a rewatch with my gf after we watched the original series & FWWM + TMP. First time I've rewatched it since it aired.
I love that its so starkly different than anything Twin Peaks before it, but I guess that's where I dislike it a bit. I kind of hate that every character from the original series gets maybe 1 or 2 scenes, and everyone is far worse off in life except maybe Bobby and Nadine, and Ben who's basically the same.
Overall its a masterpiece but I think a couple of episodes could've been trimmed off and I wish it was at least colour corrected its literally taken straight out of the camera outside of the black and white (and mauve) scenes and its very obvious and ugly as fuck in a lot of scenes. The new Black Lodge scenes don't look good. They're lit too brightly and lack the mysterious nature. I'm just nitpicking though still a 9/10 experience.
>We'll likely
not really
It really does feel like 9 episodes of plot stretched to be 18 hours.
So many scenes just go on forever. Of course there's the infamous sweeping scene, but did we need to see Dougie draw on FOUR insurance papers to get the point? Did we need to see the Thanks Tracey guy walk over to the side, get the ladder, remove the SD card, write on it and put a new one in to understand what he was doing? Did we need a 3 minute dialogue-less and music-less scene of Gordon and Tammy smoking? All of the scenes in the sheriff's station go on for too long with extremely awkward pauses between dialogue, as if the actors didn't know they were supposed to keep going and the lack of music makes it even worse.
If you cut out all of the music videos, shortened the long pointless scenes, etc you could probably get it to 12 episodes and miss literally nothing.
Lynch has said he's got a story about that calling to him, but it's hazy, so yeah 'likely' wasn't the correct word to use kek, I hope he comes up with a story and gets round to making a film.
the superimposed cooper was so fucking kino.
I just wish it was actually Harry instead of Robert "I'm bored and tired and clearly don't want to be here" Forster. It would've made the confrontation between Mr. C more interesting. Also I kind of wish more characters from the OG series were in this scene.
>mfw all those shaky shots in the season is literally Lynch himself waving around a Sony A7S
The giant is floating in black and white and gold dust along with an orb is exiting his dome and I’m getting filtered really hard right now
have a good day, you crazy bastard
Does anybody have any theories concerning the number 6 electric poles? I enjoy the moment in the final episode where cooper sees one in Odessa outside Carrie's home and presumably thinks 'this must be the place' but we'll never know everything Cooper knew. My theory is that it was either some lodge surveillance or a means of travel which is how Laura was transported there, away from Twin Peaks and maybe it messed her mind up in the same way Cooper/Dougie got messed up
It's comfy
She's literally a wilderness fire ranger who lives in a fire cabin and searches the woods for fires, ready to call woodsmen to action to put them out. It's how her husband turned into a fucking log. She has a White Lodge tattoo like Major Briggs, it was cut out of FWWM.
Will this season improve on a rewatch? I saw it when it was bein released but I'm worried I'll like it less if I watch it again
>She has a White Lodge tattoo like Major Briggs
uh, kinky, good thing they didn't bring up that at the end of second season to ruin another perfectly married couple, like Doc and Ben Horne.
>thinks I'm crazy for realizing why he's "The Fireman"
>thinks Lynch isn't crazy for calling him "The Fireman" (lol so randum)
The spirits from the lodge used to travel and gather garmonbozia by possessing the owls, but since they are connected to electricity, they can travel through or inhabit objects such as utility poles or ceiling fans, also remember the little kid being ran over by richard? it wasn't his soul floating up, it was his pain and the sorrow of his mother coming up to the utility pole to be stored for later consumption.
well, i never asked for this
She's the only person other than Cooper and The Fireman who hang out in the Black and White both. Age 8 with Carl there. I guess "Judy" is in both but you need an anus to actually count I think. Cooper and Margaret have anuses so they count.
Yeah it wasn't well constructed, but the intention was to gently point out that we must all get crazy. I can't be letting these estrogenical bean-juice YouTube videos be the de facto voice for "what happened" when we could be dropping sick bantz about how things could be.
>I guess "Judy" is in both but you need an anus to actually count I think.
fucking asshole supremacist
>I guess "Judy" is in both but you need an anus to actually count I think
But judy clearly had anus! Maybe inconvenient one, but still!
>implying he's a fireman as in someone who puts out fires, and not a fireman as in someone who feeds coal into a fire to keep an engine going
think again, fella
>I can't be letting these estrogenical bean-juice YouTube videos be the de facto voice for "what happened" when we could be dropping sick bantz about how things could be.
there is only one way to stop them and you know that! If only you wasnt a fucking coward...
Love the horse references; white horses are pure Jowday kino
It was mostly kino but it didn't need to be 18 episodes tbqh
The hotel room Mr. C kills Darya in has the exact same looking 6 on the door.
I meant elevated there in a meta sense not diagetically. Like for the audience and stuff.
Anyway I guess what I meant more is that I think there's a kind of dark implication in this alternate reality that Cooper created by "saving" Laura that really death was her only morally clear option, and that more trouble would have resulted if she remained.
>Did we need a 3 minute dialogue-less and music-less scene of Gordon and Tammy smoking?
Yes, fucking gold
I think I like it a bit more on my second watch because I can clearly see more clues that were introduced early on with my new knowledge.
Also I'm not getting fucking LYNCHED every couple of minutes so there's less shock value, which is a good and bad thing
This faggot gushing 24/7 ruins every single Lynch thread. It's like being a huge fan of something. Then you meet a s o I that's a fan too. But he has the t-shirt, the hat, the wallpaper, the HDD named Laura, the tatoo, the keychain and manages to talk about it 24/7. It doesn't enhance your love of something, it tinges it for the worst.
>But he has the t-shirt, the hat, the wallpaper, the HDD named Laura, the tatoo, the keychain and manages to talk about it 24/7.
Literally me, I also have a Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department coffee mug and I cross-dress as a Double R Diner waitress every Saturday.
more dougie and janey-e sex
Best thing that happened to television medium period
I like to think that her scream at the end is the same one as when she gets off james bike in fire walk with me
>with a shit NIN music video that is completely out of place
i liked it
[take 5 starts playing]
>capeshit and black mirror
jesus, kys
It was amazing. Instantly up there with the 3 others tv shows that are important for me. I enjoyed every second of it. I watched two episodes a day. Only finished it 3 months ago so I'm going to wait a bit to watch it again, but im excited as I'll notice alot of things that weren't obvious on first watch. It was the scariest thing I've ever seen. That ending... Also that scene where the diner gets shot and the sick kid in the car, idk why but I almost puked my stomach out when the kid slowly rose up from tue darkness. It was the perfect scene. That fucking honking just builds anxiety for like 3 minutes
>3 others tv shows that are important for me
name them
No way that's embarrassing
>the sick kid in the car
I've never before experienced a scene that made me go from full on laughter (at the old lady's overacting and voice) to pure terror and revulsion (at the kid rising up) in such a short amount of time.
Alright my top 5 tv shows in no order
Twin peaks
Trailer park boys
Sailor moon
meh, i've seen worse
Naw, he seems a lot like Raphael, who enlisted mortals to battle Asmodeus, the worst of demons, and bind it in Egypt.
When Laura whispers the thing, she gets yanked with the same yank that happens when her mom gets so mad. The horse appears. When Jeffries mentions Judy, static interferes with reality and their resulting memory and Jumping Man appears
20 months later, all TV is still shit in comparison. God damn it.
It ain't no theory man, if I had artistic ability I would paint a masterpiece on oak panels expounding on all the mysteries of the pole.
The Arm, the pole, MIKE's arm, a tree, dendrites, ganglions, electricity. Think of electric wires like nerves, branches of the sycamore like the nerve endings, but the roots, the roots go deep into the dream, the nerves are the wires, and each pole a taproot into a different spacetime dream reality universe. Woowoowoowoowoowoowoo hallelujah. Not random, neither sound used to greet The Arm in 2x22.
The nerves flow everywhere, his nerves, he's woven deep now that he's evolved. The houses of wood and electricity, and sound, might nestle in these roots, or such roots, the Roadhouse, the Pink Room, Josie's knob. It's very interesting to think about these things.
A fellow patrician i see, very nice.
My top 5 shows in descending order
Twin Peaks
Kiss x Sis
The Big Bang Theory
>Lynch announces season 4
>monumental hype, fanbase hoping for answers
>literally 18 hours of the Dougie tulpa
Would be pure kino
This. Part 18 was easily the season's best episode, and the one that stuck with me for months. I still get chills thinking about that last scream.
I thought the Return kinda sucked
after awhile I just got tired of Dougie and nothing happening
it was kino a few times, like the midget hitman, but overall I felt really bored
Replace sailor moon with Yu Yu Hakusho and we are best frens
Deadwood is the only other TV show. Same deal there. Just an old lump of coal, but gonna be a diamond one day. The alchemy of the human soul from the base lead into the pure gold. Living in the Spirit, every member of the body in its place, no less honorable. Dross to consume, gold to refine.
All the scenes with Dougie and how amazingly clueless he was, was the most frustrating thing to happen on tv ever. But... It felt so good, it gave me hope
>Dougie's Christmas Vacation
>A Dougie at the Beach
>Double Dougie
tfw we will never get this ;__;
yu yu hakusho is so underrated.. easily my favorite anime (and I don’t even really like anime too much).. the dark tournament arc is just pure kino and the series didn’t last long enough for it to go to shit
I love yu yu, it got me all pumped up. That show was kind of mind expanding for a young kid. BUT I couldn't replace anything with sailor moon, the first season is unlike the rest of show, and that is what everyone has seen, but SM is probably the most visually creative/beautiful thing ever made, and shit gets heavy, very heavy. Plus the god tier OST. It is truly a miracle.
I could watch 10 more hours of it
You have shit taste and a tedious way of expressing it
I'm afraid to watch Fire Walk With Me............
I like how the durpy face one has Cokes and Sprites and bottled water for everyone
Sometimes a sore could be quite beautiful if you're not told what you're looking at.
I liked bits of it, disliked the ending. Will never watch again
That's not an ending, it's an invitation to adventure
how do I convince my bf to put his phone down so I can rewatch this with him
An invitation to love
I like this guy.
>just remove all the fucking soul from it
why did you even watch this show if you don't understand it?
It's like that old Yea Forums Simpsons meme before Sneed, "2 frames!" The house is normal, it flashes for 1 frame, then black. This isn't some Sopranos choose your own adventure you decide what happened horseshit. That's your E ticket to Space Mountain 2.0 Lynch style and the land is being allocated and plans drawn up. Look to the new Tron ride, things can happen.
I'm kind of scared for lunch to continue twin peaks. I've had these premonitions that half way through filming it, lynch would die. If he doesnt continue twin peaks, he can drop 3 more movies, each better than the last and his best movies hes ever made and live to 101
rewatch is pretty funny for season 1 and 2 . when Leland jumps on the casket and it goes up and down due to electrical malfunction and Sarah says dont ruin this too it has a bit of a different context lol.
t. massive newfag
The Nuke episode and when Coop actually comes back is some of the best shit I've watched in years
No one speaks Greek anymore, who cares
This. What a fucking way to go out
Pure kino distilled to it's purest form.
Id love to see your top 10 films, senpai
I just love how in this small little town holds these completly ambiguous metaphysical beings that exist alongside the most banal tragedy and comedy. S3 dips more into the absurd in both respects, especially with the ball of innocence that is Dougie. My problem with S3 has always been the treatment Laura compared to FWWM.
He’s only 73,
Too bad, otherwise I could talk for the rest of the thread about the two different words for "breath" or "spirit" or "soul" or "ghost" and their applicability to Twin Peaks and the DLCU. Pneuma and psyche. Socrates said that people had a psyche and they strung him up for corrupting the youth, talking about ghosts and shit. Gave up the ghost is the psyche, but the Spirit is the pneuma. They're both a breath, or a wind. The wind. The wind that Lynch taps into.
Was Lynch nailing the actress who played Tammy? Can't imagine any other reason why she was cast for that role.
People fucking hate Tammy but I really like her.
she's one of his favorite singers so probably
Tammy was a necessary device to have a reason for Gordon to explain things that he and Albert wouldn't need to talk about ("it's very very nice to see you again old friend"...etc)
Yes, he was nailing her. But they were making music together (literal sense) long before he gave her a part in Twin Peaks.
First season was fucking amazing.
Second season was a mixed bag but mostly meh, pretty much due to network interference.
Fire Walk With Me was great.
Third season was fucking cancer personified and I utterly despised it.
a cute!
My issue isn't with the character, it's the after that sucks. Didn't know she's a singer so maybe is right and it was a fan boy move on the part of Lynch.
>the actress that sucks.
She's inoffensive at worst. She doesn't get in the way of the show being amazing, if that's what you mean.
Legion. Seriously it's a comic book twin peaks show
Honestly my biggest issue was the episode count, he could have done the same amount of story in less time.
As fun as all the stuff was a LOT of it dragged on, even for Lynch, and could have been reduced
fargo of course
Mad Men is the only thing that lives up to Twin Peaks that I've found.
Maniac, Evangelion, and The Prisoner come close tho.
I just started Sopranos and it seems close to TP and MM quality.
If it wasn't for TD season one it would be best show of the last ten years. As it is it's a close second.
This guy gets it
There's no need for a season 4 when it ended so well in season 3, there is nothing more to add
Pure kino. Lynch at his finest
It's the greatest televisual accomplishment since Quantum LEap.
Electricity poles = Judy
Also there's a theory that Mr C uses electricity to communicate with alternate dimensions/loops
No, that's a Judy pole and the other ones are The Arm poles. That's one of many in that scene also, they all look like that. It doesn't get the attention or the sound treatment that The Arm does.
Man I just get like really creeped out by it. Like when it just has that new context to it.
Also Cooper is Mr. C, he took a ride down the big one after stealing his own powers from himself. Multiphase, hot leg, 208v, 4 leg. None of this normal 60 Hz AC bullshit. Full Power.
Not to say that The pole couldn't be "Judy poles" but it makes Arm noises. Although don't look for them in The Return, he sounds like this now. Here's another part of The Arm, full power as MIKE.
You forgot a piece. Listen to the sounds once we flip the + to the -, fucking woodsmen are everywhere
shit taste t b h
what about this pole:
unzips dick
All subjective opinion and tastes regardless, so it's cool.
Is this from the Missing Pieces?
He used the weird laptop to message Jeffries.
How can you unzip a dick? I'm glad summer is almost over.
No, it's from the movie.
I assumed it was to show multiple different realities in Twin peaks and how things are kinda different but mostly the same
Well, it's obvious that Sarah has the Jumping Man, or a Jumping Man inside of her, as the bug was jumping and all that, and the superimposed face and scenes.
Judy in the current day, was only seen in the Box, which Evil Cooper/BOB tried to capture for some reason.
I'm grateful for all the fun/dumb filler that gave time to poke fun at the show (I watched it with my gf so they were like breaks to either joke or discuss the plot) while still genuinely enjoying it, but I wouldn't mind a fan edit that cuts the length in half for rewatching. I wouldn't want to lose any Dougie shenanigans or the music videos though.
the effects looks great though
>green onions plays loudly
>haha honey did you see THAT? >huh what
based but where is the wire and lost
>No real answers that aren't a fan theory
It's shit
Who opened the door of the rail car in FWWM at the end?
The evolution of the arm
if they couldn't get Truman, they should have just had Hawk be sheriff instead of introducing pseudo-Truman. I appreciate that having a brother character fits into the theme of doubles and doppelgangers, but he wasn't a compelling character.
This map is alive, it's always accurate no matter when it is
having everything answered is boring writing for brainlets user
I always think of this when she is on screen.
So these seem to be essentially nonsense except when you look at a bunch of them, like Lynch works, you see the repeated things. Look at them fallen angels, them daemons, falling to earth in the form of icky bugs. All them shits are like that. Pure air.
He rocks the one with Tree Man.
This is my #1 gripe, the lack of ontkean.
There's a meta story in that, the whole "nothing's the same" angle, but still.
That's the only change I would really make, apart from having Bowie.
Both of which were impossible I know.
Some serious fucking
More like Ont-wuss
Same, user, same.
>leaving everything open is super duper smart and totally not lazy
You're talking bollocks
It just appeals to people different than you. To me, a mystery is completely ruined and destroyed if it's explained.
Depends on the mystery.
Yeah because Lynch and David Chase are on the same level. Or is Lynch on Zemeckis level? He's going to say TO BE CONCLUDED at the bottom? Should Cooper blast off in a DeLorean?
not everything, no, but leaving a fair amount to interpretation is pretty vital for a show like Twin Peaks. nice to see you've saved a pic that applies to you though user, that's a good way to express yourself!
get this reddittard outta here!
This is one of the few threads where schizoposting has been productive and not obnoxious
>you are talking testicles
The British ladies and gentlemen!
>nice to see you've saved a pic that applies to you though user,
not him but this was weak
>not him
obvious flag that you are, in fact, him
Agreed, it's like 4th grade bantz in here
Why did everyone memory hole the huge Triforce UFO that flew over Cooper after Briggs is like "has Tommy ever told you about the White Lodge I painted?" and a mysterious hooded figure shows up (revealed as Fireman between Missing Pieces and The Return, deal with it)
*decks you the fuck out*
not so weak now am I?
Why was that Englishman with the decking out green glove hanging out at The Fireman's in the extras? So he'd have a better feel for his tale?
Hallelujah (Hebrew: הללויה, Hallalu-yah) is a Hebrew word meaning "Praise ye, Yah", translated using Hebrew's plural imperative form of you (in English being "ye") and the shortened form of Yahweh in Hebrew "Yah" ("Praise you, Jehovah").
This is another important aspect of late Season 2 that gets lost in the sycamore trees and grooving to tunes.
Old school Bozo bantz. Remember that BOB was MIKE's familiar. That's satanic black magic, witch shit like Nyarlathotep in his tall negro form shit. Like an owl could be a witch's familiar, or a magician's. But there are legion of these things, and where they come from cannot be revealed.
The only pure character.
Jade gave TWO rides!!
ONE- one- nine