Implying Homelander is the villain in this scene

>implying Homelander is the villain in this scene

It wasn't Homelander's fault those people died. It was Stillwell's for intervening and overestimating Homelander's ability to approach delicate situations. Allow me to explain.

Homelander isn't a tactician. He just waltzes into places and fires fucking lasers everywhere. Look at how he handled that drug lab. He couldn't raid it from all sides like those soldiers would have, ensuring no one escapes alive. One of them almost did. Who knows if any actually did, while Homelander wasted time on the others or squashing that guy's head.

Homelander bungled the plane rescue because he wasn't the right person for the job. He accidentally fried the instruments because he's reckless with his lasers and doesn't consider his surroundings. He refused to push the front of the plane, and he was right not to, because the amount of force he'd need to apply to slow that plane would either send him through the nose or flip the whole thing over, killing people on board. He refused to carry people individually, and he was right again, because not only would the majority still die, everyone was already panicked and would have climbed over each other to get out, making it much slower and harder. The passengers immediately suspected they were fucked when Homelander came out of the cockpit, so any of these methods, and the resulting deaths, would lead to survivor accusations against him and why he didn't (or couldn't) handle the problem better.

It was an all or nothing situation. And don't forget those terrorists were going to kill everyone regardless.

Attached: homelander-3-1014x570.jpg (1014x570, 38K)

>white man
>not the villian
I'm not sure I understand

You can bash that shit right up your arse.

He blew up the controls and refused to save anyone at all. He's a villain. Simple as.

I agree, he was basically correct. I think most react to the scene like he's a monster because he doesn't seem to give a shit about the people.
People probably wanted him to save the little girl or something but why save one person over everyone else? How do you choose who lives and who dies?
Also the cockpit hijacker was oddly pretty smart. He knew immediately he was fucked so he kills the pilot to fuck everyone else.

>People probably wanted him to save the little girl or something but why save one person over everyone else?
He didn't save the girls because they would have told the world about his behavior.
>Also the cockpit hijacker was oddly pretty smart.
Not really. They were planning to crash the plane with no survivors. I think they were hoping to make the pilots drive into a populated area for bonus points, but when he turned around and saw Homelander, he knew that was as far as they were going to get.

>He accidentally fried the instruments because he's reckless with his lasers
He wanted the plane to go down with no survivors. In the first episode we see how precise he can be with his lasers, and make them weaker if needed. He could have used his x-ray vision to see through the cabin door and the last remaining hijacker.

He wanted to use the crash and all dead civilians as a means to push for supes getting into the military. That wouldn't have worked if the survivors would say that Homelander left many behind.

In the comic he yells at the passengers to "Shut up" so loudly that he ruptures everyones ear drums. You think he could let anyone live after that? He cares more about his image and agenda than saving anyone, just like most other heroes.

why didnt he just activate everyones ejection seat?

The plane was going down anyway. He could've saved himself the trip and stood on that beach to give his heroic speech without visiting the plane at all, if that was really his plan. He only wanted it to go down after he blew up the controls. The original plan was to save them and he was sticking to it until shit started going south. Then, it turned to saving his own ass and leaving as if he was never there. And later, he thought about twisting it to their advantage.

is the show worth watching? I assumed all the threads were just shilling.

Watch the first episode and then decide. Seen the "Speedster" scene?

>It wasn't Homelander's fault those people died.
No, it was. One pilot was still alive and if Homelander was a bit more tempered, he could have killed the terrorist without ruining the cockpit.

now haven't watched any of it yet, but i'll check youtube now. thanks.

Way to go, you asked a shill for advice and he said “Boost the viewing numbers for us and then decide.”

Yeah, because the terrorist had a gun to the pilot's head because he wanted him to land the plane safely. If Homelander didn't show up, everyone would survived anyway, right?

Fucking retard.

Simple as what you fucking mong

I get the point you're trying to make, but you do remember we're watching a show about how imperfect super heroes are, right?

kek, i'm not going to pay for it.

>it's another fatboy nerd analysis by yet another fatboy nerd no one has respect for irl because he's a retard

Yeah but he didn't have to be a dick about it


anyone got the webm oh him analyzing the situation in the cock pit and just saying fuck it and leaving?

Why didn't he get everyone to put on the life jackets every airliner provides and drop everyone into the ocean?

Stick to your general you fucking autist.