WTF was his problem
WTF was his problem
he did nothing wrong
Leonidas was a literal cuck
He was an incel. Many such cases
>not letting a disabled person in your white boys club
big yikes, glad society has moved beyond this buffoonery
Who wrote the script for that shitshow? In the movie they punked out and made a big deal of having Leonidas offer him a job helping out with the wounded while in the original graphic novel he just says "I'm sorry my friend, I can't use you".
Manlet Incel.
he was human garbage, just like trannies
>should have been killed by Spartan law
>still committed to Sparta
>comes to Leonidas because he wants to protect Sparta
>Leonidas genuinely considers him and rejects him due to his actual deficiencies, still offers him a job that’s suited to him
>guy rejects it and betrays Sparta
Incel confirmed
>still offers him a job that’s suited to him
That's not really true though. They worked it in out of moral cowardice and concern that Ephialtes should seem worse than he actually was.