Why do people hate Woody Allen?
Why do people hate Woody Allen?
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his shtick is SO fucking annoying man. like jesus christ, i’ve tried to watch annie hall (a film that many people consider to be one of the greatest of all time) on several occasions and i could not get through it a single time because of how insufferable woody allen is. the last time i tried to watch it, i literally shut it off half an hour in and switched to before sunrise
Le neurotic jewish haha so funny
Your pleb ass got filtered, nigga
>le self deprecating and neurotic Jew
Riveting. Also a sex criminal.
Watch "Stardust Memories". Annie Hall is overrated.
You have to be a teenage "intellectual" to relate to it.
projecting much?
He’s a nonce, and nonces deserve the rope
He waited till his wife died and married their step daughter.
thanks for the rec user, i’ll give it a watch tonight
Ask a real director
Are you implying real directors make one decent movie and a bunch of crap with this image?
why is his new film still blacklisted in the USA?
People are jealous that he married his daughter.
That one decent movie > W**dy Allen's entire catalog and the right to call him out as the spineless little worm he is
Stay mad
Because he's an annoying, loud mouth, pencil neck jewish pedophile.
At least the other jewish pedophile Roman Polanski made Rosemary's Baby
Soon Yi PREVIN is not his adopted daughter. He was never married to her mother, nor did they live in the same residence.
Well, Woody's made atleast 4 decent movies and if I bothered to look probably even a good one. Not to mention his personal life is a goddamn inspiration. Marrying your hot asian daughter? You go, girl
Rosemary's baby promotes satanism and should be banned.
Ventral denial speaks volumes. See how they hug themselves within the hug.
Leave the legalese bullshit for Woody Allen's PR team mate.
Polanski has many other great movies too like Chinatown, Repulsion or Knife in the Water to name a few.
In that case so should most shit produced by Hollywood
>See how they hug themselves within the hug
Maybe they also just like little girls?
>If only you knew how bad things really are
I'm just stating well known facts. Also, Moses Farrow denies that Woody molested Dylan Farrow and claims that Mia brainwashed Dylan and Ronan.
?? No. The girls are protecting themselves from his late nite paws.
I mean it's possible but I was joking. He doesn't seem like a penetrative guy so he probably just fondles their vagoo, not that bad I'm sure they'll be fine
>Also, Moses Farrow denies that Woody molested Dylan Farrow and claims that Mia brainwashed Dylan and Ronan.
What's that got to do with anything? I never said he molested anyone (though he probably did being an old kike in pedowood).
It promotes Satanism? Are you retarded? The Satanists are tormenting and abusing Rosemary the entire movie you fucking moron.
Woody has never lived in Hollywood. In fact, he despises the west coast.
Not him but that doesn't mean shit
>See it's okay its a user manual and satanic initiation for satanists, in the script they're nominally bad from certain perspectives!
>makes the same films every year
>fucked and continues to fuck prime young pussy
yeah I wonder why.
he took the yellow pill, which is a downgrade imo
>t. jealous old white roasties
>says it while posting a wh*te pedophile
They drug, rape, kill people, and mentally torment her. What the fuck movie did you watch? They ruin a happy healthy marriage by tempting her husband. They're literally biblically evil.
Yeah no shit. Can you read?
>all these puritan christcucks itt
Go fuck yourselves, plebs.
>why do people hate a neurotic, self-absorbed, whiny jew with an ego and a simultaneously victim complex?
because he's a whiny fucking kike Pedo .
>women go on any board outside of /cgl/, /ck/ and Yea Forums
Because he makes character drama examining the human condition, like many of the truely great filmmakers, for example, Ozu, Koreeda, Bergman.
But most people do not actually like character drama examining the human condition. They want either film as art, so basically pretty pictures, or they want action packed plot heavy escapism, or light trash.
They do not think it is worth truely examining our lives and our existance and our relationships with one another, because they live in denial and do not want to be disturbed from it. They are not prepared to emotionally connect with such material.
People make the excuse that it's the answers Woody Allen gives, but really, people hate Woody Allen because he asks the questions they don't want asked.
>/soc/ doesn't exist
>anime boards don't exist
>But what does it feel like to put your penis... Inside of the vagina... of a child?
shut up christcuck
What's wrong with that?
I doubt you actually think he did it. She was 7. You just think it's clever to score points against people you don't like by calling them pedophiles. It's not.
Woody is clearly a total creep who loves young girls, like, 16-25 young though, and that's just based as fuck.
scripts have become so poorly written the past decade people are just used to shitty scripts and don’t appreciate the nuance that Woody has to provide. Also his last few films have been boring. Match Point is a virtually perfect movie
I think I've only seen 1 woody movie, that recent one with frog stone and joaquin as a philosophy teacher, it was alright but I honestly don't remember most of it now
Cafe Society, Blue Jasmine, Midnight in Paris and Vicky Christina Barcelona were fantastic.
Even the shitty recent films of his i've seen like Wonder Wheel, To Paris with Love and Irational Man, I enjoyed watching.
If you like Woody Allen, you'll always like watching one of his films, because he's such an auteur that every film is basically just an expression of himself and near identical, and the cast is always great and interesting to watch, even in a 'bad' film.
and yeah i didn't love match point, or crimes and misdemeanours. I dislike his genre films.
The man who said that was Orson Welles. He's not projecting anything. He was an tremendously talented and totally arrogant cunt without a shred of pretending otherwise and he was very aware of it.
Neurotic perverted Jew.
>one decent movie
Citizen Kane, Touch of Evil, F for Fake, Chimes at Midnight, The Trial, The Magnificent Ambersons are more than one decent movie.
Nobody who isn't dead or in a retirement home watched any of those bar Citizen Kane.
>That one decent movie > W**dy Allen's entire catalog and the right to call him out as the spineless little worm he is
>Stay mad
lol only someone who doesn't even like or know about Orson Welles could post his meme quote to dismiss Woody Allen.
touch of evil is as much a classic as basically anything you retard
t. born in the great depression
Go back to sleep gramps
Looks like the very question appears to have.. made you uncomfortable :)
I mean, I'm sure those are all groundbreaking if you've never seen a movie before but like the other user said, it's not the 1930's anymore
>nebbish Jew fucks young white woman, the movie
>repeat every 2-3 years
Woody Allen’s career, everybody
Mia Farrow isn’t dead