This would've been about 1000x better if Tarantino wasn't such an insecure faggot and didn't insist on casting himself...

This would've been about 1000x better if Tarantino wasn't such an insecure faggot and didn't insist on casting himself despite his horrific acting ability like he always does

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This movie sucked.
Wacky vampires woooowwww.
As bad as once upon a time in hollywod. Wacky dog bites balls wooooowwww.

Hateful Eight was his best movie. I however have a soft spot for lots of characters in one room.

It was probably Rodriguez's idea, he has a major boner for Tarankino

Tarantino is a Polanski fanboy. Of course he wants to be an director than also acts sometimes.

Youre telling me tarintino wants to rape 14 year olds in the ass?

Even though it's been said pretty straightforwardly already, just wanted to state explicitly that Tarantino did not direct this movie, and did not "cast himself".

FDTD is best tarantino movie, a true pleb filter
>wants to
im saying he already did that

>Screenplay by: Quentin Tarantino

No, I'm telling you Tarantino wants to rape 14 year old between the toes.


Dusk till dawn 3 is the pleb filter. 2 is just garbage.

the first few minutes of that movie are good when tarantino raped that granny, there needs to be more granny rape in his movies, less feet, more granny rape.

Yep, the screenwriter casts the movie, user, you're right
That's why he played Clarence in True Romance as well

Disappointing thread. No Selma

Neither does the director you fucking idiot but you felt the need to point that out as if it weighed into the decision, similar to the screenwriter

Is writing the screenplay directing? Is writing the screenplay casting? Fucking kys moron

He must have had some say in things thats why he got to suck Salma Hayek's feet

>the director doesn't cast the movie
That's why casting directors just hire their friends and family to star in everything; what the hell is the director going to do about it? If he doesn't like it he can fuck right off! I run this town

Ah yes, that whiskey foot sucking scene must have been all Rodriguez's idea, Quentin had no input on this film whatsoever

He just played himself though

what part of "writing" do you not understand?

fucking retard, please leave the "film" board

I thought he was hilarious in it. I enjoyed him a lot.

Why are you faggots so triggered by this movie? It's fun and Quentin is fine in it playing a creep

He's hardly at fault, the script could have been a bit better and wasn't nearly as fun as the main premise lead you to believe it would, not to mention that it was really dull visually.

Nah, he's just doing what many directors have done ever since they saw Hitchcock making cameos in his movies.

Cameos are different than full blown supporting or even main characters.

I'm surprised Yea Forums doesn't like this movie. It's not amazing but it's a fun movie to watch.

Rodriguez fucking sucks. I tried watching Alita because I like 80s cyberpunk anime and Cameron usually guarantees a strong and well planned production, however I had to turn it off within 15 minutes. It's the most soulless shit pandering to the same crowd as young adult novel adaptation and live action Disney remakes, no visual atmosphere whatsoever, just the ugliest design and laziest filmmaking. I don't know how and why Cameron decided to pick this hack to helm this project and validated the result and I don't get why tv has such a boner for it. Disgusting.

As awful as he was as an actor (especially in Pulp Fiction), he was actually good in this movie as the creepy homicidal fuck-up brother. I loved the first half of the movie but the twist pulled me right out of it. Salma Hayek was and is hot as FUCK. HNNG!

Will someone just post Salma hayek already

What if it really wasn't Tarantino's idea and adding the scene was just Robert Rodriguez using his friend Salma to fuck with his buddy Quentin and call him out for being a footfag on camera